9 ~ June 1914 r THE DAILY NEWS ‘ | 7 —— — er: guenngss ———== Oo i PPODDEOPEDEPVOPE OOO OO MM MOORE i A Re aa $ = BITS OF HUMOR =} | i 2 "| PR AOAPPO LAI IDIL PEOPLE OPN ORO OO} OS i : A widower wh irried f recent! for the ind f ‘whose pride had ried r THEIR C CLOTHES ' once before he cross i tthe bottom of th invi- é tations: “Be sure , this] é is noe amateur pe “We miss Pre Wilson's ee u 6 99 quiet and trencha t sadly | t ni j t D oe a here at Prinet d an in- ‘ wo Chance of Mistakes. Clean and Simple, at, one of Presid W s re- Is ve the © Cow Soggist of Dealer. Send for Booklet, . a hak yon Jon-Richardeon Co Limited, Montreal ceptions, T comp d of a man who boasted of |} bad habits Geib 2, is: ‘When a man, sai » president, Gloom JOO BGA AI eee) bad habite, wes 2 may rest assure iat they're FIRE ALARM SYSTEM * the best he has f | * a shadow of a blue an | CIRCUIT NO. 4. q A certain ex-governor of | . Monday does not gor 125th St. and Srd Ave z ini: was extravagantly fond of| fall across the path ? his dogs. One day he saw s ° ’ ° don 18 ) St, and 3rd Ave ¥| , ro er ae hi | of those who use Sunlight bei 40 h St. apd 3rd Ave r youngest son kick a favorite] ‘ : oy o Bor 16 ion of 18%, 2nd aud * blooded pup. You unmannerly Soap. For this soap cuts Box 16-181 Ave., between 8th and x 7 The tet oa vad labor in halt Knox Hotel.) *| parent, How dare you kick my : gor 17-—1st Ave, and 7th St. (Con dog? ll teach you to behave And the nightmare of dl 3 * Ye better, sir a W a the | clothes being “rubbed to offender was oundly thrashe : CIRCUIT NO. 2. x | thar wedi ae a ved | shreds” disappears when 22--3rd Ave. and gra st. ¥| re Tather wiped the perspiration I On sare ie from his forehead. “Let this be you learn the gentle Sun- Bor 23-—-Srd Ave. and McBride St + a lesson to you,” he said, “how] light way. Box 24--ist Ave, and McBriae St, ¥ to treat my dogs. And now that : Bor 26 we nh mee oo - : I think of it, you've been disre- Sunlight Soap isas pure Bor 26--2nd Ave spectful to ve other of late 1: ° Bor 27—G. T. P * a4 u your mother of late, as sunlight itself. A CIRCUIT NO. 3. Rigi, joey $5,000 guarantee says you ber 91—5th Ave, an@ Pulton.st. % ; Realty activity will soon com- cannot find a single adult- tox 82—Borden and Taylor Sts. + WHERE THE PEACE MEDIATORS ARE MEETING mence; buy where thé industries * at hi Bor 34——7th Ave. and Pulton St. + New picture of the exterior of the Clifton house, Niagara Falls, where the A. B. C.G med ft | will locate. 102tf erant or impurity 11 this Bor 95-01n Ave. and Comox ave, ¥ caucaih ad EN eaAE Gib Sabb Tae wf thot lial etek ed | . “GC mediators ary ete eh ook oe eae cake of concentrated Box 878th Ave. and Dodge PI. * ap aang ates and Mexico, also of the ballroom of the List I sw ‘ Bor 38 ) Ave, and Thompson St 7 ballroom of the hotel where the meetings are being held, and the rotunda. where two or three Et ete ROUSCR WIE Rca cleanliness. CIRCUIT NO. 4 x hundred newspaper writers and artists do most of their news gathering. Helgerson, Ltd. 125tf Bor 414th Ave. and Emmerson + — — Py! Ber 42—5th Ave. and McBride st * Officers Elected 6 Bor 43-—5th Ave. and Green St x 2 Bor 446th Ave and Basil St * At a meeting of the Knights of ’ Bor 45—7th Avo. and Eberts. ¥ ) nie Vik = Box 141-—-7th Ave. and Yung st xt AWAY AHEAD F Pythias last night the election of * officers was held. The follow DADO ISIC IAA tte i Cae ing were selected for the differ- MILD WINTER IN MIDDLE WEST HAD HAD GOOD EFFECTS— (@'! posts: Chancellor command- —and— Sc. es OONDITIONS FAVORABLE, peilor,’. W.. SMBKay;. prelpis, iupeeecer cee cellor, t McKay; prelate, ©. > DRESS W E LL Peoria jRogers: master of works. p¢.|| BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES Sol Ottawa, May 30 The census js askatchewan 79 and in Alberta} Landes; master of finance, J. M. | WESTHOLME LUMBER C0 Limited d by all grocers, and statisties office in a bulletin|88 per cent. of the spring wheat|Dévis; master of exchequer, F. | Phone 186 , g as well issued recently states that ac.|CrOP was reported as seeded by Shaw, master - at - arms, W.| c | oO s are bright | May 6 these proportions compar- |} Hume: inner guard, A, Burtland: cording to returns made by its lis . ay | | 0 s right. ing favorably with the progress | 0U'' guard, F. M. Davis. | crop correspondents, made OU/peported last year on April 30. : Real Estate Bargains { 3) — May 6, about 19 per cent. of the! For the five provinces of Quebec, rhe Prince Rupert Lumber Co, | Lot 28, Blk. 29, Séc. 1....$ 5,500 ‘en sc o fal vs ario . hs Saskatche./|are in a positio oO quote extra | Lot 25, Blk. 16, Sec. 1.... area sown to fall wheat in On-/Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatche- ’ n & position to quot ' extra |? Lots 3-4, Bik. 419, Sec. i.. 45;000 § ER BROS. tario has been winter-killed, this|wan and Alberta the proportion |!0W Price on lime. 125-127 Lots 9-10, Blk. 29, Sec. 1.. 60,000 | ? percentage representing a Peduc_ jof seeding reported as effected eoogonans i 96. ty 3a FE heii arene = SS ee MERCHANT TAILORS of 4132 acres at isio ay 6 was ¢ 48 per ce Lot 53, Blk. ssc tly ' 132,000 acres, that is|on May 6 was about 48 per cent. sot 83, BM: Siegen, :3t Saas | ABABA OURO OUUUUUUUUOO OOOO CUCU IA from 694,000 acres, the area|for wheat, 23 per cent. for oats, Lots 15 to 18, Blk.’ 3, Sec, 2, \§ . . reel —- sown, to 562,000 acres, the area|16 per cent. for barley and 37 per | Lot 28 Blk. 7, Sec. 5...) 5,000 x P| b St mf ttin ,ot 28, C. Bi iced 5, POORPEPEPOPPODEDEPE LESS POOOTE | pected to be harvested In Al eent for all crops. pith and 6, Bik. 10, Sec. 7 Ao ¥ | = td f i um Ing, ed | q Q ! ; ! berta, the other large fall wheat About 14 per cent. of the area on exceptionally easy terms rla, large fal eat Abou é { ares and low rates of interest. and sheet metal work SEEDS! SEE DS! province, fall wheat has been)in hay and clover meadows is re For particulars see Se SD «TT, Ee , A er ; ' : : . killed to the extent of 15.6 per;ported as winter-killed as com- lum Co Ld Have received our 1814 isoring nal representing 36,000 ee pared with 22 per cent. last vear M. M. STEPHENS 8 60., LTD. at fair prices Western P bing eg iting 36, acres, | pi 22 nt. Is { | Seeds vhich will make the area to be: The averag conditior of these} SLO SSLLL LIDS OLLOD OOO OL DOL ODS LOGE | KIKI IIHR ID II IID AIA AIA AAA IASSSAAAAS. RAIA IAAI AAAAKIAAA AKIN FIELD, GARDEN, AND ha sted 193,000 acres instead | crops May 6 was 86.7 per ae st nars FLOWER SEEDS po! 9,000 acres, the area sown: cent. as compared with 89.6 per i é we, . ee eee eee ee ra Agents for llast fa At the corresponding| cent. last year and 74.6 1912 | eee onera DOMINION NURSERY & date last year the percentages Phe condition of the stocl ti. TOIT IRI IRI IIIA I DISA IA IAI IA IIS IAI IIS I SAIS SDSS IIIS ISS ISIS ISISIS SSSI SANSA AAC + ORCHARDS CoO. re of fall wheat killed dut remains generally satisfacto { eis Dealers Feed of all kings tir the winter of 1912-13 were} being reported fo 1 { ida he ) ee oe cen eee CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY for Onta {8 per cent. and for|over 90 per cent f standard j + } ovvanunyiemegiiusiniicnestnieaniniiii Mail orders promptly attended to Alberta 43.5 per cent so that; representing \ healtt ind * 4 wh Lhe winter-killing of | thrifty state t 7 { Prince Rupert Feed Co. wheat in Ontario this year is a - ( T i 208 slightly more than it was last Moved to Endako i * Tae Ave Phone Black 268 yeal n Alberta it i very con crept { 7 THE Se Leer ar, i f 8 very con- eeerecentet mane ener. siderably less, this favorable re- Dr. Stone, who has been con- j 7 j . | sult being. attributable to the|meeted with with the edical ¥ D ILY f P R rt d N rth B C PICNIC mild winter in the weat. The to. (staff of the Haselton hospital for Ls] A or rrince nupert and No ern D.U. ( E tal. area estimated to be sown to|Some time, has accepted ap- l 7 : t fall wheat. including besides On-|PoOintment as medica! attendant { * N E W S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in | CAILLE tario and Alberta, 3,000 acres in| for the G T. P, at Endal and { * Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of i Manitoba, 78,000 acres in Sas- a ee eval Aa eran ! * i the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all katchewan ¢ 27 acres June 4, IS place will be taken | : : at hew , a ae 2,400 7 de Ae tye va > Soh saaia aaa / * is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events rilish Columbia, was 1,006,700, : 8 at » 9 couattl ; ; : +s m : Ae rot couver. Dr. Stone will be missed l ¥ and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- iow reduced by winter-killing in} ne wi * SAFE j ; : : ‘ Ontario and Alberta to 838.700| in this district by his large num l ; ! bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- 4 { Stain |ber of friends with whom he was if 4 SANE mism and ‘reliability. . The condition of falk wheat on|@eservedly popular,—Herald | if * { SPICY The Daily News is the most valuable paper to May 6 was in Ontario returned | ; ates ern ies | j » | advertisers because it is read by the buying public. ae 81.3 per cent. and incAiharta | © 00 4 eee ee Oe OE * R . re a 1,3 per n am n be 4 wi i * IMPARTIAL It has a bigger civculation than any other paper in as 87.3 per cent, of a standaré | COLUMBIA’S BOAT REACHES) * the city. It is read by the class of people the representing the promise of al* NEWSBOYS CONTEST ° RESCUERS * INDEPENDENT , , atthe full crop the percentages on} * advertisers want te tiem aay April 30, 1913, being 83.4 per |» dg oF “6 re sells With four starving, enfeebled | | * INTELLIGENT cent, in Ontario and 76 per cent. | iw OT: AP ec BRB men aboard—all who were} i + ! Wats ate i. Gavted i ;}* chance to win a new suit * ; * In erta, 1 a a lanat Bo 1e i* of clothes every month, * left of fifleen embarked from | { » condition of fall w reat on May 6 | We give a ticket with * the burning Leyland liner| 7 q this year was 83 per cent of the \* every five papers sold * Columbia—a little lifeboat | * } Why ental standard, or 103 per cent. of the * and on June 45 a drawing * which had tossed about the| j yt Me had ts 5 average condition of the past/y» oy all the tickets will take *| Atlantie for fourteen days, was | 7 hs il ork hard at your} five years: represented by 100. | place and the lucky boy *| Picked up by the United States | * Motor. On April 30, 1913, the corres i* gets a new suit of * revenue cutter Seneca. : Df all " boats now within reach | ponding figures of condition of * clothes. Boys, begin to *! Sieh SC ae 4 Call at our store o Third 7 ee ria | gig sat * sell The Daily News at > What everyone should know: ene eur Aven: °—~oppasise eas pes p . ae i a ants beeps a of | * once. * People of discriminating taste ] ob UII III III IIIS III IIIT AAO OOO AIA AAA AA AAAI I In Bn a ” Dene | OC a PB USr Ry im " ‘dine at the G,.T.P, Gafe. : . See this wonderful little|the previous four years. ‘The| * * * # # # % # Hm He me we we OTE i ate BEE NS ennetmad cmne-—2-surtralahangoepeimsinteamtiesompa-msermserncaiaaitincasinibometmpieasion acnasieln. de tbsivtaaiie ists an or demonstrated. condition of the fall wheat crop ——— - this year is, in faet, superior to] r) . ( | ‘ hat of any vear” sine 1910, ark n & Ward Flectric Co., when the record was over 89 per! ON LIMITED ent. of the standard “Uf yy ELror- | Upon the whole prin seed. “iy “ICRL and MARINE Jing was well advan cept in Y) Py CONTRACTORS he marilime pi where } petuty ir , > | ts Rupert, British Columbia | the spris h j re ported | is s abnormally late, and in Que-]| TER THE | bee, where not e than from 3] t VV . | r ae I seeding | \\ jlo & per ee | IINAL CONSTRUCTION}, 7,000) ..200 Noon one! COMPANY | by May 6 | Ontario at this] ny oe ‘tractors & Builders pele about 24 ae v* 8nd alterations, Store and office) i per con! eae ‘ @) N Box sgn Jeenks of barley. td been KO In n Our New Patent Ree. 8 Phone Red 89 nd 40 per ce the total 7 ee == s “ . A x | seeding wil qa EASY-O B Bl T Whi SUBSCRIBE FOR |pleted en Ma is against the DSL LA Ox ack— an— te SE nea nort year on| Tue c THE DAILY NEWS | April 50 in Manitoba 57, in| his Shaman LTD... BUFFALO, N. Y., HAMILTON, ONT,