ia rie THE DAILY NEWS a = — = Read The Daily News : Delivered by Carrier 50 cents a month Notary Public per B. 4 3 pp. Land Registry ————— : f the G. T. P a —— a PD of the G | om otal 2 a ofa 9 iti a BS oor for Tetkw " i c v Ff ; ; y Y ¥ rs hd hee Slee ly otic ws e} w ce = iS ae w § ANGREDIE . s NEWS ITEMS 3 PARE PLAINLY 22 - PRINTEDON THE ; crowd the Lon- el . ote 5 ‘ n here s8 a& reasotl ry Smith & Killas’ ice 11 81/ Recipe No. 11.—Out eut and paste Peg oe Royal in your Recipe Book. List your houses wit! with H. « ist ! ’ Two cups ROYAL STANDARD Helgerson, Lid : ” cups ROYAL STANDARD rolled eee I {25tf oats; 1 cup brown sugar; & @ re , ; . a ar lard cups sour muk Miss Sunbere left this spoonful salt, % cup bv i ’ \ heard the latest teaspoonful baking soda, 1 psckage ingz for @ visit to Seattle 9 PT dates. Melt the shortening Ade . e e hdward {O2tf a e brown sugar, rolled oats, flour and . . salt Put teaspoonful ] List your houses w _ the sour milk and mix a : Hal : Th e le bLhig mori Stone one package of dates, add @ Helgersen, Ltd : 00 1es little water and then put on stove aa et Se weess. vis for about 45 minutes ada about ; nalf cup sugar. Roll dough thir W j McOutecheon : and cui into rounds with « giass mornin far holids Bake for about 15 minutes. Place : =e & holiday | nver date im centre Oi, et own pot? one BRTTY BROWN . ; his ning for Rose 2 f f d nmouses for sate HE®proof of the pudding leerson, Ltd aor is In the flour | The Prince John , : Sixth street in H just as ich as in the eating morning from the soutl Miss L. Kir Tinmed You prove this to your entire satisfactio +. en, 2 ‘ + < ‘ i by making these pular date okies with jus i Just arrived 250 r “flour” and then with ROYAL STANDARD ;wil deliver at clos ses f sa ( Db re ; Ose Every day housewives are learning that id re (Prince Rupe Lumbe gers I . . . : Watet cipes can be made taste like new ones by jus | , P c % . one me enbstituting ROYAL STANDARD in place of ordi- rhe Chelohs arr Ww W + epa Ai nary flour inizh ast eve 3 wi e he aily ews 3) Shipping a Specialty ‘ | aie CLASSIFIED ADS. ; = w : his n Eng 2 ‘ i Baby’s soft skin is the test of aa i and Mr. McM . FOR RENT = S TT ied BABY'S OWN SOAP-- S * - DRESS WELL and its constant use in thousands of nurseries = Ass is sa tory proof that its fragrant lather 2 A. W. Mont : ; : : ; + a: Shs private ar &! s helps and w hitens the most delicate skin. Bs g harg M hf 23 | ; . : New 4 & No imitation has all the merit of BABY’S 3 Ke eee it Our price is rig OWN SOAP. — ef é FOR SALE = et ” - i FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves. cheay — he G. 7 Edt x jalan McE Street ser SWEDER BROS SACRIFICE s t : ” Pier Se a. a . i i MERCHANT TAILORS rl " 2 ° } 24 = : . HM = FUR 5 E ¥ ire prope = . ' was a h. new & Lp it ° ; LW « ‘tie i hing gor Liton e€ and ¥ ern a e ADE Box 2 Dall ¢ ; s ‘ sa . 2-1ri6 nN ucatiton ra attic} > ‘oo, |f PRINCE RUPERT BoaT } ‘ with his Wa ' \ ‘ i ; ; . ge pilar #1 ‘16 HOUSE 2 IN BUYING AND A KNOWLEDGE AS TO WHERE YOU MAY GET THE : ; a pl ‘dozen, 5 ie , - : MOST WALUE FOR THE MONEY EXPENDED, write for our Illustrated : } i : A picker Boats and Launches ; catalogue, through which you wil! come inte direct touch with the z= ! - ‘some ‘Mies An 3 faciiities of our big Vancouver siore “ be s I a 6-132 Gas ; he chid BOA BA laun b ; 3 e J l > . l ° ° ° ait 2 ash at . ; Splendid Values in Cutlery Need te naree| Ratt he ; PHONE RED 391 Kune V rout speed, § Worth End of Manson Wa AND TABLE SILVER he Lg 7 mik engine alone }2 d ; : : s casn be cuanged are offered all buyers through the medium of this catalogue, in whieh ” dary s ve = excis- z = bes the Illustrations and descriptions are truly representative of the real red at the Roy; gett- ‘ ee ae x 7 articles. Our prices for this fine Cutiery and Sliverware are very mod- aia ; ; . Migt me i « pa e's 4 nee ee exer a : erate when the quality of the goods are considered, and this quality err en 7 on teu t a ew : backed by our house guarantee Our silverware comes direst to yeu Hetore & g i he season 5 vi aE : ‘ ance! Rus from eur own factories work The b v npiet- | : Wa 1 Beav Esquimalt, E t r : oe WANTED at ' siene ao mae ‘ he survey e ¢ ; I i 4 intend i apt = = - : == Sennen . pert i 5 ase the followingt ed his s ne a ! balance ; at ng at a s Henry Birks & Sons. Limited Wie. = en CRP aE aS Sry eee i s in s ming < 5 n i a north enry Dirks ons, Limite if i leads == . ai ae 1WA vw 1a b Skiak) £ aide « St JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS rg Beg SS a eee com of a. we eaat | cha u ‘ Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director! VANCOUVER, B.C : a St twet vains, w north |W ANTI “ mie ald hain following the ss line 1 the g oe ; : Wwe : . int : fa minencement eighty acres s ANCLOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS - er e — May 3, 1944 MISCELLANEOUS Published May 26 to July 27 'WE HAVE RENTED al r houses and KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY [sues MENTED om, tenes on house 1 rer rriace Rupert finap iers y. ws Brown, manager 15 THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 | Second Ave. Phomes 206 and Blue 27¢ Builders’ Supplie- Sheet and Plate Glass MALE HELP WANTED | Plumbers” Supplies Plate Glass Mirror: — Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges iN THE SUPREME COURT OF SRITIGH Oils Tinware COLUMBIA Varnishes Graniteware iN THE & THE ESTATE OF MONARCH MALLEABLE The * Atay Satisfactory HERMETT SAf DECEASED Range."’ : jIN THE » ER OF THE “ADMINIS ea e |. TRAT) a oat t May, A. D. 10144 a See & ihe affidavits of J. H. Mc Auctioneer and Valuer et bat J. H. MeMullin a ne fe part of the he at iministrator cf estate of Hermett GUARANTEED BY THE stale, and that nc GOVERNMENT of CANADA jer be published in the! . : a = 4 ‘ews im two con Ag ¥ aes a ry nee wie ses es ei (=m best Me bar bate kh Lj 7. 6. ¢ iii YR 2 ill. EL: Way BLE LE dh i “THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer For the i hours ending June 4, 1944 Barometer reduced t sea highes rf Lowe { a vhich pr idle pend ¢ £°00.00 yea he ¢ has been ! i neg th h 6 (ae em we pus he Pt Ti { Te ee ee 75--PHONE--75 : PRINCE FUPERT AUTO CO SRA ERA REED FOR A_ TAXI 2022.2. 2252 2225 2.2 2522.22. 5.8.4 : » » >» »* » z o J - - » » » » * Phone 37 ?.0. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL | CUISINE j Hot and Coid Running Water in all Roome Only finest brands of Liquors and Cigars kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE? Proprietors FIRST CLABES } TERMINAL CONSTRUCT COMPANY Contractors & Builders Repairs and alterations. stor and offs xiures Phone Red 69 RITCHIE, AGNEW & (0, Box 510 Civil Engineers ano 8. © Land Surveyors -Church Services- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Chureb Hall at Ll am. « Theatre at » p.m Seheool at 72 THE FIRST I YOUNG and BAPTIST PirTu Services every Sunday am. and p.m 22) p.m Bible Clase 2.5) vo. I ’ \\ Ww. WI t B.A asi School THE FIRST METHODI SIXTH AVE. AND M T CHURCH SGRAVE PLACE Services every am. and 1.2) po Seheul at 38 p.m Mi DIMMICE Sunday st Sunday REV PASTUE LICAN HUACI d Donsmulr Place , 21 Even Sunday Holy ors Sunday “e 41.4 8, Sunday at ® w. Fifth Ave Morning pr ag prayer sco 2:30 p. m Aum Divot r of month and third AKMY ourt McBride St.. Prince Rupert, 8.6 nian CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY SUMMER EX PRINCE CURSIONS FROM RUPERT TO $141.00 128.00 5.00 108.50 1450 SOUTHBOUND Princess Bea e Sunday, 8 ps 4. G. McNAB, General Agent Corner T Ave. ané Sav & a ee 35--PHONE- TAXI ALF HALLIGAN ~~ eee ewww ere SHARE AAAARARAR ARR RRR ROD ton einen sada $5.00 holel : Directory SS A Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of Firet Ave. and Eighth 51 Ww. # Wright. Prop HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh 5b Europeap»and American Plat Peter Black, Prop KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Elgtith and Ninth European Pian, es S®c to $1.00 re Beaner & Sesner, Props ee J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casiey EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Piao F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess, Props Thirc Ave. and Sixth 51 European Pian BEAVER WHOLESALZ is cvor co LIMITED and Sixth St 102 Bieam Heales Second Ave Phone PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING OO. $85 $3,280 ECTION 7 é $500 . shes F n SURANCE PATTULLO & RADFORD AVE pocceseet SECOND POOPIE E LOLOL ELLE ELEL ELLE ELE OL OLE PELE ELLOEPLERELOD OOD oer Choice View LOT POPP PPL EPL EL ELELOL LL ELL EL ELLLEEPOOREOORELOLOOOS LiMiTED Fraser anc Sixth St Phone 7 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS G R. Kaden Co. Li me