saturday, May 28, 1944 Save Your Health | cknesses that impair health _ their start in quite ordinary } gilmet ts of the o of diges- | ‘ or elimination. Stomach | Gest kidneys, _ @ bowels are quickly benefited by the action of BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 conte POPOL O OLS prone 87 P.O. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE peeeeeeeenet Hot end Cold Running Water in all Rooms Only finest brands ef Liquors end Cigare kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE? Proprietoes | Hotel ; Directory | Members P.R.L. Viatmers Association ——{$$<$=$===_ =>—-—WlSSE=>=[{=_————== WINDOOR MOTEL | —— od Corver of First Ave. and Bightb 81 Ww. HM. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL | First Avenue and Seventh 81. | i European and American Piso | | Peter Biack, Prop. KNOX MOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates b0c to $1.00 ver Ley Beener &@ Beener, Prope. chester Vv. D. Casley j SSPRESS MOTEL | Ave., Between Sisth and | Seventh Streets Europeen Pian, 60 to §1 Per Day ie. 8 Third i a TRE WALLY NBwWs eS ROYAL BANK BLD« 20 STorry= DOMINION ; ; BANH BLDG. y eee 10 STOREYS. ; PB raja ' Se [egeemae cst z 7 2 a at ‘fl le ae sapere ee . ” wm. KONO? be sie 43 c i » corner of King and Yonge streets, Toronto, as j ippears to- day Just about a year ago we published a picture of the C. P. R. building, Toronto, as being the highest building in the British empire, That city has now beaten its own record. The sketch of this corner as it now appears from King street It shows the C, P. R west building on the southeast cor- ner complete, the Dominion bank on the southwest corner almost completed, the Royal bank building on the northeast corner under construction, and the five-storey Dominion Bond building on the northwest corne The transforma- t which has taken place in the corner may be judged from the fact that the Dominion Bond building was the highest of the four corners previous to the present era of skyscrapers. PREMIER HOTEL American end European Pian *. W. MNenning, Manager ROYAL ROTEL ortey & Burgess, Props Third Ave. 6nd Sisth St. Kurepean Pian Steam Nested i a la saders fought for ancient tombs; | generator broke down, necessi- ee re ee / THE FOLLOWING APPEARED AS AN ADVERTISEMENT IN A jiile church today fights for life|tatinge a new machine, whieh Neen BALTIMORE PAPER—CONVINCING ARGUMENT jand happiness on social plans. |will be some time getting here. second Ava saute Be — —_.. |. The world, Montaigne said,; The men have in the meantime Phone 103 The church has many fune-;fire. [1 has fought—and won. |meeded simply to be reminded.|been laid off. —- pp ce geiny tions. On its social side it is A man’s own “ideas may _ be coe ree ee man of oie i aia meet Bas Rides 1 | jis gerat estate. ee wear Eo ote ia jthe most significant fellowship right enough. He may be a good Henry Drummond rightly eail- Owner will sell lot 50, block 3, Fraser and Bixtb Bis io the world. It is the oldestand| jtizen, a theoretical optimist, @led love the greatest thing in the!section 7, with two-room house, Phone 7 | the biggest, and in its twentieth peliever in humanity in his}world This the church pro-jlocation in Sixth avenue. Price secccccccccooooooooocooooooccss | Ce Niury spirit it is as new as|country and in himself. Yet the | claims anew. Every one can! $1,200, $300 eash, balance 6, 12 es ~ wireless and the Hertzian wave.|strongest man needs at times a|share in the new service of man/|and 18 months, or $1,100, $300 cee Lent eee ceeall “ad coast, | be church, in its new relation-|stimulus His spiritual forees} by attend ng church. It may | cash, balance 6 and 12 months. Ringe Five. |ships, is as human as man. It}need to be reinforced with new)benefit him, it may benefit his|No interest. Owner, P. O. Box TAKE NOTICE shes 6, William Mck./ has come through purgation of | ideas rhe right man in the pul-! neighbor It can do neither !936, city. 115-24 oven, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa- | WHY GO TO CHURCH? ADVERTISER TELLS REASON spiration and hope, He gives aew tone to the if receives s listener. to chureh and there that more cour- feel better dis- posed towards his fellows, and stirs him to ambition to dignify lhis service to other men, he will aman goes nething him « with makes hit sends is comes with a message of in- | | age, go back to that church again. He will go because he has been benefitted. Multiply that man by the million and you have an idea of the possibilities of the chureh. There are in America about one hundred million people, and fifteen times that many in the world. Many of them are de- | spairing Millions need new hope. Their earth is ashes, their |heaven turned to brass. They lane entitled to know that by nat- jural right they are the inheri- |tors of health, happiness and in- lfinite love. They are entitled to be shown the way back to. the ijkingdom where they belong, and from which they have strayed. As a business man I believe in the church, because it is practi- {cal and progressive, and because it in touch with all the new discoveries rather re-discav regarding the power of the and in the church the medium for conveying greatest power it man into complete accord with the infinite. It giving man dominion and |power—dominion over himself jand power to do lasting good. is or eries, mind soul I see scientific the known, is bringing is Not only is the church ad- tdressing thousands and hun- jdreds of thousands with the |}message formerly discussed by | two or three gathered together jin His name, but in its emphasis jupon the constructive side of re- harm. He wi 1 part of a moveinent | 1 spirit. ual quickening ind. The man who hear: ght ser- mons on 3&1 vill likely earry the gold ith him | throughout the week If a man knew a source which would double his strength, dou- ble his self-respect, double the esteem in which he was held, double wis influence, and double his usefulness the world, he| would find his way to it Re. | ligion in its contemporary appli-} cation shows the possibilities of incalculable increase along all] these lines | Getting back to God is getting | back to the sources of supply. | ; The greater your need, the gcreat- | er is the church's opportunity to} do you good I believe in the] church because love is its new litany. Its waters are living waters; ifs paths, the paths of} peace. As a practical man I ad-| | vise every business man in Bal-} timore to go to church tomor-|} . | row,—Baltimore News Southbound Prince Ru- Cauley, A.» Passengers on the pert yesterday: H T. Graham, E. Whitney, R. Watson, W. Naylor, A. J. Bur- roughs, Dr. McIntyre, Walton, Ss Ss R. J. Barron, Geo. Garrett, J. M. Nelson, Mrs. R. Draney, D. R. Pace, Mati J. Barr, Geo. A. Mc- Nicholl, W. T. Robinson, T. D. Pattullo, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vanderhoof, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Balmer, Mrs. Geo. B. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Watts, Mrs. Dyke, E. J. Blanchfield, Jas. Coates, J. Gladtill, A. J. Crawford, J. Brown, H. Green, E. Rogers, J. E. Smith, M. Stephenson, A. W. Mid- ligion it has banished fear. It is casting out evil with good. |Instead of showing men how to grope in the darkness it turns on} the light. | | The churchman is no longer a} spiritual meudicant. He asserts | his divine right And the idea} that to be righteous we must be miserable has passed. The an-} in his cell and the saint} on his pillar were picturesque, | bi ichorite The church today is an institu-} t of action. It not only | pa jpreaches, it practises. The cru- their ministry is no more. | dleton, J. de Groat, Capt. An- drews, Mrs. Scoullar,, Miss Blanche Seoullar, A. 8. Norrie, Mrs. McGibbon, J. Johnston, W. J. O'Neill, A. M. Gotstein, Mrs. Jenny Obrien, and J. T. Phalen. Accident Causes Shutdown An accident which will delay the mining operations at Rocher de Boule mine occurred last week and threw a lot of men out of work temporarily. The ?om- pany had just completed the new power plant and organization of the working forces when the new jon pr Hees On spector, intend to ly fer per-| purchase the following de- | rideé jands Commencing st & [0st abie¢ (60 chains eset apd 40 chains wih ihe portheast cormer of Ire- on Kecord (888 theace south 40 orth 40 chains, thence weet 60 chains tw ‘bt, (hence weet 8@ chains siong the ere © © pelnt of commencement; puie\nibg 090 acres, more er less. WH. McK. LOGAN. Maret 1944, ecclesia | sone Lend BDistrict—Sistriet ef Geast, | Range Pive. JAKE NOTICE that 1, David Cook ree ' Prince Rupert, B. C., occupe- Purchase the following lames \of Ot @ post ted about 160 and 68 ‘ates aorth ef the roer of Pre-elmplen Receré » point on the portheriy shore island, thence south 60 chains \eerly shore thence herly aad wi foewt me baities of tne coors tine te peut of mencement; comtatmiag ore @ ty DAVID COOK STRANG. u Wiliam Mek. Legea, Agent. areh iets. TAKE TICK that 1, Aadrew MacLean, Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation rpente jBiend te for per- elon \o purckase the following de- ribed iauds: at 8 pest Bcd about $00 chains east amd 60 rut lvrtl Of the morthesst coruer of “poo Kecord 1838 at & poimt on : Doriterly shore lime of am island, wace soul 60 chains to the southerly serult: thence westerly, northerly end "ly, following the simuosities of the ‘be to the pojot of commencement; DnIainiLg 450 acres or tees ANDMRW. MACLEAN. - Logan, Agent. NOTICE \N TRE MATTER (! am application for m laoue ef {reem certificates of sitke for 4 ‘|, Block 44, Bcction 6, end aes” Block (1, Section Y, Kor) MPOrt Map O83. © 16 MEARBY GIVEN that it ts RY intention to tesue siter the expiration CRY oath from the fret eee ‘’esm certificates ©! mes! William B. ; oer we . tan ettioned lots. which certifiesics Rly. vel, (2M damusry, 1011, amd 30th ‘%, am@ are mumbered 849 1 and 146 ) respectively, . F. MecLgop, | District Kegistrar. Lana Hogisiee pan spply for heer March bin ‘nen Prince Rupert, 6 HOM tlerk keer és * Lend District—Distriot of Oassiar. hong NOTICE that 1, Arthur H Jmes ae Victoria, B. C., occupation ve intend to apply for permission : ua ‘he following described lands: a mt . at @ post planted at high Ol 467, Popth the southwest corner of At eriland Canal District, marked aes f. Cor.;" thence following apo SMP mnark in @ southerly direc- bt a simately 60 chains to a post id H. P. 6. 8. Cor.,” \hence cue y © Walter mark, thence following ion ann ater mark in @ uortheriy direc- “ webroximately 60 chains, to a point at mane mark due west from pcint of a a ment; thence due east to point . eupement, containing 80 acres ARTHUR HOLMES PIGOrT, April 90, 4 4 Stewart, Agent, Pub ‘ 4. Dilshed May ig to July 20. e « fone Lend Disiriet—Bietriet ef Geast, } Range Five. } N ve “NATIONAL HERO SERIES NOI" = See tion of the United States. Pixing honest beer-—the kind that has added to the tem it to be in a class Distributors Bismarck—the Greatest ISMARCK , like all Germans, prized Personal Li RIGHT to be guarded and defended at any cost. German-American citizens there is not a man who does not consider it insolent tyranny of the most odious kind for any legislation to issue this command *"Thou shalt NOTeat this—thou shalt NOT drink that?” Germans know that there is no evil in the light wines and beers of their fathers. EVIL ONLY IS IN THE MAN WHO MISUSES THEM. Fifty-seven ago ANHEUSER-BUSCH founded their great institution upon the tenets‘of the Con these fifty-seven years they have honestly brewed an ance of nations. Their great brand— fo beer by = / USCH ST. LOUIS BUDWEISER—is demanded throughout the world. Its sales exceed any o millions of bottles, pre © Bottled only at the home plant ANH EUSER-B THE PRINCE RUPERT IMP. CO. Ltd. ws PRINCE RUPERT ofthe(Germans” asthe breath of life —a NATURAL our millions of law-abiding ‘ cuts Monday’s labor clean in half. The Sunlight way is so easy --just note. First you soap the garment; then roll it up tosoak. After a while you rinse it thoroughly and the dirt drops out like magic. Why scrub, and rub, and wear and tear the clothes when the gentle strength of Sunlight Soap will do the work with never a hurt to fabric or hands. Ko. 1 Try it once— this Sunlight way. At all grocers THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY P.O. DRAWER 1624 HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “iss PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Giass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges ware Graniteware articies. Gur prices for thie from our own factories. erate when the quality of the goods backed by our house guarantee. Our siliverware comes direct to you —— An Education IN BUYING AND A KNOWLED@E AS TO WHERE YOU MAY GST THE MOST VALUE FOR THE MONEY catalogue, through which you will come facilities of our big Vancouver store. Splendid Values in Cutlery are offered all buyers through the medium of this catalegue, in whieh the illustrations and descriptions are truly representative ef the real EXPENDED, write fer our liluetrated into direct touch with the fine Cutlery and Silverware are very mod- are considered, and thie quality Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Directori VANCOUVER, B.C Royal Standard Bread No. 10—Cut out and paste in your Recipe Sook. Scald 1 qt. miik (half and half milk if you prefer). Add 2 teaspoons salt, 3 teaspoons su- gar, 2 tablespoons butter. When lukewarm add yeast dissolved in a little cold water, Add 2 qts. Royal Standard or enough to make stiff. Let rise over night. Bake 1 hour. BETTY BROWN. water ROYAL Standard is cheapest because it goes farthest It is flour. false economy That cheaper brand you buy does not save to “shop round” for your you money in the long run because you get less loaves per sack. We will say that’ you pay 35c more for ROYAL STANDARD than you do for the cheap brand. You can easily get seven more loaves out of the sack, to say nothing of health- ler, more nourishing loaves. Next time you buy flour, don’t think price, think ROYAL STANDARD and in that way you will get most in quality and quantity for your money. Your grocer is ROYAL STANDARD wise. e PUsoiviety Uniform F. @. DAWSON, at STANRE FLOUR Labor Tested Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT ie ©) a (each ohm flo falc fami fo mo nfo fmf mo mond) a i in i i i in i in in nn nn nn ¢ High-Grade Work Punbing Steaming at fair prices iii OOO oo oon Westeru Plumbing Co., Ld