ee —— THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: The local member is expected ' . h th t boat 1 Prince Rupert's leading Paper road, the bridge and the. court OLEAN RELIABLE ALIVE house in his pooket. ee eee t / t ) a eeu i} b —————— — _- = ———_— ~ —————— — — —— = —— = — vO! N 125 PRINCRBUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19144 PRICE FIVE CENTS ON D AR WRIT AGAINST STORSTAD TWO MIL CANADIAN GOVT. MAY SEND RELIEF FOR KARLUK SURVIVORS -—- ENTERTAIN SEATTLE MEN TORIES OF HEROISM ARE TOLD = © P. R: ISSUES TWO ‘RELIEF SHIP WILL CO ac SEATTLE BUSINESS MEN S FOR KARLUK SURVIVORS FROM WRECK OF EMPRESS ec 0 onc arenes 11 = VISITING PRINCE RUPERT ; | Served on Capt. Anderson of the | Reported That Eighteen Men Are| gest ’ | Storstad on His Arrival ; Marooned on Wrangell Island Bie nNE MAN SUCCEEDED IN SAVING THE LIVES OF MANY WHO | at Montreal —Capt. Bartlett in Charge | apMIRAL 3AMPSON IN PORT TODAY—VISITORS ARE GUESTS WERE STRUGGLING IN THE ICY WATERS—RELIEF ier de oe ll Balin to ‘The Deliy News) OF BOARD OF TRADE—ARE MAKING A FUND IS COMING IN : ee : : TOUR OF THE COAST ees a | Montreal, June 1.—The Stor- Seattle, June 1 It is expected Ra ie? The Daily News forced up again and finally man-|S'#4 reached here vesmry ey eee be ae eae One hundred and fifty Seattle|trip. The president of the Ru- r June AoBtntheCeh- le aus ah dellin shade aah woended - afternoon, The Canadian eae BS ihias a i hair x [and Tacoma business men are|/pert Board of Trade invited the ra nont malktes bow ‘abet re Railway company has issued a | Bartlett of St. Micha¢ pape ys guests of the Prince Rupert|excursionists to call here, but ce made by one of the | m reaching an Overturned writ claiming 82,000,000 dam- |3 ship to go to Wrangell island Board of-Trade this afternoon.|they were unable to do so on the ‘ Empress to pick up|!ifebeat The man on it kept}ages and it was served on Capt. Lo bring in eighteen men WC They have just completed a tour;way up but are now availing om the water Who |pulling people on to it. He rowed|Anderson on his arrival. Ander- on marooned from Stefansson’s|of the Alaskan coast cities and|themselves of the invitation. as McAmmond does|for somé time picking up sur-|5°" has refused to make a state- | Renee are calling at Prince Rupert en| ‘The guests were met at the but he saved many/vivors, bul finally decided’ to oe | Nhisvese Theatre. jeter eke a wharf by the Board of Trade, \s the Empress went|make for the shore ini, eta ro . The excursionists have been|business men and eity council. captain clung to the| Joseph Bibby, a prominent Many Hear “Sky Pilot } This week will be feature week|’he guests of H. F. Alexander,|Automobiles were provided for d hung over the stern,!citizen of Liverpool, has sub- Ralph C “Lola aoa oA sk Pilot” | tetas E an, amin president of the Alaska-Pacifie|the ladies to look over the city. he was dragged into|cribed £1,000 to the Empress re- ak ee nee Pie 2n0 Le spress te Breates'|! Steamship company. The steam-|An arrangement was also made but was immediately |lief fund isn't, in if with the real proto- [feature pictures ever brought to]ey Admiral Sampson was given|to take the visitors to the dry type, Rev. H. R. Grant,, who took |Canada, and the “girl with the|over to a three weeks’ northern!dock and cold storage plant. ‘ charge of the Presbyterian ser- golden voice, "Marie Shepard, ; | cregations turned out morning wuteeaaet et ead obo. aac CHILDREN’S SPORTS NEW C. P. R. 5000-TON . y | TH jand evening to hear him, includ- | ; Homer’s “Odyssey,” the greatest HELD ON SATURDAY PRINCESS STEAMER jing many who do not enter the) Jp” of all world’s) masterpieces, a Sth ediee ee, j jportals of the ehurch from one { istory 5,000 years old, endorsed|Were Just as Much Fun as/|Princess Margaret to Be Launch- end of e ver to the othe . .‘ ear g ors 2S DUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS NEGLECTED LIKE OTER POR- Behe Sedan wnt me cer Me. i Be ee) “ding ayn ea ben beac Run | ed on or Next TIONS OF NORTH—HORSES CANNOT TRAVEL EXCEPT | rriginal sermons, but it wasn't j | city rebuilt; over 1,000 men and ts , | ae WN eee {the sermons that made him an] | j}women in the production, The The children’s sports to have Although official confirmation Aiea Chéelotte develop. their lands ides jidol with the people es the | giant over 20 feet high, the|/heen held Empire day but whieh|is lacking, it is understood that 7 : amplitude of the man. Chris b swimming mermaids, the arrow had to be held al ae ie bahar ents -have been made much at outs |such conditions atts ooks big’ and wholesome] [ps piercing a man’s heart, the} — Ieee eae Or eens Peek aa or. ; f f cial governme What a oa people going lO)... ho tells you about it. - It’s a 4 slaughter of the sacred cattle. the}! "ain were run off on Saturday |for the launching of the Princess ent accorded toji. oy ‘ pve we until nat s religion, or as Billy Sun-| ff transformation scenes, the gle-|@fternoon. The little ones were Margaret, first of the C, P, R, mai jthey get ar ypportunity and Yl day would say. it’s a religion| EE struction of ships at sea, the out in full foree and many par-!5000-ton passenger steamers the Bowser-M@ | wi | be see what they will do} vin a punch.” I burning of the city of Troy. the/@bls and big boys were there to|now building on the Clyde, within er j abo The Bowser-MeBride | The tyos of. which Mr. Grant is| devouring monsters and ‘over witness the fun. the next month, from the Denny : nds, like other por-jmachine will be buried in the}, excellent representative has | {wo thousand more pictures and The events were ali keenly|shipyards at Dumbarton. wthern British Colum- | much jsaved Christianity for the world lthe blinding of the giant by|cemtested-and there was no lack The probable date when (he ontributed liberally to] on en Too often the preacher i#a aot burning out his: single eye, ana|o! eutnies: Princess Margaret will take her cial exchequer but} Capt. Nicholson Here row-gauge sissy" with little| LADY MASSEREENE AND lthe famous photo play “Cardinal Boys 13 and over—t, F. Saun-|maiden plunge has yet to be has been obtained} Captain Nicholson, manager Of]; pyowledge of the world and of| FERRARD Richeliaw es ohe. mort powerful ders; 2, T. Sherman; 3, Geo. Tite.| fixed, but the w ofk is so far ad- vernment in return,}the Grand Trunk Pacific steam-|men, I the hands of such radi and sensational drama. that Girls 13 and over—i, Halver-]vanced that it is altogether ney as has been} sh p e, arrived on the Prince religion would never appeal to Prominent the Ulster volun-} os, ie i thrilling scenes. son; 2, D. Tovey: 3, M. Morgan. likely that the launching cere- ters declare has|John this morning on a regular|ihe virile men of the new world.| eer movement pene roe ahawing the great cardinal his- Girls {1 and under 43—1, G,|mony will take place on or about ) It inspection. Nature, however, seems to have a most). achive ee OO nalts correct. The settings} Hunter; 2, L. Shrubsall; 3, D.|June 23, ling incident oc-} On the way Capt. Nicholson] man ready for every scistin wanes nurses’' brigades and women’s | 7 nery and ‘Gostuiias ane, COMET OR: The second vessel, the Prin- islands this year|stopped at Surf Inlet, where|ang the “Sky Pilot’ was called to service corps in Ireland. She rect, the acting. is rendered be Boys 14 and under 13—1, Syd-|eess Irene, will take the water, it les the manner in|there is great activity at the new] jj) the breach. Whether a man is herself a daring rider and a ereat artists. The entire fea_|"eyY Hunter; 2, Jack Naden; 3, H.Jis expected, about a month later. ds on the islands & proposition there Alhas anv crvstallized fort ¢ ha: first class shot. Lady Mas- ture of three reels. 30.000 feet, | Pew. For some weeks past the Prin- bs ted. In fact, as|la mber of men are en-|ije¢ op not. it will do him good t sereene is the daughter of Mr. s hand colored : These bao Little tots, girls—1, M. Wal-|ecess Margaret has been ready to ers put it: “Welgaged pening up reads and) get in touch with ma f such Jobn Ainsworth, M2. for Ar- great: features -will be run to-|lers;: 2, D. McLeod; 3, Winnifred|float from the docks, but the Mr. Manson, ou ping the mines Surf In=| wholesome intensity int ee gvlishire Her husband, wh: ght and Tuesday at the Em | Perry: launching was delayed in order is we had, but hejlet has a small government} wij] also preach next Sunday, Hi owns a beautiful castle in. a ress. Goming. Helen Gardner | Little tots, boys—1, Donald|that part of her machinery might who knows it.jwharf and a splendid little}ic gecompanied by Mrs. Grant lrim, “is a major in. the porth ‘Cleopatra,’ in six reels. |Mackay; 2. J. Martin; 3, G, Me-|be installed. The geared tur- settlers have seen] har! and: thav.are wubste at the Cen Irish Horse, and formerly held BAN ee Re Ivor, bines will not be fitted inte the ippears that one of] Phe new double weekly sched-|tpa} hotel that rank in the Lancers. He ALEXANDER OF TECK WIRES Girls 5 and under 7—1, Isabel|vessels ,until after they are rchased a team of|ulk Granby Bay starts this Thy RR orke a ee oer, ee SYMPATHY OVER DISASTER/|“!ewarl: 2. G. Lonquick; 3, L.Jafloat. | ’inn ner e South rican war, ere Cate Bike ; he could not get | week ue Pe e pes will WANTS BALL TEAM a na woul and given the Reh: : eae mie les oe ee W nen iP OFdsS FOF pe a anch over what was|ina Granby Bay and Stewart FOR DOMINION DAY , od : (Special to The Daily News) Boys 5 and under 7—4, Teddy|chinery was placed with the P be a government{each trip, returning Friday Wee D: 8, O. Theses: photo was Ottawa, June 1.—A_ telegram| Tite; 2, Stephens; 3, Mortimer. |world-famed engineering firm of ee sere morning, 8 a Rideaieat vil The baseball boys aré re- laken at. rece has been received from Mr. Grif- I ne bane under 9—4, Lorna/Pazsons & company they had 80 them in over the|the south he* George Wily ge favanal: oo anion tine sh AC fiths, secretary to the High Com-| Tite; 2, Marguerite Lindsay; 3,}/many orders on hand that the Shortly afterward | 1 the Granby trip every 5at- eat acai ane to. a bane BIG DAY’S SHOOTING missioner, on behalf of Prince | Slice Kelly. delivery of the turbines could not and he could notiurday morning Heli ini ae ae tnamneenil Alexander of Teck. the newly ap- Boys 7 and under 9—41, Lee|be guaranteed before late in F out again and had} : mie ie hes peat have a AT THE RIFLE RANGE pointed Governor - General ne Gordon; 2 J. Anderson; 3,]/July or early in August. der to them on his|ROYAL EDWARD STRUCK celebration The old town ball —pmrmere Canada, saying that he is griev-|Kersin. : \fter these big coasting craft , | on another — frost ICEBERG ON PASSAGE team is anxious to get on a game |Many Members City Rifle Asso-) oj i) hear of the disaster to the| Girls 9 and under 11—1,}/have been put into the water thie . © took the team over} ’ with Rupert and will try to get a ciation Took Part in Empress of Treland and asking | Grace Carroll; 2, Mabel Adams; /fitting-out OFOWS will take ! surface but now} Special to The Daily News special. train’ for that day the Sport to envey the sympathy of the}? M. Germain. charge and they will be rushed to nd is soft again he} Lond June 1.——The Royal Phe Rupert club will not make ery Princess and himself to the re-} Boys 9 and under 11—1, Syd-jcompletion. , them back to his | Edward which struck an iceberg] | decision: ant ik is known Yesterday was a big day at the) jatives of the vietims. } ney Hunter; 2, Phil Dowling; 3, The coutract calls for the on her passage, has arrived saf whether there will be a celebra- {rifle ranges There was a big | George Roberts completion of the craft ,.by the } wine settlers tryinglely at Avonmouth, Bristol this city’ on Dominion |attendance and some good sport. Tennis Tournament | Sack Race—t, H. Dow; 2, Wetend of the year, and they will ar- _ day ‘ lin. the Dominion of Canada On Saturday, June 6, weather} Wallace; 3, T. Sherman, rive on this coast early in Feb- +4ae . OE : | Lrophy match, P, Roach was/permitting, the Prince Rupert] _ Three - legged race 1, F.}ruary, GBA UU YU LULL RARE ARAL AR AR AR RA aR aR REE x enliduas Get del lhighest for the day. Jack Mor-| ‘Tennis club will hold a handicap|S@unders and S. Weston: T, T.| The maiden voyage of the two : | / | x oe jrison had the high seore in the|men'’s doubles tournament, En-|5erman and R. Smith. new Princesses will differ greatly : h E heatre y Two Italian children were in|/Cameron cup prize The indi-|tries will close with the under-| ; Bieyele race—t, R. Ritchie: 2,]from that of other steamers that : eC mpress police court this morning to an-|Vidual scores were: signed on Thursday, June 4, at 6 |Currte, 3, D. Stork, have been brought out to this * swer to the charge of thieving. | First Team p. m., and must be accompanied At the close of the other events}eoast by the* Canadian Pacific t rs —— ~ ” They have _ given considerable | 200 500 600 by entry fee of 50 cents for each | the big boys had a hundred yard | line, $ lO - NIGHT AND TUESDA Y trouble and a few days ago kroke |). ©. Stuart: (capt 10 81 29-90 Competitor, which will defray dash lo settle a dispute, George \fter leaving the Clyde they ; Okina Seature in Canada into a tent and took some small|W. M. Brown 34 a1 28—93ithe eost of prizes for teams is Pite won with C. Martin second.} will head straight for the Atlaa- * OPainery: Magagemens of the Areatess Megture articles, The magistrate let |Ponald Brown 33 33 27-93) first and second places, Fach | Chief Viekers and John Beatty tic via Trinidad to Colon, and ‘ e l them off but gave them a_ lee. |Jack Morrison aa 32 4i—94/ (eam will play each other team aj Were left at the post, thenee through the Panama ea- r HOMER’S ODYSSEY, (in 3 ree 8) ture. He also lectured the par-|W. Matheson 32 2 10-94) set of four games, scoring the | nal aud up the coast to Van- t The $200,000 Sensation of the World. See the Giant 20 feet high, ents and Warned them to take]?. Roche 2 $4 8895 Humber of games won, the team |LADY GREY ARRIVES eouver, * ‘he Swimming Mermaids, the Burning of the City of Troy, the Sacred better care of their children and |W. J. Greer 1 82 8S—-OL Winning the greatest number ‘of | WITH VICTIMS OF WRECK OO - ¥ Cattle, the Devouring Monsters for over 2000 more pictures. A story ; send them to school, A, Little ss 82 S18 eames taking first place, and so me CARRANZA OPENS PORTS x 5000 years old; the talk of Europe and America. Over 1000 men and * il alah J. MeGowar 28 2 11-91! oy 4 mixed doubles tourrfa Special to The Daily News) TO WORLD’S COMMERCE * women in the production; and x For Sale J, Jack 33 83 25-91} ment will probably be’ held at a Quebec, June 1,—Lady Grey,} © ===> t 7 a later date, Owing to lack of|the coffin ship, arrived here this Special to, The Daily News.) ; CARDINAL RICHLIEU *| Fishing boat 41 feet long, 12 312 S22 280 O24) space, entry in this tournament|morning with the dead of the Durango, Mexico, June 4,— x i THRAE BEMLS *lfeet 7 inches broad, 8 feet 9 Second Team jis limited to ten teams.-C, G,|Empress disaster aboard. Many Carranza has issued a notice de- ; Hand tional drama showing inches in depth, equipped with 200 500 600 | Purdy, for the committee. Sree eaoing scenes were wit-|¢laring Tampico, Tuxpan and X Cardinal eee Rimearrenas Penny See's the’ entire 9,000 30-h, p. 4-cycle Camiuran Fair-|©. T. Partington 80-32 8587] —— : {nessed when’ relatives came to|Matamoras officially opened to ae a! Richelieu historically correct, This feature, banks - Morse marine engine.|J. Watt ‘1 28 25—81| Hand-colored Pictures Coming jidentify the dead, the commerce of the world. * *h are hand colored, taking over a year to paint; and *!Price $41,500. Apply Akerberg, |. 0. Franks 29 #32 27-88] Mr. Arthur, a travelling mov-| ooeeeripemnte a eens < “THE GIRL with THE GOLDEN VOICE’—MARIE SHEPARD Thomson & Co., Prince Rupert, |J. Hussell 40 27-80-87 }ing picture man, has arrived in| Southbound Fell from Balloon. } a iets ks os ceotonmanee: or