ee -=:| THE DAILY NEWS erm NA ts a + .GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: A local “wood butcher” days that the big Masonic “G" doesn’t stand for “guess! but “gimiet.”!. = — 1914 WRECK ENQUIRY CAUSES SENSATION AT QUER PRICE FIVE CENTS | MASON-NEWS LIBEL SUIT IN COURT TO-DAY — SOCIALIST LEADER is POLITICS IN RUPERT (OHRADE J. PLACE, SOCIALIST, ADDRESSED RUPERT AUDIENCE ROASTED CONSERVATIVE MEMBER FOR SKEENA — TOLD His STORY OF THE VANCOUVER ISLAND STRKE — AUDI- ENCE APPLAUDED HIS COMMENTS M.P.P. for Nanaimo,}arrested, but had his s pee ' eader in the Pre shed in the papers He ilke ed a public gathe of the miner ouble at some \ndrew's hall last ever ength and also of the fight he was a good crowd) had made | the Legislature fo ding several ladies abe ihe jaimed the mine were full and the | strike va due to foreign good hearing an izitalior i vas said by some] ipplause polit i He offered to debate} risor i th . | h Wi ia or za Mans 1 tir pe 1 wee iddress on s i notice stands fi He I ins t juestion M eaker, and his speech|pjace said the Nanaimo stri Clive is sl viste r Jin Montgor i p . th ” e meetin : The B. C. Fer i i vel i ! posed a gene the publ ‘ e 4 i ab reanizations. trouble ¢ Va Who Mans nad neve Ler He was arrested! the labe ‘ ins interest issembiv and sj he had bee in the House in. jail He told! The revisic f the w ngme the trouble and said mpensati t s promised fo for speaking a xl yea I will doubt go] vn Sheppar th throug th { iservalives | embet addressed va li ise ! election purl ithering and was ! ses KKK EHH EHH HHH CHARMING RECEPTION TO MASON’S LADIES |Many Attended the Afternoon Af- feir at Home of Mrs. J, PLACE, SOCIALIST investigation representative workingmen’s onditions effecting Conservalives (ITY ENGINEER’S LIBEL SUIT AGAINST DAILY NEWS TODAY EVIDENCE ALL IN AND COUNCIL COMPLETED ARGUMENT UP TO NOON ADJOURNMENT—WILL GO TO JURY EARLY THIS AFTERNOON \W MeG Ma | x} ence H Huper P shi i ipy ! p th t \ 3 {91 bot i i i irt plain halieng i ' vit gor rjected ! the nt - i hol } eC Publish ( Ib va s xamina wy finally sé ected | tior Love, Alex MeRag \. M. Manson, for the defence, H, A, Stalke fore~| ooid it is manifest we are com Mustard, Numa De-|;, Greer, Gei Pp. Me-] vou with a business ce happen in the best organized in ind Ada Carss | fitutic Williams and Mar As soon as it was discovered we ndent, | die vhat any business man would in outlining the! do to correet it within reason. We Claimed the libel) published an apology on the front ned Jetter publish- |, Daily News which re ly that apology until tk ‘ily engines wilh a v" jsed his name Mr. | i it McRae, the manager and i municipal enginee Che Daily News, stated years of clear, clear hoe hac ike ove The News last ind him and any Al eer nbc The municipal cam atic even if re futed| p la ivy was largely on imaging to him a questi establishing a mi i Dybhavn gave evi-|nicipal electric plant The paper McNeill was superin | had invited discuss n muni City pubiie work Miicipal matt Ch elter com Col, Davis ‘had been [plained of came with some er until 1912 when he]other letters, T saw it appeared to act The plaintiff! was}be a campaigi othe ind I eat Cily enginee vin 1911] pied it with the! up to Mr, inne chief engineer in{Sawlte’s desk rhe lette was believed the letter pub-|éeleaned out with all the old paper rred to the | j Il ‘ily engin jand copy the same day it was pub cross examination he|lished The name of the writer 1, MeNeill had been dis-!is not‘known, The letter itself during Davis’ regime.) was destroyed Witness said his va ne month i 101 relations with Mason were very 'sOn wae only acting cily | friendly I know nothing about The campaign was|any incapacity on the part of the question of in- |Masor When I saw it T went to print any & municipal plant, The|Mason and offered t had advised in favor of|kind of an apology he wanted, cipal plant. He had read|Mason was hostile and would do nothing Before T left he said he ll. the injury done by}had no feeling against me but KY but’ did not feel i OuS article If he was}was going after the papet \fter der reading the article|leaving Mason T went and wrote (d not say that it might}out the apology Che letter was ferred to the city super-| printed on the third page I told ‘tof public works the make-up man to put the apol ‘NK, Mitehell had read thejogy in a prominent place in a ind had heard the apol-|box, I had it printed twice,” been published, In his In cross examination witness ‘he Cily engineer's reputa-|said he had discussed the ques ‘1 not been injured tion of publishi ugly letters McG, Mason, city engineer,|with Mr. Sawle and had agreed Her of the Institute of Mu-|not to publish them The letter Engineers of England; he|might*have referred to Mason, NaVe several years’ experi wT lore getting it lle gave Continued on Page 4 wages and what KKK K HK KKK KK KK KOK J SUFFRAGETTES WIN YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL SLIGHT VICTORY, Hunger Strike Asquith to Receive Phils idelphia, j fence It is a mistake likely to There was no malice, Northwestern ind no vomplaint had been ARTISTIC DANCING DRAWS BIG CROWDS AT WESTHOLME THEATRE | PAPERHANGING, PAINTING wanted by experienc “COUNSEL ARGUED SENSATIONAL EVIDENCE OF The Ritchie-Prinee Rupert Gity Ah sewer case was completed yester- |} Special to The Daily News day afternoon, but judgment has} been_reserved. Mr, Ritchie sued | |for permanent injunction to pre- vent city from eutting off his|4Y, quartermaster, at the en- Quebec, June 19.—According to the assertions of James Gal- * HR KR KR RK KK KOK private sewer. quiry into the wreck, the Empress * = The defence offered no evidenc@| of Ireland would not steer well, ;but the documents put in and a He said the wheel was jammed a of the permit issued to * | Rite hie. jonly a few hours before the col- c a For the plaintiff, Mr. Patmore|lision. She swerved pals in the y {argued that the function of the} fiver and the crew of the steam- y | City Council is to aet for thejer Alden could verify his state- «| Whole community and not for an| ments. ,| individual. The Council has no A denial of these claims by re- y {tight under Clause 158 of the|sponsible officers of the lost y | Municipal Act to close a sewer)|slteamer made this session of the » [Or drain except when it is a nuis-|enquiry one of quickly changing ance or dangerous to the public}interest from start to finish, *! hoalth, Hating once permitted Lord Mersey did not attach ja drain or sewer they could not | * * much importance to Galway’s evi- block it without providing an- RITCHIE SEWER CASE Judgment Reserved to Consider QUARTERMASTER DISCREDITED C giediliacens ferRoveniog (WRECK ENQUIRY AT QUEBEC 1S NOW BRINGING OUT MANY Permit THRILLS OF INTEREST — OFFICERS CONTRA- y DICT GALWAY sponsible for the Empress’ mis- behavior. Evidence was given to rebut Galway's theory, also a sugges- tion was made earlier in the day that the C, P. R. tried to get him to leave the country before tes- tifving. John Murphy, the quar- ter-master who relieved Galway, contradicted the statement of Galway that he had warned Mur- phy that the ship was steering badly, Aldelard Berlier, pilot in charge when the jamming was said to have oceurred, several Empress officers, Robert H, Brennan, and Robert Liddell of the engineering staff of the Empress, corrobor- rated Capt. Kendall's statement that after leaving Father Point the ship was ordered full speed ahead, stop, full speed astern, and then stop. revoking. Your Gity Council. is LO considel the resignation of not performing one of its most|fey. De. A. 8. Grant, this after- viding a sewer, The individual|Si#nation be not accepted. here is helping out the Gouneil.”’ Rev. Dr, Grant in defending the Mr. Peters also submitted that}|Pe@sition he had taken said: “I the power to decide where the | bold the Assembly years ago that THE GRAND LODGE OFFICERS ELECTED Installation Last ast Night Completed Business Sessions Last night the Masonie Grand Lordge installed the new officers whieh were elected at the yester- day afternoon's session. This other This is common law in|@ence- A number of. questions the Old Gountrs seemed to indicate that the cur- Mr. Peters for the City Counci]|"ent of the St. Lawrence was re- claimed Clause 158 did not apply in this case as it refers to a nuis ance on private property, or a REV. DR. GRANT | streets, This case applies to ACCEPTS OFFICE. something on the city’s own prop- | jerty, and the city is justified in making reasonable conditions in Special Committee | Recomniended a permil over their own property. Against Accepting His The person accepting the permit Resignation | must take the burden with eA wee oe benefit. es city has the power | Woodstock. June 19, The to revoke the permit, Ye _ Stas ae Hie \Lordaiehs Board of Home Missions, through | 2S, « 4 sords , | “but there must be a reason for ihe special committee appointed completed the business of the vathering. ‘Today is being spent as a holiday and the steamer particular functions in not pro-| ee! recommended that the re-| leaves for the south tonight. The officers for the year are as follows: G.M,, James Stark, Yancouver; lcause for revoking the permit inte would give the work a fair try|D.G.M., W. ©, Ditmars, Vaneou- d|advisable and necessary, He held|@"4 I think I have done so.| yer; $.G.W., William Astley, Van- the court had no jurisdiction in| oe feel that | am bound :* BIVE i oouver: J.G.W., Dr. D. Corsan, this matter. The revocable clanse| Ls assembiy or any other a! angus 3 aaa a ee | reason | want very proudly to Fernie; G, Treas., H. H. W ahent, His Lordship said “Yes it;Pe> that I have no reason to give, |? Ot; G. Rect., ‘Dr. ‘De Wott means something, but Mr, Pat; lub rather a combination of cir-|Smith, New Westminster, . more ¢laims it means for reasons |®UMstances. Because of the tre-} Pistriet Deputies: No. 1, 8. M. other than what apparently moy-|Mendous demands being made On) Manuel, Victoria: No. 2, Cc, A iw the City Council in this m-|!#e Ghurch at the present time! worn New Westminster; No, 3, |stance: that is, fhat Mr. Beveridg |i do not feel that [can remain in Robt. Howson, Kamloops: No. 4, }would not pay the price asked? py |e storm, M. Baley, Barkerville; No. 5, | Me. Ritehie,” |, Dre Grant asserted. that or ie Warwick, Nanaimo; No, 6, His Lordship contended he was | ‘didn’t feel the call of the Master J. Greer, New Denver; No, 7, prepared to decide the case jm_|'® remau the work, and while LFW ’ MeLean, Greenwood: No. 8,’ nediately, but for the argument bg admitted the call of the church | that he had no jurisdietion on the | ight be the eail of Whrist, he | P ! : ! s . }question of whethe the Counvil’s Gid not fee that it was in his ason is a propel mea | Mr, Patmore contended, in re- I was hoping,” said the speak- butlal, that if the court is not al ®@ tha ve might pause and court of appeal a couneil could gel our house in order, | feel act arbitrarily and there would be| ! hat | can easily retire at the AUCTION SALE SATURDAY as | am Customs First reasonable. no redress. | present time without causing any 4A Decision was reserved j injury, You may think that there | ;is a nigger in the fence,” he eon- | jtinued, “but -T tell you frankly c, P, R. EARNINGS SHOW lthere is not, SMALLER INCREASE) iiey. Dr, ALS. Grant has a will | ;cepted the office of general sec The traffic earnings of the Ga-|retary of the Amalgamated Board nadian Pacifie Railway for the |@f Home Missions and Social Ser jvice With him will be associat week ending June 7 are 171,000) : “ee }ed fr Dr. Shearer, of Toronto. a decrease of $456,000 from the | aie earnings for the same week last | | | thusiastically NEW DANCES ESTHOLM OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT Miss Swepstone and Mr Tweedale Present the Famous “MAZURKA DALLIANCE And the Argentine Tango, With a Special Solo Number by Miss Swepstone in. Costume. SUBSCH'BERS NOTICE subscription will call on you, and will give of- EXTRA FINE MOVING Including Our Mutual Gir! and a ments should be made by cheque. KEYSTONE COMEDY vear, which were $2,627,000, For| Local Wrestier Won Decision the last week in May the earnings! =p Sigurdson, the local wrest- this, year showed a decrease of jler, was given the decision last } $806,000 from the earnings for jnight in the wrestling mateh at jthe same period a year ago, The}the Westholm Theatre jdecrease for the first week in Hateh, the middleweight. cham- June, therefore, is a little more} }pion of Canada, had the misfor- than half of that for the preced itune to have his shoulder put ling week, which was the heavi-|out during the progress of the jest decrease of the year, mateh and had to withdraw from x ” the contest, Sigurdson then be NORWAY'S ARMY AND : ,,|i28 pronounced the victor. NAVY NOW “DRY There was no fall secured by | either of the éontestants, They | Ohristiania, Norway, June 49. had been 24 minutes 45 seconds | The Norwegian Parliament today/on the mat when Hateh felt fore- jadopted a resolution prohibiting |ed to give in owing to his disabled lthe consumption of intoxicating | Shoulder. liquors by officers of the Nor- ' " wegian army and navy during their terms of service. Le The enlisted men were already The Canadian Fraternity first l enforced abstainers, and the of-janniversary meeting will be held j fieers’ messes On the warships|in the Court House on Wednes- and in the garrisons are now to/day, June 24th, at 8:30, First Anniversary eooes | be made “dry,” 2 SECRETARY, J. CG, Pitts, Windermere; No, 9, D, W. Sutherland, Kelowna; No. 10, Jeckyll, Dawson; No. 441, F, W. Dowling, Prinee Rupert; No, 12, M. J, Barr, Vancouver. G, Historian, Rey, ©, 6. Hoyle, Ladner; G, Chaplain, Rev. J. Hinecheliff, Chilliwack; SS. G, Deacon, J. W. Prescott, Vancou- ver: J. G. Deacon, D. G. Suther- land, Prince Rupert; G. Director of Ceremonies, Stephen Jones, Victoria; G, Supt. of Works, A, Galloway, Kamloops; G, Marshall, J. N, Aitehison, New Westmin- ster: G, Organist, E. H, Russell, Victoria; G, Stewards, D, C, Tuck, J. ©. MeLennan, Prince Rupert; Emil.Johnson, Rossland, and PF, C. Burd, Vaneouver: G, P., 8, C, Sykes, Kerrisdale; G, Tyler, T. Michell, AN UPHEAVAL AT HAND Almost every day something happens which disturbs the eal- culations of the — old-fashioned politicians and astonishes the public The latest cause .of amazement is the announcement of G, J, Doughty, Conservative candidate, and president of the Conservative Association of Ward One, Toronto, that he advocates the abolition of the bar, tax ve- form, and votes for women, al! in direet opposition to the poliey of his own--or shall we say itis late?—party. .Mr. Doughty weuld also abolish the sale of intowxiéat- ing liquors in shops, What we are witnessing wuty looks almost like a complete obli- teration of the old party lines and a direet popular vote upon the issues raised by Mr. Rovwell, eee