June 4, 191 i, a THE DAILY NEWS peeeeenere eeceercrere ODD C Ce, poaerert Leishman’s Tailored Suits at + LEISHMAN . ; o ht style for any type of figure. & h it 3 7 e right sty y typ igure jomething that fits a ’ in quality and price meets ail competition. If you want the very y, will fook stylish and wear well. : ; best in a new spring suit try one of Leishman’s Tailored Suite. OOP OEEOEIIIIEEIATTAT DEVEL OVOTLE LALO ODL OTLDLLLOL OLED CLOTHIER FURNISHER THIRD AVENUE ‘ Q aia 7 DAILY NEWS J. J ARBOUR & PRO. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . LEADING PAPER OF NORTHERN os . : fe | GENERAL DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES CHILDREN’S SPECIALTIES Third Ave, near Seventh St. y Ds A> ~GA Os Wir p2 @ @ . guns pxporet” ers sagone”” pack : prov} a KNOTT’S BAKERY Headqus arters pee Bread, pj reg for first of ' Le Jakes, é enue igiiO> Poy tees ee a pupe! pris B. G Special] attention. ive our 717 THIRD AVENUE hones: 190-363 Pioneer arantee first-clas THE BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. 0 a” ui SO HEIDELBERG BEER, SCHLITZ BEER and (7 Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mat- ROYAL ARMS SCOTCH mn tings, Linoleums. Ui —Yy Draperies, Portiers, Curtains, Shades, Bedding. Cor. Third Ave. and Seventh St. Prince Rupert, B. C. a) prince Rupert, 8 phone 118 P. O, Box 163 Phone 465 H. C. HENDRICKSEN ° HIGH GRADE WCRK THE WESTERN PLUMBING & SUPPLY CO., LTD. nd Consulting Engineers Manufacturers’ Agents Third Ave., Cor. Eighth St. \ complete and up-to-date stock of Wines and Liquors. Contracting &4 Little Bidg., 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 340 MMI —YY Y Yay ™ 1 IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS . ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS Ze H. R. Love, Proprietor Agency: Imperial and Clay Gasoline Motors We have just installed a complete Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Apparatus. By this process iron, steel, brass copper and many cther metals can be perfectly and perman-=- ently united. If you have any broken machinery or tools we can make them as good as new at a nominal cost. Investigate!!! : Yi MME | 4) ROYAL BANK [1 OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Uy YY fy The Westholme Lumber Co., Ltd. LUMBER, MOULDINGS Shingles, Lath, Sash and ,Doors Phone 186 4st Av. & Manson Way Beaver Board Capital - - $11,560,006 Reserve - - 13,500 000 WO MMi Ad Cit th WHITE BROS. CEMENT UID. CO. ine 401 = 0 lll YOUR SPRING SUIT LADIES OR GENTLEMEN t of Fit, Style and Ser- es Will meet ¢ oe Tt voy wit Be ( vps and Fitters on the One of the best known Gul P Feat “THE AMERICAN TAILORS Third Ave. and Fifth St prince Rupert of making it Plastering Contractor Manufacturer Ornamental Concrete Work ; Dealer in Lime, Plaster, Brick Cement Works WicBride St. bet. Seventh and Eighth Aves. Coast is al your KS p. O. Box 599 Phone 484 ——~~ THE RELIABLE PLUMBER HARRY HANSON 139 Second Ave. Phone 489 DAY ANO NIGHT SERVICE Out-of-Town Work. Work done promptly and guaranteed at PRINCE RUPERT NEW HAZELTON SMITHERS reasonable prices, One trial will convince you. LYNCH BROS. ouaniniea Department Stores MEN’S FURNISHINGS oe i CROCKERY The Big {Supply House HOUSE FURNISHINGS 2 BUILDING SUPPLIES of Prince Rupert ROOFING . GLASS Junction of First, Second and Third Avenues.