28, 19i4 May —T : pt OOOORAOEFEAOOREEETS THE DAILY NEWS a SOE aa a. Pt SN IR A Mexican Firing Squad at an Execution at Torreon geeenteer ee P.O. Box 1704 3 phone 7 7 a} f SAYUE gs CUISINE , Running Water In mB Hot ® Rooms 4 e of Liquors and g only kept 4 IN NORTHERN i COLUMBIA e & FISHT? Prt | etors Oe in eeeeeee? OCCA EAARUEA DBO UDSS eeret Vit oye | ‘UWL i WU | o | i ‘ 0 on oD rs Asseciation Yon Asseciat R HOTEL S| aud Elenth St 4] n wright, Prep | L OGNTRAL ' and Seventh 8% I American Pian eter Black, Prop. KNOX MOTEL E am and Ninth fay Be & Besner, Props. Vv. D EMPRESS HOTEL Th Between Stxth Streets 60 to §1 Casiey and Day European Pia Per PREMIER HOTEL ame and European Plao | edit The Daily News F. W. Nonningy Seer Dear Sir In the ‘Saturday os ae papers I notice a report of ROVAL HOTEL. meeting of the school board at], reess, Props | 1 Sixth St which a salar) schedule is European Pilar Bleam Heated idopled whieh appears t i 4 ‘a —$—$—$ e manifes fa I s dis- BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR 00. riminatio betwee ale an LIMITED female teachers According ' “ ave. and Sixth St le rey { y cas i lady e 102 ek teacher S $25 less pel PRINCE PUPERT IMPORTING CO., Pee sees ae ae weacker 0! LIMITED ne same grade Sixth Sis Wh I have heard the mat- ne 7 er argued in the past, | I have LOCLLL EEL EREEOEBODECEEBERD DOGG heard a gical reason f ii u if n RY Sar sa ms hat the « est i be efficiency If it be the : "y ha It ire recognized tt he ivs more efficient than DRESS WELL Joss cots Sate a make sex rather than ab I standa If the man is © s well higt paid | 1use he is more e bright f eas ad answer as cht s tl the d the effi- lard ither than the ‘a sex slandard w be the better ‘WIN : g reason SWEDER BROS., er, all this s granting > f ure ivariably better MERCHANT TAILORS Se rT aie Bact eo vaste 2% F SCHOOL BOARD FOUND GUILTY OF MAKING SUFFRAGETTES | QUESTION OF LADY TEACHERS’ SALARIES DISCUSSED—UN- FAIRNESS OF LOWER STANDARD THAN MEN URGED— SHOULD BE PAID ACCORDING TO ABILITY Phere . st gro argu- nt as t the res} values f en and w t as chers in h ipper grades 1 particu- he High school, My wn be s that the ideal plan seperate session rooms fot! 0¥s and n charge of achers of th wh sex with ns mixed classes be ichers f both sexes. This s b 1use neither sex appears t possess a superiority t ther ‘ because of “2 ich has s ie qualities y th ‘ which are ed t ‘ peri t school in- rence B ifter all, the in- é scho n character th st important part of its/all l the lower grades itt seems there is no ground what- er f argument Even here I ere are sor men who} re 5 cessfu than some I the a the excep- ns vh prove the 1 le As a s M i i Mat int the we hildy with less fric- tha t I { do Lhe n wel les-is b wome fathers are prac- | star the efficiency test!to militaney, but if the members with saying that bet-Tbhetter than thei rserious ter fitted to raise a family of lit-|tice of a professi e children alone than mothers In my own school life can |} iy that men are better fitled|look back on a splendid boay of! teach classes of little children|Wwomen teachers in the grades} than women. Both are true in|, beside what they taught us slated casa WGi thee asa ifrom books, nobly supplemented | sddiien * jthe efforts of our mothers in| : jlaying the foundation for strong My conclusion as to the rela-|eharaecters. Later, in the Nor- live efficiency of men and Wo0-/inaj sehool, I learned to know men as teachers are based On| what a wonderful thing a perfect rather close observation 1f0f|gentleman can be and what a many years and in many places, power for good is woman as well as on mere theory. jwhose “life not just an “in- rhe reason for paying male| terval” is devoted to helping teachers more than female isjothers. There were others, both sometimes given as being that|men and women, who were ex- nen take up teachirg as a pro-|cellent, and others, both men fess by which they must sup-|and women, who were quite themselves and later their | otherwise Neither sex had a imilies for a fetime, while for|monopoly on suceess or failure. en it is only a graduation/All those who succeeded so well age The difficulty of}we needed in our school. If a general application of this|there was no difference in their the s immediately apparent, | service there should have been but, were it true, I doubt if men|no difference in their pay, and I wi 1 care to see it generally|am glad say I believe there appl It would mean that/ was none lsalaries, not onls teachers’, but} Again | come back to the same all salaries, must be graded ac-j “why? Only one possible ex- ecrding the need of the re-|planatior curs to me. It must cipic rather than his ability.|be that school board are se- Not only should a man receive | cretels j mpathy with the suf} jmore than a woman, but a mar-)fragettes d want to convert us. } ied man more than a_ single|No reasoning would have the} one, and a man with four chil-|}same force as this act of theirs lren more than one with two,jand they must realize it. It and so indefinitely It re- | seems rather an unfair advan- duces the whole system to a sort)tage to take. I am not a suffra- of charity Besides this, we can-|gette and do not want to be one. not insult the men by charging|No doubt others feel the same. that they fear that the ladies’} Ever the face of all this some} careless terval of teaching |of us wil resist the temptation ‘THE DAILY NEWS nm —— | f our sehool beard find women chained .to their door steps | U M B E R shrieking “Votes for women!” they will have te-realize that it) a jogieal outeome of their act. | ( O A | es Ver truly yours, INTERESTED MOTHER. | ! ce Rupert, May 25, 1914 —and— | ~ . ——_— —— Complete Line of You will soon be able to pur-| ’ chase local shingles, made in | BUILDERS’. SUPPLIES Port Edward. 102tf} cual Ete 21 |] WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 Loft Big Estate London, May 27.—-The estate | Lord Stratheona, both real and [meena Land aa of Const, personat, has been probated at) Take Norice that 1, William McK, 100 The succession du- {| loea of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa- - }tion prospector, intend to apply fer per- rmount to over $4,000,000 mission to purchase the following de- scribed lands: Commencing at @ | 08% planted 160 chains east and 40 chains e you heard the latest | soutn of the northeast corner of Pre- Port Edward? 1ootf|°mption Record 1838, thence south 40 ort Kawarc uorth 40 chains, thenée west 80 chains to hains, thence west 80 chains along the shore line to point of commencement; The World’s Confidence in any article intended to relieve the sufferings of humanity is not lightly won. There must | be continued proof of value. But for three generations, and throughout the world, endur- ing and growing fame and favor have been accorded BEECHAM'S . PILLS because they have proved to | be the best corrective and /% preventive of disordered con- ditions of stomach, liver, kid- neys and bowels. The first dose gives quick relief and per- manent improvement follows their systematic use. | A trial / containing 320 acres, more or less, WM. McK, LOGAN. March 7, 1914. | Skeena Land District—District of Ooast, Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that 1, David Cook i Strang, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa- to purchase the following described lands | Comme nejng at @ post planted about 160 | chains east and 60 chains north of the | Gortheast corner of Pre-emption Record 1838 at a point on the northerly shore line of an island, thence south 60 to the southerly shore line, thence east- erly, northerly and westerly following the sinucusities of the shore line to point of commencement; containing 480 acres, more or less. DAVID COOK STRANG. bam McK. Logan, Agent. 1014, | } } | | } | March 7, os Land District—Disirict of Coast, Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that I, jor Prince carpenter, niend ’ to app mission é ran to purchase the scribed lands: Commencing at a planted about 160 chains east |chains north of the northeast corner of | Sep-aeantion Record 1838 at a polmt on the northerly shore line of ap thence south 60 chains oak shore line, thence westerly, northerly apa easterly, following the sinposities of the shore line to the pojnt of cement; containing 480 acres, more or less. ANDREW MACLEAN. William McK. Logan, Agent. will show why, in all bose Pals | — March 7, 1914. the use of Continues To Increase Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. The largest sale of medicine. oe one el neglect to read the with every bez. Reai Estate Bargains ! Lot 38, Blk. 29, Sec. 1 ..§ 5,600 Lot 25, Bik 16, Sec, 1 6,600 Lots 8-4, Blk.. 19, Bec. 1.. 46,000 Lots 9-10, Blk. 22, Sec. 1.. 60,000 Lot 20, Blk. 34, Cc. 1.... 28,000 Lot 26, Blk. 34, . $55 17,000 Lot 53, Bik. 34, Sec. 1.... 14,000 Lots 15-16, Blk. 6, Sec. 1.. 12,000 Lots 15 to 18, Blk. 3, Sec. 2, each coe alg 4 hae an 2,000 Lot 28, Blk. 7, Gece; $23.5. 5,000 Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 10, Sec. 7 All on exceptionally easy terms and low rates of interest. For particulars see M. M. STEPHENS & GO., LID, ADVERTISE IN NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for | the Issue of fresh certifieates of title for Lot 11, Block 44, Section 5, and Lets 18 and 19, Block ii, Section 7, City of Pripee Rupert, Map 933. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it ts my intention to issue after the iration of one month from the first publication hereof fresh certificates of title in the name of William B. Snodgrass for the above mentioned lots. which certi er are dated 12th January, 1911, July, 1913, and are numbered 30° I and 4143 1 respectively. H. F, MacLEOD, District Registrar. tion clerk, intend te apply for ae Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. March 5th, 1014. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. TAKE NOTICE that I, Arthur H.Jmes Pigott, of Victoria, B. C., occupation manager, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at high water mark at the southwest corner of Lot 467, Portland Canal District, marked “a. H. P. N. E. Cor.;” thence following the high water mark in a southerly direc- tion approximately 60 chains to a post marked “A. H. P. S. E. Cor.,” thence cue west to low water mark, thence following the low water mark in a northerty direc- tion approximately 60 chains, to a point at low water mark due west from pint of cor ; thence due east to point of commencement, containing 80 acres more or less. ARTHUR HOLMES PIGOrT. J. W. Stewart, Agent. u., April 20, 1914 Published May 18 to July 20. << —— LOK: a —— "“BULAK 99 iS* lO =