a ee oe ee eee Peat meal vt Pees SS ee ——— ey kes! ered sere 3 /™) oe ru DAILY NEWS —— acme ——_—_—__ _ = — rs Rae ee Mik i profit plus ‘the amount of t! ; THE DAILY NEWS || tariff protection. High tectio ans increase: THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Se sine ae vs a + Publish 1 Dail > e > 1s way, D eee oe & very small share | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. prof cca? é ia ae roTits which liter thi the laborer. | H. F. MecRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER 8 oe High protection ri HEAD OFFICE . Carnegies and Schwabs Vancouver, Victori Rockefellers: it brings P ¢ George leaves Pr) Rupe Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 workmen such sence ‘ * cael Prines Rupert leaves Prince a as less than $600 a Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert iv. p SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico places them at th ae : sue Qyis Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in combines and trusts Low Excursio: advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily purchase of the To BASTERN CANADA and UNITED STATES : Pe : RMWEGIAN CENTENNIAL, « $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. elothing which they nu ve ith HORWHOIN ne 5 a xe ‘ re 2 it is this policy whi Mi 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough frei¢g TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—5# cents per inch. Contract Borden and t For fuil particulars and all informat ordae ant ms gove rates on application. are seeking to follow ; THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hart Blo-} = ees AGENCY ALL ATLANT EAmS Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 ip ada. It is the policy 1C STEAM * , 2 4 ; . The we Carriers reductio ‘Tease — emma an ecase*of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carrie! 1 hn, increased — Oo : ao oie clad wider markets, and lows ‘ - > GSR oT ste St a igh te ation upon the people as a a EG Wednesday, May 27, 1914 whole which Sir Wilfrid I i ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY se “eo ast gr. a Ete ae PC ier and the Liberal party - F : , ROOMS : SSS = a to bring into force in ¢ “ é a — econd Avenue, Opposite Empress Thea Bennett's speech in the house that the crestfallen solicitor- Ar : Rooma open from Se mn. ra At b im of commons reveal the terrific general took the hint. PROF. PAUL KAUFFMANN, WHO WILL CONDUCT FIRST SOI- Fo “siten ted hall rent conte secreta attack he made upon Macken- —— aes $25,000 FOR GARBAGE REE MUSIGALE OF THE PRINCE RUPERT ORCHES- 8. D. ae age" eapete zie and Mann and their apolo- Does high protection bring EXPENDITURE TRAL SOGIRTY, K. of P. HALL, ON MAY 29 tae gists among the government! high wages for the laboring THIS YEAR| RAN FER supporters. The Calgary man? The big interests which ———— — PRINCE RUPERT T § member did not hesitate to tell]. specially benefit from high|Will Build Wharf, Buy New MAY IMPORT 250,000 COMPANY ' ’ the government how ill-ad-} tariff laws, give answer in th Auto and Also a New H.P. FROM CANADA Heavy Teaming and Baggage Express Marti Ne wanson vised was its dealings with! affirmative. Tariff reductior Scow } Moving Furniture, Pianos, Etc. a es ed fb I atl tl workms i } Excellent Gtorage Facilities o> Mant the C. N. R. He shows core 1ey tell the ror means ssa a od * May 22 A COAL — DEALERS — COAL 2 De é agnates ac ow wages; ake away e recommendgdatior of the ” oe eet. Mad tna: tee ince ‘ promise bill to regulate the wa- PHONE 566 1009 THIRD AVE ‘ made millions out of the sys- protection and the work-| health committee the vi i ; in ] i tem and yet were not asked to man’s ruin is certain. But the] .., ,. is pave: : the nap, [er powel divers xhis at Ni-| EW NF | | | put up one dollar of real; facts do not bear out these ae ean aia cane: ce ara Falis was agreed upon ala JOHN CURRIE Vilil : , ehase of an auto wagon r the} money, nor indeed. security) special interests. : are — : S iconference today between Seere- Contractor & Builder The tave Household Coal that a any actual ue. He —— —_— abelis- =¢ 2 ee and ec, work. It lay of Was Garis ind Repre- Gisitietsn: Gite ‘as inne dhetames on ‘ on tal wante o see a royal commis-)} ics, which were quoted in ie jis to do away with four horses. sitativee> Harrisor ¢ e and} 294 . | seutative Harrison, in 4 sion appointed that would sift house of commons recently,|7he commitice is also to get ten- Foc representi the House} Prana, Sask EW WELLINGTON COAL 00, the whole company in order; show that of_the thousands of} , tar acs ? Says pe cok i [ea ae a, 5 > : tiers for a new scow. Foreign Affairs Commiltlee, n Second Av that the Canadian people} workmen employed “im the Next the Sainthdttci asked for|bill gives the secretary of war FU ANISHE > “si a would know what was being highly protected industries of th . litur ¢ e460 ’ th rht { yee ~able per } ‘ "7 “ : the expenditure of $6,000 f ajthe rig! o issue revocable per- KIN x done with their money and in} the United States before the new w wei ae hs Me gcsiy a nt.{mits for a daily diversion aver- — "Cit Per riet Ts “ APARTMENTS { a 3 ‘ ilar case s | ace ar evisio ere ro he WASCPsTOR ee ee eer : a eto t o ‘ertec 0 lace en ee a oe cere ars i ther ; section two, with an overhead|aging 15,600 cubic feet per sec- ve. in two and three-room suite \ ry | ds of not arise again. only one-quarter were paid], ,oroach. nd on the Americar side, and ania Clean and Stmpie. (he g Sates. more than $600 a year though | “414 Morrissey wanted to know |for the importation of 250,000| ¥ telshacnRiesen Cs Umma mene @ | J. E, DYER. Phone Black 334 ie ron One of the humvrous parts $900 was estimated as the}).. i; y as going to be paid for horse-power from the Canadian} per err EORGE LEEK of the speech was the squelch- lowest amount upon which a + ate eee - : i ni ; jout of general funds or by bonds. | side. } ing given to Hon. Arthur married laborer could sup-} The xe aoe ces aakate i = - WHY PAY RENT . 220 203 Meighen, the solicitor-general. port a family of average size. | .agy diseussed ‘that mg saat Old’ Scotsh™ Womana_The last} | 1 will bulld you a home on — Mr. Meighen had been heckling Meee te ‘ isk One lalate hid d t steak I got frae ve I could hae | SEEDS! SEEDS! Satan ariaey bone 174. Bor 8 Mr. Bennett throughout his “High protection means Kd: Martikene y ceed: oS Sa AtEn a Binks ele ik; e eo el Cc. K. YTERBERG, Se PLUMBING AND MEATION speech and upholding the} high wages,” the big interests|-.agy appropriated $12,000 oul} Butcher—And why did ye no|p a fr. 0. sox 541 Se ae. > course of the C. N. R. Finally in Canada tell their men. And | o¢ the anaeal euiid ne vind Ldaes * |$ Have received our 1914 Spring ere SMITH & MALLETT Mr. Bennett could stand his| in the United States the “high|i,. With 5.000 for an auto.| Woman-—So I wid if I could Seeds GEORGE LEEK Vencouve aires and Pie ejaculations no longer and wages” paid By protected in-}39 000 for_a scow and $6,000 for{hae got the pags tee gang | FIELD, GARDEN, AND tings, P rca. ‘ turned upon him with this} dustries to three-quarters of|. hare ; Mite Paneker carb. tik a FLOWER SEEDS $ Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker es ue . A ‘ art, you nave some garb- | varou ‘ | | withering comment: their employees were less than a appropriation . sean aN nt BE ES Agents for | Motery sa ————— “f cannot further be inter- $600 a year! ‘Ald: Méntionmery. dé eGo arelis Gan einen. we: hay your old DOMINION NURSERY & | 4 rupted by the gramaphone of High protection means in-}e,ing to issue bonds I would |i] he Dione $0622 5 (16tf ORCHARDS CO }228 Second Ave. Prince Rupert D. C. STUART FoiIng to issue bonds ( qd iik@iclothes } 1e 56D. ° ee - ~ iM cl eS unles = ees oe o the PrO-ito buy a tug also to handle the} ; mene ecient Dealers in Feed of all kinds ‘ estions to ask tha ected interests; there is mn : , : are pertinent to the discus- doubt of that, but it means in-} phe motion for the #6,000|* ‘ Mail orders promptly attended to B08 2na Are Prone 2m sion. Otherwise I shall have creased profits at the expense | o-ried and- it is up to the fin ' * Architect PRINCE RUPERT, 6S to ask this impertinent young of the consumers who ar oes committee oi arrange the ; UEWRERYS CORPEST Prince Ru ert Feed Co Suite 1, Federai Block an man to keep quiet.” compelled to pay for the pro-|.,...,, Sere , p . NC 2 ER’ BA Mans : payment of it. « Every boy who sells * PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Alex. M. Ma This took place amid great ducts they buy not only tue} — ae ea . 7 , alte Mew lie ‘ * 908 Third Ave. Phone Biack 268 ‘ ; god 3 \ s BALLS cheers from the Liberals, and cost of the articles plus 5 : 7 — i aily Ne mas é Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 WILLIAMS & MANSON + ® . Te strict Fair Dates * chance to win a new suit * | ah it is hardly necessary to say profit but the cost plus the | B ters tors, Ete pe - - * of clothes every month, "3 ae ’ OAN — es ——— —_—_—_—_——_ —_—— - The following are the dates of|*® We give a- ticket with - PICNIC SECOND HAND GOODS rT oe cS ie ee fall fairs as approved|* every five papers sold * { will buy or sell all kinds of | Helgerson Block ¢ hupert, BG }of by the provi ncial government:|* and on June 15 a drawing * havuehotd goods mechanics “a Bulkley Valley, Telkwa, Sep-|* of all the tickets will take *# lt I suns. and eee reat a ° jtember 10. * place and the lucky boy * eek eae re ee : : . . . W call any e. | Fort George, September 24-25.|% gels a new suit of * 1* nage te PACIFIC TRAI NSE rE (0, Prince Rupert, September 30}# clothes. joys, begin to * i F. M. CROSBY jand October 1 and 2. * sell The Daily News at * s39 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 A OAL SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS Bella Coola, October 9 * once. * LapysmiTs : PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO ea ee Island, Lawn Hill, not|* * A IVARSON & CO. F 4 e tate SHS EHEHHERERD 208 Pron @ A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager | pear Blacksmiths & Horseshoers ®° % ®e* 2° a 1st Ave. and McBride &t. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. | i > i Boat Work P. ROBERTSON PHONE 25 Branch Yard at 6mithers | i /Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way Chartered Accountant | i | artered ¥ If You Desire ‘ -— -- - ; ments, Liv | udite, investigat - —____—. - === AN ucation HARRY HANSON cto ane Ais Smith Block, Grd Ave, “ince Ruper ©T SF | | THE RELIABLE PLUMBER —— | IN BUYING AND A KNO'WLFDGE AS TO WHERE YOU MAY @ET THE i | FRY 9 | MOST VALYE FOR THE MONEY EXPEND&D, write for our iiustrated |Phone 489 Second Ave., near McBride ROY AL | Ai FRED STORK S HARDWARE catalogue, through which you will come into direet touch with the i facilities of our big Vancouver stere. } R ILR ENTIST i : ‘ | Fort . icra te 5 ] | Why row? | OF... CMP, :© BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY p i i i Crown and Bridge Work a : 710 SECOND AVE | ip endid V alues in. Cutlery pee work hard at at bre ork ~ “4 Phone Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Mardware Ship Chandlery AMD TABLE SILVER Motor boats now within reach | | Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue Third Avenue Wire Cabie Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle are offered all buyers through the mediam of this eatalegus, in which of all. RI L Me iC} NE SHOP the illustrations and descriptions are truly represestative ef the real Call at our store on Third. i} i tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns articles. Our prices for this fine Cutlery and Silverware are vory mod- |Avenue—opposite Post Office— UNION “TRANSFER CO. ~ [MPE A Rope Valves Ammunition erate when the quality of the goods are eonsidered, end thie quality land thi wonderful little! Ropairing Quiekly Done Pumps Ho backed by our house guarantee. Our silverware eomes direct te you an sce ® ongertts e; GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE oP se Paint from our own factories. |motor demonstrated. South Wellington Coal Vv BAY p) 156 Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron sae a an tc hediees's- da bite ausinamon 316|C0% BA “ Las RY } 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT| TTA : WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” H. RB ° S - d 'P rki & W d Fl t C Bee eh aan Se CA JAMES GILMORE a ha | enry Birks G& Sons, Limited }| Parkin & Ward Flectric 0.” | Arehiteot ene | LIMITED | BOAT BUILDER c 2 sired FRED T ? JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS j2nd Avenut rs | | ELECTRICAL and MARINE | si as a seeen Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C CONTRACTORS be Try a Want Ad in The News | eee ZY Prince Rupert, British Columbia Sea! Cove Phone Green 320 ee eee 99689 Drawn for The Da , The Boss is Strand for Scoop’s : Suvitie Boccia _y TIGGERS! WAY-CUR. CoO HERE. CUMS ) P 7 = = = NUD au) aE Te rer COPY { BOY. EP TUH oo BY GOLLY © Bor SCOOP HAS ALOT wv |} EP TUH DANE @ 414 in TL- $YNO-BaLto—mp