i * i : i 4 2 F THE DAILY NEWS ; oy See Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. Houses for sale H. G, Hel- TP ep gerson, Ltd. 125tf List your houses with H. G.j| ee Helgerson, Ltd. {25tf;| The Royal Cafe is the old, re- Cah a jliable and popular dining place What everyone stiould know Jot the city. You can depend on People of discriminating taste|getting the best cuisine and best dine at the G.T.P. Cafe. 83tf | service. 126tf ADMISSION FREE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HALL Helgerson Block, Corner Sixth Street and Third Ave. WILL BE GIVEN FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY NEXT SATURDAY, AT 8 P.M. A FREE LECTURE DEMONSTRATION OF THE MARVELLOUS ENGLISH INVENTION, THE Veedee Health Machine THE FAMOUS WONDER-WORKING INSTRUMENT A Typical Audience at a Veedee Goi bectionbandbaiied These Public Demonstrations;platform to as many sufferers as conclusively prove the Veedee's|time will permit. Marvellous Power to It is not the Demonstrator but INSTANTLY STOP PAIN tne wonderful machine which one does » work, ¢ ven ¢ and its Extraordinary Curative |‘ ne me were and even a Value for successfully treating] ‘Eu or ave oc SAR neo: many disease at home without Pee ners § ey at wanes as > : H. M. THE QUEEN OF SPAIN, Medicine, Surgery or Electricity, rs J See p ‘ cetera eee H. M. THE QUEEN OF POR- LOCAL SUFFFRERS from all} TUGAI H, THE KING OF BULGARIA and thousands of others. VEEDEE HOME TREATMENT NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, Painful Complaints such as: | SCIATICA, NEURASTHENIA, is fully endorsed, recognized and NEURITIS highly commended by hundreds TTT . ;of the Jeading Physicians and LUMBAGO ‘Scientists in every country. le . WEAK ll American users compris: DEAFN ear | Thousands of the Leaders in § PARALYSIS. iciety, Art, manors ire Law and |Science in every state. Ss , Beers These Free Lecture Démon- IAT: tH, | Aw “ istrations have created’ intense ONC Ss < ee interes in Paris, London, New GOITRE, xy rk, Montreal, ete., proving k rs that the Veedee is the most per- are cordially invited to attend Pint: SGV nie ana ENmeE Get yl ° an this Convincing Demonstration, i stag : ’ H = Treat ee Wa 10: thats: tee, VRER OM re aes.” ° CHARGE, the immediate effects |'"" ay OY attnogeee are of the Veedee Blood Circulator's have recently attended these de- FREE TRIALS }monstrations in the principal which will be allowed on the | cities of Canada. INSTRUCTIVE AND INTENSELY INTERESTING ONE NIGHT ONLY—-NEXT SATURDAY AT & O’CLOCK ONEY back if the re- cipe does not taste better the ‘“‘Royal Standard way.” Try ROYAL STAN- DARD side by side with your pet brand, just as we test it in our laboratory side by side with other flours--we will let sharpen- ed appetites decide which is the better way YOUR GROCER IS FLOUR WISE — ASK HIM. OVAL STAN A> FLOUR' ts Tested F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT (E pao he heal o aloha o hal alo flo nfo aml mo bmi Shay ALL SEATS FREE List your houses with H. G. [WHEN BUYING YEAST Helgerson, Ltd, 1°" FINSIST ON HAVING Gentlemen, we buy vou 0 THIS PACKAGE clothes, Phone 565 116 The price is right and the f is good. London Cafe 12°tt Houses for sale. H. G. He gerson, Ltd. 12 Everything that’s good to ea at reasonable prices at the I don Cafe { Th. Collart, who has b Terrace on business this will return this aftern ees: DECLINE SUBSTITUTES e ans or the foundation for the turbine ind ; generator for the citv | List your houses with H. G. OF electric plant were receive ~ Helgerson, Ltd. {25tf terday and preparations : ting them in will proceed Why trouble to develop yout eaten ene own films when McRae Bros., Bud Corley of the Royal hotel! pita. Sixth street, will develop has offered a meal tr the linem by their new process which player making the firs ; . produces the best possible re- run in any City league gam a sults, and the cost to you is 15¢ ‘ the series with os ees a roll, any size? 128 eague star tcam to b player . . . Friday and Saturday The Hazelton baseball team, th arrives s cify at 5 Wn acieGnint aoeetie will: be a“ h arrive in this cits held at the dry dock for the pur- o'clock today, will be the guests pose of organizing a football|of the Empress theatre manage- club. The boys down on the dock!ment tonight at a box party in site have a_ good recreation | the theatre. The local baseball ground cleared and expect to get) players will also be included, a good football team. mie aah. @ W. E. Denning, the local dele- G ORGE LEEK gate to ihe Longshoremen’s E union cotivention at Vancouver, returned yesterdays and was heartily greeted by the boys as the boat pulled into the dock. Mr. Denning was elected one of the vice-presidents of the or- ranization, eigen Roy Clothier of Stewart has temporarily abandoned the idea if opening an assay office here as his furnace and tools were burned in the Stewart fire He and his brother are still nego- tiating for a contract for oper- ating the Silver Cup mine. They E t t Agent are now in Hazelton examining S a e the property. Auctioneer and Valuator Yhe Prince Rupert Licensed} Notary Public Vintners’ association has decided | to put up a silver cup for the|Fourth St., Across from Land City ball league. The cup will be| Registry Office, Prince Rupert. on exhibition in Cole’s window) - -a ee ae this afternoon. It will be pre-| ; sented to the pennan. WAletr “Di We have bought the the league, and any team win- ning it three years may retain it RAINIER CAFE W. B. Smith is the city en route for the interior to drive} ey ee ye noe and will continue to supply a the orses helonging 0 essrs, h iy is ' ' ; high grade of meals in English, shea ane mith contractors, Stell American, Chop Suey, Noodles, across counery rom Sle a oO and any Chinese style. Soda Creek. The firm has a con- me aH) : die tract for 15 miles of grading at -—-——— }Quesnel on the P. G. E. and are moving their plant The ma- CHEOW WOY SAM chinery will: be sent to Fort Soe ee eT | ee George and down the Fraser to Quesnel, RARE CHANCE Tite has now got the two top floors of thte Hote! Prinee Rupert carpeted and by Saturday TO MAKE MONEY I ave all the arpets O will have al he carpets down. in Prince Rupert for an active, en rhe first shipment of furniture terprising man or woman by selling s alréeac ~ a aA : a4 new health and toilet appliance is already n the dock and the in great demand and without com- Dalance wilt arrive on the steam- petition A quick seller at large 4 ; ‘ : profits No pervious experience rs tomorrow and day. it required; only smail capital needed will be installed mmediately. to carry stock, Write immediately The mahogany fu shing of the Gomes bar room will be mpleted Sat- BOX 124 DAILY NEWS urday. fe EEE N EEN NEARY E RY EERE ERLE EY EYEE LE EN EEN EARLS PEOPLE OF Prince Rupert he great bargains we are offer- ing them, as our stock is rapidly being bought up. Hawaiian Pineasple, Ser UO Boia bike i ccehcce 10c Hawaiian Pineapple, large size .............. 2 for 25c Hawaiian Pineapple, regular 30c tins; our price, each 15c Ham Loaf or (Shicken Loaf Splendid EES AS an Ae 2 for 35c for picnics or sandwiches California Asparagus Tips, small white or large green o's ¢ Cath esa 4.4: biecka MPa Ale aa eth iN o.0 a 80 ..2 for 36c Old English Breakfast Tea, reg. 60c Ib.; now......., 35c Gouns, all:vwarletiag (505 8 ba S. ..3 for 25c Take and make up your orders today or you may be disappointed, OPEN EVENINGS Griffin & Co. FIRE AND MARINE SALVAGE BROKERS 617 THIRD AVENUE STORE OPEN EVENINGS SRR RIOR IRR TORE RT TT TT TT FEI OCI IO IACI IC Ie tet Ich Tht Lhe best place in the city to lluneh or dine is the Royal Cafe, i'The service and the menu can al- wavs be depended on, 126tf the organization league will be \ meeting for lot a city football held in St. Andrew's society feet tomorrow evening. It is lexpected that five teams can be }formed and some good sport will Ihe time of the meeting m. result Y p is . . . arrived of the dock be who east steamer Henriette with a big cargo She carried for the dry These will Thompson, the rhe last night llocal freight. big boilers power station, Mr. urrived lasi week from to instal them, oe Leek has rented a the McCaffery block on street and moving his and insurance office store has been di- vided into two sections, one of which will be used as an auction room. Arthur J. Lancaster, lately of El Paso, Texas, will be associated with Mr. Leek in the insurance business two erected by George store in Fourth estate there The is real The day News error in stating that Roy oe 43. Pi going with the Continental Development Co. It is John Merryfield, who is assis- tant to Mr. Steele, who is taking a position with the mining com- pany. He leaves the G. T. P. next month, Mr. Steel is now spend- ing a couple of weeks’ vacation in the south. was in yester Steele of 18 Oak Dar k about a tells this long-suffering wife seemed to up. After frantic one with ber conversation, remarked: “Thaddeus, I suppose when I die you'll have a An story lady husband, whose be driving evening perpetually wound him almost she mausoleum built in my mem- ory?” “I will do nothing of the sort,” returned the exasperated Thaddeus. “When you die I will have you cremated and your ashes placed in an hour glass. Then you can keep’ going for ever. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Four-room flat and bath, also For Saie Fishing boat 41 feet feet 7 inches broad, 3 inches in depth, equipped 30h p. f-cycle Catmuran banks - Morse marine long, feet 9 with lair engine THOR WW THE STOMA Price $41,500, Apply Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Prince Rupert, Comp! efely Removed or A. Bailey, Inverness Can hen Shy nery, 107-38 Took ' We Q- es" The pretty teacher was trying | ‘ ; sth. 1674 to explain the difference between | end ' ; good conduct and had Good| # . actions,” she explained, “are the! ; lovely flowers. Bad ones are the| t t weeds. “Can you tell me, Wal ; ter,” she asked the quiet little} aj i fellow in a back corner seat, ‘‘the} At difference between flowers and | 7. : weeds? What are flowers ?| (yoNced me them as she had heard What are weeds? “Weeds | of a si red said Walter, who had been | tal a am struggling with the sorrel in his| ,, t, I began to take mother’s garden, “are the plar ts | APPY result that want to grow, and flowers] to , are the ones that don't q Bre THE WEATHER | h to | © trast . : x Sal : } te For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m ‘ will June 4, 1914 acai “ talld t on Tr nf Barometer reduced to sea By Fruit-a-tives Limit 7 ; | pricy level 50.090} — We and Highest 4 FPPPEEERERE RE 2. +o4ay LOWONG Fak ec eeee’ ‘eu 44. t " ub ri * FOR A TAX seiibdasianiii % ‘ 2 eS CANADIAN PACIFIC ALY. |! * SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM t ' PRINCE RUPERT TO * nea \f 15} * se MONTREAL and return $141.00 * + TORONTO and return 128.00 * * §T. PAUL and return. 96.00 tr * CHICAGO and return... 108.60 PRIN NEW YORK and return. 144.50 t WIROE RUPERT AUTO 00 f (ither points correspondingly low + Effective June 1st. Final "return OIC IIOIOIOIOIOIOIIOIO I oii limit October Sist —. SOUTHBOUND RITCHIE be E & (0 , AGNEW & (0, Princess Beatrice Sunday, 8 p.m. J. G@. MoNAB, General Agent iyi — ivil Engineers ana ®@, ©, Corner Third Ave. and Sixth 8&t. o g oy C. Land Surveyors Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. | Wat What Ww. TAKE NOTICE that I, Arthur H.Jmes/ S'ruction, Keports, Plans, a Pigott, of Victoria, B. C., occupation} Provincia wet eae e cane manager, intend to apply for permission| ‘28, Tow e3 8 Subdiris bate to lease the following described lurds;| Blus | gatives snd Wee Commencing at a post planted at high| P7'nts water mark at the southwest corner of Portiand Canal District, marked Lot 467, “A. H. P. N. E. Cor.;" thence foll. wing the high water mark in a soushe:ly direc tion approximately 60 chains to a post marked “A. A. P. 8. E. Cor.,” ihence cue west to low water mark, thence following the low water mark in @ nortberiy direc- tion approximately 60 chains, to a point at low water mark due west from jxint of commencement; thence due east to point of commencement, containing 8060 acres more or less ARTY KR HOLMES PIGOrT W. Stewart, Agent April 20, 191 i? Published Mey 18 to July 20. Skeena Land District—District Range V. TAKE NOTICE that Lancelot Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C pation master mariner, intends to for permission to purchase the followingE of Coast Russel , occu apply PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER CORRESPONDENCE, commercial and legal papers neatly and quickly executed at moderate prices, Apply office Gold Belt Realty Co,, opposite Royal Hotel, Sixth Street, 6-3 MISCELLANEOUS: WE HAVE RENTED ail our houses and cannot fill applications, Give us your house to rent. Primce Rupert Finao- clers, F. A. C. Brown, manager, 315 Second Ave. Vhones 206 and Blue 274, IN THE SUPREME court oF BRITIEH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF “THE ESTATE OF HERMETT SABOUFF, DECEASED, and IN THE MATTER OF THE TRATION ACT." Dated the 27th day of May, A. D. 1044, Upon reading the affidavits of J, H. Mc- Mullin, it Is ordered that J, H. MeMullin, Official Administrator for part of the County of Atlin, shall be Administrator cf all and singular the estate of Hermett Sabourf, deceased, intestate, and that no- “ADMINIS- tice of this order be publishea In the Prince Rupert Dally News is two con- feektive weekly lesues F. Mes. YOUNG, L. 7. 8, furniture for sale cheap Apply 216] described lands: Commencing at a post Sixth Avenue West. 125tr| Planted %&% mile distant and tn a northerly oe lirection from entrance to small bay close FURNISHED KOOM in private family for|to Skiak! Bay, on the west side or Ste rent. Close in; bath Box 123 Dally/phens Island and adjacent to application News, 1440f)} post of H Lees, thence east twenty ———————- | chains, thence south forty chains, thence west twenty chains, thence north forty FCR SALE chains, following the swore line to. the dicinbeitiieeieiiaiaia eiediaieat ok eee | POIDE «Of «commencement, eighty acres more or less NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINE for sale LANCLOT RUSSEL WALROND BBAVIS Phone Hed 184 128-30 May 3, 1014 FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves cheap Published May 26 to July 27 Galland, McBride Street, sou FOR SALE—Dandy 20-foot launch in| geee “ first class running order A snap P ©. Box 1636 ieott Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 FOR SALE—Piano, cheap for cash; dinner TT set and lot of fancy plates and dishes, oi salad bowls, chafing dish, leather Ls cushions, bedsperads and linen. Apply . Blue $21. 126-27 2 : FIRST CLASS CUISINE FOR SALE or will trade for property, 30 ft. gasoline launch, new $ Bp. engine Hot and Cold Running Water in Everything in sees condition. Price and all Rooms terms arrap ; ly Box 120, Daily Naan, wer. Ave AY 112 7 Only finest brands of Liquors and FOR SALE—Tomat plants per 100 Herp Reet 5/ —~TFOl 0 ants, $2.50; cabbage plants, per 160, 61.50: THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN cucumber plants, per dozen, 60c; egs BRITISH COLUMBIA plants, per dozen, 50c; collection of 100 flower plants, $2.50. Adil plants picked PRUDHOMME & FISHE? in moss and postpaid. 1060 rates on ap- plication. John King, Nurseryman, Proprietors Terrace, 106-1382 i BOAT BARGAIN—Gas launch Kari F. for] “~~ Ore ae sale, $1,000, half cash, balance one re te year. Boat is 34 ft. in length, 12.6 beam; fitted with 16-h. p. Samson en- gine which never gives trouble. Speed, 7 miles. Cost $2,500; engine alone ‘ cost $1,150. Can easny be changed i into fishing boat One of best sea ' boats in northern waters, Complete with stove, dishes and full equipment. ‘ Might consider city lot as part pay- ment Box 68 Daily News. i2gu [ee erence WANTED Members P.R.L. Vintners Association wae ae Waltress at the London WINDSOR HOTEL c B. nn 19708 Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St WANTED—Smart young man who can Ww. MH. Wright, Prop. rustle business for rooming house, Phone Ked 270. 124-30 WANTED —- Werks, by the day or hour, HOTEL CENTRAL irst class reference. Terms reason- . 7 Firat Avenue and Seventh S$ able, Apply Box 101 Daily mem European and American Plan . Puter Steck, Prop. WANTED—Woman to do cooking and : chamber work out of town. Good sents wages. Box 75 News Office. 126 (NOX HOTEL Between Eighth and Ninth Rates 60c to $1.00 r Day Firat Ave, European Pian, Se Beener & Besner, Props. 7. ¥. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 60 to $1 Par Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Piao F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess Prope Third Ave. and Sixth $ European Pian Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth St Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING O©O,, LIMITED Fraser and Gixth Sis Phone 7 McBride St., Prince Rupert, 6.6, POOLE LL OL EE ERE OEE OE LODO PRINCE RUPERT BoIT } HOUSE Boats and Launches PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson May PROPOSED OOPEEE ILE EFIEY RENN ENESEENENEME EI 35--PHONE- TAXI ALF HALLIGAN sansa iii tilelaaied Cmca tnt EKER EEE FORO IOI pocccoccceonneeneeneeeeTttnemy SECTION 1 ' Ay $6,000 SECTION 2 1 $860 fois 9-10, $3,280 u SECTION 7 I k 4, ea. 900 SECTION 8 I ; ‘ $460 FOR RENT al Fla k i path @ Sixth A ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE TULLO & RADFORD PATTULL SECOND AVE. Te nenovoceoooooeiintitias Choice View LOT diye l ’ $1,500 6, Terms ” a balance and 18 mel sa , ; i, See Lot 37, Biocs G. R. Naden Co. Lt Bevond Avenue