oa sHE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY-GRI The Snly fault with the pu » Rupert's feading Paper ig Princ 4 tub on ‘the P.0., site , ie that it f wn ALIVE not large enough We Vowega the Clalatiy, r nS dirty Tory jdbes. lb . - Tar ~ - a ~ oe ~ ee ~~ vol ‘ae PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRESBYTERIANS CANADA IN FAVOR CHURCH UNION INDIAN FISHERMEN LAID OFF AS RESULT OF INDEPENDENT LICENSES—SENATE PASSED BILL OHINION DAY IN‘ RUPERT WILL BE SOME CELEBRATION CUT OFF INDIAN FISHERMEN if PLANS NOW IN PREPARATION ARE CARRIED OUT — AN INDEPENDENT LICENSES CREATES SHORT SEASON—FISH- ACTIVE ORGANIZATION HAVE THE AFFAIRS IN ERMEN AND JAPS ARE EXPECTED TO MAKE UP THE CHARGE HANDICAP Dominion day, will Platform Committee Win On June 20th the sockeye fish} The Canners’ Association has n Prince Rupert.|Manson, M.P.P Judge Young ling season will open and all the| made an agreement whereby fun and patriotism| Father Bunoz, Rev. J. I Dim | dasinveried ia eee: district ate these independent boats are par- every citizen with|mick, the Mayor, Fred Stork and} ; i celed out among them, but while . oman and child will] T. D. Pattullo. | making preparations ‘for it. They| that distributes the short season vilies that are Musical Committee Messrs. | anticipate a good run of fish this | tishermen proportionately it odlund, Lee Baker, Geo. Wer |year,and as the price is high the| does not overcome the shortage. tion has been putiner, A. Prescott and Prof. Kauf }canneries ought to havee a good|Now the canners have a new hat guarantee a good| mann | | year. plan. It is well known that the he boys and girls Sports The Mayor, Chief} | Some weeks ago when the in-|Japanese fishermen are the most get in and help.| Vickers, O. H. Nelson, C. T. Hew-| {dependent licenses were issued|zealous workmen in the’ game an organizat W. D. Vance, §. D. Macdon- | |they were grabbed up by white|and in order to make up thee din the city hall/aid, J Edwards men in Prince Rupert, irrespec-|shortage resulting from white ind committees to Decoration—D,. MeD Hunte j tive of whether they were fisher-| fishermen only fishing a short r were appoint I. Silversides, Chief McDonald men or net. This caused a how!!/season they are giving all the 1 good attend-|P. F. Godenrath. H. Douglas. J | from the white fishermen en the| boats heretofore held by Indians ® there i I F. Hutchins: ind the seeretary | | Skeena who were left without li-|to . japanese fishermen, hoping f the Da rs of the Empire... eenses. In order to- appease|thereby to overcome tiie disad- committees Pransy { Mavi Ald them the department issued| vantage of the independents. Kerr and A. Davis sOme more independent licenses.| Prior to the introduction of t Canon Rix Fe Cat Rix remarked d = es Now that the fishing season is|the iron chick and the sanitary M. M. Steph y ave gx that it was ab drawing near the cannery menj|cans certain numbers of MIn- Prince Rupert had a brass SURVIVORS—MOST SALVATION ARMY FOLKS—FROM THE EMPRESS and others interested in the jdian fishermen had to be taken Adair Carss ind ad ated the ga Sf na esata right: Gaptain Spooher? Ma Molaiyre, Ensinn Piwiiiis: Mator Aloe aise business are beginning to sizé|on by the canneries in order to Pr. D. Pattull : f six oF cigut wh me Atwell, Little Grace Hanagan, whose parents, Bandmaster and Mrs. Hanagan both were |UP the situation. With a large|get the Indian women to labor mittee T D i ition 4 fi the arhuned: Mise Rua Bales and *® Thus Prince Rupert gets a * Harry Menzies played a splen_|Presbyterian General Assembly|erintendent ‘of missions, whose Liverpool nel ey mae Prot tin cee ae rete oe naa if a : ae a : aes ee : rene - lid game for Inverness and it was]@fter an animated debate voted)influence was thrown against i tena = aman cate hetin ‘eectort is se 1 theta ’ 10 fish spe Mu a ent ir me fault of his that nis side was}0@ church union, | passing the/|the union, will resign at an ear- : ‘ a4 hey here The Japs spend *!defeated as he undoubtedly was] Original motion favoring union |!y date as a result of the vote. ease. of Ireland om earth ‘for new and sensa Soret it in Vancouver. If the In- */the best plaver on the ground iad been packed by WW am Clark, one of the pas-|camera subjects. Theewild beasts | x dians are eut off Rupert los- *| ree a 2 re erent ae 1 for several hours gers, had the terrible exper-Jof the African jungle—-hundreds | oa. th, trade and she gains *| ets ee ‘ ( C.N.R. AID BILL PASSES CHINESE RESTRICTION steamed in therelience of passing through twolof them are shown in their na very littie from the white *| Secured Splendid Collection THIRD READING IN SENATE for the carriage st terrible sea tragedies, be-]tural state unaware he fact fishermen becanse many of * William Tomlinson, the ‘ee aa SIMILAR TO JAPANESE ! police officials at e fireman on the Titanic, and]that two patient picti are | * them will only fish a couple *} SSeS ae THinerel: Sea ne aE hold back the crowd | filled we same duty on the Em- peronen high my 8 ar noe |* of weeks during the big run. * oe YS ae en arvana) Ottawa, June 10,—The C.N.R, Negotiations Proceeding Bet- were powerless |press of Ireland turning away at a mé & PIC-)* There is more polities than *|" Commission, who is in the} Aid bill has been given its third aE ture machine by means which | yy lnorth ecolleeting ore samples for] pa; . ae ween Chinese Republic and — ! husiness in the independent *| eee , , . reading in the Senate. As soon Canada in hel aad elation nn’ diehiilee the whole world shall become fa fae eonned | the Panama-Pacific Exposition, as it is formally assented to by ENTERTAIN MEMBERS { ae 1 ee ae pee ladies {U ~ wie Higa a nik me ae eK 3 RK OR HK KOK OK Fis a pe i the Governor-General «it be- special to The Daily Wee ( abits see x lest rie | specimens ? f eserve "ela . * 7 i Qn MASONIC GRAND LODGE Digby Island for a pionic an s in an education that can] . Se Heupnts at the Board of Trade ae a Seay A tat: 59: 50 Ottawa, June 10.—It is under- Phis latter will be a very inter-1), had in no other way except at] LOCAL AND PERSONAL q arters, and is now busily en- ei nif grey 9 ot. om: aie steod that negotiotions are in Hlendid Programme to interest esting event en ious expense of ‘time and | ce ee mee lgaged in labelling and packing eee PUG i yy ved progress between the Canadian Ra 9 e nte rhe Grand Lodge sessions will fe All kodaks and photo supplies | +), samples, Some of the lar-ltor the eo siti ; ate , government authorities and the egates and Ladies he held Thursday and Friday } se jal eastern prices. McRae Bros, i| pa sana; goto thecal f I re government and = nine- new Chinese Republic looking to Next Week morning Anothe SOU EAER ea ( aa pt ase ft | psitint’ Mareen ; bso ss ea . ieen Liberals and one Oonserva- wards signing an agreement in ! Any Masons living in the city eatin er : wr While you wait sive repairing See ad the smailer cabinad Kage POLAR ARAB TI: fos to the control of the ites to the Masonic}and not afliliated with the local enero = Aa heat * email |! German’s, opposite postoffice baa rite will be installed in the TET, Chinese immigration into Can- meeting in’ Pring ®}lodges are requested to set lis 8 rasidan(uaL Prinos Ruperts aes mws |), ncia! Government's miner- Mr. Tomlinson, who is sdntact- Ted similar to that existing with Ne ieboeaneeans ee at, ; err a Sei is interested in this important rhe Colts and“Perminais play i nuseum at Victor 1a The aah kf ie Se ae a ee ee elev gg it AO cataélbok rhe | wef a ary this att tus en_jevent, vitally interested in fact, feAgie-Lenmin ad ball fates Board has on hand for just such seiner a tex le t ae it a ae are ne nee £9 \lice bas been special me taiachante and there will no doubt*be a ame called at 6,30, Tabada; large ere Le supply he ee iok ex sen ne . rg Sey teenie oh a eo ed for the trip and the] me ; great turn-out to see these pi o. Heet jof ore and is weekly adding to jae tae I pi number 0 oe nt | ‘ ag- live abroad the | ’ sures | ew hydrographie survey of jthe exocllent> permanent collec. | a Pee Lamas their stay here, | YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL gl, 3 c aS mouth of the Skeena is being eon haa ae oh ene ayes 2 ’ F eee : - be 200) abroad the | . The Cradle | made, The steamer Naden is|p, bins eer ae dae ne ae ee wee rome vour oi The price is right ane a it } ice Huper as today, ‘O- | clothes lone 565. 116tf'is goo ondon Cafe 2 P| A ee : ‘ Northwestern — Rice dnuben’ yadliadie Geceill engaged in this work. ch the eitanis ‘oY the "RAMPA GS t ae Will be received by; Portland 0, Victoria o Little, Terrace, B.C..-dune 9th, @ rade, the largest number and — ee Ons Wednesday morn Vancouver 3, Tacoma pi Poday the Prinee Rupert Hits | reatest. variety of ore speci- | 4 formal address of | Seattle Spokane 0 n. in her freight thirteen tons Of mens ta He fais 1h Ais similar | TONIGHT! TONIGHT!! TONIGHT!! presented, During the| National p ied h teg or ato! FAM tes oe peewert MIME oollection maintained by a busi- | 'n they Will see the city | Chicago 1, rooklyn 2 MBpts Musgrave GE ERS ARAM . company, Some further | devel- Jness organization in this pro rhe Event of the Season at the Ne evening there will be} Pittsburg 1, Philadelphia Lillooet, who has been in the opment work is to be done there. % ak | ) the auditorium, | Cincinnati ¥, Boston 3 hospital for several ; days aoe ©: ie Gh cane } " Thursday afternoon a re-| New York 3, St, Louis 5. able to leave yesterday and re- Roy L. Hoire with a party of | W, th / O H. and tea for the ladies | , American sume his duties on the hydro-jojeht arrived today on rs s.8. |} Football Meeting Tonight | es O me pera ouse Siven by the al New York 4, Chicago 7. graphic steamer, Prince Rupert.. They will leave | \ meeting ef all those inter- " “' Prince Rupert at the Philadelphia 7, Deetroit 3, RAF in a day or two for Banks Island/ested in the formation of a Mer- ve Of Mra. Pp itemant, % Bor W aehindion 8, St. Louis 4 Arrangemtnts are beeing made|where they will make a survey of jehauts’ Assistants football club Six Reels of Sensational Pictures of the African Jungle Street | Coast by several local sports to pull off}some land for agriculture. is to be held tonight at 8 p.m, and its inhabitants fee SSS | Oakland 1, Portland 7 : ap Ragen soy oe. oe on me i mt Seen a - eg, es oe poo ; OOOO POD COTO OORT OROIET, Los Angeles 6, San Francisco}ist of July. wi 2 a mateh ‘he steamer Grey unloadeed |when the entering of a team to P l R ee Af . H A, F GA KH. G 1 0, between Vaise, the present chamjcoal here yesterday for Rogers &|compete in the Kaien ITsland au Name § rican unt : : mnarG Sacramento Venice post-}pion of Canada, and Roughhouse]Albert, She left later for the|Football Association league will Meeting. poned, Charlie Burns, who recently put|Skena with coal. The Grey is othe discussed and if a favorable Most Marvellous, Interesting and entertaining pietures \!l Masons in the city are urged — jup such a good fight here. tender for the whaling stations|decision is arrived at two dele- in the world hei (ond a keneral meeting to be A. J. MeDonnell, proprietor of _ | during the busy season, gates will be appointed to attend Also on the Same Programme the Most Im- nd 5th Street om Tendasn. fe. the Northern Hotel, New Hazel- Bud Corley, is in receipt of a ss Pi 8 the League meeting tomorrow portant Event in Early History of Prince Rupert , es #0 o'clock pan, ‘for the ton, came in on the Prince Rup-jletter from Ketchikan — stating Che Dominion hydrographic | night. and way ey re. ert today and went up the line./that the baseball boys will be|survey steamer Lillooet, whieh —_—--—--— - THE LINKING UP OF THE G T. P. ne “igo members ‘and visitors He has been south for the past|down for July tst. They will try|has been tied up here for over a The funeral of the late John ae 1 o'elock "Wednesday. morning, two weeks. Mr. McDonnell says to bring a band along with them. | week undergoing repairs and Beatty, who was drowned in A divtedtan’tacamed ABai Dinlidbee eee FCRETARY RECEPTION COM that while it may appear quiet in|They are also arranging a big}getting supplies leaves today for|Gameron Bay — yesteerday took Telenphehn aha oar on: the north it is real lively com celebration in Ketchikan for the|her work in Heeate Straits, and place this afternoon from Hay- First Performance at 7:15 p.m. 2 Second at 9145 ok a pared with Vancouvel and Vie-|4th of July when the Rupert ball{/on the West Coast of Graham Is-|ner’s parlors to Fairview. Rey. ; eerccnne toria team will be their guests, land, Canon Rix officiated, Ie - 0.0.4. Coenrarcaaronreeeres “SKEENA RIVER CANNERIES aS ore a ee ee MS. a ee