s [ai DALY NEWs -—— — ——_— — — ; ee ——— —— . | luniversity. In all over 70 de- - jarees were CO fe d R id. Mi. | THE DAILY NEws | atone of Spenggrii, Ont THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA and Rev. J. W. H. Milne of Wes-| asl Reduced Rates f Published Daily and Weekly by t ae recently eens ‘4 or GRAND THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. f y pal of the Ottawa Ladies | Bil VICTOR] ca — . wr receivec 1e@ acegree Oo f divinity. The degree of} Xe ON A DAY mt SS errs Elite H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER [ H. D. was conferred on Ham-| i } rilt Cassels, K. C., Toronto, and} | G. D. Ferguson, emeritus pro- On sale Saturday and Monday @ Ifecsor of history. It was an- Tuesday, Be» need that A. D. Cumming, a Slee: For: ho TeERE rtp. * And ong. graduate in arts of the univer- “uot tine voters Oxcore || EMPIRE DAY EXCURSION BETWEEN PRINCE RUpEr,y AND TELiwa HEAD OFFICE Maily News Building, Third Ave.. Prince Rupert, B. © Telephone 98 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico | Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid im advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, | $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. : sad dcdialioe — — ——— ee ————————————————————— 16,000 Miles of Coast Line TO PORT HMPSON. Seamer “Prin eve OT, p 8:30 a. m., May 25, for Port Bimps ; : Whar @ DAILY EDITION «Giga Saturday, May 23, 1914 Pe y Tickets may be obtained from si. A Se ete fer the Need i The American Forestry Maga- Melbeshins and Oras Dreg Store. « society rooms wna’ eerie en ee = ——————————_=_=_=_== = => ne in its latest number con- It would almost appear and wheat products, and, at tains as its leading article sev- that the loeal authorities take the sanie time, to secure for} eral pages of very interesting wae no interest in the health or the Canadian consumer an descriptive matter on the 16,000 a pleasure of the citizens: The immediate benefit in lower miles of forested shore line of ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY none 544 PO i only place available for the} prices of flour, which is British Columbia, The article is ROOMS : te5 Rowing club to moor their made dear today because of written by E. A. Sterling, the | secon Avenue, Opposite Empres \PERHANGING club house is in close prox- the milling combine fostered forester of Pennsylvania state a hy os = bo it» u AINTING imity to the pride of Prince in Canada by the present high He describes the Indian villages| po, rates for hall rent apply s en tupert, the “sniff’ yacht. If] tariff. When Liberal mo- and potlatches as well as the for-|8. D mA CO ONAL esident DENNIS, OLISHING AND the health department were} tions in favor of taking this} ests Many i'lustrations are|—— — eee WALL TINT doing their duty this could not} step were offered in parlia- given. ! occur. Cow bay is the centre} eek they were voted down - ——— PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER ms Ere vere of. motor boat activity and it} by the government and its ma- Fer Sale COMPANY 2084 Soeiay “a shame that conditions! jority. : paren Heavy Teaming and Baggeg Pi eran Martin Swany should be allowed to exist as eee Fishing boat 41 feet long, 12 aeetes Coes Face, & they are The city owns a During the budget debate in feet 7 eons broad, 3 feet 9 COAL ERALEnS te L a small piece of waterfront at the sovamdas it ‘was. shown THE BAYONETS OF BELFAST:AN IMPRESSION OF ULSTER inches in depth, equipped with lacus ess 1008 THIRD AVE Fairview and there is no rea-| jnat today Canadian makers of|The figures reproduced above are two Ulster volunteers armed |30-h. p. 4-eycle Carmuran Fair-}| ——————— son why that should not be daoni implements are cork with short rifles and very long sword-bayonets, double-edged |banks- Morse marine engine. JOHN CURRIE ull J maton On i utilized by the scavenging de- 3 EE ee at the piercing end. They were photographed in private |Price 64,500. Apply Akerberg, pagtment for the present.; Peling ‘successtully in she grounds near Belfast.—From the London Sphere. Thomson & Co., Prinee Rupert, Contracter & Builder tavorite Mousse tag Something should a done oe home markets of other na- ‘ins or A. Bailey, Inverness Can-| gstimates Given on Moving Buildings Cleanest, Brightest, Bax that immediately if the healt tions and selling, too, more} — een eS caleac pce "A 107-33 and decency of this city is to] cheaply abroad than to the pomeewawee a5 GS a Swe see sahil ee me be maintained. Canadian farmer. The pres- } € Shawatiane Lake FURNISHED Second Avenus Pree ees. ie ent tariff protection given the G l Ni Ni t sea aiesapiipeeuiities When the farmers asked for mkaaneter are of these imple- 2 enera ews O es Sunday, May 24th and Mon- APA RTMENTS Xing fOr an yp the abolition of the duty on ments in Canada is conse- tess PES EL 18 FS Sn PHS sjday, May 25th, launch Wolverine { & agency, lag wheat on the ground that they quently unnecessary and will leave Rupert Marine Iron- in two and three-room suite he bands al themselves and the country as serves oniy.to enhance the About a tenth of the people of|stance of corruption either of the| works for Shawatians Lake at 8 : bi . eg a whole would greatly benefit price of his machinery to the|Montreal changed their place of|management or the staff, what-|a.m., 11 a.m., and 2 p.m., con- J. E, DYER. Phone Black 3354 " from this tariff change, the Canadian farmer To lessen | residence on May 1, the annualjever errors of judgment may be|necting with launch on Lake and Oe IR CEORGE LEEK government said, in effect, the burden upon the farmer|™oving day. charged.” returning at 3 p.m., 5 p.m., and 7 WHY PAY RENT ? m that the agriculturists did not Sir Wilfrid Lauirer and his} —u— oO p.m. Fare including trip to the se 7 —. know their own business, and} supporters in the house mov-| The new C. P. R. hotel at Cal-] One of the functions of the}head of lake $1.00 return. 119 mine baat i free wheat was refused. When ed to abolish the implement lgary, the Palliser, erected at a/Dalhousie convocation recently . C. K. YTERBERG et the iron and steel manufac- duties: against this motion}cost of #2,000,000, will be for-|was the laying of the corner : FOR F turers and the manuf : : ~vat a|mally opened June 18. stohe of the Macdonald memoria! P. 0. Box 641 1712 Bth Ave. E * manufacturers the Conservatives recorded a pen n re Ma naid memoria seatilelitahcaaiecliicenidiilli seat inline SMITH & MALLETT of cut stone asked for in- unanimous vote. The lesson aa library on the new and ample SEEDS! SEEDS! k of Pipe sent af creased tariff protection upon to the farmers should be lear. | The union journeymen plumb- grounds at Studley Dr. Pollok, 222s GEORGE LEEK ay am their - predate, . we govern. Sear ee ee ee oy aig eee ee ee Ey. a Mave received our 18914 Spring Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker : at aes = ment hastened to do their will. By lessing the price of im-{C@Us¢ of the refusal of the mas-|donald, paid a very fine end enaia etary Public. Rente and Collections } and heavier duties were im- plements the abolition of the}'T Beta oh bo aoe them an in- touching tribute to his eee PISLD, GARBER, AND AUCTIONEER posed to the disadvantage of; present duty on farm machin-|©@@se Of pay from 35 to 45 cents|speaking of him not only as a PLOWER efeD6 220 Second Ave. Prince Ruper the Canadian consumer. ! ery would also lessén the cost}Per hour. They were offered an|great teacher in his special sub- . ons iomnnesencialianietiedlasa eee D. ©. STUART Oma e | of production on the farm and|increase of 10 per cent., but de-|ject, but as a scholar of wide at- As a result of the Wilson-| a ae binttae the price of cena feline to accept it. tainments in many fields of DOMINION BURSERY & HARRISON W. ROGERS Accountant Underwood tariff it is now! to the consumer. It was this| an an knowledge and a man _ possess- ORCHARDS CO. apcaaean 809 2nd Are - fae within the power of the Cana-| step which the Liberals pro-| Fifteen hundred men, repre-|'"& great qualities of heart and Dealers in Feed of all Rings . ive PRINCE RUPERT, 6 6 dian parliament by a single} posed in parliament. Against|