OOO L ODP ORO ODDO OOD CRE me me s i Bh iP De anc gn ae, ee ee ee ale Oe DODD DLO LOL LOLOL OOOO OOD DO OO Oe THE DAILY NEWS nupert’e leading Paper jp Prince GRUNTY PRURDY — THUNDER STORIM MAKES HAVOC IN CITY OF = PEACE ENVOYS REFUSE ADMISSION TO CARRANZA’S REPRESENTATIVES-JOHNSON NOT GUILTY ENVOYS REFUSE ADMISSION TO CARANZA REPRESENTATIVES FORMALLY TOLD THEY CANNOT BE ADMITTED TILL ARMis- TICE 1S DECLARED — CONSIDERING INTERNAL PHASES OF MEXICAN SITUATION JOHNSON FOUND NOT GUILTY JURY DID NOT LEAVE SEATS RAY O'REILLY FOUND GUILTY OF JAIL BREAKING—NO BILL AGAINST TINGLEY OR McDONALD—CRIMINAL CASES WILL FINISH TODAY Daily New as the | There was just one case tried|following morning they went for ‘ June 16 Phe | ternatior phase the Me and tinished at the assize court/the cooking utensils and Johnson American mediators!can problen iccepted the vesterday afternoon. Gus John-j|would not give them to him. Wit- ed General Carat ‘ mediatio1 son was acquitted and the jury|ness threatened to break down ld not admit hi ; didn't leave their seats to bring|the door. Johnson then got the the conference Wi d mpetent machit }in their verdict. gun and shot. Witness was on it was declared. | Imperial Machine Shoy 437-149 Grand Jury Returns the door step when he heard the se During the afternoon the grand}|Shol. He saw sinoke come | jury returned a “no bill” against through the logs and then his THUNDERSTORM AND RAIN Tingley, and a“‘no bill” against brother mitpen ” viens NE Ae Donnelly charged with theft. groan and feil . with a bullet Two true bills were brought in through his | face. ° Afterwards | CREATES DELUGE IN PARIS against O'Reilly for theft and jail Johnson helped to carry the hiner’ wounded man to shelter. John- son remarked “My God, I have 7 Rex vs. Johnson a heart like anyone else; I did not {fORMOUS DAMAGE TO LIFE AND PROPERTY —RAIN HAS TO PROBE EMPRESS WRECK August Johnsen was charged], .an to kill him.” OC er rec eet eee snquit named by British and Canadian Governments detert * Cause f disaste. — SMe ee murder upon Al- Wright admitted in cross ex- ee Seen OO ee ~ sdolpha Routhies judg. thie Queer Admiralty sien Sir canigke et edtas “ oe Wright. amination that he was working Da New i P a and fashionabl he words otf "QO Canada Lord Mersey chairman appotied Dy the British Govern ent dan Salat ae a en een He ao ee + thunder ‘ ae Sie Ream AEN iat the Board of Enquiry tl probe the Empress of Ireland disaster. He will sail immedi- cabin, They were all working on xa arena hi : - mega Gccan me i ate} and the investigation will likely start on June 11th at Quebee or Montreal. Lord the G. T. P. as a section gang a ig an a ae ; : a PSE NONE & several pedestrians ‘ Mersey was the British Admiralty judge who investigated the Titanic disaster. Chief Jus- | wright decided to laden aah aa son. He said he did not suggest for three h ‘ the ictims are ul tice McLeon, of the New Brunswick Admiralty Court. & t u @-) that Johnson fire Valery and take loss of life an wing the danger of ay vided the grub, taking one-third.}on his brother. When Johnson mage to property.|| whinge the immense, pits aaa 3 ie SSS | He a his eres spent mp refused to employ the brother, e streets and caus p ym the lapse of side oo oe ee KERR EHS GIST night in another cabin a quarter) witness said “all right, I'll quit.” 7 if ae a walks and adwas " ’ ~ DID LOWEST TENDER | * GOVERNMENT GEOLO of a ee The eee During the two is kaa cits TO MEET MASONS * ES FIELD morning they went to Johnson's | quit work and before he left John- GET COAL CONTRACT? ; * LEAV FOR OIL § cabin to get some cooking uten- iia cabin they had hod some | * \ll Masons in the citv are * ote cae sils which they had forgotten. In|*erazy talk in whic eats we GT. P. DEV. C0. PLURAL VOTING BILL Committee Says Yes and Others) chad to assemble at the * “Mill Spend Summer With Party |i). quarrel that followed Johnson eat in which threate were CHANGED TOWNSITE PASSES BRITISH HOUSE Say Nay — Mayor Is % Lodge rooms al 9:30 tomor. *| Of Five Studying Coal and Oil took a gun and fired. The bullet Alfred Wright, in telling the f Dissatisfied * fo” moming tO°ko ined ibody® Deposits on Graham went through the wall and Alfred] story of - the morning of the Action Concerning Moving of \ Daily New ici cfivalon acl a “anal * and meet brethren arriving *! 912 W“ uae was hit. shooting, said that he did not Smithers Tried in Supreme don’ June’ 4 The plura Bare * on S.S Princess Alice at *| ey The Jury were: George P. Me-|hear the prisoner repeating the iba beet aiee a before the Gl Mun |} 40:00 o'clock * | ; a aoe es ine Coll, foreman, W. J. Greer, E. D.|ritle, but his brother told him he Court ge b has passec s third | Mr. J. D. MacKenzie, in charge he House Commons |‘ sat, evening complaining thatis {of a party of five, left last night Harris, Chas. T. Heward, E. Kis-jheard it. He warned his brother 1é \ , ( ‘ he vest tender for city coal did| * ¥* * * * * * ¥ # ® HHH HH) Pee ; ; " sick, W. J- Kennough, R. B.}to get away from the door. In nlere ' ‘ on he! award aa | for Oe ae eg to erarietls, on Hunter, Hugh one gn ~ said aren jresume his work whieh he begun] R. Johnson, V. F. G. Gamble, W./son had thrown the lamp at his “ P re van peggy poem vod ALICE iain Groaned pte See THAT SUNDAY POOL llast summer on the Geological Kelly and Henry W. Miller | brother aud not hit Sim oe it = a * hog & Alberts quoted $7.20 QUESTION UP AGAIN | Survey. It is the intention first John W Wright told of having |twiee as his brother had tesified. oO) : The Mas he South are $6.75 for N A pea and ; to investigate the»coal basin ex-|had a quarrel and fight on the | John had hreatened to break the N ‘ The} se pt N pe he op: Ald. Setgcrmies ‘eaubdeats the| tending neste ened from Ont evening of January 3rd. John- | ¢ door down, \ ast night|Gartage quoted $7.3¢ ut an {Wilson to Masset Inlet. Later he}son had ordered him to take his John Valeri who lived with _s h af neers | si , f M ela Issue That Appeared to Have l wil examine the property being jstuff out. Wirght said he wo ld | inh ‘ hes op sat + 1 { 1 e Sudan weeath : } Virght sac uld|/Johnson and Wright, said the ; he 150 led the five prospected for oil on the West}get even with Johnson over a let-| prisoner had fired a shot ‘the ! i Be f h pe f pea 8 per| Some months ago the City|Coast of Graham Island Last}ter Later he fought. in the cabin, | night before into the air to scare , I e] d b { as a und}Couneil after a hearty fight in|summer a_ carefu examination }and Johnson had hit witness with|the Wrights after they had gone “By mi he rince Rupert hev to } t price !which the city clergymén_ too | was made of the coal areas inja lamp Witness was lying on the | away to kepe them away. When Mr Lee Ba sec! ! he! pea coal their tend: i weot}part, passed a resolution favor-|the vicinity of Camp Robertson,{bed and pinned Johnson to the} Alfred Wright was shot the next sieve nmittee, received a wire|on the combinatior ing Sunday pool and requesting a/Yakoun Lake and Skidegate In-|wall with his feet. Another man !|——-—-——————— picsenabiaiotismeniediea Lee his morning containing the above \id. Dvybhavn and Ald. Mont-|bylaw to be prepared and submit-|let, during which the structure,}came and separated them. The Continued on Page 4) af | thing is in readiness} gomery moved the let liied ted to the Couneil. That was the|thickness and economic value of Int ' de : ig RS : ; saa e Re a Mtheaee oe SSS —_cemameanns Cane fe ; ao eive the visitors except the The Mavor asked exy ition las heawil ebous it and rumor jens seams were studied. The re- mn te ia a an A ds a oh amie ae ath whieh mewlhat Ald. Dybhavn said th mrin-|said that word had come from|ports will be published in the * METHODISTS MAY hreatening after ®longe period of] tends had figured the per. {the Tory headquarters to kill the|summary report to be issued in * PRINCE RUPERT BRIEFS i com : irillianes leentage of coal most advantage-|Sunday poo! agitation | September. ee | HAVE LADY PREACHERS ae ent iy sus to use and decided the Pacitl Last evening at the Gity Cour This summer's work will com- FRE MHEEE RRR RS SE i oF ne Telephone Building Site \( artage tender was low c ae ng Ald. Montgomery re pak ihe: rarest gations of cre- H. S .lements, M.P., is expect- Special to The Daily News) aa ; : Ald Montgomery coutirmed/surreeted the issue. Apparently 138 eous coals Graham Island.Jed in the city in a few days. He Winnipeg, June 16—The Meth- Meatesiy Tene MY the PaAlnatiy he Coun-|this statement, saying the super-|something has gone wrong with|!I! is also hoped to determine}is coming through from the East! odist conference recommended to ama ene SFhe ac nit lider itendent’s verdict was accepied,|the way it was fixed The big al- | something witl egard to thelover the G. T. P. ‘the General Conference the ad- in Question in this mee 5 yey IPrs ’ The Mayor said he did not like}derman asked the Mayor what|structure of the | flelds on the Ooh eae visability of opening up the way Malthe pallway lal Dybt AGS Over FS he way the committee was be..|had become of the bylaw West Coast which will be of value RK. J. Foreman, late of the Can-| for women to become ministers mind and located the |p the effect that the Board i carried o1 He had not been Phe Mayor said it was in the|to companies doing work ada Railway News Co., left last) of the Methodist Church. les distant \ mittee had de ided | illed the meeting and whenj|hands of Ald. Kerr, the chairmay Mr. MacKenzie is not at pres-levening for Masset to look after OF Hee RAEN? i es OLB OR WAS ACUI ni hel h Street site was bet thn had asked about this coal ten-j|of the Licence and Health Gom-|ent at liberty to express an opin-|his interests there. Grand Jury Busy A. D. Crease for the} ter for the w telephone build | des he was told. it had been ' mittee jion on the merits of these several ©: >: ad ae soeateiakot : mo ae art Wi hi ne ‘ oa oe | award He had intended sug-} Ald. Kerr was not present at} Propositions, rhe big arch for the Masons is} The grand jury presented a W Grand runk agent the « ie sal the ol aa ios 6 rat to 1 for}the Goune sol g 20 ; f si ntanie 3 : z . , ; Objection Wi tha hey would not Side a ee aa al aS ne j a, I" the Jemnalltien by ‘as an eee Sony am — o eee ‘BEE ‘aeaine! Wilienge ae SWELL suIT CLOTHES be abl he police more pea ni cahiahcshas were ldwnctlie poate’, Aaianlaal the auaee jrOMy MAKES CHARGE seal oat tae ihathaiel Se aes fraudulently obtaining passage WON IN BOY’S CONTEST Quarters weet He had been kept in the} | AGAINST BAKERY FIRM an. ek on the G, T. P. Phe City Solu remarked dark | Lot for sale; good buy: Grah-| re The G. 'T. P. are again opening His Lordship instructed the thivy drawing the | that that wa ' OW NAgeRe The argument then dropped|am Avenue, Lot 24, Block 3, See Shaffer and Woods, bakers, ap- their service to Priestly, Mile 337,)grand jury that they had the Saaeen earn ep M ! was some and the letter was filed pnt m 2; next lot beyond Wi iliams peared in police court this morn-|tomorrow morning: for both basS-) privilege of visiting the publie in- ihikne Shutanda | , ee per ere ” — ban Suan G. T.Jing charged with wilful destrue-|sengers and freight Part of this stitutions and enquiring inte al ine ey should n ' p tox 23, NewsOflice 87-138 si , a am a as .been « of co ssion for . , papers sold a ticket hurry about He would rather YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL ; | (00, FE ees ne Aerer ie ae ei aa “ pee things affecting the general wel- 1d a@ drawing ? the} see ail the city buildings togeth | jalso charged with forgery. sates lies which hates been reme-| fare and health and protection of mber takes place once “ler .on Fulton Street Northwestern Pony Christiansen laid theyin-| gieg the citizens. This includes fire i | ee eee | mae 2 Ald. Macabans aniseed lay ee She atts h nia’ a C 0) M | N ¢ | fanmation Tony built a new * ° . eee and sanitary condi- } ; ; ’ : : acoma, 2: Seattle, &. oven for the firm and has $4,000 rhe city engineer has report-|"0PS- : ‘ procured fron he], ‘ hut off some valuable city p nd is @onkens, 4 | an lie ae ee nh “Should we visit clubs?” en- lothink watniga- ithe’ sonls snares ts and, ; KE coming from it in payment. He J et re Clearing tor te pole line quired one juror. the city that makes a The question was sent back to American | EST HO L M claims the firm built a big fire injcompleted and work started on “It applies more to public f the boys’ depari-|the committer report on again. Vashington, 6; Cleveland, 7. *| it for the purpose of blowing it}the post holes About 80 holes|puildings,” cautioned His Lord. Philadelphia, 3; Ghicago, 4. | es up. He also charges Shaffer with}are to be dug The tramway|ship . “This privilege is a very Martin was the win-| \}] Masons and their ladies are Boston, 2: St. Louis, 0 oO P E R A H O U S PN having signed his brother’s name|/from Shawatlans Lake to the necessary adjunct to the admin- “line, He is a.son of ae , tend the New York, tf; Detroit, 4 sa Lo au document, ; power house is about complete.|ictration of justice.” lartin, of Martin & ». | inviled and urged ve One Week Commencing Wednesday, The case was taken to police|The excavation is proceeding Dib en Sag See he well known plaster r-fe ntertainment provided it con National dune 17th court in order to get information|favorably and work excavating Trials. ‘Poctnaned The next drawing|nection with the programme: ar~ QGhicage, 7; Boston, 5 | Miss Sweepstone and laid. The hearing will be later. |the tai! race will start next week. i we on duiy 15th, We need}ranged for the three day a Pittsbure, New York, 2. Mr. Tweedale ' sg ap: Cee og In chambers this morning ap- re smart boys’ to selljof Grand Lodge, June | ti i my Philadelphia-sSt Louis game The Great Leadon Dancing Due SUBSCRIBERS NOTICE YVhe G, 'T. P. extended their ser-| plication was made in the Philpot aril News Bvery boyjand = 19tl Welk aint E . ee and the Gincinnati- Brooklyn eon in the a —_—- vice from Smithers through tolys. Beatty for a commission to ood the sale | ball recep 4 es ae s ae were postponed on account of ARGENTINE TANGO Do not pay your subscription] Priestly again today, This is the}take evidence of Beatty and Frank ry ee eee rit ste will be printed for the}?@!n Bo } to the newsboy, Our collector no} nt pee ae Nene 7 Evans in Toronto was refused. tonth pal ar for other events. All of And the Very Latest Modern society $/\vil! call on you, and will give of- the he pital * POR Ne: Se Application for postponement of Jihe Fraternity are welcome and Sacramento, 2; Venice, Dances ficial receipts which should be ne i fe Fe tere Sea the bri! was granted to take olty ght and talephonelare ‘expedled attend, Pro Only one game se NeAilan WITH SPLENDID FEATURE kept in ease of errors. All pay- i. e mee oe a Miso. place pre-emptorarily at the next ee have awarded con-|grammes may be obtained from —- a ments should be made by cheque. i My “a at . apes e assize. be ie Northern Electric Lee L, Baker, Secretary of Recep Pride, Nash & Co. are offering | MOTION PIOTURES THE MANAGER, : eo or established, a ' eer Application for postponement d to the Canadian General| tion Gemmittee, at office of West-|at thelr forced out sale, for Wed- Admission; - = = 4Be and 26¢ ‘ ace ese Te . ike tin : ar oe eo a of the trial of Burronghes vs. for supplies for the tele-jenhaver Bro second Ayenue|nesday, June 17, any ladles skirt | Ohildren, 10¢ Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.|a ws m = . mann Smithers|Harrison was granted, costs te extensions and Third Street 198-40|in stock for half price. it | eee | Phone 4. tf}anc rince George. the plaintiff. = FF ae erat, ae aay = b. sahat SEMEN