8 ’ THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 17 ig SP PROS | This inorning oi Indiaas, “FOUR WINTERS | THE WEATHER Ra ote David Maxwell and Win, ‘Tail, : fel) Senn Ab a waar? urnishe owlin 2 Local News Notes Bp) were charged an potiee cout wih OF RHEUMATISM) “o°"°"““oterver: "8 on ipl } ‘}being drunk and pepe whisky CS PAS OS, GSS Gs EES ACE || '7 their possession. Two whit ak ; r reduced ‘to 04 mew are Mixed up in the affair Cured of Sciatica And Muscular POHANG Pe aoe ee ( Try Smiih & Killas’ ice cream, While you wait shoe sepairing.;The heari: g will tase place this “ tives!” level’ .svildes Peurwiee RU, Pp. phe a Tete F. German's, opposite postoffice.| afternoon, Rheumatism By Fruit-a-tives Highest temperature .....62 & ( We buy and serve only the best mws So a eer sieu hides OnT., May 21st. 19173. |] wes! temperature ..... 50 the market affords. London Cafe. Me we the is at W. C. Ditmars, of the firm of | sasttion,” tale ian Ooty ee ier dank BVOENL 54:6 yg RAD AE AO Sone 59 te 989m 7 139-tf, What everyone should know -}Armstrong, Morrison & Co., Ya .-| nade any impression on me. I was a , Y , . People of discriminating taste|couver, and an officer af hee terrible sufferer from Rheumatism. I Wanted Mr, Aldous, of Winnipeg, ar-|dine at the G A P. Cafe. 83tf | Masonic Gand Lodge. is the} was laid up for four winters with Sciatica , ne : . - . . ; | and Muscular Rheumatism, and was ; } rived this morning and is regis- city, His firm is building a large completely rippled. Iwo energetic reliable agents tered at the Prince Rupert. The passengers on the Princess|steel bridge at Pitt Meadows fo Some neighbor of mine told me that |fPy Dominion Registered Com- > Prd Alice will live aboard the boat/the Provincial Goyernm« “Fruit-a-tives’’ helped him, and I started | pa Only ve wires need ap aaa Nay o endeao ooke ; ; ‘he » here wee in totake them. I used ‘‘Frujt-a-tives’’ ; Se mines : = oor hy Pr aa ee ne et a Nes sa ie oe ; | faithfully for two years, taking them |P') Merehant CSE, ee h the way you like it. London Ye e.juntil Friday midnight, The Most Worshipful Grand every day as I saw they were Cottey me }pany of Canada, 248 Central In order to get the stock reduced and sold by July 4s 139-tf, Meet Master W . : ; good, and the results were marvellous. | jj, j]ding, Victoria, B.C. 136.9 ; ; ei 62. E. B. Paul, who has been here a el ms Henderson is + ry} For over two years, I have been we will give you some special inducen§ .ty fop one-day B. R. Jones returned to Skeenalon several Masonic visitations, is ee wwe Gov cr» Abe a and t give “iru The Cradle sales only, and at the prices should gai! Out entirely o: er e 1 s “ e Some ’ | a Crossing today after spending a]schodl superintendent for Vic- ons Rai ~ rovine a tives’ the credit.” W. H. RACHER. | few days in the city. toria. feard him spe sug soc a box, 6 for $2. a8, trial size, 25c. | Born to Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Mal- COME EARLY AND HAVE THE CHoiIce aie * ovr gested that he might also be of] aé all dealers or from Fruit-a.tives ett, on June t6th, a son, Scotch extraction and a Presby Limited, Ottawa. Mrs, Swaggerett, of Smithers, Mr, Maxwell Smith, who is just terian, but this is a guess came in on the train last even-|recovering from a severe illness, ing en route to Vancouver, is among the visiting Masons of POINTED Par . THE GRAND LODGE ae the sad intelligence of the si de Pri da arg © Oi Ogee this city. AGRAPH A, F. & A, M, OF B.C. | de n death of his father in Ontarios | ay : PS Ains MEETS iW RUPERT | Ile received injuries while hand } . W. E4Williams has receiv- Mrs. M. Barr and son, of Van- oon: couver, are guests of Mrs, G. A, Rey, Mr. White, of Eburne, who Prepared chalk covers a multi- canateiine lling a contrary horse and died} Naa aati cee aa ater MecNicholl, They came up on the/is to supply the Presbyterian tude of skins. Continued from Page One | within a few hours. The deceas-| Princess Alice, Church here for two Sundavs 3 Bishan A jed was comparatively a young ® ’ ® ce . ’ ere came in among the visiting. Ma- Note carefully the man who Rev. White | nan and was planning .to viehe Ladies Rain Coats Men 5 Rain Coats owns a@ soft, persuasive ci : 4 ees }Prinee Rupert this summe 4. . e D, M, Moore returned to the} sons, city this morning and expects to 4 \ by HY Walton | | remain for a week oer two, Mr. and Mrs. McClymont re- pe a woman acts rater ; ee ( . ay » Mas .| stiffly after her first tango les- | R SALE | - FF 1-3 OFF - Tees a turned today with ve Masonic Ai 8 \ ‘ Informal Meeting of Masons 1-3 0 o 1-4 OFF 1-4 OFF > at wie 5 . ante r > in. a ap | 8 ° j Edward Douglas, of the Kelly, | party. They went to ooddens Aen * * * After the reception at the | $66,000, one-fifth casb, bulance 1, 2, 3 Douglas Company, is among the|to assist in welcoming the parts hart the vikitihe Masons aa:wel ears, buys corner Second Avenuc and | Ss > . are “n she > ar ? Ss ~ asons as ‘t:) Seventh Street Block 24; 50 i Masonic delegates in the city. to Prince Rupert. ome women are born shapely se i is, ot hnfea tania Seveath Street. Binck 24; $0 x 100) See ee Bec e. 6 and some others employ expert|#8 Many of the loca : | 948,000 one-fifth cash, balance i, 2, 3| Victor Newton, a son of Mayor Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLennan dressmakers. aa ine oS ae rooms, mm an | years, buys Lots 16-17, Block 14 Sec | - : : : . ‘ sen . . . informal gathering, at os 3 » | iii Newton, arrived this morning tolarrived today among the visiting , [Cate aE is has Ps nee a eet rE Tr re a ree — spend a few holidays with his|Masons. Mr. McLennan is Mas- if a young man has money to D. H. Morrison, the local dep-| sey, nth Avenve of 75 feet, and is a i T ‘nN any , ahsinus eri aster, exteaded to the yuy | family here, ter of Tyee Lodge, although not bur ' et number of anxious | Uty rand ti og a : ze ? ; = , | $ ‘500, one third cash, balance arrange eo | Ras Rice residing here at present. mothers try to hand him a match.| isitors a hearty welcome to the its 2, Block 31, Section ¢ tT : . . - , $ ¢ { a a( rach of mn ) cash will buy this double corne J, H. Thompson returned this ; ro nd invited each then | $2,280; 8650 cas b, balan’ e arranged buys morning after accompanying his| Mr, H. H. Watson, M. P. P, for} « Speiled children and foolish; While in Rupert to become one of |" Tot 62, Bi eee a 5 Ve | ah ae . f ei ie | wife to Vancouver. Mrs. Thomp-| Vancouver, arrived today as one parents are often found in the} ftupert’s boys, r ; sons, Mr. Wat-|S@me house. Short addresses were delivered | P. Nil nehdan 2 | son is en route to Halifax. jot the visiting Masons, Store open every morning 7 a. m. Close 6:30 p. m Pr eee ey son has been here on several oc- eet by the M.W, Grand Mastee ‘im, | BOX 324 The city clubs have declared|casions. Anyway, a man never sits down|fienderson, D, G. M. Jas. Stark, | Saturdzys close 17:30 p. m. open days for Masons during the Mag apy on the floor when he puts on his}! G.M. J, M. Rudd, ?.G.M, F. J, days of the Grand Lodge proceed- One of the best decorated shop hysiery, Burd, and P.G.M. H. H. Watson. A ings, windows in town is that. of De- \ feature of the proceedings Sy aoe Mane mers & Oo, Suitable Masonic em-~ was an address of welcome from Te F, J. Bird, who is an honorary |}member of Tyee Lodge, and from The bar of the Hotel Prince}blems are shown surrounded by i z ; x OURO Ex : Rupert is opened today. This|bunting of royal purple and gold. NEE ELITE EY ic mo ee room of the new hotel is done in‘ PARE Re ee ° 1K, B. Paul, an honorary member } t bing solid mahogany and is the finest Mr. F. J. Burd, perhaps the @S argalns of Tsimpsean Lodge . iO) I'd p iif UM? beluael Gj, steam Ng : bar in British Columbia, most genial visitor among the NENG 5 PT IP | apg “78 ieee sD igs See iG i Ne : rinting Shop Aboar ce oe ee : eet a: : an Mass ns, is business manager of In Rupert Realty es | > 7 Among the visitors to Prince|/the Vancouver Province. He is z at fair prices “ae t iumbir ing Ld ; Rupert this week are Mr, and/‘gn honorary member of Tyee SECTION FIVE: Lot 28, Block 9, a : * et * Mrs, Brownlee, Mr, Brownlee is|Lodge, He is accompanied by fin teva omizth “Awnus ist on the Princess Alice Service is a BOREL A TI TTI Fh Rae RES Meh superintending engineer jof the |Mrs. Burd. printing plant and newspaper, A ! | | One of the unique features of | grade, $3,200.00. There are Ga. T 2 Stes s ¢ three payments of 8550 each, due ‘ K a oT Py team hip Company. saianeeieaieae August, 1914, 1915, 1916: bal Considine, assistant steward, is The Dye that colors ANY KIND Ans The fine weather of the past WK tr rhe ditor and publisher of the Prin- Cm a rer. a. Veste nh ivel returned tO} woek has greatly improved the anda CAline Sapali mid homie bul nis taney of himemadii. 2 tice ecia diceite’ | : CAWADIAN PACIFIC RLY, | the city this morning. He will , . Lot 3, Block 30, lies on grade pes Ds : Ask your Druggist or Dealer. Send for Booklet. | raniain for a: short’ tims lookin salmon fishing on the Skeena and ot, Serene, rear four or five feet la neat little sheet, He furnished The Jobnson- deon Co. Limited, Movtreal | SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM é f 5 g i i ner; & -00, $200.00 cash, i 7 ‘ P after the firm’s business. the fishermen are now picking up balance 6, 18 months at 7 | the local press with a printed list { PRINCE MUPERT TO Pte fifteen to twenty fish on a tide. Fak Pen jof ithe delegates to the Grand | ( : O A j MON $141.00 r . . ‘ . . ‘ re 2 Mr. Ray English, inspector of The spring fishing should remain _ Lots 15 and 16, Block 29, lane | Lodge . He also issues a printed |} ST. PAUI 86.00 ’ Hdd iow. PaMhe sopkave ses corner on Summit Avenue, on |bill-of.fare for each of the meals a i in in a i a CHISA 108.50 the Bank of Montreal, arrived on} 00% TOW UM er yee er oe grade at street, rear eight to ten § | ow t * NW YORK 144.50 : : son opens, feet lower. $1,600.00, $400.00 | oe . * and es A : : the Prince Rupert this morning bP iibice cash, balance 6, 12, 18, 24 months FOR A TAXI ; c i EF 7 Mr, English i brott tM : at seven per cent. a woman still laughs at her " y Complete Line ot Mr. sngisn is a brother of Mr, Mr, and Mrs, Starr Parker re- SECT j Soler e wear ctr 1 . : ‘ I ‘ é i 1ON SIX: Lot 24, bloc iiiean s jokes five years afte: * ’ > ; ; thbound Marshall English, formerly man-|tupned on the Prince Rupert this $1,200.00, $300.00 cash, balance the wedding 4 Is have jingled th 7 BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES Eeeeee memes, Souter ager of the Balmoral cannery 6, 1%, 18 months at seven per } & . ; ee : Sunday, 8 5 e's : “et . yr { r spe gw ¢ re cent divorce lawyers gel iIscourager 7 : im! and weil known in this city. morning after spending a few q raged x WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited bee: Me weeks in the Sout t ay SECTION SEVEN: Lot 4, Block 24, | ~ roel poe Ph 186 2 . ¥ outh on a holiday. a Sixth Avenue lot, level and fine, ¥ * one a eieae Generel Aen The hospital board has receiv-|They attended the rose festival | on grade, 81,200.60; $309.00 ~~ & *| Corner Third Ave. and Bixth & : E ; cash, balance 6, 12, 18 and 24 | 2) x * | rae ed an acceptance of their offer|in Portland, and whiel there were months, at seven per cent ‘ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO + | ES ——— to Dr. James T, Hall, of Kansas|joined by Mr. Parker's father, of | . Bh | SPCOOP OM PP POLO DOI IIISDDDIDIOD OOO SS cocecereeeeonoeets FOI III IICIIIOI IO I be | Phone 87 MOen ae sin. ‘ 7 . . | City, to take the position of resi-|Ortario. Mr, Parker, Sr,, sce¢om_-|! | dent physician at the hospitaljpanied his son to Prince Rupert | here. He is expected to come]and already likes the place so} WESTENHAVER BROS. FOR SALE SAVOY HOTEL Bsr Up—Must be A1. Submit offerings to | We also have several one-acre tracts adjoining Terrace Town nee site, $160 each nh terms of one ‘ ; ‘ ahoii 3 D4 i f ‘ -c he will efav | Agents Liverpool, London & Globe : | ; Re wa cea seein WLR | Fire insurance Oo.; Federal ne cae: ee FIRST CLASS CUISINE APARTMENTS ; Life Assurance Co. HOUSE | nhl ; Mr. and Mrs, J. R. C. Seymour,| A 12-year-old boy was in mc Second Ave. and Third St. Phone 100 Lots 6 and 7, Bloek 1, Section 4, | Hot and Cold Running Water in \ of Vancouver, arrived on the| lice court this morning and found| First Avenue, $5,000.00: 82,000 B t d L h | all Rooms IN CITY 3 ; guilty of stealing a waten, Thej cash; balance over 5 years OalS an auncnes Oniy finest brands of Liquore and ; Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. D eplaiicte. ai) jag hae ere — | fon: G } f \ Cigare kept ; agistrate alolwe: mid go bu or hire. Gasoline for sale “ymour is pro ant i Se RTHERN ; Seymour'is prominent in the Scot-|told his mother that she was at eg mORITION COLUMBIA : SIX ROOMS } lish Rite work of Masonry and aj]fault in allowing her child to Lot 9, Block 41, Section 7; corner - | ; Rite ganar dnuvas Uiciher melee, tha te oat ae Roce at| Wanted of Eighth Avenue and Donald < oe 391 ‘i PRUOHOMME & FISH? Pattullo Block, Second Ave i 7 _ , ; | Street #1,50 #500 cash bal or n °o an n | ‘ was one of the advance guard tojnight. The magistrale extended] ance 6, 12 and 18 months = ad | Prepeiotore ALL CONVENIENCES ; arrive, this warning to all parents. IMMEDIATELY 7 | See - FOR RENT i Boe 7 Agreements of Sale for }) 190 acres choice land with good i Black \ Discounting | camp buildings, on Grand Trunk “ Th D il N ” ery? + ; ; 10c | From Pacife Hailwa one-half mile e a y ews | \ ; White } i ; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Tan S | $2,008 celgcaruyauwe ger $f CLASSIFIED ADS. Hotel 7 Directory SAT TIILLO & RADFORD E ae , Members P.R. 1. Vintners Association meere AYP wernt ROCCO OOE PELE L EEE LEEE EEL LEEE aa TO RENT Pretty house on the hill; | In our new “ . haif cash, balance 6 and 12 mos sewer, light, phone; three open fire ect a. Easy-Opening-Box.” Harrison, Gamble 2g Co. places. Apply Box 840; Phone Black 338 WINDSOR HOTEL } ” -| Co of st Ave. and Eighth St No trouble. No muss. roer of First THE F. F. DALLEY Co.,LTD. Third Avenue FOR SALE W. HW. Wright, Prop. BUFFALO,N.Y. | ? -—— | ree ee " HAMILTON, ONT. | C ery ] ons FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves cheap. HOTEL CENTRAL —— —— —- | oot me aa er ‘ vn Fires Avenue ond Seventh St | | JR SALE or will trade for property, 30 | curopean and American Plao | bedadeddbenkiiadanekeeens THIRD AVENUE a eapopine in food’ et ™ Gentine, Peter Black, Prop. | 5 x | . ros! terms arramged, Apply Box 120, Daily | a —----—-- | a! | News, 112-tf | ‘ey ied x | ny —_ oe a mute 3 | WAN First Ave., Between Eighth anc nib 3 | GEO RGE LEEK | re i Beat European Play, alee b0c two 61.00 Lots BR - 4 SODA FOUNTAIN DELIGHTS * | | Waitress wanted. Apply Vienna Cafe, Besner & Besncr, Props. y $9,000 t * | 131-1 eee ne Sy ey eee ey 22 ; | * WANTEL ro 1 / | 0 b4 AXI | | day oF ee iat at ekiceane | 4. 4. Rochester V. Dy Casley {1 and 12 ’ 1,60 ICE CREAM LIGHT LUNCHES 7 Terms reasonable, Apply Box 101} EMPRESS HOTEL 400 f t Dally News i2gur | Third Ave, Between Sixth and Os. ) eo * mats | Seventh Streets 400 ; MiSCELLANEOUS '2 Europcan Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day 34 i hes TY Daily 7 a.m. to midnight i * | ALF HALLIGAN * ; sila seca Miemcissctes ten ache edie 700 ; ; | WE HAVE KENTED all our houses sail PREMIER HOTEL 18 a . BA IOISISIII OI IOIIIOIE III AAA | Eannet Bo pata ne ce oan | smerican and European Plao 10 and 114 4) ; : clers, F. R. ¢. Brown, £ 915 | F. W. Henning, Marager wet we. Me ek eee aE } Se eond Ave. Phones 205 tnd Hie 270. aa Ra ase am A Dc | 19 and 20 500 ¥ . . j —— a vu | ; PrinceRupert Dai ROYAL HOTEL ne wares . ing 1.600 corey & B , P 55, 56 and 57 | | RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. $ ‘am A ulergre Phone Green 252 |, €uropean Pian Steam Heated One-Fourth Cash; Balance, ' M ip ke ° igh | scpmeny cenit eae t 7 Per Cent Holstein Milk for Babies - ‘civil Siainccen ang @ ©. Land|? eave wueumeae Lieven ob and 18 months at +! specially Bottled Estate Agent Surveyors LIMITED SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS | TESTED cows | chitin Mca valcth’ tee PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO /§fAn invitation is cordially ex-| Auctioneer and Valuator Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con Phone 109 . | tended to the citizens interested Natary Public | Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey 7" eos sinhenenainenienereaiinnenimmereinamnarariint it To na 6S ish , Electric , A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager }to inspect ‘the dairy premises | Blue ' baer nnd % cantons ee cone Coes Ores Sree aes d 1st Ave. and McBride St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | during the hours of 3:30 and 4:6 30 | re Fraser and Gixth Sts (¢ R Naden Co., : PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers | Wednesdays and Saturdays when | Fourth =! ‘cross * from Land | : Ponsa , . . erceee eal a [miles operations are being con- | registry Offiee, Prinee Rupert, |MeBride %t., Prince Rupert, B, 6. lSedeooons % : Reeoud Avene