,‘e rf 6 vednesd June 17, 19144 wea — etweer! Women’s yealth or Suffering fo main reason Why 80 many se on suiler greatly at times gomen , of a run-down con- in headaches, lan- ervousness and worry, pEECHAM’S PILLS (The Lorgost 8 je of Any Medicine In the World) st, surest, most a nient and most economi- al rel _ They clear the aystem ( sons, purify the blood suffering and - | health and str t all the bodily cg turally and prop- I tions, feelings and ids of women have Beecham’s Pills Make All The Difference ere. In boxes, 25 centa, hod the directions with every hox fan very valuabi ility, poor circula- | THE DAILY NEWS EMPRESS VICTIMS BORNE TO MT. PLEASANT CEMETERY ever Simulation jai waTGH FREE, NewStore andNew Goods NEVA es are for suit right SWEDER BROS., s to Ladies and Gen- tlemen, + tatior [POLLO LL OLN OEY PLDI DDIOLL ODL LS ‘ } FURNITURE FOR SALE ; “ at private sale 1 furniture of a wh } ling Minogeny Drausers & Washstands Quarter t Oak Ditting room table and chairs pholstered couch chairs, aoe altrerses, Mirrors, Kitonen Utensiis, fact a full equipment, r in bulk. See ‘ i $ 5 } Leather e ‘ 5 ‘ ‘ 5 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ } WW. STEPHENS & 60., LTD. ae OLE OLOEROOL LOLS 2OLOOPOP rcs. ~ [Metrerreroronoe eres | SEEDS! SEEDS! — Mave our 1014 Spring Seeds FIELO, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Dealers in Feed of all kinds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY ers promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 808 fT) | | | : a | a Ave. Phone Biack 268 ee OO POOOOOOROOEEODE BOOED DODD —— ‘Church Services - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH *s every Sunday in the ® Hall at 1) a.m, and ress Theatre at 7.30 p.m tay School at 2.80 p. m FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH YOUNG and FIFTH AVE vices every Sunday at 1) and 7.80 p.m. Bunday ol 2.30 p.m, Baraca ¢ Clase 2.320 p.m W. WRIGHT, B.A., Pastor ? METHODIST CHURCH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE ©. every Sunday at li and 7.30 pm, Sunday rol wt 2.0 20 p.m, \. DIMMICK PASTOR DNEW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Fifth Ave, and Dunsmuir Place 10g prayer, 11, * prayer, 7:30 1001, 2:30 p, Holy ‘anuption first Sunday month, at 11 @ gm. 800 third Sunday at & ‘ m Even Sunday m A. RIX RECTOR “ALVATION ARMY Granville Court day & mh CITADEL Services ii 8 and 8 p.m. Sun shool, 1:30 p. m ek aight services Mon at ‘ Wednesday, Thurs ‘Y and Saturday LS (Qe Es Se SS 8 SS SP FD tPA ED BH) | Strathcona, whieh was probated a) a in London on May 27th, shows a re FASSUNG EVENTS as personal estate of a total value of 5 ap. 82 3.254,510, of which $21,161,- Com nappa EG = az ea = 745 was in holdings abroad and Pee CMs he, he, Gy CLES, POU eS $2,092,765 was in Great Britain. With their families and them assistance Remair by,” laeka ened nem pei sitio teh wee n the verge of starvation] have encountered ice’ and “Your | ire ugh the payment of death he me f the building trades | lights are out All British ships | jation, — She ibaa end eieaLe: Lond have again by largejcarrying fifty more persons! hold effects in Grosvenor Square , ty re ted the terms offer-| mus have a wireless installa- are valued at $131,780. The pict- } the masters, and threaten] tior iiten'~. theke cae wueth uel ten Age : Warn, GA RENOE§ ea ae Had the will come under the bud- 9 aogeares ee re eminent | 54 ust introduced in Parliament ! I t of the provincis urist and literateur, was elected the death duties would have 4 Lenanse. [RBI Kp- DESNOR Or ne Ore, Saree ar ted to $5,585,585. oh st { meeting in Montreal. fe : : i Pardee he PASSENGERS ARRIVING ; : cot eee A severe earthquake was felt ON PRINCE RUPERT TODAY ” was so incensed Panama the ight of May ut iring drid ba i a} th, but fortunately no damage Among the: passengers arriving sites Me es ee et re everest shocks S.8, Prince Rupert today { juris { . te ¢ j eae : a ae ra oe # Sydney cable, eves were the following: Mr, and Mrs, ard tha he attacked him)registered by Australian seismo : ' : } §,. } Parker, R. Wrights Cae ter with his cane and fists and/graphs, were recorded at 42:30] 7 potty a pe es de his nose bleed profusely on the morning of May 28th by|.’ °S*e@naver, « - 0 eso - HNg- Fis vege (ae lthe instruments at the overno| et 37 De ens, J. Ho Dhomp- f ten” law] Seat ide it son, Mr. and Mrs, MePhee, D, Me- Phe K before ten AW | nent bservatory at Rivoview. Milaln, B. Whitems J. Rodgers f l Scotland on]|'Tie« waves lasted three hours. In- SUE liteman, J. Rodgers, | D. M. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Shef- May 28th 1 is be rigorously | dication were given of an upheay-] "777 S50) ME. at ce oats nforced The act is aimed atla the neighborhood of thete > 20% ‘we children, Mrs. Fos- ter, ©. D. Ford, J. Hoffman, Dr Se ak sin, the siip- | Friendly tstande, i the Southirnts i. 50, RV aaaai, Mer ane ard vh i id aa oe iffe ae R Sp sedeie: . wine ikfast di King which not only; * *. * : avees s their health, but leads to] Tha’. race~ ker THe est M Alac : a Nicherson, Mr. and i 5 a : Vrs. brownlee, Miss Murray, A, essive drinking at other hours | owned by Mr. H. 1} Duryea an las, R. Griffiths, D. M. Moore. : P , ; Amer in, We the Epsom Downs f 3 z I I embers f the [I by | sé n Mav 28th. in com iesks eaduieidan S a ands th House f Com | parativ “eee ich : M 28th presented Sirling th lengths ahead of tt Hound trip excursions to Ket- W La with a gold wateh | second horse King George; Chikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sitka, Lady La ith a purse fl ho i the winne ) having;and Skagway on the fine steam- s i l- | hin it dir 1] sa ae Scgitts” sna 50 - Py a eee n} The plate 10} the; kane™ sailing every six days. ; ney | Ver . Dy i ~ Con- | 832.00 covers ail expense. A side ia Ive i Ma\ s ires | iri Skugwa ‘es Summit of the nee F against the repea he| White Pass Ry. at very small \ we the g s ent ned | prohibitior laws ost For reservations and all 1 garden party in Toronto last pledges the party ti p nain f mati apply ¢. Rogers’ 3 by H. R. H. the Du ‘iienance,. and enactn any Shanna Agency, Phone 116.. sught were the Mexica ; idditional legislat essary 132-160 ys now attending ihe mediation|ito secure their rigid « ment.! oo ies nference alt Niasara Falls, Ont ‘ aa? Geniiemen, we buy your old ee rhe will of the ile Lordtclothes. Phone 5665. 116tf H. R. H. Prince Alexander of). a Pech the Governor-General of Canada designate, was given a linne by the Ganadian Club in London on May 28th, at which any leading Canadians ind thers were present In coneclud ne his address acknowledging he h done him the’ Prince aid was his earnest wish to el] forwarding happiness and sperity Canada Phe Dominion Government has decided to build the ratiroad connecting Montreal with the National Transcontinental Rail way, reese The Right Rev. Charles Sead ding, bishop of Oregon and a son of the late Henry Scadding, of roronto, died in Portland, Ore., on May 27th after a few days ill- ness form = pleuro-pneumonta aged 53 years. Sir Joseph Swan, the eminent inventor, especially of the incan descent lamp which bears his name, as well as ‘tnany new pro cesses connected with photog raphy, died in London on May 27, aged &6 years ae Mr. John Burns, President of the British Board of Trade, has drawn up a merchants’ shipping bill for safety at sea which will be introduced in Parliament shortly. It provides, among other things, for a new wireless dan- gersaiena), TT By whole) eT MISS EVA BOOTH AND HER CHIEF OF THE STAFF re repeated ten imes a ecu arnip signal will warn ves-|]Commander of the Salvation Army in the United States and { sels of imminent danget from mer commander in Canada, taken in New York before icebergs, cyclones, etc. The 7 T sailed for the Internationa! Congress in London, and af! r will not supersede the present she had heard of the disaster in which the Ganadian S. A SO 8. Other urgent signals are contingent was nearly wiped out. On hearing the bad news |provided for, such as “You are she exclaimed, “Think not of the dead, our business is with lstanding into dange! “Tl want the living ‘VETERAN NORTHERN MASTER FOR ALICE ‘Capt. J. McLeod Leaves Princess | | } May to Take Alice on the Alaska Run When the © p steamer Prineess Alice e he North- ern trade she w mmanded by the veteran \ in naviga- tor, Capt. John Mel who has piloted steamers up and down the eoast for a grea ears. For 9 al inl i ao aisteiseicicinieaichalsinigiicinioish OYAL STANDARD is the wiz- sesame’ ard of the kitchen. magic in any recipe calling for flour. ROYAL STANDARD is the ‘‘open ’ to good cooking. Acts like It trans- e fw months don ve summer | fOrMS Ordinary bread, cakes or pies Capt. MeLeod ‘cupy thel. ‘4 [master's rth latisllinto real wonders of the culinary boat, and his nmand, the Prineess May, will in all prob- ability, @o to Capt. Jeremiah art. i Shaw, who is al present skipper \ Bete Price! "ary ee] Y lls ROYAL STAN- ; Brown, now on the Princess Alice, our grocer se S will pilot the Princess Mary on DARD d b k IGTMENEEE Pun between Vicloria under a money back guarantee jand Yaneouver. Capt. McLeod is an undisputed gyi) STANRARD jauthority on Alaska navigation. | He has been in the service s long sol 4 | x utely La that he has thoroughly familiar- fos FLOUR ' ws ized himself with the courses and weather between here and Skag- F. @. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor way. Capt. McLeod is one of the PRINCE RUPERT senior masters of the C.-P. R. ser- vies. His splendid judgment and accuracy in details have resulted in his having been involved in] > ie) 9 very few mishaps. ere} we) © 6 © ol = o) 6 e| Capt. McLeod is one of the best = —————— — known of the Nova Scotian colony| & now residing here. He was for- merly a sealing master and doub- W Ww led Cape Horn in the sehooner [HO W and here to Buy ed- Ariel. Capt. McLeod sailed from ding Gifts and eee Halifax in 1892 and succeeded in making the run out with the Jewelry e . . Ariel in 128 days, which was one of the smartest passages ever Where will | buy my wedding gifts and wedding jewellery? ie a question passages which will be asked often during the month of June. in fact, it Is @ made by any of the. schooners question which is always being asked. which came out from the Fast. Capt Moleod took ‘thé Agi: os IN OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWER several sealing cruises and he OUR WEDDING JEWELLERY 5 well represented in this valuable shop- commanded some of the other pers’ guide, and from it you may choose appropriate gifts for brides- schooners of the famous fleet. maids, groemsmen, maide of honor and others. Commencing on June 26th the FROM THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CUT GLASS AND SILVER shown in the Princess Alice will start out on catalogue, gifts of good quality at easy prices may be readily selected. the first of her f 4 tet ewan ie All orders received by us will be forwarded with the utmost despatch at ( 1er four tourist excur- our risk, prepaid by us. We can serve you satisfactorily no matter how sions to Alaska. Capt. McLeod far away you may be. will remain with the Alice until she is through with the northern ee Hi Birks & Sons, Limited se lige A enry Birks ons, Limite ie The host place in the city to ua lunch or dine is the Royal Cafe. JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS The service and the menu can al- 5 ways be depended on. 126tf Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Directori VANCOUVER, B.C Gentlemen, we buy your old clothes. Phone 565. 116tf 1836 tHe eanx or 1914 || KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY ege ° THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 BritishNorthAmerica Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass 78 YEARS in Business. Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,786,666. Paints HARDWARE a Ranges ‘inware Graniteware ; i The ‘Stay Satisfactory A Service Business Men || MONARCH MALLEABLE ae Appreciate The complete and valuable | — ‘ MA LG ; service rendered by the Bank ‘ of Britiats North America has THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED secured and retained the rs cg ia ia accounts as well as the con- : SS. VENTURE fidence of a goodly proportion Sails for Simpson, Naas, Mil! Bay, connecting for Aiyansh of Canada’s prominent busi- Fridays et 2 p. m.; for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m. ness men. ‘The same service awaits you, whether your SS. CHELOHSIN be . ac t be lar r small. Sails for Simpson, Arrandale and Granby Bay every Sun- i come OF © day at midnight; for Vancouver, the South, Tuesdays at 9 m. PR ' vp. | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH | PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. | P. MARGETTS, Manager. | ~ — — —— ——_===— i= == F + RII II AAA IAEA ERA AAA AA AAA AAAA AA AAA AA AAA AAA AAA AA AA AAAI + ‘= Se bt ts} as 12) } ; j THE sas = EE ) DAILY for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. * { } i N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in % Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of * the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all : is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events t and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- * SAFE bia, It treats these subjects with moderate opti- 4 ; q 7 SANE mism and reliability. . ! i + nnn The Daily News is the most valuable paper to t ener’ advertisers because it is read by the buying public. : IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in : the vity. It is read by the class of people the * INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to. if INTELLIGENT ra | 1g —_____—_—___-TEE-—_____ tb) It 3 | : s} 4 : ; z | fi — ee —r ~ > j + OOOO ions REAR ARRAN KR Lee Beata tee + e fi ahi ‘