priday, June 44, 1914 Between’ Women’s Healtit or Suffering ason Why so many | women siiler greatly at times | ig because Of a run-down con- jition. Debility, poor circula. in headaches, lan. yousness and worry, BEE ‘CHAM’S PILLS «rhe Lorgor! Solo of Any Modloine tr the Wertd) The main 1 | me n si tom, ~ sre est, surest, most gnvenient and most economi- ai _ They clear the system of poisons, purify the blo ve suffering and | ensur 1 good health and str t all the bodily; oral aturally and prop- ae] ions, feeiings and lo inds of women have Jeecham’s Pills Make All The Difference ere. In bores, 25 cents, proved ! the directions with every box fence © very valuable, FREE. quaranteed fi FUNEFAL OF THE DAILY NEWS A GREAT RAILROAD MAN NEW ces are right Greorge SWEDER BROS., claims London ree Tailors to Ladies and Gen- : ae te tlemen had Ane | On irned Indian had told B mf h hat he g caste ten years f f ‘ ‘ ral a [PLE LLP LOLOL LOE IOODEOOLOOOLD : = vhich it would n ger xist 1d) =6caste gone, FURNITURE FOR SALE here would be a great influx from & at private sale india the Christian Church, wT 1 furniture of a who . cluding e Manogany Dressers & Washstands Sentence been passed Quarter cut Oak Dining room table ad chairs i of the seventeen Leather upholstered» couch chairs, | te endants, a licers and ¢ Library table s ofl a { col Beds and mattresses, Mirrors, | . § Dishes and Kitchen Utensiis, | I ( ection Carpets, in fact a full equipment, | : oy piece of In bulk. See | : A c of dats ‘ | i I i ive ii ea 8s ili h idiz }ACW STEPHENS & GO,, LTD, f/astion im Rngiand Lieut. ” Wi! ik¢ ol Second York- WOOO OOODOOEDEOOEOEOOOD hire Regin the highest I 11K f the army oleers Col cled, was sentencec ii si [Meer nooo oooeeee . ! va ntenced his x 9] months imprisonment, rhe SEEDS! SEEDS! $]coltone! asked for merey, insist- . . 1 G8. wT ng that his acts had been the re- sult of persuasiol exerted by Have received our 1814 Spring I ee ; : Fiennes, no Lord Saye and Seeds ( ' f tl Kine FIELD GARDEN, AND ( ompt 0 1e King sehold, and who was then FLOWER SEEDS : . Aceuta.4 nant-eolonel of the Royal gente for Scots Fusiliers A letter alleged DOMINION NURSERY & » have been written by Lord Saye ORCHARDS co. and Ss vas oduced Refer Desiers in Feed of all lide ing ¢ s r, Justice Darl SHIOKEN FEED A SPEQIALTY 1g, who presided, said that it Mall « ail orders promptly attended to showed sad decadence from the Pr trad 3 of a eat family I mice Rupert Feed Co. nyself f | belonged to such a { the ust said, * 8 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 family I j ice aid, “would Bro ccncgpiiaiidannnonns. tarve ith et my living by cadgir s for beer, 7 . ‘here were ni ilitary defend IE Chere l “ ret ants in all; the other eight were ‘Chur h S ° put under i ippear for Cc ervices - entence late req ed to do =< so, John Cansfleld, general man HIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH wer of Lipton’s, and Archibald { ce every Sunday in the Minto, former head of that firm's i ’ Hall at 11 am, and ess Theatre at 7.30 p.m inilitary department, were fined ‘yY School at 2.30 p. m 29500 each six minor em TH ployees were fined $250 each ‘ RST BAPTIST CHURCH - 3 YOUNG and FIFTH AVE t is j ( re that Lord ces every Sunday at 11 I inmnounced ha I and 7.30 p.m, Sunday Brooke who was gazetted in re 2.80 p, rac Class 280 pm. neers cent militia orders as an honorary W. WRIGHT, B.A., Pastor colonel in the Canadian militia, y THY ee wr will again direct the cavalry ‘bri : f METHODIST CHURCH rade this season at the Petawawa \VE..AND MUSGRAVE PLACE , camp, having his chief staf! * every Sunday at Ul os ‘nd 7.30 p.m. Sunday offieer Major , of the Grena- (2.80 p.m, - rr lier Guards, DIMMICK PASTOR Barons Henri and Robert de Neufville, whose banking house EWS ANGLICAN CHURCH ' } I in Paris suspended May 4th \ve. and Dunsmuir Place ‘ : ; 1.000 > me with liabilities of Near #2,000.0% * prayer, 11, Even 2 : syer, 7:30, Sunday and assets of $600,000, have been 2:30 ad nion dra” sinaar iprested charged with fraud, a 1 thied at tf a m., e . . ‘ire Ss y unday at & A dourt ' in Tokio on NIX RECTOR May 29th sentenced Viee-Admiral Wa Matsumo if the Japanese ‘\TION) ARMY CITADEL navy, to three ears lnprison ranville Court if ccepting ia services at 11 ment on charg ( a ' ce : f ave 4 3 and 8 (Pt Sun bribes in connection with nava hool, 4:86 p. m nha ( { Sawaski was * Aleht services Mon contracts, #) : impria “ wi dnesday, Thurs condemned to years Imprlt id Sat ‘ Haver ale aturday snmant hut .( mander Suzuki Macalpine, India al Missionary should you take as Scenes at the ineral of the late M William Wainwright, Vice-President of the Grand Trunk We exvect you to tell your friends tail rhe upper picture shows a group of prominent men at the funeral, In the fore- g Senator Dandurand and M A. Lavergne The large picture shows the casket " g ta from the late M Wainwright's residence, Foll ing the casket are Mr. Wain- K ons \mong those seen in the group around the casket are Hon, R, Lemieux, Mr. KE. B. G shields, Mr. A Sims, Sena Oagrai Hon. J. D. Hazen, and others. = aN BS UES ILS ELLE ULL MULES DIOL ROLE RULES ROLE \\ ah! Ws! : GENERAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Rs Newstore andNewGoods §) « ’ ¢ the Bap ielv s i was urging meeting ntly, said if ear today il diz there was breaking Ces fon oF tHe Z is acd ed The existence of{of the British Army has _ been co plion in the Japanese n wy | ompleted on Salisbury Plains, is brought to light through ajand on June 2nd five complete aw suit in Berlin in January of|squadrons of airships with 70 this vear, and eventually led to | veroplanes and a hundred pilots, the fall of the Japanese Cabinet, |comm ed manoeuvres that are A confidential clerk employed njfo last a month, the Tokio office of a German at | Oats) Vide ae mament firm was prosecuted for The French Cabinet has resign- selling documents, and during the|ed, being it is stated unable to ul a {ter was read sh ijagree upon several of the policies hat s il high Japaness ivaljof the premier, M, Doumergue, lon s e a percen-|and other members, chiefly finan- iL le ¢ cts a i to} cial and socialistic, The recent the Wh I s ched | eli ms left M, Doumergue with I n. investieat sued, }out a stable majority, and as on ind a mber of officers were ar-|certain questions he would have sted, Questions ir ipanese | depend upon Royalists, Cley,i- Parliament led t , scenes, |Cals and the most conservative of une i S Minis he Conservatives, while on other l trv. his policies he would have to lly to his ipport the Revolu | M Winstor ( first |tionaries and Socialists, he decid lLord of the Adm has jiust}ed t esign rather than hold on| laccomplished the first series of| fice by any such makeshift | sts required in ord _obtain| thed, i il pilot's certif 4 _ Cinch at the steers appa'-| 4TEMPERANCE?? atus of a naval aero; ide | i flig? ver Salisbury Pla BEER WAS THE eee ree | Sa RE GENUINE ARTICLE Sask,, has been elected Grand — Master of the Grand Lodge, gol, Sam, Hughes So Finds and Loyal Orange Association of Relieves Major Leonard of British North America, at its an His Command lua ieeling in Regina, iis is the first time that a Westerner Ottawa, June 19,—TIt is an- has been appointed, The next an-|nounced that as a result of the nual meeting of the convention) discovery of the gentine article will be held in Winnipeg in July,|instead of so-called “temperance 1915, beer” within the lines of the 6th Baltery, Canadian Field The service and the menu ean al-| Mobilization of the aerial force}ways be depended on. A pure, wholesome leavening agent, which makes the biscuit and cake of highest healthful- ness at medium cost and protects the food from alum, which is the greatest dietary danger of the day. vet 2 mica ofl ole loin lo momo Si District Fair Dates The following are the es of the district fall fair&S as roved by the Provir al Gove nent: | Bulkley Vall Pelkw Sep- | m ; see conus sus | ff OVAL STANDARD is the wiz- oc ard of the kitchen. Acts like GathGis iclund Lawes Sak wo Magic in any recipe calling for flour. fixed, ROYAL STANDARD is the ‘‘open sesame’ to good cooking. It trans- forms ordinary bread, cakes or pies into real wonders of the culinary art. Your grocer sells ROYAL STAN- DARD under a money back guarantee Bee STAN FOR SALE: 160 ACRES MUST HAVE $500 ONCE and I will give the neat bergete in British Columbia, which is 160 acres of land ready to commence making money out of. This land lies in the Skeena Valley, miles from Hazelton, two _ miles from railroad and Carnaby, the end of the tram line to Roche de Boule mine on Government road, and it will double in price as soon as the tram is completed. There are ten acres cleared, eight acres nearly cleared and a lot more taat is easily cleared. There are fifty acres of alder land, acres of good cedar poles, eight twenty and a and barn and plenty of ; eu Goin FLAT Laboral My price for a quick sale 8 Uniform gh 81,750; $500 cash and time on re ves ah Tested balance If you want a sure thing then F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor write to:— PRINCE RUPERT J. N. PRESTON Owner, Hazelton Gritish Columbia Mt (Ral o ial faa o fal o Hal 6 faa o faa heal o inal nl ol ohm) THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C. LIMITED 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica 78 YEARS iN Business. 5.8. VENTURE Simpson, Naas, Mill Bay, connecting for Aiyansh 2 p. m.; for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m. 5.5. CHELOHSIN and Granby Bay every Sun- the South, Tuesdays at UAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,786,666. Sails for Fridays at A Service Business Men Appreciate Arrandale for Vancouver, Sails for Simpson, day at midnight; 9 p. m. PHONE 568 The complete and valuable service rendered by the Bank of British North America has secured and retained the accounts as well as the con- fidence of a goodly proportion of Canada’s prominent busi- ness men caw mers Read The Daily News account be large or small. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Delivered by Carrier 50 cents a month P) MARGETTS, Manager. | JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. te tte ere sere met Artillery, News has been received in To-|of London. the Minister of Mili- if the death from fever | tia, Col. Sam Hughes, has releas- Sierra Leona of Lieut, V. How-| ed Major Leonard of his com- lai f the West African Regi jmand, An investigation was held ment, younger son of the late Mr.|at the militia headquarters re- W. H. Howland, of Toronto, }#arding the seizure of the “tem- Rs ee }perance beer” ‘a few days ago, Greece has purchased from thejTt was found that there were United States Government the|nearly four hundred bottles of battleships “Idaho” and “Missis-| genuine ale seized, containing sippi,” which are to be replaced} nearly seven per cent of proof by a modern dreadnought for the} aleohol. Mnited States Navy The militia regulations allow * ® * honly temperance beer” to bé in! Cable despatches received in| possession of the men at the Seattle from St, Michael and/training camps, ané@ this beer Nome, Alaska, indicate that, when} must not contain more than 2,46 Stefansson’s exploring ship “Kar-| per cent of alcohol, luk" was e@rushed in the Arctic Major Leonard, who was held near Herald Island, northeast of responsible, was aecordingly re- Siberia, on Fanuary {6th last, the | lieved of his command, althorerh men saved all their instruments, |the Minister and the Militia Coun supplies, dogs and food, and left | « il did so with regret, knowing ily the crushed hulk and itSgthat he was a most capable of oal cargo when they headed east] ficer, ver the ice to camp on Wrangell Col, Hughes, in an interview Island, The experience of the]said that regulations with regard the ice sheet from Point Barrow]to the non-use of liquor in mil Karluk"” proves that the drift of} tia camps would be strietly is nol northerly, as has been sup-jforeed, and the oMeers jn von posed, but westerly Both Ste-|inand would be held responsib| fansson and Amundsen had be-|for any infraction of the regul lieved that a ship entering the}tions, pack at Point Barrow would be . carried across the Pole and to Che best place in the city to Greenland. lunch or dine is the Royal Cafe. | 126tf| SS ee ee + + l PAI III IIA IAA AAA AA AAAA AAA AAA AA AAAS ASAA AAAI AAA AAAS AAA AAA AAI AISA AIK ~~ 6 : ee ee a ee a A NEWSPAPER THE DAILY ~~ eh l —_ kkkk a has Rupert and Northern B. C. N EW The Daily News goes into nearly every home in ] S Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of j the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all i } is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events { and topies interesting to Northern British Colum- SAFE bia, It treats these subjects with moderate opti- 4 SANE mism and reliability. . ; | The Daily News is the most valuable paper to { SPICY 5 : va iat gas s : ; advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to, INTELLIGENT ‘ se 4 DAILY NEWS AF Ot et TF Re AA ROGUOOUUUO OOOO OOOO OU OO OR Ie = Ste — + BIOSCI OO OOOO otto OOOO OTTO It Cee hie ie ie ie Le ee ee ee ee ee ee —_ > sumer >