THE DAILY NEWS 5 SR rms nnn rm ABSOLUTE CLOSING OUT SAL | CALE! THE OLD STORE ALE! STARTS EEO" The Acme Clothing House | JARDA will be closed Thursday and Friday preparing stock and Cutting Prices for the most GIGANTIC CLOSING OUT SALE EVER STAGED HERE JULY Ist WE QUIT Ms ‘ iF N Of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Men’s Furnishings and Valises; comprises the balance of the remaining stock in our 5 OLD STORE, which must be sold entirely by JULY 1st, and we are going to sell same at prices that will inthrall ard hold you spell bound, as we do not intend to move one dollars worth of these goods to our New Store iG | JULY = 1st WE QUIT ‘ ‘ weer OD eS) OLE LOL PL IPOD ILL OL PL LPL PDL POLLO LOL ODD AN ‘ of y erecee core wrest ¢ ener 34 Men's Tweed Suits, odd Men’s Felt Hats, all shapes. Men’s All Fur Felt Hats, odd Men’s Waterproof Coats in ¥ { tines, in sizes 33 to 42. Regu- | Regular $2 lines. Regular $3 value double and _ single texture. mic: dee values $10 to $15. f Every coat absolutely guaran- ; For - 7 5c Some o the teed. Regular $15 to $20. ; Worsted $ prices $18 to $22. ; sizes. While they last : Your Choice - $5.75 H. B. K. Men’s Shirts. Regu- 65c 90 Men’s Serge, Tweed and Suits. Our regular Nearly all , t lar price $1.50. ' Sale Price Men’s Balbriggan Under- wear, all colors 25c Garment Boys’ Buster Brown and Blouse Suits, sizes 21 to 26. Regular price $4.00 Bargains we are offering For - $1.00 Odd lines and sizes in Men’s Linen Collars 5c Each EVERY PAIR OF SLATER SHOES AT LESS THAN COST Sale Price - $6.95 100 pairs of Men’s Slater Oxford Shoes in Diack, tan and patent leather. Regular $4.50 to $5.50. Your Choice - $2.35 Men’s Brown Overalis, dou- ble seat and knees. Regular price $1.25. ' Your Choice- $10.00} For - $1.95 Cterce Sale Price - 50c ; ; rene We give you these few lines merely as a criterion to judge of what’s going to be doing here at this Sale. Everything must be sold and will be in readiness when the doors swing wide on Saturday Morning Store for Rent and Fixtures for Sale ~ Soe oa : COME EARLY TO THE OLD STORE i ‘ Next Westholme Theatre r ‘ACME CLOTHING HOUSE} | : Sale Starts Saturday, June 6th at 8 a.m. i \ ; A i ETAL KEENE a 1: