ee ET - i =a re Mogens ween EEE l——————————__EE SS i THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by 2 THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C * relephone 98. DAILY EDITION What a lot of the world’s) wisdom holds its place be- cause of the poetry in whieh it is embodied forth. Say some- thing in a eatchy, breezy man- ner and it will carry more weight than all the logic in the world, The march of science is slow and the folk- lore of the ages is still in full swing. : This, however, does not} mean that the thoughts of men are similar to those of their fathers. Superstition in meny cases has lost its sway. Even. the eternal verities of Eee the past are the “piffle’ of the present. . The modern = man} will tell you that he is a ma-| terialist, although very often | he doesn't - know what that} means. Some genius has said) so in a fetching way and all | the world trots after him and} accepts as gospel the “piffle”’ of poetry. A Socialist stands on a soap box and tells the crowd that, the only god a workingman | has is his belly and that the Christian God is an aristcrat., | There is plenty of poetry in| that and it catches the crowd} and everybody says amen. | et oh Ae The trouble with our age is! that wé rush to extremes.) There is a great deal in the political, the social and the re- ligious life of our time that will not stand the searchlight | of science. That, however. ; does not justify us in rushing like a will o’ the wisp to the other extreme. Any theory or practice that has stood the test of experience for thou- sands of years must at least lie in close proximity to the| heart of truth. Perhaps a' theory conflicts with some of the newer facts of science, but if the practice is true to hu- man experience we should be} slow to cast it entirely aside. | ' e THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies ‘tue, KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY P.O. DRAWER 1524 fe HARDWARE 2: Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “Si2.S"«"° Saturday, June 6, 1914 One of the newer branches of philosophy is working along that line. .Pragmatism teaches that the good, the beautiful and the true are one. What- ever, therefore, is good or beautiful is very close to the truth, This is only another way of Saying thal the stan- dard of conduct is that which brings the greatest good to the greatest number. Looking at some of our cast-off beliefs in the light of that theory, we may be able to separate the truth from the poetry. Speaking scientific- ally it is much more difficult to disprove the existence of a Deity or First prove it. From that belief to the \spiritualization of every living thing is only a_ step. Whether humanity has come to its consciousness of spirit- ual verities by a process of evolution through the music of the spheres or has had a full - grown superman em- planted within him frem the beginning is only a side issue. Take him as he is with his “still smalk voice” calling out to the silent stars. As such he is a spiritual entity. and with those faculties develaped Cause and atuned he is a religious man of the highest sort. ater Every age and clime has given its own emphasis to re- ligion. In its” higher howéver, it-is very much akin to our faculty for the appre- ciation of the good, the beau- tiful and the true. It is an appetite tc be developed and gratified like our’ desire for other things. Through the contemplation of lofty senti- ment and the practice of vir- which .ecan only be at- tained by the dynamie of a gospel, the whole race may be transformed, Why any sense, one PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors OUR WEDDING JEWELLERY our risk, prepaid by us. fer away you may be. HO W and Where to Buy Wed- ding Gifts and Wedding : Jewelry ee ag Where will | buy my wedding gifts and wedding jewellery? is a question which will be asked often during the month ef dune. Question which is always being asked. IN OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWER is well represented in this valuable shop- pers’ guide, and from it you may choose appropriate gifts for brides- maids, groomsmen, maids of honor and others. FROM THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CUT GLASS AND SILVER shown in the catalogue, gifts of good Quality at easy prices may be readily selected. All orders received by us will be forwarded with the utmost despatch at We can serve you satisfactorily no matter how . . . . . . In: fact, it is a Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Directori Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS ANP SILVERSMITHS VANCOUVER,'B.C Z THR DAILY NEWS than to} THE NEW WOODBINE GRANDSTAND odbine Racetrack has been increased to 8,500 bythe completion The sé@ating capacity of the \ of a large should object to a religion bigotry, but on the battle field it was a terror to their Modern character will great deal of its conviction and| sincerity the day it decides to forego the age-long creed. Refuse if you will the trimmings of the past, but for the sake of posterity hold fast to that which has heen true in the furnace of experience and which has pro- duced the of history. characters greatest WAINWRIGHT BUFFALO NUMBER 1500 HEAD CGttawa, June 4.—The Domin- ion buffalo herd at Wainwright, Alberta, is increasing so rapidly that the government now has more than 1,5000 animals the herd was years ago there only this number and no less than 152 were added by natural during the past year alone. This information was ‘given by Hon. Dr. Roche, minister of the inter- secured several were Lior, during the discussion of the! pestimates. However, the attempts of the jgovernment» AFEECK-SHONS - Does Snoop Think “Our Classic Pipes” rm = (KE AIR NOT FORL TH $55-TAR-RRS WaT ~H-(I NE = N-N-NES- IDE AIR. NOT "TOPE. Ss Soar in Song for Him ie / GEE THATS, SNELL- I DIDN KNOW SCOOP HAD SUCH A CLASSIC PIPES! The Da Drawn for GONE FOR AAUTO WISH SIS WOZ HERE TO HEAR THAT-SHES RAVE WITH MISTER artin Swanson NEW WELLINGTON coal (y, COAL — DEALERS — COAL : t PHONE 566 APARTMENTS Phohe 174 Bor 274 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING SMITH & MALLETT 0. C. STUART Contractors & Builders Accountant Repairs and alterations. Store and office Box 510 PRINCE RUPERT, BO PACIFIC TRANSFER 00. LADYSMITH P. ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant ns, Acjustments, Liavr dations and Ass gnments ROYAL BAKERY BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY IMPERIAL MACHINE SHO? JAMES GILMORE