a bas se es 4 es ne eT a eee eee TER DAILY NEWS av Na 5 47, 1044 Seas — a = —— 7. 7 i i J ri a ™ = ee linia ————— | ofa aii eos ILLETT'S LYE pivorceo His WIFE Cc oss LOC { BECAUSE HE LOVED HER O Wl Ings Or SwWeents. ; ow : y AL NEWS ITEMS ATS DIRT | epings POCO See . > : { 26 Jecause : Ave? oi ; . rites Sites oes) New York, May 26.—Because) Nothing But Leaves, Yes, Fresh Tender. tye rry Smith & Killaa’ ice cream 9. wae ag, 3 he loved his wife and wanted to} is “eg ’ Nader, |j {le . . . | 4 ¢ / A 9) ‘ HE f f th ddi ; make her the happy woman she} Grown, I ragrant SALA DA I’ a Len proo oO e pu ing While you wait shoe repair : ca AVES rma . . _ 4 ; f leserved to be, George W. Korn, | th fl I. German’s, opposite postoffict a = 1S In e our ° mws 1 wealthy real estate operator| ¥ i. a R ] Recipe No. 11.—Cut ra _ von wate ind politician, admits he allowed } 4 2 In your Recipe Book. a ; ; a , oya Two- cups ROYAL STANDARD Ald. ett returned la his wife to divorcee him so that] A wet 2 cups \ STA} » rolle« vening fro é i ( avs| . ; ee St nd d oats a aunaieee saners A mare = ; 7 ; . re = ehe could become the wife of his} be is + fe lard, %% cups sour milk, 1 tea : friend, J. M. Thorne. r Tee a ar spoonful salt, 1% cup butter, 1 Follow the crowd to the Lon «ha | died C23 Path ae teaspoonful baking soda, 1 package dénctin tect honk: wane My love for my wife was too} ‘ih hit dates. Melt the shortening Add : ae tigre s a rea a e brown sugar, rolled oats, flour and {18tf ‘ it for me to stand in the way salt Put teaspoonful soda into ‘ . . 5 ' ar , 38 Se orn.! > | ‘ . Uie sour milk and mix all together. het Reppin ’ a a ce Costs no more t lan C Omim YT) place t . Stone one package of dates, add a H. FE. Ross has returned sh is a charming woman, and Cas, 00 1es little water and then put on stove ; : certs that my sacrifice| for about 15 minutes, add about business trip south. | MIEWey LIMITED | feel certain es n f ‘ iia half cup sugar. Roll dough thin e é ' increase er he iness, el a and cut into rounds with a glass m ~ ~ LETT COMPANY HOnTees, Dee toe he ‘ | CofC + oC e+ee —— Bake for bout 15 minutes. Place Realty activity will soon co! | are the very best of friends and} CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. 2 Poorer rseoes Gate tn. centre. BETTY BROWN mence; buy where the industries iwe have mutually agreed that | Summer Excursions ; PRINCE RUPERT BOAT just as much as in the eating. will locate. {O2tf jour little son, who is six 7OOrS | ! 5 HOUSE . ; * . : a to she alf o s e| >rince , to Montres You can prove this to your entire satisfaction = M : J. Bell-Irving of the A. B. ¢ ld, is t pene half . his tim Be eres eres. 5 $141.00 ; PR by making these popular date cookies with jus The British Empire is in the] paekine company came in 0! the} with me and half of his time with } Do to Toronto and return. 128,00 nats an 7 ‘9 a oT n harbor Ig : son a ng ithe future Mrs. Thorne Thorne Do to St. Paul and return 4044 ay sy unc es “flour” and then with ROYAL STANDARD 1arbor today. She has ove i; Prinee Rupert this morning ine i . | Do to Chicago and return 108.50 Every day housewives are learning that old re cases of powder, S39 ‘ has my heartiest ongratulations Do to New York ae ere tt so ; fae aa } ’ ay ‘ : . . | : . ‘ . Other points correspondingly lo e cipes can be made to taste like new ones by just ! . Jardine, manager fo! Kelly, | He has the best wife in the Effective June 1st. Final return : enbstituting ROYAL STANDARD in place of ordi- Buy where you can get the/pouglas & Co., returned lJast|world, and IT am just as happy i On sens or Norwegian San ; PHONE RED 394 nary flour. most for the money—that is in| ,yenine from a trip to Skeena}toniwht as he is, because I KTLOW |} gerbund tn Chicago, effective May § North End of Manson w We say “money back if not absolutely satis Port Edward (02th, ‘ jthe woman I love is happy 19th and 20th. . ay : sa) neers a9 eee ete 12 aee wom c _ i‘ COOP O**— D+ Ob; C+ OOS factory” in order that you may try ROYAL, STAN . Race. 2 | Princess. May southbound Mor reererocooooes DARD without one cent of risk, . The city postmaster is taking Mrs. Kelch, who has been visit-| What everyone should know :| day noon 4 ; ie up the city’s request for a spe-|ing in California, rett don to-}| People of discriminating taste} J. GO. MeNAB, Generar agent * OR SALE nsz° @RSX : g ! at , om ‘ ‘ ~orne venue 6th Stree RoaAb > i ANRERD cial fair date stamping machine] gay's boat and left for her home ldine at the G.T.P. Cafe. 83tf Corner $rd Avenue and 6th Street . awe ~ bees with the postal authorities. Kilselas. r SPECIAL BARGAINS In Lors Absoluteiy YY AUR Laborabd, ae et | Aley met a bear ‘NEW & CO 9 Uniform © tt'¢ os Tested Capt. John Irving and C | The net revenue the light} ‘he bear was bulgy RITCHIE, AG . tad Houston went south on the John}/qepartment in Apri! was B84. | The bulge was Algvy. ‘ ™ F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor last evening after visiling some]-phe surplus in the city telephone | — i PRINCE RUPERT mining claims up the Skeena lepartment was 8793 | Civil Engineers ana 6B. C. Land i Blo aie sc coassa «| 200,000 meres : Another match in the sok A citv alderman remarked ont 9 | ‘ a tournament between the Wand-|ihe «treet mornin aet hel H Le d t | Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con re . »] ¢ Ip . | oP " a ay ‘ . i ave arne Oo struction, HKeports, Plans, Dominion end ited © sae pees oad’ erers’ club and = Prince tupertiwas confused in his vote for he } Provincia! Land Surveying, Mine Survey 4 : =. eee 2 oe = 7 = _ elu e »} i e Wander a é : a vet ante a} ing, Townsites ard Subdivisions, Flectri« 7 ed ia aS Rao tao ; © 5, 12 lo} iol ist iol - : bc — die $80. Rep” SOT 8 oe? ay e AMID vite “Printing,” Negatives and Whi $ uM 4g heetieek seme deka: ee Se = s’ eclub rooms tonight. lwithdraw, leaving the standard | Prints t — _ . cores laa 1t-4a ae peor! In One H | The school board and city fin . * e n ne our | : a a . | | McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. P AT h janece committee are to meet to} Jonny Cyr pleaded guilty in the | a x | « WiCLachian | | discuss the question of finances hic coe issaulting vi ithout Lessons or owledge of BOX 324 i i ( { assaulting ° OR a eee . is ‘the new sehoo!l debentures wi nalli on Sunday. There was| Music Anyone Gan Play the | <*** * vy. realize 17,000. whereas hinuin: Audion: ariatlcakecint Piano or Organ in One Hour. x FIRE ALARM SYSTEM + FENN RENEE S ELSE DEERE SEES $20,000 is required f the le was fined $85 and as Cyr is] e- a r ' Iding. 1 ce the peace, Wendertul New System That Even a x ‘ * * MAN jin : : Mi t K . h | ; Child Gan Use. ‘ CIRCUIT NO. 4 2 u HON 3) 7 i wm strate put it on the r i as Dy HOW . ch ’ | x G@ox 12 bth St. and 3rd Ave 2 x i d z r . tot erdicts * Box 13—6th St. and 3rd As * + ' lis Va - , * oe, z Box 148th St. and 4rd Ave “e y 7 { 1 likes th t M { , f ase * Box 16—Junction of ts ; and »| * ry of . * hat he is think of dite ; ae eee ¥ _ 8rd Aves rit i AS « : W = irrived n the AH ast even & Box 16--ist Ave., between 8th anil x t A Adil : ! t Is ( | it rs ne e ' nie ; I ' mad w he re . Oth Sts (Knox Hotel * * ’ irs. Sehlosberg ther father is il Mrs. Harrison z Boc 17--ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen ¥ t 3 tere sails « the Alsatian from Mon-| * tral Hotel *\ + ' The Ladies’ Aid of the Raptis | tal ‘ June 4 She was booked | ¥ 7 t i ~hure 1 j ag at 4 Bs io | * CIRCUIT NO. 2. * ALF HALLI@AN ' church will hold a tea at thelpy the G. T. Pp | St A ae rs rit { . . c Ave ne are S home of Mrs. Wilson Murray op tg tS } 5 Sen r e. aD Lik i ©3232 Kichtl venn ast. Th | | * Post OMce REREAD soo ) SGOT SYSRUG (easy, 4 NUrA- Messrs. M. Sheedy and V. W.| * Box 23-—3rd Ave. and McBride St. » ee jday, May 28, from 3 to 6 p. no. th 1 } n awarded a ¢ t Box 24-—ist Ave, and McBride 81 7 a pet iave bee ‘ a ed ¢ on-| s : THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 8 f{Collection. (Hl tract for fifteen miles of grading | 1S ae shoud ae ees emece |. & . * . j ? . eee ot | ox 2nc ve. an ih S | ong r DI om fon the P. G. E. near Quesnel | Hom *¥eu curnrive mot You told mo yesterday | E nex 27—6, 7. P * i "Sy i Sheet and Plate G!ass Mrs. T. D. Pattullo anc [ee 1501 . s - you couldn't play « note!” Fuentes’ Seas Plate Glass Mirrers Pattullo returned today after a hey leave on Friday to go 7 | She —"I couldn't; I learned to play in one hour ‘ CIRCUIT NO. 3 : Paints Stoves, Ranges or =s : land ar xe for the opening of} by the wonderful ‘Easy Method Music. x * kts per Sipe . year spent abroad. For some] . 11 | Box 31—-5th Ave. and Fulton St * MMEDIATELY Oils iinware iad ' ; ; j the camps Their horses will 1 Box 32—Borden and Taylor Sts 7 , Varnishes — eee Graniteware BODLBS Pass Ley Haver neen lV- 1s -avel by road trom: Fraser. Lake Impossible, you say? Let us prove it at) * via a as : * ng in Switzerland. Mr. Pattullo} ' Poets | our expense. We will teach you to piay | ¥ Bex 34--71h Ave. and Fulton St * Agreements of Sale for . : ' ‘) jto Quesnel and the plant will be| the piano or organ and will not ask one % Sox 369th Ave. and Comox Ave. ¥ Discounting The ‘‘ Stay Satisfactory met them in Seattle and accom-|}, iken over the G. T. P. to Fort | Seat Until you can play. =. *% Box 37—8th Ave. and Dodge PI! + MONARCH MA A nge.’”’ panied them here on the Prinee|... ais ey | A musical genius from~ Chicago has | ¥ " : ‘ Range. haga WON Er O - OEE oe '©C© |} George and then down the river | invented a wonderful system whereby any- Box 38--4(h Ave. and Thompson St. * oc; ere io one can learn ve play the Piano or Ofgan ¥ o i . by Bi in one hour. With this new method you | s The city council has author-| don’t have to know one note from another, | * erty freee 7 dL 000 Sie i Ae: ’ eel yet in an hour of practice you can be| © Box 414th Ave, and Emmerson * ’ ed the purchase of an iron} THE WEATHER playing your fayorite music with all the x PI 7 a ‘ £ @79N feam t} ngers of both hands and playing it well. xB 42 , 4 tick * FBO UU UU UU UALR RAUL ice at a cost of $720 from the . The invention 1s so simple that even or b Ave. and McB # \ Cl an 08 it \ oe child can now master music without costly | © Box 43-—5ih Ave. and Green $t + > eS - ‘ aie y s-Chalmers Co is to be Furnished by F. W. Dowling | instruction. Anyone can have this new Baie aac hin ace Rote dah * x # erected around the reservoir Observer method on &@ free trial merely by asking. x - . ' . 5 * » Simply write saying, “Send me the Easy x Box 45-——T7th Ave. and Eberts. ; ¥ - ’ % | Acropolis hi rhe cost of ‘ Form Music Method as announced in F pox 441 71h Ave. and Y une ¥ ienn ie le & C0 $ CEE PEL IPSOOSA * ea ae May 27. 1944 FREE TRIAL cilshahedalahahedneaechedalahalecthlieededitad . ot os : i eee , The complete system together with Icy amen ecmes . * at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld * The ladies’ auxiliary of the|Baromet ed to sea Sleoee a amas will then’ be not eee er ee i| * * sae h pital will : ine ley 0 70 sree all cnarees prepaid ans arecustey ° | Feneral Ospital Wi Five a cane ove.é not one cen 0 y. fou 2e t seve. “4 Ch h § jah ae PIII III ITI IIIA AAT IIT III IATA IIA AAA ITN KK KK " x Me iSttotinatet 0k hs ee 44 lays to thoroughly prove it ‘s Pau ‘ead te urc ervices i n St. Andrew’s hall on Thurs- ; : claimed for it, then if you are satisfied, Te os nenecoevonnnniin — > lav, May 28. M Lester and Mr Wes 0 | end us $1.50 and one dollar a month until fi lay. Mav 2! s. Lester an r- | Rain ry, |$6.00inallis paid, Ifyou are not delighted ae ; 13 tansford will be resent and vive ‘ 0°Wie O10 41h Giese ogcgigty ee «Ob | with it, send it back tn seven days and FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | ‘ = you will have risked nothing and will be Services every Sunday in 13 n exhibition of the new dances | ander no obligations to us, Church Hell at 1 alm HI? I bi ae Tes ( ie For Sale | Besuretostate number of white keys on Empress Theatre at 7%) p.m 1] ickets for sale at Orme's drug} | your piano or organ, also post offee. Ade Sunday School at | stor 119-122 | ress Easy Method Mustc Co, Wilson okie in Fishing boat 41 feet long, 12 | Sidé» Toronto, Canada, v3 scsi "it : | oe feet 7 inches broad, 3 feet 9 = THE VIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Tickets for the Seiree Musi mhog in’ deni wainoad with COR. YOUNG and FIFTH AVi | h $35 e to he : h . rine te Me: Ter pin, . quippec , ' THE | Services every Sunday at 11 } 6-room house with bat a ot given by the Prin ( , vel ‘ ¢ air 13 3 }30-h. p. 4-cyele Carmuuran Fair- a.m. and 7.30 p.m, Sunday tupert Orchestral society at the}banks- Morse marine engine. TERMINAL CONSTRUCTION i nee a ee kK. of P. hall on Friday evening,| Price 81,500 Apply Akerberg, COMPANY | REV. W. W. WRIGHT, B.A., Pastor May 29, may be obtained at the| Phoms ee « Co., Prince Rupert, Contractors & Builders “THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH : Prince Rupert Music store, op.|?! \. Baile; Inverness Can- Repairs and alterations. Store end office SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLAC C posite post office. or at donor {Ber 107-33 fixtures Services every Sunday at 1 WU ‘ : i am, and 7.30 p.m. Sunday Price of tickets, 50c¢ eact 21-931 - School at 2.30 p.n ate ee ; Box 610 Phone Red 69 MR, DIMMICK PASTOR THE NEW WATERPROOF COAT IS THE “SALUTAQUA.” it contains No Rubber Solution of any kind, yet is Abeoiuteiy Water- Resisting, Air-Free and Odouriess. These Coats are now being sold all over the world by Curzon Bros., the Great International Tailors, However heavy the rain, it never penetrates “Salutaqua” garments, Let us supply you with one of these Coats, which are invaluable for driving, riding, fishing, shooting, well as for town wear, Price $12 to Measure. (Duty and Carriage Paid,) IF YOU ARE DISSATISFIED WE RETURN YOUR MONEY. / Send a post card for a set of the “ Salutaqua ” Yj patterns, fashion-plates, and simple self- Measurement system, by which a fit is assured, no matter where you live. .¢ => Ask for the ‘*Salutaqua"’ Fabrics when writing. = 2 ~- Address for Patterns: GURZON BROS., THE CLOUGHER SYNDICATE (Dep 159% 448 Spadin: Avenue. TO "ONTO, ONTARIO. The World's Measure i Tailors, 60/62 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND. West End Depot: 133 & 135 OXFORD ST., LONDON, ENGLAND, Pitase mention this paper matoring, as er = 3 Read The Daily News Delivered by Carrier 50 cents a month moderate driving on \ In police court this morning al local waite man was secon “é The D il N ” with fast driving the vover- a y ews head approach from the G, T. P.| CLASSIFIED ADS. ; wharf. He was let off on pay-|§ ah ment of the costs, but the mag-| : Cd he en istrate issued a warning that im-| FOR RENT the approach fe We Buy BOTTLES, RUBBERS, METALS Second Ave. and Eighth &t. PHONE BLACK 503 er wharf is prohibited Phe! por RENT—Furnishea room with bath, charge was laid by G. T. P. Gon- for one or two gentlemen; close in. Kiable. Merritt. Box 91 Daily w 1100f . . . | FURNISHED ROOM in private family for : rent, Close in; bath Bex 123 Daily W. M. Brewer of the provin- News itaur cial mines department is in the} atea S ; | FOR SALE city for a few weeks He 1 oe: i e 1 5 | Se ee eer eee making reports for the depart-;SPpRING BABY CARRIAGE for sale Apply ment on the mining districts be- | O19 Fifth avenue east 119-121 ‘ c PIANO FOR SALE, $980, TERMS—Box tween Prince Rupert and New | 82, Daily Hews 118-21 Hazelton, which were not covered |POR SALE—Ranges and stoves cheap. in last vea report. He has | Galland, McBride Street, sor : ; . }FOR SALE or will trade for property, 30 us I * ’ i s ‘ af returned from ae visit to ft, gasoline launch, new 8&8 hp. engine. Fiddler's creek, where there are | precy snlng in ‘ d condition, Price and ; erms errange Amply B 7 dally some twenty-five gold and silver | News ore rm if nd copper claims. Later Mr.|POR SALE—Tomato plants, per 100, Galloway assistant provincial $2.50; cabbage plants, per 100, $1.50; re . Beh VW SERS P88 cucumber plants ber dozen, 80c; egg ninerarotogist, will report on the plants, per dozen, 50¢; collection of 100 lfields between New Mower plants, $2.56. All plants picked | | Hazelton and | i noss and postpaid, 1000 rates on ap- ihe Yellowhead. plication John King, Nurseryman, Terrace, 106-132 She still blushing Am I WANTED the first girl you ever kissed? —_——-—- ee He No, dar! K ) ) are AN tl ‘ mere but you arelwantep—a ina for general house the last. w es Ph Saunders, Green She—-Am [ really? Ob, Jack. 08 121-23 it makes me so happy to think | c é of that, MISCELLANEOUS | ee ee we eae | WE HAVE RENTED at our houses and * cannot fill ay itions Give us your |* Subscribe for the Daily News * nous 0 rent. Prenee Rupert Finan | ,* Saw Brown, manager. 315 | Oe ee ee ee eee] Second Ave. Phones 965 and Blue 276. FOR A TAXI! 79--PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO RAK EAA REE RIK REE PREP ERERE EERE EEE Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast Range V. TAKE NOTICE that Lancelot Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C., secu pation master mariner, intends to apply for permission to purchase the followingk described lands Commencing at a post Planted % mile distant and in a northerly direction from entrance to small bay close Russel to Skiak! Bay, on the west side cr Ste phens Island and adjacent to application post rH. W ees, thence east twenty chains, thence south forty chains, thence West twenty chains, thence north forty chains, following the shore line Ww the point or commencement, eighty acres more or less LANCLOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS. May 3, 10144 Published May 26 to July 27 PRINCE RUPERT JUNK CO. Of All Kinds. Highest Prices Pald. Ring up and we will call. } Under Occidental Rooms, Corner of aahbnaaaannnnnannhannnnnel | | ' Wed REV ANGLICAN CHURCH and Dunsmuir Place Even Sunday sr. ANDREW'S Cor. Fifth Ave, Morning prayer, 11 ing prayer, 7:30 school, 2:30 p. Holy Communicn first Sunday of month, at 11 a m., and third Cunday at 8 A m HEV. G. A, RIX RECTOR SALVATION \AMY CITADEL Granvill: Court Sunday services at 4. @., 3 and 8 Pp. m day fool, 1:30 p Week olght services day, Wednesday, Thurs day and Satui day. THE if CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS Held in Hays Bidg, 245 2nd Ave Sunday p.m Sunday | meets 2.30 pm Testimony neetings Wednesdays at 8 p.m heading room is open every day except Sundays and legsl holidays from $ to & pun service 7.30 A Real Lever Simulation OLD WATGH FREE, mable Ladies Guards, oF Atberta, sent pall to wear h lous offer, We expect roo to aboot us and show them the beautile atch Don't think this offer too good to le true. bu 25 cents today snd cain & Free Ware will be amared WILLIAMS & LIOYD, Jewellers (Dept. 14%}, @, Cocmwallis Road, Londo: Kogland Ne Small Safe, $60 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVE. coocconnnrtTnnn reroororrerrrrr | Choice View e LOT €3 a 1 — or GR. Naden Co. Ld