ui] THE DAILY NEWS ° Soke ||paary POLITICS GOVERN THE DAILY NEWS i GREAT SALMON INDUSTRY THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | E Published Daily and Weekly by Continued from Pag: | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD, PRINCE RUPERT, BC: |! ino) ore ied up to a through having purchased > N ; EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER boat and gear from the ca HEAD OFFICE on credit. This year the wnership Telephone 98 cae . H. F. McRAE, Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. ¢ . ;White man could apply f SUBSCRIPTION To Canada, United States and Mexico: Jeet ce. 80 many. of them d Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid ithe real white advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. fishermen left without licences and had to be issued Thess licence-holders are not ind BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., at New York—Nationa! even fishermen They ha York City. cences but no boats or gear Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. : their equipment, and the ’ London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, }are ready for them. Trafalgar Square. } The B.C. salmon cann: TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch Re eee very cannery on the Coas cation. rates on applicat yn the Prince Rupet rhey parcel out these Contrac t|' - Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in| ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. | | |! eptine } ka ence holders propert among the various plants they have fixed the pric }will be paid for fish if }fisherman does not like it he DAILY EDITION Saturday, June 13, 1914 — : 7 eae . give up his boat and geal! Newspaper menu of experi- in power today PHey have quit, but he has no chance ence have a keen sense of the broken away from all tradi-|,),, independent action in plying value of something live in the tions. They have degraded}) ic trade. shape of news. The disband- ihe very idea of government Another ‘feature. which ment of the Earl Grey's Rifles and they aim at the extinction gates against the cannery was the most startling piece of of even personal liberty. Thelfact that many of the whit news this city has received ior man in their power does not cence holders openly state many a day. Yet the other possess iis own soul. He is they do not intend to fish except local papers never mentioned bound hand and foot and Willis aurine the two weeks wh it. Tf, as the, Conservatives; be quickly cast into -cutlerling fish are running say, the disbandment was not brought about to get rid of the lowed to have their way. The/), oflicers in charge, why did day of retribution is at hand, livat. have more tish than they handle, but during the those papers siiy cicar of the however, and the task” mas-~ |oseding and succeeding the issue? When the Little Tory ters will get their reward.)i,4 o¢ the big run they find it dif- editor told the public meeting Don’t forget it. It’s coming! |geugit to get sufficient fish that he still favored Captain} — ——--——-- — keep their plants operating Stork for command, how ridi-| Our “pepular” Ottawa mem-| prapty ie Ae tite men hola: culous he made himself in the} ber, Mr. Clements, will have aling poats and gear only fish eves of those who see tirsugh let of explaining to do to sat-|yooks jit means that the him Hew ridiculous too it has isfs the “boys” when next he] pories hawe to keep these made our foreign member, H. visits Prince Runert. boats tied up during most of the S. Clements, in the light of — ORG Wh tative