i < 8 THE DAILY NEWS ! dat ] ‘ 2 oe ae ‘ l ; ; | sonnson Fou ety —— W FOUR WINTERS | ND Nor Corley, K. MeKay, Joba Jo LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ae cay, K. MeKay. Joba Joy, ; '¢ DID IK. Leve, M. J. MeNeill, B.D OF RHEUMATISM wor Leave seas to y ) The Chelohsin sails for the 6 Harris, Wm. Angle, M. ©, Mus- ix y ears e ak ahdard south tonight. 4 | onvinued from Page One tard, H. H. Miller, D. ©. Stuart re Ya he Cured of Sciatica tica And Musculat — James Hampton, The price is right and the fooid Rheumatism By “Fruit-a-tives” }morning, Johnson was in bed. He | Gonstable Parsons of Terrat is good. London Cafe. 127tf Ripcerown, ONT., May 21st. 913. | Picked the rifle up and aim: “3 hid ce anreetiiee nella heat Teal he Baek “Pruit-a-tives’’ cured me of Rheu- | @! the woor, The gun ther ‘ Mrs. H. F. McRae will not re-| matism, It was the only medicine that | Off. Witness had also qual scovered the stolen goods in the | Pace and finding Reilly in posses ceive again this season. made any impression on me. I was a jwith John Wright He ; ck used by Reilly. sion of a gun, ammunition, hat, of as terrible sufferer from Rheumatism. I | yi on; hadi : me eke \ H. Baile Fe ; fe j nie : was laid up for four winters with Sciatica geht had taken an ax: \ sailey, warden of the city jeaeor, knife and sundry articles, While you wait shoe cepairing. and Muscular Rheumatism, and was |!'I ielo the bunk house told of having put Reilly in| Whi h had been stolen from a F. German’s, opposite postoffice ade ares ed. 1d : ithe first quarrel had oecut ; |the kitehen under Jock The fol. | rancher. mws cinensigauabean?? helped him, and starte ; Witness said Johnson neve wine morning the prisoner was | Louis Banvilel, the man who mane eke in to take them. 1 used “Fruit-a-tives’’? |PCated the rifle as John \ and also the. lock After }lost th ds, lives at Thames Gentlemen, we buy your old| faithfully for two years, taking them /said he did before the shot a1 ly was re-arrested he told|His cabin is a short distance from clothes. Phone 565 116tf sok, eames Wey wete:oalloue fircd which wounded Alfred. W here to find the broken lock and} the road He had been away for aera ae For over two years, I have been the gun went off Johnser lock was found. two weeks and on his return he city bylaw regulating the | completely free from any Rheumatic have time to put it up t 8 Constable Tom Parsons told of nd the house broken open and | weight of bread was given its Pains whatever, and I give ‘‘Fruit-a- | shoulder like a man should. J recaplure and arrest at Tet iny articles ‘stolen | ed line 4 ' Citv C tives’ the credit."’ W. H. RACHER, Per y : ne | first reading at the ity. Coun- soc a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢ ul fies acted as th ' ‘ The prisoner gave evidence in} cil last evening. At all dealers or from‘ Fruit-a-tives rp 7 ufraid of John Wright The prisoner had no eounss s own behalf, stating that he} rete taker Limited, Ottawa. john Rus.sell, eonstab ind offered no defence: had met a man on the tracks who The city council has asked the - Priestly, said the prisone 1 W. EP. Fisher was crown prose-/¢laimed to be a trapper with a Health Committee to pick out the W. CG. Wileox, of P hanes. iid he was sorry he shot W ‘utor, stake and gave him the goods. | style of ne to be Me for the] and. -is in*the city for a few days h did not aes it; he ir His Lordship in charging the|S®s'He he didn’t want to carry it. r scavenging department. oa 8 shooting into the logs ry said the Crown must prov On cross examination, he de re ar ar OW 8 ea: 26 , ; ; 7 prove : ; ™ bin sala ; ; Everything that’s good to eat The Defence SE ees They had only: showed Mee evel having been in jail. He The City Council has issued in-]at reasonable prices at the Lon- Before the defence star! that, Reilly went up to the shack idmitted having told some peo a e rom ra es structions far tenders to be called] qon Cafe 4o7tf| Lordship asked th: : where the stolen ods wt ple as a ke that he was wanted ‘ ACA Ss . aske te. jury i pot ; & , ' want for water pipe for city extension ate . wanted to hear any mot found, There was no evidence | for murdet He never commit-| NO ALU | } . ig £ . . . r * . = } g or si) ’ _ el eg the big watet The Coquitlam is due todsy/ence. The jury did and th . how that he took the goods me 1; he had been in the ; pipe for the hydro-electric plant.}fpom the south with a cargo uf |/oner was put in the box. In his ae Also there Was another nited States navy but had never | ey explosives and rough freight. ; story of the shoot he said he had man in the shack. The constables |C@™mitted a murder W itne ss | i The spring salmon are — not oe ver shot a gun before When were justified in making the ar. |#@mitted writing a letter to Mont- | ———— running in the numbers the fisher} What everyone should know :/!e¢ picked it up that morning it}(¢°% He was’ placed in the kit-)) °— Virginia, since he has been| LT eT Tee Teme Ooo CCC CCL CHIE, han Rath sen a mn rt time] peopl of discriminating taste /|W@* with the intention of shoot- chen There is no doubt but any fet here He did not write it} g vowever X so eye season willl dine at the G.T.P. Cafe. 83if |ing into the back wall to scare| . you may have done the same te te authorities saying he pre-| & HAMILTON ; ay taint they are hoping for bet- ens jthem. The gun went off acciden thing he did. aos ei sap Po on a charge | ; er ings. Mrs McOmber left n th tally ‘Trusting some ¢al and b iihere rather than here; he did not} 4 4 és é iG Reg ert 0 ms: ° ’ 5 ane read | : i ; . j ‘ sia Na Spokane last evening for a Wound |. At: the conclusion ofthe ad.|*° man: wio dives in-a Box oar remember whe he wrote to or] SCO DA FOUNTAIN DELIGHTS 2 The report published yester-|trip to Skagway |dresses to the counsel and Jud s a pretty high standard of mo1 jwost'he Hud said. } o* : 0 > Cf sel and Judge . mee ) ‘- ’ } day of the Ranger being on the cence the jury broust ; sat als to hold‘up.” | rhe court adjourned at 12:30 ‘ inkica nt’ MetiakaGat : : | j rought in a verdict of 4 Pp. I ; vhs al Metakatah for” wo[ the Spokaae was im pot ory awty without ening tht, 08, the at charge 1 don't i: CE CREAM LIGHT LUNCHES | 1ours was somewhat exaggerat-}this morning, northbound sh] seats " think there is 1 ; ‘ | anted ; ed. She slipped up on a rock but} took severe his ae i : a : r ; hai ei . nuch doubt as to} ; Be eavat cet ti a dow mist , everal passengers from ex vs. Ray O'Reilly : ‘ 1 should do. On the jail! Daily 7 2 as taken 0 na ie ninutes | this port. The first case _| breaking charge there is > de] wo energetic reliable agents a.m. to midnight ; without sustaining any damage ° * . erry “ . a : iin ys eben | fence.” by Dominion Registered C a? ; eee po : Budo alo ay eilly, charged se dh Mag ee ’ i | heeroorreeocorerrr++ee Bete hie, nm q he Princess Sophia arrived at | with theft and breaking jail. The| The jury returned in : fh Deny: Only live wil és need ap erececcsereccsesnereseesessenseieeeeretetecenened ek ‘ ee es as property] 9:30 last evening, having been | jury was composed of Jos. Howe ninutes with a verdict of not{? >” meropante ~ Césialty.-.Com- owners asking for a plank walk|delayed by fog. She had : ; ‘ Ree ner at aan ~*lpany of C { 48 a ye e F a) ’ . She had a num-|foreman, Thomas Bramley, H. G,|2Utllly of stealing. but guilty of], ; fanada, 218 Central | apy ac atta Rape on Fifth Avenue, near Seal Cove|ber of passengers for this pert|Helgerson; Daniel de ae a "| jail breaking ‘Building, Victoria, B.C. 136-9] PT TAS POE EE OUUNEEN ERE NE EY, Circle, has been received by thejand a lot of freight. She left rly R a pnp Jabour, Alex On th : |e ® ‘ Sonal The petition ha h Pig ge ta < .. She le fer, McRae, G. 8. Fitzmaurice, N. De-| n the charge of. atealing a Wantad ; f | t Plumbing ot team (tin * ‘ as ee the North about two a.m. j re i? # Pibciovs , . gun and other ; elas © ane Smatl fur she - * Ate eh) CB OLY TSO RU. O WYP Oy ic ci eet oe eee ; Bratt, Everard Kissick, eat ¥ — pERLON Motor) house, three bedrooms Se rs ies t x to report on. THE WEATHER ai { J Re aioren eee Sees D H M is a for four month r lol ss iy ‘lk oe eal work , RE and J. KR. Morgan. | - Morrison, foreman, W. 7 iths or longer; care-| x i , ful tenant oy » fir) } « . . » . Sen Wilhelmena Role: gi ; ant, Give ill particulars E. S. Busy, chie spector « ei BUS SAVE Oy ie | oars ox 66. Nev : r at fair prices J x the Pree an tiene 9 fa et. f Furnished by F. W. Dowling dence to having lost canned goods BOE: 98, News 136-138) * estern Plumbing Co,, Ld ¢ ns taeg ry a Sree To Observer and tobacco from her store on| BORIC OIC III IOI IOI IOI III TIS JOO IOI II A as : as ve g y e A ie Pi ikia wed Gpueet Ae te mip ae Second Avenue and finding the} . . é Fi ‘ 2 is g g June 5, 1914 }furniture ¢ : f S St “ate through to the north and will ps 3 eos pe ne one aturated | @S ar ains PRINCE RUPERT BOAT . ’ .o Of 0 and ; ce of es his official visit to Prince Rupert| Barometer reduced to sea dle burned to th th ie ot eee i T ‘ e¢ e floor " “f 2 | upon his return trip in about two SAVORS: Siste20 tere os 29.990 j}had been gained througt part | in u t 0 e€a e al oS level eocrsncveacv+s 20800] Ad won stined through ase Real t h S * ® * fen . temperature oo ment window She identified the| per ea ty a S an unc es sowest temperature 50.0 goods : ‘re fo 5 for re. Gi 3 r sf The city engineer has prepar- Pee ede we es tee ee rae h were found in Reil-|} Section Five: Lot 28, Block 9, a or hire. Gasoline for sale ed two plans for the proposed In the Londo ha ae Ane Jevel. Sixth” Avenue ® tot; on ra stccominalatecimerte p $ n hospitals the ail- F. J. Roberts ana Go P grade £3.200.00 Pea { " new market building. One is afment of. the eM OES buicle ikeba’ ke re . pe 4 eee rh re are PHONE RED 391 U M rT , CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY | closed in building with just tab- , bape ee TA, eee eee supust 1044, 1915, 4916; bal North End of Manson Way L a G les, Several of the members of admitted, is denoted by certain ea even yer cout kts u SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM the city council looked at the|/Ctlers, such as “T.B.” for tuber- | Lot 3, Block 30, lies on grad =| | | gry areas plans and expressed opinions culosis. An American doctor was st street, rear four ot aver teat @* | O A a RRCK $141.00 The market committee was ask- Ee these history © stips an RENE e aa ee cieainn ene é ° ” | aT PA ee ed to report on it. when his curiosity was aroused € . per eent D ily N 1} NEN RK 14450 Pies ae by the number on which the jet- Lots 15 and 16, Block 29, lane e a ews and i ae : a yog Sunday was a big day on Tug ters “G, O. K,”’ appeared, He IMMEDIATELY owning naar te Avenue, on CLASSIFIED ADS. Complete Line of nil td si im mn ; ~©~| said’ t » ohvsicis oF Saar’ inwar’ 4000 the elnion oo tas ; we I Island. There was about 200 5 a the physician ke NP bed Agreements of Sale for beer: pated 6, fer aah Pennies oot BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES | Princess Beatrice § nd Prince Rupert people enjoying | > 0~'"® bim around: “There | Discounting at aaron her chat ke c 2m Aang | the sandy beach there. During Sie - A & Severe epide Bit Or} From SECTION SIX: Lot 24. block 31 FOR RENT WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limit d | the afternoon there were three re pbs an London. What is| pee 300.00 cash, balance Serenata we Sn ies J. @. MoNAB, G A hasahs enw, 4 of a il, anyhow ? $$ ‘ aan | : 8 months ¢ seve a aR iii | . @. c ,» Genera ent ee ‘ ball games and a football Gad ; 1 Oh, that m on | $2,000 cent BS VOR DOF ! yin NT. Pretty house on the hill;} Ste | Corner Third Ave. a eixth 6t match, In one baseball game the] .- d onty knows’, replied the | , aes fae st ht, i hone; three o | ladies played the men and beat mnglish physician, P Must be Af ener, ores: sO tee ae oe | : sta “ae mT ee thein 17 to 7. 5 neta eer meatier Submit offerings to : cei ee a1 2 10.04 s $00 00 FOR SALE | prvecestroreneilerenieonennet eters? | * e ys ngzus Stewart returned Sun | miGistine? t : 2, 8 an 24 hone 87 P.O. Box 1704 | POPPERS LEE L ET ETL OLE OL IITA IITEN : 3 : . set 101 even per cent -——— cee . ‘ Mies iieh) count will” not: meat? flay from a trip to Fort George. | * FOR SALE—Ranges ‘and stoves cheap 2 Wei) 8 iplettiok oon a * me 4 Close ) r gentle tive of the Thorsh banking house i FOR A TAXI 2\$ * GEORGE pan lose in, Apply Box 70. Dally | PRUDHOMME & FISHE? Pattullo Block, Second Ave ; of Austria, large property hold- rie ie 5 EEK YOUNG MAN, good bookk vey Prepeinere ; rs ak i MAN, good bookkeeper, first-class ES ers in Prince Rupert, will have aie 2 | typist, wants position \pply Box jy, | eee eeereweoorroreoroorcorosrsoces | ALL CONVENIENCES ; the honor of being the first guest Paes I AX! a. ei 137 Uf, FOR RENT 2 ai the New Hote Prince Rupert * ; tik * TO Ba oie Sete ee ane od e| The manager of ais —— - ¥ if ¥ day or hour, First class reference, ; i ager of the hotel receiv-|¥ ¥| x | Terms reasonable. Apply Box 101|\¢*** + ones | 2 ed a telegram from Mr Aldons fr 7 Bly Re tee * | Daily News. seat | | \ 3 reserving a room. He will arrive * PRIN * ft | mse | ' F : tomorrow morning by boat fro * CE RUPERT AUTO CO * |; * CELLANEOUS 1 | , 5 & DY Boat om * ALF HALLIGAN i | ] ¥ (} ) the south k raps , ~ | 3 PATTULLO & RADFOND } ‘ x* 4 | V FI III III IID ISS DAAIK are x | WE HAVE RENTED all our houses | 3 - alalhalalalaleleletelaleteleleiolaloloiolol | cannot fill applications, Give us» your 3 es | | house to rent, Prince Rupert Finan. | RCE RESENRROUERNEA MERE ee ENE SECOND A‘/E ; . clers. F. AR. ‘ Brown, manager. 315 | M b P. : «at 8 I T rince Rupert Dairy beeen. sanenee #04 amy Read. 998. 18: OS® RL. Vintners Association 3) *rorrerrerecsosecrsncccecserreerrr ; E Phone Green 252 | RITCH ro | noe | WINDSOR HOTEL aus Vi B R- Holstein Milk for Babi | ih AGNEW & C0. Corner of First Ave. and Eighth st. 3 . abies | Fes me W. WH. Wright, Prop. specially Bottled | Ci —-——_—- eine M vil Engineers ana 8B. GC. L 5. | » ©, Land SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS TESTSP. Cows Estate Agent Surveyors fr see 4"An invitati | First A d Seventh 8 ation is cordially ex- | ir venue and Seven t. C Auctioneer | _——- European and American Plan PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. tended to the citizens interested | and Valuator | pp Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con- Peter Black, Prop. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager 2 a pe dairy premises Notary Public proves Laid Gursevias, Mine Survey- obsis a ab A ist Ave. aM Iring the hours c , ne ubdivisions, Electri and McBride 8t. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Wednesda 3 yace of 3 84 0 and 4:30} Blue Printing, Negatives and ie KNOX HOTEL ; PHONE 25 Branch Mare’ ot” Gmithane ak ays and Saturdays when | Rourth: 9 eat Prints, . First Ave,, Between Eighth and Ninib ; ;milkng operations are being con-| . St., Across from Land re European Play, Rates 50c to $1.00 AY , » eves ducted. MNegistry Olfice, Prince Ru “tooM Beener a's ay P ih P ener ; pert, McBride 8t., Prince Rupert, B.C, Treen 42 39,000 7 : J. Y. Aocheste: * Vv. D. Casley {4 and 12, 9 1,600 ; — EMPIH\ESS HOTEL + ; rhird Ave., Between Sixth and ny 400 allShoes - Ea Bee Y ©) Al se European Plan, 50 (o $1 Per Day 34 400 ’ . oe me Steisteadhc Ce Se arial | 5 lis 00 PREMIER HOTEL | » Swerican and Buropeun Plas 40 a itt »50 F. W. Genning, Marager me 7 {0 and 20 1,500 KOVAL HOTEL 0 Cortey ¢ Kurgess, Props m~? ind Third Ave. aud Sixth ot Eurepean Plan Bteam Hielea OOne-f or BD BEAVER WHOLESALE LIZIIOR CO mu : LIMITED Second Ave, and Sixth St } ai OUR A ae | rm | ore , " | 2 Yes al aaa ic De) PRINCE PUPERT IMPORTING 00. Ky LIMITED li? phN ltd Fraser ana Sixth Si I) R. Naden 0., itt, i IG PAL See a oer POOLE LALACABAIEEAE IEEE REE recooreds Phone 7 Recand Avenue