rit’ DAILY NEWS THE Day News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly by | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ' Maillon sesso. emcee ‘ sisi t H. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER i | HEAD OFFICE Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. 0. lelephone 98.! Vancouver, Victoria and Seatt! ? sft r 7 Tre " . . : , SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Rupert MONDAY : Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in Steamer Prince Rupert leeves Prince Rupert FRIDAYS. oc advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert tv. Prince Rupert TUESDAYS, 0.0 » $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. } per etly in advance Low Excursion Rates BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED STATES, also to NORWAY in New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St.. New we MOR eae th NORWEGIAN “SAENGERBO NG. In connection" York City. 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough freight acamline end explosive | Noslives bss m me p | For full particulars and all information of int Seattie—Puget Sound News Co THE @. T. P. TIOKET OFFIOR, Hart Bick, ote eon apply te ue, hone 2¢ London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk HRuilding, FROM Q ee Trafalgar Square. Rovieen WHE a eer ners a PERE P —— TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract} ” eee tee rates on application. ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY hone 554 P.O. Boy ¢ oe a aneedioneacnneee eee = ————_————————— ROOMS : A I Ht > tater : Second Avenue, Opposite Empress Theatre | APERHA lh DAILY EDITION «eine Wedneesday, June 10, 1944 Rooms open trom 8 a tn. to ‘1 D. m.| - ANGING | Visiting Scotsmen are cordially Invited. | AINTING PRES Ihe Se iin et isasematgitten a eee For rates for hall rent apply secretary | . ‘ ; ; % t | 8. D. MACDUNALD CHAS, DENNIS, ULISHING AND Prince Rupert has never the breach and remove the re- President deeretary | WALI Tih wn been noted for its publie spir- proach from the city? | . ' Sih ib.c 3 Sete SOIMIGNUG’ Ofte oes | ' 3 that we ever po ‘: ss t Does anybody neéd to be in-! MARTIN & M’GOWAN i > ever ossesset eXIst- . | ; formed as to who started PLAIN AND ORNAMENT M j ed among the old timers. At party politics in this city.| r. eee artin Swanson the present time everybody There was none in the first | BT er ahi inatae yt had | Secor d Avenue : seems to be working so keen- council, nor indeed until the | TIRANSFERRING Phone Blue 329 ly ‘for himself or his own par- Conservatives got into power! BODIES FRoM : — necie nein nee —| ; " ticular view that there is little at Ottawa in 1911. Sinee that! N ty | time for the development of time their trail has been be- SN EVELIN : PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER | On (0 broader issues. One of the smirched with some of the : oom : : ; ; PANY evidences of this is to bey coarsest deals ever pulled off Grim Work of Caring for Remains ay: eee dk Seis: betel ce oon found in the fact that it has in Canada, of which mention ; Moving Furniture, Pianos, Etc. er re MrTOnteet, Beet been found impossible to gen- need only he made of the graft! ___..._....... ge Ter =e Sy ee Sxoetiont Storage. Pesilitics |\NEW WELLINGTON COAL co erate a brass band in our! on the post office site and the PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING COAL — DEALERS — COAL Rogers & Albert. Agts i Wt midst. In the east every tri-| disbanding of Earl Grey's Rif- RAIL | NY | PHONE 666 1008 THIRD AVE. Second Avenue Phone 116 i fiying little town has its band! les, What party was it that OCs ’ . in which the citizens all take} pretended to be supporting ex- | Tar Shine brectan Wao-Peote | JOHN CURRIE ie ee an active interest. Even in Mayor Pattullo at last election i Repairing Contractor & Build arr tED iin} Terrace, indeed our closest but turned at the last moment —_ ontractor ullder i , ses é as ‘ f neighbor they have their own and gave him the double cro s. — i — Peete er PHONE 206) Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings.. APARTMENTS |! band, although their popula- What party is it that even a os Phone Black 294 a { tion is only a fraction of ours. compels a workingman to pay pe eee: "fico Cae hoe eo 1 THe | BLYTHE BROS. ‘ ; pee ONG vores ' at |! ear fae pevereeny os 3 a mone a es their assc- bacon | PLASTERING CONTRACTORS iJ. BE. DYER siclans e upert, elation before he gets a jioh. J af aa . 0 ‘tin ‘ wna “PF. Can | and there’ is no reason why But, why goforther. Even: the. ce: iu, Alaska, ek 10. le 8 then ne, per o ni Phone 194 e the council should ot assis i » stret k : tha; |lhe Taku Railway & Navigation The terminal is located on the Satisfaction guaranteed Architect Phone 174 Box 274 u not assist man on the stret knows that ak ; s Pat Yee : ; . south side of Taku Inlet, just Suite 1, Federal Bloc} FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING in purchasing instruments. Is} the Liberals never played the}CO™pany has filed in the Juneau ta. Vind Gl vhict wn at eee eee are ¢ o IOs e i uo it ‘1e ; “U0 ~ +" . there not some selbf-sacrafic- game as the Conservatives are|land office right-of-way and aoe oo ey ah ante eel ! ! PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. SMITH & MALLETT ing hero who would step into now doing. terminal plats for the proposed|Th, inlet is narrow at this point] SEEDS! SEEDS! Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 Wuukeaves: ane Valves Set Wit: BH ————______—_—_— —_—— ns (Allway line up the Taku River}and not over forty fet in depth! CORRE EL SEs — eae at aeekid’ Gibeah Bo from a point on Taku Inlet to}and the feasibility of bridging |§ Mave received our 1014 Spring 7 “Prince Rupert é A ( i i an # p aM. “\ the Canadian - Alaska boundary.|the canal at this point and dann! Seeds TERMINAL CONSTRUCTION me i About two miles of side cut|tinuing the line to Juneau has| % WELD, GARDEN, AND ff HO W and W here to Buy W ed- rack work on the lower end is|been discussed and is belived by FLOWER SEEDS c ere ©. C, STUART : ding Gifts and W edding encountered. The iine for the]engineers to be practicable, Agents for ontrastore. & Builders Accountuat F most part is tangent and free of} VF. J. Wetrick, of Wilnelm and|3 DOMINION NURSERY & ee eee ee Laie hie ave pee yh Jewelry i. i. : is ’ short or sharp curves. It .fol-]Wetrick, who made the survey ORCHARDS CO. Box 510 Phone Red 69) PRINCE RUPERT, 8. < , lows the flat in the valley almost}for the Ameriean line of the eae comes Where will | buy my wedding gifts and weddi Mery? i Fate gna STS oa tlie * : Ge an ; Dealers in Feed of all kinds —-- - - a : which: will. be seked often pi ‘an eee tae a ae. the entire distance and traverses railway, is now mak ng a pre- CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY A IVARSON & CO Alex. M. Manson, | A 4 Question which le always being asked. a tracts i oe rage chim EDR er onthe Canadian | Mail orders promptly attended to * os ais 5 thee Macro ef grade is said to be considerably tside to Atlin. | Blacksmiths & Horseshoers ne : IN OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOQUE YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWER | Prin R | a —_———_——_ = = - | Boat Work Barristers, Solicitors, Et | ce Rupert Feed Co. + MONEY TO LOAN a OUR WEDDING JEWELLERY 5 well represented in this valuable shop- EXOURSION ESREY WNT, | sd apaahion Kalina: Cha charted 908 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 g) Ue O20 Ist Ave., Manson Way Box 15% ; pers’ guide, and from it you may choose appropriate gifts for brides- LETTER OF APPRECIATION The following are the dates of ‘ —---- Helgersun Block Pract maids, groomsmen, maids of honor and others. Sarat g : lia iteiriot fall f . ‘ ‘s San eeved een — é sat FROM THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CUT GLASS AND SILVER shown in the Writing to President Geo. R.} of by the ma at | es " _| Skeena Land District—District of Soeet,| HARRY HANSON rice ela Avenue catalogue, gifts of good quality at easy prices may be readily selected. Naden, of the Board f Trade ve eo i a eo a MAGA (Five. ’ 7, AIT Ail — received by us will be forwarded with the utmost despatch at : ; Pee , ace.) Bulkley Valley, Telkwa, Sep-| axe NOLICE that 1, William Mck | THE RELIABLE PLUMBER PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED our risk, prepaid by us. We can serve you satisfactorily no matter how Mr. H, F, Alexander, president of|tember 10. Logan, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa- | far away you may be. the Pacifie -Alaské Navigat | Fort George, September 24-25.] tien prospector, intend to apply fer per | hone: 480 Second Ave. near McBride : i ~AASKa AVIRA! Nn] anne Hh : om ’ ~"~"~"1mission to purchase the following de General Cartage —— ——_——_—— Company, who with a party «1 Prince upert, September 30 | seribea lands: Commencing @t @ | ost| L friends recently visited the” chy |" cower 1 and. 2, guano’, 160, cosine, cist ced, $6, ine]. OM. GILAOY, DENTIST LADYSMITH COA H. nry Birks GS Sons Limited j : itl) is} eX ie ity | Jella Coola, October 9. emption Record 1838 thence south 40 Order i Bridge W ; 83—Phone—98 3 on the “Admiral Sampson” and Graham Island, Lawn Hill, not cosine, thence ‘west 80 “chains slong’ the care ae eos m were entertained by the Board |yet fixed, shore line to point of comm 1; Specialty, P. O. Box 203 Phone 47 JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS ro hs Oe teria ee eens fomtaining 230 Acree, more GF Ie loftice: Smith Bik., Third A : P. ROBERTSON 'h an auto ride arount wm ibys weet “ M. McK. LOGAN : ” venue Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director] VANCOUVER, B.C says: “I want to thank you and For Sale PEROT, $988 i Niel cart hia ail NLD an IE a . \. J \ ine members of your organiza-| Fishing boat 41 feet long, 12|8keena Land District-—District of Coast, UNION TRANSFER CO eraeres Beseuntant = . tio; also Mayor Newton for feet 7 inches broad, 3 feet 9 Tarrne- vee | Dare eae peer a: — Pe Tr aminteaiena a pti ts inches in depth, equipped with], TAKE NOTICE that 1, David Cook| GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE | ee penenme 7 ir courtesies to my party and], " . a Strang, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa South Wellington Coal Smith Block, Brd Ave., *rince Rupert, BC sssx=|myself on our recent sieit to|20-h» P- 4-cyele Catmuran Fair-| ton clerk, intend to apply for permission “ats en : : Ba. banks - Morse mari to purchase the following described lands: |" HONES: 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 | —————— ; Prince Rupert. We are very at a3 oo or mene Commencing ok 5 pom, peanted about 160/433 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL BAKERY ; ale oa ast "ice ,200, ! y arber chains east an ¥ th of the FRED STORK’S HARDWARE |||!:":!"ci0y20' 0 thsooth!, MM ove Ags — its future possibilities and it : & Co,, Prince Rupert,|1838 at a point on the northerly sbore BOAT BUILD Successor to Knott's ae Te ' made a very happy climax for|®" 4- Bailey, Inverness Can-|(P une Su dnoety’ shore tise oe, caine ER Formerly known as Cliftes —— our trip.” nery. 107-33 |erly, northerly and westerly following the ~—— ~ | BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY 710 SECOND AVE ep commencement; “containing” 4e. acres, H. JOHNSTON | rs — more or less, | We deliver to amy part of te Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery “Mother” Jones Can Tenders for grading Lot 45 PAVIp COOK sTRana. | Seal Cove Phone Green 321 | tira avenue Phone 363 an Come g & 15, William Meck. Logan, Agent. es ene : f Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle aetrebdions block 22, Section 1, will be re. | —Mareb_7,_ 1944. — . 2 > f i , . j C Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns BOstae;: June 8.-A message eaiyod mae oitice of J. TH, Pills |6keena Land District—District of Coast, IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP We Rope Valves Ammunition received from an officer of the}|PUry, GE, 4th Street, Prince Ru- Range Five. AE Pumps Hose Pai Vancouver Trades and Labor |Pert: Lowest or any tender not} TAKE NOTICE that I, Aadrew MacLean, Repairing Quickly Done ¥ Stoded ond Randes Rubberet aint Council said that the Immigra-|"°°essarily accepted, of Prince Rupert, W. C.,. occupation | + 9 ubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron tion Department at Ottawa had tmiasion to rtbese oP Pouowing "he. C O A I: jCOW BAY PHONE RED ™ Rie “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” OV ey the x abe Columbiia 5 ragmed JInodern apartment, planted eer 1a0 chntae taee ihe ary | JAMES GILMORE 4 a ae aad se hale. immigral ion authorities wholon sewer, $35 per month, Ready Pee ee cae, eormee: OF and— . hy i Se ee ae caused Mother Jones to be ex-{June 45th. M. M. Stephens &|the northerly shore line of ‘an telend, Cc ] Li f | Architect | : cluded from Canada on the gro-|Co., Ltd. » 4, ¢ | thence south 60 chains to the southerly omp ete ine o } Pe | ED STORK’S HARDWARE Bid ‘thiai’ ed would be Abate’ 132-4-6 shore line, thence westerly, northerly and 5 me Ahead kvenuo. near McBride Stree i i > ) e cely 0 easterly, dc yi o 5 - «fd Ave ,» os ae f cause trouble by addressing the What everyone should know: shore Hing to the point oF comminssaasts BUILDERS SUPPLIES , ET ' pn eee , ’ , oe res, more or less, ss x * * ee © — = te eee eae striking coal miners at Nana-| People of discriminating taste ANDREW MACLEAN. WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited PORES R EERE He #S *” a imo, dine at the G.T.P. Cafe. 83tf i sty Waltam McK. Logan, Agent. Phone 186 | Try a Want Ad in The News * a spi Se = me, Hy Aes ee a He ee a FF i - af RTT eC : er 7 Scoop Tries to Land a Short Order Weddi Pe Se ae ih or r er Drawn for The Daily News by M edding | BOYS-T CAL ) . Tt weer) 1 LEDNOU IN ma \T DONT Make \ / PUT ER THERE SCOOP-TM mMiaghly \ "7 56S ; AVENT i TO SAN THaT r’M dq ANY DIF FERANCE SORRY FOR YUH | : $ i ; / { HELLO-MISS SNOOP -SAY IF YUH HAVEN | ONE D Pata aA VO ME WHICH ONE!) BE SHOT- BUT NoURE TH’ BOY TUM oh i // \ GOT ANYTHING ELSE TUH DO THIS: | r E UWYUH TO MEXICO U ; oe UH f AFTERNOON -WHUTSAY " a ue AN t TO REPRESENT OUR, = ee ere, GO CAUSE TM MARRIED AN THEY fy "1 , J es Nig Se vas! t PAPER- L HAVEN'T | DEC ALLUS SEND TH SINGLE MEN FIRST , — IDE IT FoRL a i =| YOURSELVES ‘AD > F=\ SOME way - J hy SS i — f t MATT ® '4144 - in ti-sVNb - BaLTo —“D.