SS 7 . THE DAILY NEWS - f WRT ee ee is Prince Rupert’s leading Paper : f: ‘ wrt mouge. wie ‘the. tore 4 opean RELIABLE ALIVE \ ane ae hit with: » foul. eneneey ih TT 7 % he "% Cr ot? hs eae n nbcansatl \ Vo. 128 PRINGE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS SS NDUS MAKE A STRONG APPEAL TO HIS MAJESTY Se PROTEST AGAINST CITY SPENDING MONEY ON PLANK ROADS-.--SUFF eS SCARE ROYALTY B PROPERTY OWNERS OPPOSED |e HH HH SUFFRAGETTES CAUSE ‘INV ADING HINDUS SA se RRR PETITION » * | * 6 * N YCHOL REDECKING P K RO AYS * en : ee a pei * eae at wis | LAN ADW * The morning apologist # ec ane study of psychol- # KING AND GOVERNOR - GENERAL wwe Be eee apologis Plot Biecovered Against King’s’ y ; of the Conservative ring * Ss Ki F E li |* ogy has revolutionized the * _— * endeavors to give credit * naar aoe . "al "fiee ne |* theory and practice of #* COURT OR REVISION ON THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT BYLAWS|* {9 Wm. Manson and the * = Me ee ee * modern business methods, *|SAY THEY ARE STARVING, HAVING | NO WATER NOR FOOD— SENDS QUESTION BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL * provincial government for ¥# pret: oe Dial ek i\* Today the up--to-date * OFFICIALS SAY PLENTY OF WATER ABOARD—VAN- FOR RECONSIDERATION * paying up the local im- * 4 |# business man lays all his * COUVER HINDUS REFUSE TO SUPPLY FOOD snail * London, June 4.—The_ police} f oe provement taxes charged * : \* plans with that in view. #* scree } perty owners affectedjnot to consider protests against|* against the province on ¥* have learned of a plot against|y His aim is to take advan. ¥* (Special to The Daily News) aboard. Regarding the question he redecking of the plank] the bylaw itself. |* their section two prop- *|Prince Henry, the King’s third | tage of the psychology of * Vancouver, June 4.—-The Hin-jof starvation, the vessels charter dways the city are making} Ald. Morrissey, who is one of * erty. Why shouldn't the *|son, and special guards have been|* the crowd. To do this he # dus on the Komagata Maru have) provides that the Hindu leader e kick against the |e court, thought all the bylaws;* province pay up? ‘They *# placed at Eton. Emmeline Pank -|} knows that he must get #*]Sent a petition to King George/shall provide provisions, but he , a }should go through as the city|* did not pay last year and * . 1c : 5 rl in touch with their un- %*]@nd the governor-general stating refuses to purchase unless per- jone, They say the hurst now occupies the house ; | eing done, i jwas obligated to take the money|* they raised the rate of in- *|opposite Buckingham palace and/* conscious thinking. He [that they are starving and are}sonally allowed to go ashore. grading will cost less|from the bond brokers, and to |* terest to 12% on overdue *J|the King has ceased his dailv| wants to fill the thoughts * without water. The latter is de-|The local Hindus decline to sup- payments and it is use-| withdraw the bylaws now and;* taxes to make private */pjdes in Hyde park “|* of the public with ideas of *|Mied by the officials, two hun-|ply food unless the immigration vaste money on plank/submit new ones would make|* owners pay up. Also this * Rie? i* his business. Then when *]dred tens of fresh water being}officials release the ship. ithe council appear like ninnies."|# same government com- ¥ they want anything in his | qm Se ee I tter was brought to the; The mayor believed the finan-|* pelled the city to borrow * ROOSEVELT’S VISIT TO : ine | they: unconsciously: Si, EMPRESS OF IRELAND of the city council andjcial end of it would not be dis-|* money at 10% to pay 1 * i*® think of him. Accordingly x1} | t « pe ip ini } cco QI) Li RA Ee gust body shifted it over ace He tavored reconsidera-|* its indebtedness to them. * MADRID OBJECTED TO * through the medium of * In the Letter Box iad oo ae yurt of revision. The/tion of those bylaws where the|* Yet Wm. Manson would ¥* * the daily papers he keeps * : : sat es (Special to The Daily News.) evision met today and | owners want permanent work in|* like to have credit for the *ip, “ himself cont all 56. ae Se ; Bae: j a : : | ‘ é ) é esentment Aroused Over His ImMNs¢ COnLINUGITY VE Quebec, June 4.—It i der- back to the city coun-|place of redecking. * government paying an *! Activities in Spanish-Ameri- * fore them. By and by his ¥* oe Hie he natia Sein aaa The prOpers os af-| The citv engineer showed that|* honest debt, part of which * can War—Alleged Plot * name gets to be a house- * cis ae 2 aaah ees ployed to raise the battleship holding a meeting this!in several cases a 16-foot per-|* is a year overdue. * * hold word and his future *|To the Editor, Daily News. ; ‘en . ; 4 7 . ; ; ; cate aS vaw vonr|Maine is sending divers to the ind expect to meet the|manent roadway would cost very |* What is the matter * Special to The Daily News * is assured. Why don't * Dear Sir: 1 wish to draw your ike ranks CHMMe An. outfit: ia’ ai tonight in a body|little more than the redecking of |* with giving a little credit * a eer : oie * you let The Daily News *|/attention to an article which ap-| — I Nine aps, Serie : ge their protest the plank roads # 0 the individual who pays * MAG ARR ene) news * make your name a house *\peared in the columns of your ready at the scene seeking to sé- The members of the court of On ‘Summit V i El * his taxes? = acts Bere epeett | Ae. vislh.0 * h ‘Id word? j * i f Jun 2 in regards to-atss the million and a half of embers > 0 of) ‘ f . aoa ( 2y- s axes ‘ 0 0 ssue ¢ a se p “ oalize Ahis thane. ie .alenth.. avs oe oe slev : . Col. Roosevelt on account of lus * , Sliatior wi MG foots “the city | Teasure aboard and will survey ‘on sense in the pro-lagainst the entire work [## HARE OO ee ewe ooo ttivities in the Spanish-Aueri-l) yg 4 eee ees 6 ee & & # {dealing with a certain plumbing|"°esdine the raising of the ehtp, i them. but ; the Ona Ht ie ad aa as ; can war. An attempt on tis lite , in a ies rain 7 wos : You pvr ene eee { wo em, ) e ie assessments on 1e var- ate ponpicttnncianinaloodisk has been discovered. arent oa estimnatniniepmangrininniinseneita question Cc arose. ; MILITANCY AROUSES empowered to con- |ious bylaws were confirmed, but Empress Theatre Pres is MEXICAN GOVERNMENT the error arose through the mis- aoriee OPPOSITION f against the assess-|the bylaws themselves will he sy acne Says Uleteh Ie. Unoonquerabt ISSUES BLOCKADE ORDER) wnderstanding on the part of the de under the bylaw and | liscussed this evening. The six-reel big photo play aha : plumber. You will please cor (Special to The Daily News.) ‘CI it pe th Hel G ; eo (Speciai to The Daily News.) rect this at once as this matter I d j ij Th ti leopatre Vv e elen yard. Special to The Daily News Mexico City, June 4 The fed-Jis not cleared up and I consider ,ondon, June 4,— e nation XCHANGE BLOCK SOLD YESTERDAY’ Li ner players at the Empress is Belfast, June 3.—Sir Edward}/eral government has blockaded|you have no right to. make any,'> aroused over militancy and it u ul Ek, . ; is ad to | h f AND WILL BE REMOVED possibly the most lavish produc-|Carson declares that Ulster cao-|the ports, preventing the landing|such statements before you are|{'S er Lae eee x“ sor fay in) ary : - not be conquered and states his|of arms for the constitutional-|authorized criminal conspiracy against a : Mnatinve tion in point of taste, finish and OF § ti? { Ce ates thik 5% ee arr general detail. The utmost pains army is going to have more/ists reported to be en route from I remain, Peet subscribing. to their Dne of First Buildings Erected in| Vancouver 1, Portland 0 have been taken to present thi rifles notwithstanding the re-!New Orleans. WM. GRANT. | funds. : | oa : . ' 5 : ad efforte 2 . 0 ae ae! ‘icin ioscan Mistiee City—Ground Lease Expires Spokane 14, Tacoma 3 most dramatic life study of doubled efforts on ‘the ei part f sr, ror so : se : Y ‘ —Will Be Removed Seattle 4, Victoria 3. “Royal Egypt.” the government to prevent gu: - Lydia Got 60 Days (This question relates to some A Pioneers’ Ceiebration a ce 3) i > ” ‘ bis a running. a connections made in the plumb- 1 oO elen Gardner in the part o : ara ee ae E ; ; : teas aie hange block on the * “Cleopatra”. is intense se ; Lydia is a Siwash girl of ten-|ing of the Otto Nelson building.| 4 ™ovement is on foot to ' I Andiatke SGaklahace seopatra 1s intense. SO POW-{ Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. 7 ; celebrate the vacation of the old Third avenue and Sixth OS Anegeles 0, Vakiand « erful is her grip of the past that] phone 4 tf der years and demure counten-|The building inspector would not $ cere \. s been sold. This build- Sacramento 2, Portland 1 one is completely carried away— ; 2 es Be ance. She is built like a battle pass them, as according to his|Premier hotel premises, the last don ground leased| ‘°"'°* * San Francisco 0. — tiransported for the time being—|ly ose sua # om # & & & & @| SDP and navigates like a boom#interpretation they were not iniiandmark of “Knoxville” i) the BR Sat National and must rejoice or grieve with| , * of logs on a rolling sea. Shejaccordance with _the bylaw. AJoartier days. Old timers are en- t her in her many triumphs” and], Wh Is His Spirit? * dresses in approved civilizedjreport to that effect was sub- thusiastic over the idea and the se has now expired] Brooklyn 6, Boston 3 atheauvuias cc ahoeikans idenliahn ere 's Mis Sp style and when she comes into|mitted to the city council by the} — aa é thinntd 1 5 : . ‘ 3 OE ea : GAR rs ; : ninp [event may be more than a gath- | have to be re Philadelphia 10, New York magnetic impersonator of “Cleo-|y aT F Ww «| police court, as she frequently}engineer and building inspector} |i). of pioneers as talk is being All tha *beieohaos re St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 2. patra The scenes chosen are|y oie January rast ice | does, she wears a blue ribbon|and adopted Mr. Grant, how- ee of Fea aR the proud avs nhthin tn dove, Chicago .6; Pittsburg s entrancing, the carefully trained,}y Ai oe ee ee ae » | Pangeau to give a chic appear-jever, insists that his interpreta-.iound the old Premier into a aE gama A See atts den Gbkit ieavnnd anene : or, dis¢ a . proposec ye | ance to an otherwise placid face.|tion is right and it may be tested forest of. tents, descriptive: of Ake been | 1 the ee pany complete the treat This] y te vos a the OT the aI Lydia was up again this morn-|in the courts.—Ed. News. | old settlement and picturing the TD novec oO e 5 ’ yuy power rom 1e | ss a e S , : 2 § fain Sak Washington 2, New York 0, film has filled houses and i8|y prine mn nahi leds j}ing charged with immodest eon- ona brisk, happy and glorious pioneer S ‘ census nee Cleveland 6, Chicago 2—10]|filling houses all over the world |, oe Cs eee Iydro- *| duct, A shamefaced gentleman TOLLS EXEMPTION REPEAL days ce oe eee The a ane 9 : , Pere ? and Prinna al te tn Nite ~OOLEIC 005.4 ; friend was in court also as a DELAYED IN SENATE| |; : F *s ds innings ey ee aes 7% ee ri * “It has been said that * oii celebration. is intende dto pro- } 0 é x S greé opporti ; ss. , oa 9 i 5 I ding is one of the! philadelphia 10, Boston 5 ua :" : - ae ern » F kin * the company will come *| ‘phe magistrate said he had (Special to The Daily News.) vide for the entertainment of the f the to aving bee ' > ; F ore O:)- ORO: BROUAS BES 8; o Prince ort any cere s a : men, Women and_ chil o Me town, having been St. Louis 7, Detroit 5. Miss Marie: Shepard continues tu * into Prince Rupert any- *\civen this Indian girl lots of Washington, June 4.—A reso-|i) 44), a 8 i . dren of after the Empress * way. Well, let them try. * ets a Rib lut saliine. for the arbitra: lese pioneer days, the expenses the Alder block, It delight the audiences nightiv!y phe city has rights and a *|) varning and ordered her out of//ution calling for the arbitration! +. defrayed by voluntary sub- 810.000 Satin and GORGEOUS PICTURES with her dainty songs and adds aly ineat like tt eae aad the city, but it ‘vas of no avail.Jof all differences betweea Great)...i tions, Old timers who can Tete pa ‘ ae AT THE WESTHOLME| pleasing diversion to the gro- : oe me ne ane a te x He then ordered a term of 60]Britain and the United States}. i ong hana therefore notify 1 porwon OF ine periot gram. -Tonightis*the last night MOl 1D: WG “PROPS mares Avs jdays in jail, and Lydia will have|was introduced in the senate on : ; : : I ght is the la t . . ven and eight hundred , ‘ . 6 * Since then MeBride has *| ie : ‘ie the acting secretary, A, Cuthbert, Of the many portrayals” inlof ‘Cleopatra.’ a chance to wash the jail and|the eve of the passing of the re- : a F month in rent * made a deal to let the * rul -i , 4 ogee af . . so that arrangements can be plays and pictures.of the great weenie ERE ee * company in Is ‘William *| rub the kitehen floor by way]peal of the tolls exemption and mate for vafrastiaents din . . : mee : ' ; of recreation. is expected to delay the latter. ; sad ’ : Entered a Counter Claim Cardinal Richelieu, that present- ({n Alberta newspaper records|* Manson meeting it with * ae bigs cite oe Friday, June 12, is the date pro- ed at the Westholme opera house|the wedding of Miss Lena Good|* “the proper spirit,” or is *] * - s—=jposed to hold the event. , y i A the/and Mr. Lincoln Damm at the|*® he accepting the deal * per erent — errr ere i to The Daily News last evening in four reels by the nd an ‘ é I é i M June 3.—The own-|famous Thanhouser players. is Evangelical chureh at Listowell.’® meekly and trying to shift * Same as Vancouver } . : ao eS ' That is what might be called a]*® the responsibility? * Bhasin if ollier Storstad have one of the very best. It presents ‘ . @ countenchiaim . amainat Damm-Good match, as it were.|* * “The kitchén furnishings of ( dian Mainitie: dattwes fee the great cardinal in a_ more Revelstoke Review. ee ee ee ee ee the Hotel Prince Rupert are ex- 1.01 7 CnaMaAELIA with tha favorable light, showing his vir St act duplicates of the furnishings lis of the collier and the|tues rather than his vices, his in the new Vancouver hotel, RE. ; | Ireland, alleginglamiable more tha nhbis irascible pee ec teleibicesuniieecnneNalbemnrires which is the most modern. in ote e in the navigation Of|side. The pictures are perfect, x 7 America,” said G. W. Morrow, K nah ‘ane The C. P.R. claiming costuming and staging gor-|¥ ; _ eee ef 5 new. Nae suk the Storstad, on the geous, and the story interesting x e m Fess ea re ; 38 8 ce ee ar ner hand, is for 82,000,000 and historically correct And - * at numerous as the big Vancou- the captains of the ves- oo the music! Surely the ever-]% — — : ver hotel, but otherwise they are nvatng “we followed the popular Westholme : orchestra ‘ * just the same. Everything is the rect rules laid downy, thus was at its very best last night in ¥ TO. ‘NIGHT AND THURSDA Y : Eigael 8: S88 ie ‘ the blame for the ACCI~) euch selections as “The Hugen- x + ere : — ther h Mie shoulders of the) oi. “Cavalleria Rusticana,”|% THE GREATEST MOTION PICTURE EVER MADE * ’ “Robert le Diable,”” “The Con- t 7 pilacienieceedae Teas “Suivig allet.” * Ketchi queror, and Sylvia Ballet * Helen Gardner * E T chikan Caisten July 1 These areé metropolitan programs |¥ + ‘ismeephel such as are generally heard in 3 * Ct Phe haseball boy 4 ‘ ase . , ly and spealh * masebs ys have ar-jthe largest cities only an speak * ‘ged with the Ketchikan ball| worlds for the musical ability of ‘ z OPERA HOUSE “im to play here on July 4 at|the Westholme orchestra anl)% ¥ Dominion day sports. The|the cultivated taste of the audi~ | % : TONIGHT! TONIGHT! 4! ball boys. wili send a teamjence, These pictures with the IN 8IX REELS r ; Ny meee th to Ketehikan to play a re-|great two-ree! comedy, “In’ the 7 MAGNIFICENT DOUBLE I - , 9 ae ———- ' Bame on July 4, Clutches of the Gang, 48 4 * FEATURE PROGRAM “chaser will be repeated to- Egypt's most beautiful woman and queen. Direct from Vancouver . Perens in New York City to crowded ho * i night. and now running in y w uses; and the sweet 6 d R h lj f W: d singer : ar inal ic e bus ar 8, 0 Lots of Halibut * IN FOUR REELS ; Marie She ard * THE WOMAN WHO WENT UP ON THE PLANKS haa i ; ‘atiadfan’ an p * And the rip-roaring two- P ‘akee Second Avenue jot near Several of the Ganadle * i mr naar MoBride oe ompany’s fleet »| Mrs ells, wife of the manager of the Dominion Bridge com- Owner will sell Lot 49, & Cold Storage ¢ : will sing her latest songe at each performance. . Blook 14 ‘ “ * i ; y » Roy » Raha: Section 1, for : have been in this week with good Prices: 150 and 26c. Performances at 7:30 and 8:20 p. m * pany, ROW building the Ray gl bank building in Toronto, KEYSTONE COMEDY 1 0 i Sit Carmi Sia ual * which when completed will be the highest building in the In the Clutches of the 9 catohes 1 Vraer British e ire. She . i . srick car w Gang $ ’ 00 95.000 unds, the Kelly 95,000, You cannot afford to miss this Great Feature. Firet and Only Time Here 7 load = atts Abe bet on =e Gerrick A a with. the - Inet : youn i 2e ste e twentie . » orow 'erms: $8,000 cash, balance at the “fe . a5.ood, an dthe Za- The most remarkable photographic as well as dramatic sensation .¢ + on the saeeet 1 Sea cerpaghogs ) de a a nso Nee re crowd i Ma ui ‘nd of three years; the Foster tm the motion plotures—6,000 feet of fascinating, soul-stirrin * r ¥ gasped as they watched the heaving Admission: = 15¢ and 26¢ years; interest 8%. ae ng a total of 9 @ romance. bundle of blanke ‘ ; 8; bassa 65,000, making” ae * oundle of pianks being drawn up the side of the building, but Children, 100 Box 72 DAILY nawe one-third of a million pounas re * Mrs, Wells, between her husband and the foreman of the eon- ' tPereee past three days. FAI OIC EI III IOI IAI IK struction gang, knew no fear. peaived in the sethesope pe q i H é q , a ea ie | : 1H é ) \ aR Gis ij -) BH t I ; H ie hy 2 -: : : : a i | | “ig e! y i. ee 5 te bie oH i" t ie tot i a i’ i H | Ag A ee : + of I iB |: : 3 q sane