wadner May 27, 1944 “a ae THE DAILY NEWS — 2 ———— | ~ —_— FOP a inttadtntataealtel és =; MET ay ea en ee Feeney Se ee ee er ee vere’ P.O. Bex 1704 i y ool 4 ‘MARKET BUILDING OOD : ae | 5 aL | € Wor LUMBER bY 4 j & ~ SAVOY HOT! tL WILL BE ERECTED ~ cacoary'’s o1. soom =? Confid s | . ' 1gence if . ss OUISINE } | asi sf , Tho ; : : ° F nt at City Council Authorized Expen=-|* = Phe oi! any article intended to relieve Cc O A . not and C ene diture of $1,200 * Calgary is on uv. | the sufferings of humanity is sntatiaheieesenrinhietienahiniee c of tigers wee a for It * gest commer not jightly won. There must net | . only «kept I pic * ments the Cana st «| be continued proof of value. —and— THe BEST . 0 oe | A report from the health com-|* has yet seen * cae st et ae and Complete Line of A srt COLU be a : * panies are being » throughout the world, endur- . ; mittee signed } Ald. Kerr and pi : * ’ , ne miter si 1, Kerr and)§ Meds by the score and «| {6 800. growing fame and | BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES ' aiviane "eComM endes ie? eTrece cae * ee avor v r a eer cus ia Hon at ae mean tnended the eseG=t thie stock is being gob- @ been accorded | WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited COOOCCORPOEOOO EE, : NOaneRS Sie anes mp by the | 5 Phone 186 poneeeeteeet cost not to exceed $1,200, oo fast as if can be | nlec © — pers ait be. \ld. Dybhawn asked for infor..{# Millions of d 7 Skee . ine District. Dictriet ef Oonet, na Lan str iot—Distr peneesess ttt t eee wOPoePNeOoOr |mation * ing throw: * Ringe Five. ae hd CWaeet aid , i * lation: outsids s * aon NOSICE that f, William McK, | ii d tt hemipecs Sr, pouring into the the #* on spe clon, intend to sppiy” ter per- ‘ e or on > rounds t - i v | ul'eo Of Be ac crounds and} streets are crowded with #*| because they have proved to We gy PF ge oa | ‘ CLIFTON HOUSE AT Niagara FALLS jhave stalls fou He sugs|]* excited brokers and buy * be the best corrective and |planted 160 chains east and 40 chains 4 | gested a site back of the fire hall,|# ers; Uhe hotels, restaur- #| Preventive of disordered con- nite, 2occeast curate 90 Pig a Where the Uniled States and s ‘ hata. re | Ald. Morrissey wanted to know] ® @mte and sleeping places # ditions of stomach, liver, kid- 1 40 chains, thenée west 80 chains to zm ; ne cei 6 an htin Alasunaic ators are ‘ i 1 ( a x rts ; » wae Mad, hair thence west 80 chains along embers P| itners Association i" Ig Mexican, trot. 412 Sean Beale tats * are working their * neys and bowels. ; The first line to point of commencement; i ——— bles ’ oe * capacity; the da papers * dose gives quick relief and per- \ining 320 acres, more or less. = secon wen | Ald Kert thought t would * are seething with o ad * manent improvement follows | ares 4. 1ekd WM. McK. LOGAN, 080 § I rae : - . ° | : , t and Eighth st 3 == |The secretary of the agricultural|# yertisements and oil dope; * their systematic use. A trial ae Soe ct ont'tast™” BOXING CONTEST | Ti eetelary of the sevioultinal 7 gamumientn and oll one; |: Tl Re whe tersinhomes eam Ue Sanaa ol w wright, p } a I i i th jame of 500 or|*® the C. P. RB elegraph ‘ . th f Be h : ra Range Five. ‘oenteael ee PLEASES RGE CROWD os Hay, his sec 600 men who want to ship thei *% fices are working to the ¥ e use Fo echam Ss Pills aon \KE NOTICE that 1, David Cook HOTEL CENTRAL LA he sponge: at tnsaditee: jn Sade to niarnet * limit of their capacity * Continues purchase the tallowing Geseciea tone: rirst Ave | Seventh st . oo enih round, Ald. MiClymont said Vancou-|* 984 yet cannot handle the ¥*| sins east’ sad 66 chains: note br aie ’ , : ‘ “hie , : sl} on salt ancou- ¢ hains east 4 5 $ Eur rs Piss Burns Given Decision Over Label! I knock mark did not pay * husiness; the street bro- * northeast corner of Pre-eanption Record Peter Blaon, >. in Fifteen-round Battle— Vas about Ald. “iIontgomery fa red it * kers grew so numerous * C crease ine fn eiand apenes cout ae obalak PS, ee Wiak Pislicaihastos ‘ 1 probably a — ‘l® that traffic on the streets *| to the southerly shore line, thence east- Calgary end Seattle had them, . > | Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. e or . . : KNOX tee feng ; Ne ended when iphey brought the producer a { * was blocked and a hu * The largest sale of any medicine. No oa thowki Sintiateneioe’ a the Shore tae to poten ar tits f | 1g tt r am : icine. ; ; te She ae hee Taxing the capacity of M | ti eifact tamittien If * dred were taken to police +) peglect to read the directions with every bex. Someesoncenenes containing 480 acres, , fet ee Intvre hall, boxing fans f the i ae vas eserved | thers deficit it ‘will be.renc|*™ court and fined for doing ¥*} | ‘a ipavD COOK STRANG. hie canes ’ ' brn da eddies v1 - ae , Ane oa ——- | jilliam McK. Logan, Agent. sad aa city were given a satisfac- . Rig 1 Pi ! gz the public a servise - oer een ss oe whole - | March 7, 1944. Cte —_— 5 be Ald. Mails ane naan. ian city is crazy and the pa- | $$$ ining LY Vv. D. Casley Lory run for their money Monday! e his eff s to g + 4 a en : Bert * -pers are advertising Cal- | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, EMPRESS HOTEL. night when Charley Burns and it . fair return for their! — 4 M “t es a % gary as the Gasoline *| | Range Five. ‘ 7 etweel “iki uae : i ; ; ‘ orrison thought ree oF . . AES TAKE NOTICE that I, Andrew MacLean, if Thi Bt cell 78 Monte Label, both in spiendid it Vas a g00d show nat Produce al . a * Queen of the British * | of Prince Rupert, G., occupation ef condition, faced ea other ans hie ‘ seemed well : YN oe J 0 . ‘ carpenter, jntend to apply for r- “ European Pian, 50 to @1 Per Ony ndition, faced each other and ars I med well uld have to be sent to com.}~ “mpine: |mission ‘to ‘purchase the” following *de- journeyed through fifteen rounds | satisfied * * scribed lands: Commencing at @ post oainie aly a Ce rea anh Patiarie moiliines Ss erchants anywavr, and nee at 160 chains east and 60 earaian MOTE: i gE. that would not cut out the mid-| 4 3% #& % 4% % % 4 OK OR KR |chains north of the northeast corner of ' Burns was the ageresso! : Pre-emption Record 1838 at a point on 4 saad md European Piao | I iy . 3 a c Tenders for Nails diemat Fish would be the only | tue northerly shore line of n island, ig F. W. Wenning, Manager jini ah and carried the bat- ' jthing that could be sold direct] pecessary t har their meth by “westerly, sorthecty saa aft i, aantnialisithciicadiiaad tle ti is opponent in practicalls enders f entvfive eCerers OC CUBIC LCs moun ota + aah ie Oe l ' i pponent pra ill ! iivfiv m. produga to soraumes. . jeasterly, following the sinuosities of the ; ROYAL HOTEL every round, winning the dictsion|tons of i Y i by the 1 "4 ods of handling it from time to shore line to the pojnt of commencement; é Sim 3 gene, Prope : ta < Saleh hone sea iath § Ee Ald. MeClymont cited an in- containing 480 acres, more or less, ‘in and Sixth St , an Eee = - 6 Phe} stances i man up the river get- j ume. , ANDREW MACLEAN. "hia Label is probably a more clever |? S we 8 cents a b f hi ig | Ald. Morrissey said there was : } March 7 Voie Pet ere. ems ti European Piar Steam Heated iOXe but Burns ga him ttle | Thomps W ‘ -$4.510.15 ts é ox for his straw-| to er : “= Aged in Wood i wae a . ei Fei eneeneniineeniio , I d the people here hay-;0t sufficient variety of produce 8 Y | ath iepeh pose maint eam tg ‘ Vi nity to use his grange|A. J. Galla «+ 4,645.55 » OF » ‘ic . Care | Pit BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO z pay 25 cents in the district to support it. before bottl — : Liner ae : oxing sk Label was unable|Howe & MeN . 1,504.25 The-mavokitocinraa hi fae ' a at re IN THE MATTER of ap application for ip ; cope full th the|! \ : ; he’ ie mayor declared himself in| Phe motion carried on a di- GUARANTEED BY THE the issue of fresh certifleates of title for ie 8 Ave. wnd Sixth $1 ere OS8tUly Wie mei. Teen 1,493.94 | fay, rhe council might find it] vision VERNMENT saa: th, Bock ik, beet ee ik a mee ay tivhting.. whish-< wae Simson. Ba ell ( 1466.75 "| i . Go 'M of CANADA ‘a pax sy os eas ae 7, City of ie i . : ai a MM *rince upert, Ma » ‘i Ee ce Reeeegtoron him oe ares ii CN i NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN that it, ts ih ity aeras ce haghat c , 4 ss : ; s es Z z }my intention to issue after the expiration ya PRINCE wren ae e0., 3| Detail the fight by round Ch nder vere left to the 7 A ; SIDNEY Demand: the p=dareacce of one month from the first publication el . iwould give Burns ten rounds andjboard of works to act upo1 » Ve L 4 M)SIDNE " mg \uereof tresh certificates. of title in a eae n is and 4 / Bp'e;, 4 hom Ff ‘ oD at lllltilie \ Nxrme of William B. Snodgrass for the e4 ixth |Label only one (the third the is atte 4 1 Aa ee above mentioned lots, which certificates ee ‘2 Jother four. In the seventh | This ts the Best Buy Today | Yip, “mG 7 ii We, eee stares SOOLELEPOLEPEPEPODOPO Dt Cb bag. | \.i\\ right eye was closed and | Owns will se 0, block 3 \ ~HY, SABLE R l E 4143 1 respectively. en : 3, 5 erg State Bargains H. F. Mac ol ithis proved an added handicap|section 7, with two-room house, \ Sy J ISLAND ca ta ad a in ! Distrier Racine Ka . t ae \ \ Lot 38, Bik. 29, Sec. 1....$ 6,500 ion clerk, intend to apply for permission pagal ~ 1s heavier opponent. | location Sixth avenue. Price fhINF ~ EERE Lot 25, Blk. 16, Sec. 1 - 8,500 Land Registry Office, Prince upert, B. |}Label has a good punch in his $1,200, $300 cash, balance 6, 12] MAINE 5 2 ote 5230 1 a ty March: Sty, 1954: jleft ha id, but Burns outguessed|and 18 n ths, £1,100, $300) ’ % ny Lot 20, Bik. 3 ge Ca —- him whenever he started tojecash, balance 6 and 12 months. | y hk »COLUMBIAN Lot 33) Bik. 54, Ses. : Gann sce ac Staak = | yy fey s. ON FIRE | , BL ; t TAKE NOTICE that I, Arthur H Imes 4 W ise it |No interest Owner, P. O. Box! r cele k TA 4 $e. 2oes 30-16, Rik. 6; Set. 4.5 Pigott, ¢f Victoria, C., occupation hh ie Biter hed in at ring-|93¢ ‘ty 115-24 fé OP, z < “Or” FRANCONIA “ } rae 38 to 18, Bik. 3, Sec. 2, oan ene: intend to apply. for permission g { ‘ city. 5.2 Rn b> iN pachhsi«ww Cit ste eeees . to leese the following described lands: os a Naa rere < : £43! ; PICKS UP 13 SURVIVORS Lot #8, Blk. 7, Sec. 5..... 6,000 ${Co Mig at ¢ ; ae | side, Lab 1 tipping the beam at ! Wp , + * Lots 5 ‘and 6, Blk. 10, Sec. 7 Wailer: toarh at thle woes sana ; 128 and Burns at 134% pounds SI Che Rev. Mr. Wilkins is| ye xott STEAMSHIPS -7 & ce LI FE-BOAT ea eee eemetonally easy terme Lot 467, Portland Canal District, marked ire bright i Ref Smeathers announced |something of a faith healer, you] re MANHATTAN AND a CONTAINING 12 MEN | For. particulars. see de high, water sheer tb a.meeiniciy aneee right. ithat straight Marquis of Queens- w, and I'm thinking of at-} ws HAVERFORD IN SEARCH STILL ADRIFT M M STEPHENS & 60 10 ag Se ees 60 chains ‘to & post : ts : E ay. : ee : on fe | marked: "A. H, P, 8. E. Cor.,” i ee ib iles would prevail one |tending his church for my rhe 4 OF MISSING LIFEBOAT } e . : west to low water mark, Tange tolaeiiee rm fre¢ and then sent them on | mati ton apppoemelany bh Gon moet fan at line Sas i Ps d as ; j | ae pproxim: y 6 chains, to a point at SWEDER BROS Menten cet ? | MAP SHOWING SCENE OF DISASTER OF COLUmBIAN | — commencement: thence Gue cast. te print ey i In the preliminary bout Bert somnis | of commencement containing. 80 vires . i Ra 1 Young Sherman ~wo)} Where the freighter Columbian of the Leyland Wine took “e ADVERTISE IN more or less. msRonant ne took fire, | j C TAILORS | ules he | , : : ARTHUR HOLMES PIGOPT. | fay th the fans by putting up liave you heal h itest | and where thirteen of the crew were picked up by the Fran- | J. W. Stewart, Agent. 1 th ke evel OL on bou ort ( rd 2 “4 A. A 20; 10 that kept everybody jabout’! Edward 1o2tt| jreaeanm THE DAILY NEWS Published May 48 to July 20. EE = 2 2 SQ VAP? —— ins ISS yy , “ny e So PEE - S\ \ ZZ = TS Se SAN VSS ——_> ~ WS Saw = WN MN MIRAE Za re | if { a | “qyaaevea (ieee yee) | ' ' ; Ss |