THE DAILY NEWS Sixiy Years the Standard RRC, | CREAM BAKING POWDER A Cream of Tartar Powder Made from Grapes NO ALUM ee 09 al lomo oo mom eo mo momo mo MS: ONEY back if the re- cipe does not taste better the “‘Royal Standard way.” Try ROYAL STAN- DARD side by side with your pet brand, just as we | test it in our laboratory | side by side with other | flours--we will let sharpen- a ed appetites decide whichis the better way “Spas LOCAL NEWS ITENS a ce iay Try Smith & iitias’ ice cream bes List your houses with H. G Helgerson, Ltd. {25t! While you wait shoe sepairins I, German's, opposite postoffice mws Buy mast Port the in where ean for the money—that Edward, i you get 250 at Lumber Just arrived, Will deliver Prince Rupert bbis close = price Cx { the the fans Al ing the The g00d ball grounds |: collected ot how boys in frames crowds support are Mrs. W. Cartwright of ceouver arrived on boat on a visit to her KE. Cartwright of Kirkpatri clothing store. The Royal Cafe liable. and popular of the city. getting the service, the old, re dining pl You can depend on and best {26tf is ice best cuisine . . The best place in the city to lunch or dine the Royal Cafe The service and the menu can al- ways be depended on 126tf . . is A number of objections to the new bylaws for local improve- nents have been received by the city council, They have all been lreferred to the court of revision, which sits on the Ath. Ss. G0 te The customs returns for the local port for the month of May showed that there were colle¢ tions made upon dutiable goods entered 539 at this port of 811 L. Bullock-Webster ee Seeemenne ee Orne ce nee ea ee epee ees YOUR GROCER IS FLOUR WISE — ASK HIM. | BOUAL-STANRAL | | } As ut #T A EAR 4 Tested F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT “"““ An Education IN BUYING AND A KNOWLFDGE AS TO WHERE YOU MAY GET THE MOST VALUE FOR THE MONEY EXPENDED, write for our Illustrated catalogue, through whieh you will come into direct touch with the faciiities of our big Vancouve store. _ Spleridid Values in Cutlery : AND TABLE SILVER : ere offered all buyers through the medium of this catalogue, in which , the iMustrations and descriptions are truly representative of the real articles. Our prices for this fine Cutlery and Silverware are very meod- erate when the quality of the goods are considered, and this quality backed by our house guarantee Our silverware comes direst to yeu from our own factories | it eee ener rare > eee) Henry Birks & Bias ‘Limtied JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Gee. E. Trorey, Managing Directori VANCOUVER, B.C sesame oe eee ed = Don’t merely smother your cough CURE [ . Mathien'’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not only | iptly arrests coughing, but thenks to its tonic and | arene ig properties it helps the system to throw off | the cold and thus effects a; ure it the largest sale of aay cough and col ld remedy in Canada. nts ———— et st ermanent ¢ It is this quality which has won for | large bottles, everywhere. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Maihiccs Nervime Powders the wonderful headache cur, wil sad chase the pals fr heel, eck set ime =e of ise. T your cold te frverish Roan Sie ~~ 1 a ve i KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No Oils ae. 3 HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ ° ANENI 3 : Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders Plumbers Paints ipplies > Ipplies Stay Satisfactory Range."’ ead The Daily News Delivered by Carrier 50 cents a month of the local exhibition associa- tion, has been elected to the po- sition of an honorary vice- president of the Vancouver Ex hibition association, The city. council has decided upon the advice of the city soli- citor to appeal the judgment of Judge Burritt of the small debts court in awarding Rogers & Black $82 on an old coal con- tract. a. a4 A. Allan has been author- j ized by the city council to take a number of moving pictures of the city for display in the pic- iure houses of the continent. The appropriation is $300 Phe igreement as prepared is n juite satisfactory t the Counci hand will be revised The city building permits for May amounted to $26,500 This Ss an increase over! he sam 1ionth last year In fact practi- cally every month shows a in- ease over the { res] months of previous years a id Ek. H. Wilson of California, the |}mining man who spent a couple of weeks in Rupert recent was ne of the guests on the Admiral Sampson which called here yves- terday Mr. Wilson said he en ved the trip up the Alaskan coast immensely, but f all the places he visited he is stiy in terested in Prince Rupert He expects to return h in a cou- ple of weeks to nto seme mining properties the Mistrict Among the visitors the city yesterday off the Admiral Samp- son was Capt. Grant of Seattle, one of the officers of the Pacific | Stevedoring and Contracting Co., who do all the stevedoring work jin this port Capt. P. G. Groves, ithe local manager of the com- pany, had the pleasure of show- ing a number of the visitors a iportion of the newest and best city on the Pacific coast GEORGE LEEK Real Estate Auctioneer and Valuer Notary Public Fourth St., Opp. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C List your houses with H. G,| THE WEATHER Bee Helgerson, Ltd 125tf _ ETELY Re Furnished by F. W. Dowling 1S 4 2 bj Phe May took about 30 pas Observer BROKEN By i eengers north yesterday, . . . | RSiANs. poeta STE For the 24 hours ending a.m Another Lady Thinks bs : 0 Gentlemen, we buy your old} June 2, 1914 6 MKS “Frult-a-tives” i elothes. Phone 565 116tf| ee = a a tn pee | Barometer reduced to sea ta n The tine ‘uses for sale H. G. Hel ' leve 9.7 SORRSVILE 1 Houses for sale I ' es Houses for sale pe Hel-| IOVGE Fie EVA UHV oes 29.7 1 . ean n, Ltd 126tf Ltd root) Highest bipietW Woy © aie be wo 0's 55 tives wird eee WOWOSG A acevreeteria. 44, of g ! achbar left for the | : commenced + A ae | ar hbar | ) iow the crowd to the Lon-} m s @ gener inds last evening d Cafe there's a reason | ay ummary a world eee | many 1 f { {18tf) Mean temperature ; i9.8 that y s atric orester, . . } Ht Irwin, distric FS r 'Highest (2tset and 22nd i7 and as! ft a morning on the Leila i Have you heard the latest! owes ard its high y { Bella Coola. ibout Port Edward? 102tf| Rain, inches 6.43 Gat tas " r . . . ' _ am 5 : | j some ot nd “a t Fr. K. Wells, the man whe dis Mrs. M. Christian of Inverness | Coe Well “Fruit-a-tives” for | 1, start takin ng vered Surf Inlet mines, left nding a couple of days in| President Hazard of ellesle will be all that claim” W the rests ist evening for a prospecting|,, , told the following at a bar ; he ¢ p to the Queen Charlott » e ’ | A gir! graduate, in taking lea 50% i i . ’ ‘ stands \ Pp Ryan paymaster f or] i Ret Geen, Said, goodnye, pr . 7 ; . esso ~ l oO orget ou amite Folev, Welch & Stewart at New|! ' te ro b for , I yt tholso le or he ; ‘ . iar indebtes Oo yo ol i j Cay Nich n ft 1 | Hazelton, will leave shortly for al n ( i ; John last evening fo a trip tl ines eit on thd P: G4 } know Oh, [ beg of you, replied Massett He will so vis th mie Peres jthe professor don nent | ther ports on Q Charlotte , 8 Millar lama Hn jsuch a trifle slands n for Hudson Bay moun-} : Serpe { wt he will 4 1sRE | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners | ' rere e do assess Bia Fleming, the ocal p-] ‘ = + o-eroun of claims |) bone ‘ tf sent eo the Moone tis : hs: a res ag i ? ‘ ntativ f th fooney B wned by “etenbelé and ai local) - ‘4 ! ompany, left yesterday On) oa ate } the Princess May for Skagway] et ea | Ch h 5 . tf ind a trip into Dawson in the in Wednesday is the King’s birth | m urc ervices- \ Tay terests of his firm He Ww m iday and the government depart gh I a. ubsent about a m th ments will celebrate it as a pub FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . ; ’ ’ 7 | ‘ | Services every Sunday in the , “ ’ jlie holiday The post office gen-|} Church Hall at 11 a.m. and : tit The fishing boat Stirratl ar- } i ry will be per only Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m * rived yesterday at the Cold Stor-|. ara: Ware See See ' Sunday School at 2.30 p. m ’ and rived es erday a 1@ Col 3 -Ihetween 41 a.m. and 4 p,m ! 4 age company's plant with 40,000] re are | ' . “per . — ~ tr - sounds of fish. The Stirratt is| z ; 1 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P M L hl ; three-dory boat. She was fish-| Twelve members of the Royal) COR. YOUNG and FIFTH AVE e Cc ac an “ Players company went north on} Serviess every Guadey at 11 BOX 326 ing south and missed the heavy line ddaw ventana: They will pect am. end 7.20 p.m. Sunday a or of > past fe 8 nt ; aren i School 2.30 p.m Baraca bial weather of the pa tf w day turn @ Prince Rupert in two | Bible Class 2.30 p.m . ee ne aire |] REV. W. W. WRIGHT, B.A., Pastor. RITCHIE, AGNEW & (0 Wm. Manson, M. P. P., has! Oo cgee ye ' ee ee ena te ne : te YT Iv } ned ivertis. | | THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH emporari abandoned adver l'ravellers’ samples of beauti-| SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE ing the road, the bridg ind the i Services every Sunday at 1) Civil Engineers an court house On his return from ful summer blouses have just] am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday g ang B, ©, Lang ene meer ‘ 7 : been received at Demers ind} Seem Ot 3.52 Bae. Surveyors Victoria vestertiay he said thej|° oe REV. MR. DIMMICK PASTOR . ‘ I sale at 81.75 each pe plaid provincia gcovernme would a Sizes range from 34 t 0 it} ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH w sterwork Whart Com start the approach the gov i z ‘ struction Key Plans ’ : * d i Cor. Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place Provincia and Sur ° nent wharf along Mar son | A: detel ttl ceoneings 5 that | Morning prayer, 11. Even ng, Townsites a Subdivisions, Electae way at once | ares : ing prayer, 7:36. Sunday 8 Pr e gatives unt Wie ‘ ‘ : i modern methods f develop | school, 2:30 p. m@ Holy Prints j produce results neve be | Communion first Sunda rhe Prir Rupert Sash andl, ’ : | of month, at if a m, : obtained and costs ss } and third Sunday at « McBride St., Prince Rupert, Bt Lx compa have the contract vidka nom pil sinks. ates Me | a. m : J r installing a mag t new i Lt Sixth St it] REV. GO. A. RIX RECTOR ‘ ros wt ixt Catholic BP St a CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY ' ' i THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEI ne mana The staff of he Ur n bank at! Granville Court SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM ¢ himself,| , . ; . a Sunday services ‘et 11 PRINCE RUPERT TO Sais ; N¢ Ha is be pres t ‘| am, 3andé p.m. sun BY awe : . isy School, 1:30 p. m MONTREA $41.00 has also| With $100 each 1 apprecia | Week aight services Mon rORON 123.98 ree ee ; . a} day, Wednesday, Thurs “ Pat 96.00 id j ira\ for the new h eff ae pr he day and Saturday j " 106.50 Premier hots bar which his ink property during the ‘ tt YEW 144.50 ompany is installing. | robbery CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS c ey Ws, | i Held in Hays Bidg, 245 ?nd Ave | Sunda rvice pa sun sch meets 2.30 SOUTHBOUND pm “Testim ny meetings “ee ° »? EEE EE Te eee Wednesday at 8 p.m Princess Beatrice Sunday, @ pm e ews » Reading room is open =FOR A TAXI?| {ly Suie * » and legal holidays from J. G. MONAB, General Agen CLASSIFIED =. * » p.m Gorner Third Ave. and Sia & * » * ” sea i iieaiedl iad leusailirstittesaeeenstriieniioncccens rE 5 | seacendenpemnaseN wens - — See eee ee FOR RENT i * » CL OP LOLOL OLOROODLELOPDOOOEOOLOLLET a , * pS t — ae 313 Phone a7 P.O, Box 1706 3) ¥ i FOR RENT—t room flat and bath, also| ¥ * | " + a NE-- : J for sale cheay Apply 21 * » Mi t j ’ Sixth Ave West 125tr] |} PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO §) iu + $ FURNISHED ROOM in private family f rig 2 | * t es BON III III III IIIT | FIRST CLASS OUISINE t ¢ * |$ Hot and Gold Running Water In t | AX! t FOR SALE all Rooms * t ~—- Northern Bakery {om ‘nee grange ot tiavore ane ff ; y Cigare kept * + FOR SALE—-Ranges and steves cheap * Galland, McBride Street sot a ae mat ‘hn ‘shaticet fie | THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN ¥ t FOR SALE 20-foot launct n ee BRITISH COLUMBIA “ ALF HALLIGAN 5 first - te . | Oo. box’ Ms sei F. uO » Manager =} PRUDHOMME & FISHET } + ; FOR SALI i « 587 P. O. Box 225 | Proprietors Grandin init itt p iin set an I i | — salad) =bow shi Ap i 3 and Cakes of all descriptions | 3 poeccnncen tet tttttTtTn aig Fresa Dally | i rea PPPODOOPS 1 trade for property, 30] a1 ich, new 8 Bp. engine.| Saturday Special—Scotch Mutton Pies | precccosocebocococooroosoosneeeoeny enero $6.00 geod condition. Price and] } ' - } Apply Box 120, Daily/A rders will receive prompt attention | $1 112-tr] | ‘ N 2 FOR SALE—Tomato plants, per 100 Shipping @ Specialty | sECTIO 5360 50; cabbage plants, per 160, $1.50; ' 5 umber plants, per dozen, $0c; egg j ‘ $3,286 plants, per dozen, 50c; collection of 100 2 flower f » $2.5 All plants picked iN Moss and postpaid. 1000 rates on ap- PRINCE RUPERT BOAT SS SECTION 7 plication John King, Nurseryman, H Ee - , Terrace 106-132 ous Members P.R.L. Vintners Association sm BOAT BARGAIN launch Karl F. for B d | h ———— sale, $1, cash, balance one t CTION §& year. Boat ft. ih length, 12. Oats an unches WINDSOR HOTEL oe $5 } beam; fire 16-h. p. Samson en . » af 7] ‘ | gine wh ives trouble. Speed, for hire. Gasoline for sale Coruer of First Ave. and Eighth St ' 7 miles 500; engine alone W. H Wright, Prop. OR RENT cost $1.1 Can easy be changed SA So ie FO i into fishing boat One of best seal PHONE RED 391 | ’ boats in rwthern waters Complete HOTEL OENTRAL with stove lishes and full uipr it. | : Might consider "eluy i ot ye Se pas | North End of Manson Way first Avenue and Seventh St . ment Box 68 Da ly News 123tr) European and American Plan ANCE —— — woveuseneiienpanemmmee | Peter Black, Prop. ALL KINDS OF INSUR WANTED ' | soe ie Skeena Land District—District of Coast) aor aad nec eae eee Range V. KNOX HOTEL 0 A RD WANTED——Smart young man wh can | x First Ave., Between Eighth and Nioth PA ULLO : R DFO rustle business for’ rooming house.|__ TAKE NOTICE that Lancelot Russel aocanian Pia, falee bee 1641.90 Tl & Phone Red 27 124-30 | Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C., oceu- puros 7 Per Day Y AVE N , ai 7 pation master mariner, intends to apply Beener & Besner, Props. SECOND WANTEL Work by the day or hour, . First class reference Terms reason- | for permission to purchase the followingE Me OY pooccocccertiTn able. Apply Box 101 Daily News, — described Jands: Commencing at a post rroerorrrrrrrt 1231 | planted 4% mile distant and in a northerly J. Y. Rochester V. D, Casley Ww ANTED Woman to do cooking and/ direction from entrance to small bay close | EMPRESS HOTEL : ° chamber work out of town Good jin s o . st side or &te Thirel Ave, Between Sixth anc . Wweges sox 75 News Office i2sur (oe Sends . . & oe as meoeate n Seventh Streets jew Dost f - W. Lees, thence east twenty European Pian, 6O to $1 Per ODay pice chains, thence south forty chains, thence | PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER west twenty chains, thence north forty - —_ SS — ains, following the swore line to the | CORRESPONDENCI mmercial and legal| Point of commeacement, eighty acres REMIER HOTEL papers neatly and quickly exeeuted at | Ore 2 less oe Nite Ameri:jan and European Plan : 1 . : APT {fice Gol May ae ee SSEL WALROND BEAVIS F. V#. Henning, Manager sel Healt ‘ I site Ro otel, . animeenannentig? Sith Siren ' yal Hotel] Published May #6 to July 27 no Leer ROYAL HOTEL } } Cortey & Burgess, Props MISCELLANEOUS Third Ave. aod Sixth St ’ | | European Pien BSicam Heated ’ | WE HAVE RENTED all our houses and nner cannet { applications. Give us your house to rent Prince Rupert Finao BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©O., clers Pr. RK. C. Brown, manager 315 LimITeo Secon! Ave. Phones 205 and Blue 276 3 ’ iemeeee Second Ave. and Sisih St ' IN THE SUPREME COURT oF BRITISH Phone 108 <a COLUMBIA | nen en ' ES | PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., . 7 JIN IME MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ‘The Whisky ame # mouths | HERMETT SAMOUFF, DECEASED, Fraser ana Sixth Sts | : of Quality Prone 7 [IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINIS. - | Dated the 271m day of May, A.D sae Aged in Wood ; : s ly Upon read ading affidavits of J. H. Mc- 8 Years | te tb + lOmieis) Administrator tor ear a before bottling County of Atlin, shall be Administrator cf jail and if the estate of Henmet:| GUARANTEED BY THE WVERTISE IN | Sabouft eased, intestate, and that no-| GOVERNMENT of CANADA | ; ® ; 0 , See of rder be published “in the : a ell ” Prince Rupert Dally News ip two con- | ———— A ° recs what dng HE DAILY NEW Ce r. MeB. YOUNG, L738. Cc ji the Brandl SN Ad oll CEMA I DEL RISE