' re ’ ae
ra that the assessment in
j THE DAI Y NEWS particular bioek might
POSSTY . reals oO
Published Daily and Weekly by i sment in some oth:
3 ‘onduae 0 the
; this year would lead
H. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER believe that the great
fo get through with as ° .
HEAD OFFICE changes as possible V ancouver, V ictoria a nd |
than’ the adjustment
Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.) aquitable assessments Saseinte’ Petes Rosen ease Orines jest
‘ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada, United States and Mexico: Wh 5 “ : rs Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert tv. Prince ¢
: > 50c pe o 5.00 if paid in len settlers have ;
Ht Daily, 50c per m nth, or $6.00 per year ($5.06 k oe tha disant ‘| Ow xcursion P atac
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; $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. helt MME ae th Ve NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL, TES, also io NORM hai
oe > om 4 . ; = © with NORWEGIAN SAENGE; a.
TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract ment reads, the out! 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough freight.
; p i ght. ¢
} rates on application. profitable farming would s For full particulars and all information of in i
to be somewhat unfav THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hart Block, 7 *rs, apply to
Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in 7 eee Vey AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAM Phone 260
ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers What do the 1 ! |
at do the peopk ales
—_—_ —— Me —=—=~_= men who would refus¢ - 3
> ~ TION . f -vear thentur
DAILY EDITION << Monday, June 1, 1914 fny-yeer,  debentares ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY
ninety and vet sel te © 4 P.0.Bor 60
———_——_— —— ee ee =—=— twentv-vear issues at & Rooms :
The public conscience will has a passive side to His na- Again using the chast: se me a Avenue Opposite guerems Theatr ANGING
soon become deadened to the ture, there is still reom for in- lish of his worship the . Visiting Hootemen. are cordially dested VIN
horror of shipwrecks if the}  telligent belief The best eens se -Aieee! * For rates for ball rent apply secreta 1 :
experiences of the last few} phases of personality indeed fence? 5. D. MACD A ‘ AS DI N ees N(; AND
vears are kept up. It would] are passive. When nature ra et ' - TINTING
almost appear that the pre-| therefore seems to be a cruel W m. Manson, thy 1 | MARTIN & M’GOWAN
vention of such disasters is} monster with no paternal mei r, iS Wer lent za
impossible. After each calam-| feelings in evidence the fault ing Ww ark channel these vo PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS s 1
ity a royal commission is ap-| is not with the Infinite, but Is or is not the city going Cement, Brick and Tile Work artin Swanson
pointed and their findings are| with man who got ff the rails get this water power? Are we Estimates Furnished g *
proclaimed to be an antidote} or who tries to thwart the dependent upon the comptrol Phone Blue 329 a
to all such catastrophes. Aj divine laws of the universe. ler of water rights to “do th co ee
few months pass and then an- The Empress of Ireland sank right thing,” or ie our repre- PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER
other wreck, and yet another, because somebody forgot that sentative going to represent W ellin ing ON ule
and then humanity begins to there are other forces in the us and insist upon a grant be- . COMPANY
realize how helpless they are.| universe of which they should] im made to the city without again THE ENTENTE CORDIALE OF FRANCE AND BRITAIN ["**") tire tute, eee re tay sthold Coe
It is in reality a fight between take cognizance. any further delay? Better get By F. Matania Phe Sphers Excellent Storage Facilities Cleanest, Brightest, Best
the finite and the Infinite. eee FN busy, William. COA L — DEALERS — COAL qew weitincton cost og
Human genius has accom- The court of revision which tre ee dee ee M. Raymond Poincare, presidet f Franee; Queen Mary of Great | PHONE 566 1008 THIRD AVE. ; pe "
Iritnir y : r 1 ter » a are draw ° -
plished wonders in harnessing began its sittings on Thurs- Britain, King George and Ma een way. A Poet Second Avenue Phore 118
— > f« » a, ‘ f 4 ner titull the
the forces of nature, but na- Fa a so SORRIE SS Rew SAIS POSOTMANlS Oh kite Opers. aaee JOHN CURRIE
Se Seah a ee s day last is supposed to be a in t e Letter Box slaving of the national anthems of Great Britain and France. | iis
eis hie eh eit ‘in % wie ra body, to which the citizens may ———— if oi to hte ‘ d stain " awings usually are—his la | Contractor & Builder ! : aD Up-
eyes’ UNG. POCeTNS, Cee look with confidence for the nahh : re a ces. gh ; © ti Pare | g plact
the universe cannot be re- ij ‘ fc f est picture of their majesties licates that the hand of time | ..Estimates Given on Moving Buildings
i s 2e é vy air i i
sisted not vcontrdited: The bel eee ma unfair) Eleventh Avenue Plank Road and worries of state are leaving their mark on both King and | Phone i 294 "s ;
F ox : ; ‘ee assessmnents which may have]. - : i Caan mie King for this as vas in the uniform of a S
which lies peacefully at your been made by the assessor to]To the Editor, Daily News Seat i ee as GEO iE L K
1 < > greates onster i ’ et . a 4 admiral of the flee ind tt (uee "A ea dress of gold tis i , gH tt
feet is the grensest momar Mh which appeal has been taken. Dear Sir: The city council has ra Basa Lia ih te rt list nicta the | FURNISHED RG
the world and the most de- ‘ : t sue. Madame Poincare was rile he artist depicts the |
~uctive enemy The manner in which the/been issuing notices for certai moment when the roval party were met with a storm of 220 2n 2
structive enemy of man. ; RES REASON : nomen ! i royal fj |
: i : court has conducted its pro- proposed bylaws for local n. cheering from the crowded | ot j
: ceedings this year is not Cal- : . , 2 El ent: die Mi atid
The fate of so many offi- culated to inspire property provements and I wish to cal in tv ind three-r : rite Siiea 476 oi
: sh fod. » wits es whers whos sts 1 will soon be able to pur- FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING
cers of the Salvation Army in owners with marked confi- the attention of al! taxpayers ‘ ! ‘ y vill I al . IE. DYER Shins’ tient ING
. yz leventl ve e iase Oc s ngles, made n i
the recent wreck will no doubt dence in its findings. affected by the proposed bylaw I . eee : , | re i (o2tf ™ SMITH & MALLETT
< ve glad to receive the Port “aware Vel -
create a great deal of discus- At one of the sittings, one|to build a 16-foot plank road- [ shall be ¢ ms a 3 Larges _of
sion as to the purposefulness of the members of the boardjway from Hays Cove avenue,! ~ aa ai 1 Tenth own- GEORGE LEEK Mn
p ite oO i 3 ‘ ope j o Bs nineil ° Sisiveviee noi Om SasOR ae entn avenue | istrict—District of Coas Third A Head of Second Street
of Une : Infinite. ne thing admitted — ® prope rty along Bacon street, thence along), , cmoeh: penta the tk enilty eena Land — = ote MT ied Bntake,, tennis Gnd Lenk Broker TT eines aoe
seems certain, that the In-| assessed at $20,000 was worth|Tenth avenue west, thence down]: te on Kleventh ar TAKE NOTICE that 1, William McK.| Motary Public. Rente and Collections oo
finit does not plan such awful! more than another property/Alfred street, and from Cenrad Sty mae es ns gan, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occups- AUCTIONEER
tragedies. The question of assessed at $24,000, neverthe-|street along Eliventh avenus ae ED. H. MORTIME! Hon prospector, intemd to apply fer per-i 290 Second Ave. Prince Rupert
prevention is a wider one and, less immediately voted to!lMeBride street. whic nah the , (TIMER, mission to purchase the following de ®. ©. STUART
: ’ wooed treet, lich work th 324 Second Avenue scribed lands: Commencing at 8 } 0st
depends upon one’s idea of the confirm the assessment at/citye proposes covering in on: eT a mue- |planted 160 chains east and 40 chains Anakin
Infinite. If one holds the | £24,000 bylaw Prinée es May 20 ees ~~ ae ceed a iteues” paoek: "40 N W. ROGERS rad
“ore P 2 taw. j mption Recorc $38. nce 80) 308 2nd Are _— Prone
imitive > f > 7 | OS. hehabian . -oRner owners along ia north 40 chains, thence west 80 chains to
pr € idea that every | The property wner aleng Relator 16 Loat hains, thence west 80 chains along the Architect . PRINCE RUPERT. & ©
finite happening is an act of| Another member of the|Bacon street and Tenth avenue et en shore line to point of commencement; ‘n4. BPedarel B -
1 nit 32 res P Oo ess Suile ; pdera toc
Providence, it will be rather} court argued that because alll -bnedaed the city. something earnest containing 320 "-oleannme paine le f sevage “oh Pe IN SBC
hard to square such oceur- | lots in a particular block were |like two years ago, to put in a! London, May 34.-—All hope) waren mR ters : ands anes ; sa Sv be kebl
rences with the Christian | assessed on the same basi S| pl an adw: I ‘oyeathas been given 1 f the your —_ : -| Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 ee we
) ass ank roadway from Hays Cove n t Ul ! : WILLIAMS & SIANSOM
> a or Q ae e | , Skeena Land District—District of Coast, |
Deity. If on the other hand) that the assessment of alllavenue to Alfred street, via Ba-|aviator, Gustave amel, who a Range Five. ees Barristers, Solicitors, &.
the Deity Himself is subjeet to must stand. Apparently helcon street and Tenth avenue. emptied to. cross. the. Ex : TAKE NOTICE that 1, Davia ¢ sok | - SECOND HAND oops MONEY TO iOAN
self-imposed natural laws and! did not take into consideration | That road would supply the re-|ehanns efor txt ican Hand Strang, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa: | " i
. lquiremrnents of the property « i a ; ; . ; : tion clerk, intend to apply for permission el bie it | Hele ‘ perks
== ee = —— i a remner : f the j P y own vith which he ended the same |, purchase the following described lands i eli @il King aedune
pore ‘rs on the two latter streets, and|/day to co pete mm the aet mimencjng at & post planted about 160) /10 Lod gvods mechanics Skee
nable them to get in supplies to! perhy No s has } { hains east and $0 chains north of teliggis, guns and mens clotling
their lot without Lir ' : a a , wortheast corner of Pre empti on Record \ ' (
lé ots ithou it cosluing |rnither of the aviator 7 f th 1838 at a px int om the Will Ca any ume. ((
nes Sales aes it: gelinel aie < Eye ee PACIFIC TRANSFER
the improvements following the ‘ :
wt » to point of Ww. 4
Some time this year the prop- Wheat in Store mencement; 480 acres, Wee Sed: Ate, W. Phone: Hed 208 LADYSMITH COAL
rty helders along Eleventh ave uore r less
t along : h ave- 93—F
SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS nue made a request he coun-| Ottawa, \M 10.—Whea _ William McK. Logan, Agent A IVARSON & C0.
cil to put in a plank adway | cj ,re ; ee March 7, 1914 i - Cmax 200 Prom @
PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO along Eleventh avenue’ from eae rae mente Biacksmiths & Horseshoers a ais i
le ic a Eo te 1 2 jpublic eleva s in the east Skeena Land yon ge of Coast, Boat Work p ROBERTSON
onrad stree o McBride Now - , ange ve. i
A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager i a7 10 ; . | .
ithe co “il goes to wor and| May 7 1942 ulied 14,060,399 ‘Le be rena OF ae , \ .
ist Ave. and McBride PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. F es bey ii t : , kK and) sushe Z a eatieatey 4s ee ae ~ ¥ sr" cond hone 525 ist Ave.. Mans Way Chartered A countant
jputs WW e ole OF this work) es Pare ve nee supers, a+ € 5 ¢ ied
PHONE 25 Branch Yerd at Smithers under one bylaw, thereby making $37,324 bushels n May’? 1o4 pen : tive 3 to apply for = Audits, investiga s, Ac,ustments, Le
os . , qtre — . 1S ' mn to purchase the following de he { Assignments
the property owners on Bacon The amount other era seribed lands: Commencing at a post HARRY HANSON ao ? : » Rupert, &6
= _— = re BRE Ki ERS E : oat i tore was 29 8365 ¢ pract planted about 160 chains east and 60 Smith Block, 3 Ave ’
se reet Carry a portion of the cost e : hainc north of the northeast corner of a
the improvements for the | ©4}') the sar is at ine sul Pre-emption Kecord 1838 at @ point on THE RELIABLE PLUMBER zs
ee my Seva mR i northerly sere line of an island, Di AKERY
oe. perty owners on Eleventh ist ea e so ate < nee 0 rinerly and Phone 489 Second Ave., near McBride ROYAL )
FRED STORK’S HARDWARE |) 2.20: 3,0" 90208 ei tn ey, ie
jis an injustice. The cost of con-| %“hopenhau: the German |shore line to the pojat of « pmmencement;
| is an os o € Bea os rt on- |} I , : niaining 480 acres, more or less. | DR. GILROY, DENTIST KE AND PASTRY
OEE Leah eee ame is é€ road dewn Barontnessimist, was asked one day to ANDREW MACLEAN BREAD, CA A
~ | stre et and along Tenth will bejdinner by tleman -1 li ; Crown and Bridge W:
i nih will } dinne iy ag ‘ in who had é William McK. Logan, Agent. ; rownh ant ridge TKR @
710 SECOND AVE , jabout $3,500, whereas the whole|invited a mber of Prussian| Mare? 7 $948 Specialty. 8 pow
: d iwork under one bylaw is to costlofficers. Said one of the office ‘ Ro aia aie et Third Avenue
Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery 932,500; (us meking Bacoa|to%8ch penhauer Wiis’ to wou tee oc of Stes Office: Smith Blk., Third Avenue
e . 1aAInNe i > ope naue ‘ yt ‘ CE Imes
Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle street and Tenth avenue owners|pul a frederic under your plate?” | Pigg of Viet ra, B. ¢, occupation —|{MPERIAL } WA CHINE sHOe
, ee eee, eee ee een manager, intend to apply for permission
Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns | pay a portion of $29,000 more|“I have made a vow,” replied the to lease. tne followins desc scribed meee UNION TRANSFER CO Done
i ‘ - ; wminene at ¢ 0s L igt n ( Aly
Rope Valves Ammunition jthan they have any right to.) philosoph to give this piece water mark at the) sonthewst comes, of GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE merering S'
Pumps Hose Paint } Surely the council, after consid-iof mane i begrer the very |Lot 467, Portland Canal District, marked 15
. jer ation, will see the f fi first { Id “eT ‘ A. H. P, N. B. Cor thence follcwing South Wellington Coal Ow :
a@uo see ie airness irs Lime dine e il eC. ~ a ‘ ee
Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron |this appeal. tener teers +) s with ; : , RE | Reg: ie A al? in S. alas 10 @ post PHONES: 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 RE
8 ¢ e tary without hearing talk about . mys — S s ‘ > uN TT}
marked “A. A. P. 3. E. Cor.,” shence cue 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT J |
“WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” The nature of the ge ound be-| women and h ses It is fifty west to low Water mark, thence foll & - AMES GILMO


tween Conrad and McBride|years since I made this vow. but | 2%, (OW Water mark in s xortherty direc:

t ’ : ots tien approximately 60 chains, to # point at Ar '
streets on Eleventh avenue|! have not vet been called to be |!oW Water mark due west from jx int of BOAT BUILDER street








ate r ; ommencement; thence due vast to pctnt ni

FRED STORK’S H RDW RE jmakes it more expensive to im-|stow my frederic in almé. lof commencement, "Contatolay 80 ae 2nd AV vy

l prove f at on eA etna The anwrna dies L .}more or less “ xe
A A prove than that on Bacon street,| What everyor hould know | ARTHUR HOLMES PIGOFT. H. JOHNSTON ox ueee he News #
jand that portion of the work | People of discriminating taste W. Stewart, Agent. '* Try a Want 4 The “f

7 : yril 20 ~"*?
should be paid for by the prop- dine at the G.T_P. Cafe. 83tf pore ne. s9440 18 te July 20. Seal Cove Phone Green 321 ee ' Piste
= ——— — aaa = - —_—_—_—_——— ~ ST = _

Somebody Is Most taba Gonna Get Hurt brawn for The Ds
Yew == MES-T HAD = :






0% GAVE ME AN (Cause IGOTA ee














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