rHE DAILY NEWS Friday, June 4; 104 THE BEST BUy wwIN PRINCE RUPERT. (Oe 2553 Ge oe SSE BS | RD ED) CITY enashink Mason's \ CRIPPLE FROM C.C.'s Won Ball Game LIBEL SUIT AGAINST / a Local News Notes 9 DAILY NEWS TODAY -‘The hastbell' game betiweea. the ind a “aisha ha 7 G8 I Be ne CBE te) ay Se See tos a Ne ee} Continued from Page On: was or ye oe ad ae be ‘ i prayer meee : PAR id roo Everything in season cooked| The apology was written ir the ese crowd were ut to support the AAA My Tonk Lt. Lom Pino sebistAPEaeeaiiice : ic,| VOMOG TOM TOMO-UEME WH 1 “To:5 paneries word! 0:0's, Hor no assistence in writing , ‘ | Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. | Mrs, H. Berriman, of Port Es-| sington, is visiting in the city. Beir: pends on what is in a iel 70 af “4- " tin and Hannifin; Colts, Valpey | Pra | Alla skandinaver valkomna till] whether we require the w i 00k Fruit : tives and Manson, 100 feet on Fraser Street 75 $20 000 L. J. Conkey, of New Hazelton, | Valhallas fest lordags kvell i/name or not, “Pour? Pradoaaiees © Cadell tae. Tie. spore At” Whe Salah. ‘were fevanatew went south this morning on the|Sons of England Hall 141-142 s, D, Maedonald, the fore Rheumatism. It was the only medicine |©.C.'s, 9; Colts, 4, It was a good f The News, said the fetter was! that made any impression on me. Iwas |game for the spectators, TERMS Rupert, ; a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism, I o es dostroyed with other old co: fe 2 — laid up for four winters with Se ‘ve only the best ‘TO FURTHER had searched for it but was a bey rear winless THE WEATHER Lot in Block 4, Section 1; $1,000 cas} rs at seven pr Ce] $6,000.00 We buy and serve ,2and Muscular Rheumatism, and wa ¢ ¢c nd 3 scl 1e€ ist, &@ s j thre yea the market affords. London Cafe. COLONIZATION able to find it, i cripple completely, not being able to | Lot 18, Block 14, Section 1 .. : 139-tf. basilica loanything. I doctored with four dif- Furnished by F. W. Dowling ’ $15,900.00 ee * ferent physicians, but they did not help | SECTION ; T0 THE WEST Argument mer Other advertised remedies were Observer | Two Ek. M. Sandilands, of oe ae A, M. Manson, in his are ',| equally unsatisfactory, and I have taken | Double corner Graham and Atlin, Lots 4 Charlotte Islands, is in the city 9 North| held that it was a mistak: ch} several rhursday, June 18 atpcates ‘AK I y| Winnipeg, June 19. North eset e : Gdink wiiaha F biiue tol time that ; | ¢1,.500,00 cash, balance arranged mn for a few days, ; ‘ | Battleford’'s Commissioner, N. G was a natural one, As so A ruit-a-tives” helped him, aaa t took een ter reduced to’ sea $4,750.00 | Neill the founder of the scheme] “®* discovered an apolog them faithfully every day and the result | leve NS ieee es 320,000 Lot 1, Block 1; $1,000.00 cash, bal. arra $3,000.00 What everyone sheuld -know : ia didhhbent aaater) Canada’s and ample was published What) was marvellous. For overtwo years now Hi ad temperature 60.0 1 ‘ Block 48 ' ser , ; es more co aaa, io? have bee om any Rheumatic : ower: ots 9-10, Block 15; one-quarte: 3! People of + Sapien oat gain | Popul ition to ten millions in the ‘ty Ms ih uld we-reasona an hain cad cee teat * fa st temperature ......48,0 n ths note the size of these i « dine at the G.T.P. Cafe. 3t | ne xt ten years, briefly outlined | ¥' could not give him ‘cer the full credit for making aretarkable |Rain ...........0.0.-. ‘oo eer ; $3,250 . lthe “aims and objects of the | Beate of character, M: MCNHS&CT eure” | | Some Choice inside Lots in Other Sections at Good P, D. J, Williams, of the Contin=| convention recently | held at} id Bet know anything 2 W. T. RACHER | at dae es ental Development Company,. of North Battleford for the purpose Phere Was absolutely no | ce.! If you are subject to Rheumatic At- DEH R EEUU eY Skeena Crossing, is in the city, of planning ways and means of The unfortunate letter was the | bt share SEtICR. Lum bag oe ah * + : INSURANCE * . * © eo inside of the paper Tp! oy | take ‘Fruit-a tives” rig it now anc star | & bs doing this, nee paper. daha the permanent cure which ‘ Fruit-a- | x ife: * Mrs, P, Aidous of Smithers and An instructive address on col-| 25 made as prominent a fair} tives” will complete if taken faithful \} ERT: ER De RE Pam | te ee Royal Life; Royal vas os & Lancashire Fire: ang baby ave registered at the Prince onigaiion froin the early days up| °* it was possible to do. To one] ly. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size x orthern Fire Rupert Hotel, I the pre ent time was given py| living outside of Prince Rupert| St eee Oe pe Se tee price hy f ah 0 > prese e was give ‘ z | Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | C, W. Speers, general colonization BY: One could guess whon re- if J. Place, M.P.P., who is doing agent-of the Dominion Govern- ferred to.. Under the statutes i} ——= = organization work for the Social-| 444 pr. J. G. Rutherford, su-]t!¢ Plaintiff could only reé | KING MAY SOON VISIT CANADA | § ists here, stated that there are perintendent cay: 4criculture and] 2¢tual damages from a newspaper “ iz 10,000 idle workers around Van- Animal Bevahiah ity of the G.P.R and there was not a title of evi-|'*t is Rumored That Their Majes- | $ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO a or eouver, oa ; ”” “Tdenee to show actual damages ties May Make Tour This | * gave an interesting address on 2 ’ ‘ | RRR ROR RR TRI IIR IA IIAASIASISN Ghote Toate mixed farming F, Peters, for the plaintiff, ar-| Fall or Winter | SECOND AVENUE Safe Deposit Boxes Lot for sale; good’ buy: Grah- ‘ sued the letter was libelous and| Charles 8S. Hotchkiss, chie7 am Avenue, Lot 21, Block 3, Sec- undoubtedly referred to Mason.| London, June 19 Ever since | tion 2; next lot beyond Williams sr diiant stitikects sols oe When a slander is against ajthe King’s accession to the | PRINCE RUPERT BOAT | eet aaatataactnas house; $900 cash, balance G. T. the “Possibilities of "Coloniva: man’s trade or profession, it en-| throne it has been generally un-| HOUSE i P. Box 23, NewsOffice. 137-138] (5), » touching upon the many titles him to recover. damages,| derstood that the King and the} KNOTT & HAMILTON ; te a advantages that Western Canada| /4e Person who wrote it was full] Queen at their earliest opportun Boats and Launches ; Mr. and Mrs, Angus Stewarliio. to offer as against other|?! hatred and malice. Mr, Man-jity would make a tour of the} ; - a | ; left this morning on the Rupert.| oounries. Among other speakers | °°" said in addressing the jury nee Domnens: ee eee Te ae SODA FOUNTAIN DELIGHTS ; Mr. Stewart will be eee fOr |were> Prof Elliott, of Hic Olds perhaps the man who wrote the | The King has promised both} PHONE RED 391 | ; the next eighteen months on work rig ie! Sechc 3 > >... |letter might have been able to|the Australian and the South} | on the P. G.E. They have closed eS der’ back it up. You cannot show in|African Governments that he} North End of Manson Way ICE CREAM LIGHT LUNCHES their residence here, ater of ee ORR ann r G ninety-nine cases out of a hun- | Would do this, The visit is now| | ; DAN ere Sn iabthe dete ‘ “’ 2’ ldred where actual damages are|expected to take place in the} Among the visitors to Grand Senos Saat eee. done but you cannot tell what | autumn or early in the winter of|~ | Daily 7 a.m. to midnight ; } Lodge are Dr, and-Mrs, J. M. his tua wines of the sonvention|4@™mage is done. It is the insidu j next. year, \¢* ; appointed to undertake the work ABI UOOUUUUEEL : ae a Shaw, of Regina. The doctor is ous way these things work whict The route proposed on the way|$ 66 il N ”? meree — sercorecroererecoooete of : ie a provisional cor tlee as , e 7 na ; ' al S tee secretary of the Grand Lodge of ; py Cece, we does the damage, The plaintifr}out would be by the Cape and e€ a y ews | w-w . : saskatchew: » is als ace ‘ . oug ¢ » substantiz : ther ome ough anadi it Sa katchew an. He is also accom of securing the co-operation. of ught to have ul ‘tantial dam hen home through Car a la, The CLASSIFIED ADS. : ; i panied by his niece,’ Miss Jaffrey. ]in, var gees as ages to show that a iurv of fellow|Cvlonial governments of the Do | * - + ae a ie various bodies interested in | DOOPIDIOIOOION 94 gf aaa atts 3 1 um ing, Cd * | i of Edmonton, the early formation of a perma citizens do not believe the state-|™inions have already discussed ® Fan ng + } . . ' z 5 . =e ‘ " | e details ‘onnecter . - —_—— - * iM : nent organization, ment, An apology is without ef a weal et eee FOR RENT | f i eee metal work ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McKenziej = __ fect if there is gross negligence | ¥!5!!- | y t : J EON eee eee wae } ‘ of New Hazelton, were registered Latest Ontario Nominations in publication There was gross Pe ae a eee lf at fair prices Dire Plumbin Co ld * jb at the. Prince Rupert last even- negligence. The apology was no | prey Sree een ae. ae mie , §V0., + ep 2 F con en TS i electric ligt ply 7h7 i ing. Mrs. McKenzie left this Liberals: East Hastings. John apology at all, The letter made | Lotbiniere Street CAO | OR REAR AATEH akekkkhekeheeee eee, | morning for a trip to Montreal. A. Holambs-cGadtec. Grey. °C a a definite statement, The apology | 9 TO RENT.—Pretty house on the bill . . “a. ipate; Ue ‘e ‘e ec . se We ) e ee ope Ire Lit She will be away for some time. mt ie i ey, #0 “**) said the paper knew nothing u ey S rece anes ane pe a = ae — S Lt Mr. McKenzie will remain in the ; . Bi Routh Grey, Chas, Ram derogatory to his reputation, We . CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY | { city for a few days. age: South Waterloo, A. E, Bu-|do not ask enormous damages but | 311 THIRD AVENUE FOR SALE » y. oi ° chanan. such as deprecate the I ation| ae ee ee eae ok) Ls Fae Prego be : | SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM i : . g Pati ra . : , ' eee be Puplicasnort PHONE 572 | PRINCE RUPERT TO 1 & Mr. J. Clark, who has been in Conservatives: East Northum-|of such letters. | FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves cheap | Es the city looking into the pros-|Perland, Sam Nesbitt; Manitou- ‘i rae | YOU CAW SAVE Pp pagelyiay enh opie ve ( R O A | s ‘28.00 hb lin, R. R. Gamey: South Renfre | ; . | FOR SALE or will trade for property, 30 : 96.00 } pects for opening a foundry here, if Jha a: é y; Sou Renfrew, tev. Dr. Stephen 8. Wise, the} es gasoline launch, new 8 bp. engine f 108.50 ‘ . McGarry; So Oxfor J ote lew York rs oe everythiag in good conditiom. Price and/ i ‘ has decided the time is not yet BisAleiel mI ee ae xfor if - e d New | York poe is ; man MONEY teraus arranged Apply Box 120, {Daily ar RK @ 144.50 a : t s« f coe, Alex, 10 uses terse an ant rase ews 12-1 S a “ : DI nto tee ripe. He went south this morn-|Fe rguson; Sudbury, Chas, Mc-|to deseribe ae ae freee na: i : meee Tn ae Complete Line of ~~ oD ; y ‘ ing but is leaving considerable|Crea yitle: eens See WANTED © : cently a young member of his| ORDERING voi GROCERIES ’ ; rice Southbound money here for investment. Mr. Sneak sees aa: congregation puzzled over «a MERE Steere oes BUILDERS SUPPLIES ten antes Moree : *Kenzie acer ¢ 2 ; . ' aitress wanted. Apply jenna Cafe. | site : ’ ay Be erene mepcmpanied him, FIRST FREIGHT TRAIN charge laid against his stepfather | DELIVER — PHONE 572 134 ft WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited ae Y . . 6 : te " a — asked Dr. Wise what bigamy was, | <—C—cremmeemmmms | BOARD AND ROOM for Gentleman, Apply Phone 186 AY by. Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Doreen were The firs tae c Wall'*-eaid the x: | | 521 Fifth Avenue W 140tf wer 4. @. McNAB, General Agent 1e first freight train int« 3 aid the rabbi, “in some} ~ | Third Ave. and Sixth yassengers on the Prince I ert | P 2 si i > s oi ORY oo ae } od .|WANTED—-Womab wants work by the} Corner r v 4 i rs on the Prince Ruper rince Rupert from Edmonton ar- intries it is a crime, and in| lay or hour. First class reference this morning. They are going to}]"ived on Wednesday with cars |others a religion pete eeeaoenare aera tee seer! eerreee eeeeercereeerrs . | - j Vay News, 3 ser eee eer ree ae ten as ar rac Mr Doreen and equipment for the railway ieee i coe Phone 87 P.0. Box 14704 woeroorooeooerenreteeeetet egnere: has been G. T. P. assistant en- company's own use. | CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. | MISCELLANEOUS } gineer- on construction and for Last night another freight| ; | SAVOY HOTEL BEST ; adits time hes been on: bridse eee came in from Edmonton| TENDERS FOR DELIVERY OF | 5s |WE HAVE RENTED all our houses ual ; work on Bulkley Crossing His with a number of cars of machin- STEEL PIPE | SEL EE ee cannot fill applications. Give us your) 2 re or ; ; é | ouse to re Prince F a A 1SINE work has now been completed. oF A the drydock. It also — ters, 'F. A.C. Brown, manager. 316 ae ee ‘ APARTMENTS ; . . - rought equipment for Bates « Sealed tenders i he’ seeetwad | Second Ave. Phones 205 and Blue 27¢ Hot and Cold Running Water n ‘ Among the passenger i Rogers, A. Woods, City Clerk, Prince Rupert up| psd td pie Mate yin EA. p gag Ry a, a IN CITY ; one > assengers \going till 5 p.m, Wednesday, June 24th, 1914., | First Avenue, $5,000 each; 82,000 | Only finest brands of Liquors and ; south this morning were: Noel + SP stank oa ae, eg ae art ARES SRAIRNCO. OVER SP Tene RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. | gene Nae" ; wath I pit ' t city wharf, | | | THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN 5 al . Shawatlens ssage . 3 att, J. Forbes, J. P. Noble, Mrs, Speci! RunaS aa forms f tender tal BRITISH COLUMBIA SIX ROOMS 3 McKenzie J. MeLean Dr S be obtained at the City Engineer’s office Lot 9, Block 41. Sectic * oe ales | wad ‘ ; . eeseanl, . &. The lowest or 4 end ot neces niinemee, © CCUG: 3 SOFROE jotwel Engineers ana B. C. Land| HE econd Ave. } Eagleson, R. J, MeLean, George an sain wosptaaT imy tender not nece of Eighth Avenue apd Donsld 9 > | PRUDHOMME & FIS Pattullo Block Second Av ; Sutherland, W. 8, Marshall, F, D. e W. MeGEORGE MASON, geen At N08s BOER. Sey: SOE le Tite ! b - Discounting St d d D ® | Cama Siutidings. en tiradd ‘rei | soe Printing, Negatives and Whit $ ; : Mr. T. W. Shefiield, of London, From andar alry Pacific Railway, one-half mil ‘ \PI ; 4 " iV ste a e : ! a has arrived in town and will as- |{ Lindsay Bros, Park Ave west of Cedarvale Station, $9 per ; ” eee , |McBride St., Prince R .C. ‘ TT 3 We sociate with the Rupert Marine $2,000 at ACE OP CARY AER Be Ee re . PA ULLO & RADFORD ; fron Works. Mr. Sheffield has Up—Must be Af. PURE FRESH MILY DAILY “ ; es ; P travelled very extensively and soc acted Produce Guaranteed LOPE TE ETL TS El SECOND AVE 3 : : Do aa ; Caer Submit’ offerings to We also have several one-acre , ee : knows Canada all over as well as eee eer cs gal ee ee 1} “tracts adjoining ‘Terrace ‘Town $| FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Members P.R.L. Vintners Association 3/9 | eenneccccssesseerees ae other parts of the world, having — = — elivery wagon will be on site, $160 each, on terms of one- - 4 | been connected with The Daily Hi in a few days, half cash, balance 6 and 12 mos Be * auinnen wort. | ———— : Ve lelegraph of London, Mrs, Shef- arvison, am le 8 60. Phone 161 Phone 161 it CIROUIT NO. 1. s Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St } AE Ae field and family are also here and ited gcsne. — it Sox 12-—ith St. and 3rd Ave » W. H. Wright, Prop. from the present outlook believe : ‘sheet \* an 2 Om St. and Srd ave z| Pe mere } ‘ they will make this <7, rl . * x Sth St. and 3rd Ave. * | be 1ey will make this their home. Sennen RR RRR RRR McCaffer & Gibbons F Bor 16—Junction of ist, ¢nd aud ¥ NOTEL CENTRAL * Srd Aves. * | First Avenue and Seventh St | a ; x . Box 16—-ist Ave., between 8th anid 7] European and American Piso a 35 4 THIRD AVENUE * 9th Sts, (Knox Hotel.) Peter Black, Prop. ¢ ie Black Pe em 3 eo f Bou 17-—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen + a aeemenennns err yi N White 10c ad tral Hotel ;| KNOX HOTEL { z First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth * f CIRCUIT NO. 2 x | : . | ‘ . = European Plan, Rates b0c to 61.00 aia R e : Tan ; I AX! : G EO RGE LE EK : Box 22--3rd Ave. and grad 8st 7 a Z - A rikaie. Lot 000 " ae j a (Post Office esner jeener, nn 8 $9 * z f Box 23-—-3rd Ave. and MeBride 81 x EE ir + 600 ; z $ Box 24-151 Ave. and McBride St Ti J. Y. Rochester y. D. Cesley $1144 and 12 sabe eas 5 Box 25--2nd Ave. and end St a EMPRESS HOTEL 400 ee new * Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6th 8t. 7 Third Ave., Between Sixth and 25 . Box.”’ * ALF HALLIGAN 7 Box 27.-6. T. P * Seventh Streets } 400 ne ; Bt eer ¥ ¥ CIRCUIT NO. 3 i European Pian, 60 to $1 Por Day G ; ne ae Pe deee 1 " THE F. F. DALLEY Co.,LTD, ARERR KK Kh KKK ¥ Box 31—5ib Ave. and Fulion st * | 18 BUFFALO, N.Y. HAMILTON, ONT. Box 32—Borden and Taylor Sts ¥ PREMIER HOTEL 1,260 IN, * » i 0 fv —_—- ' Box 34—-7th Ave, and Fulton st * Ainerican and Europea slau 10 and 11 } ee, Prince Rupert Dairy |f Box avi Ave, and Comox ave, % ara 19 and : i vor voe ° ] Box 37--sth Ave. and Dodge Pp) PE SM Te 9 and 20 i \f * i | | Box 38—4tb Ave. and Thompson gt, * ROYAL HOTEL : ' x 4,600 Fy } Phone Green 252 t : malas » 55, 56 and 57 ' ni y & Burgess, Props Ty: | CIRCUIT NO. 4. Third Ave. and Sixth St 1? y ; ; s ‘ Palo eb, le my B EF R Holstein Milk for Babies f ati 4th Aye. and Smmersop ;| European Plan Steam Heated $|One-Fourth Cash; Bala ee | = 2i¢ > Ph, ee NVA age See EL So ore ao wie “Dy nt ee specially sottled Box 42--bih Ave. and McBride & z| and 18 months at / } sf Sele ae ain aed TAA Andin Os 71% BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©O., a TESTED cows E tat a an aa dus dna heal @ * | LiMiTED INGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS Stale AGENT [§ Ser st-0m Ave ond pe sf te ae \f%An invitation is cordially ex- | & Sox 45—Tth Ave. and Eherte. 7 | monet oes ~— PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0 tended to the citizens interested Auctioncer and Valuator 2 pe ee Nero Sl hi san —_——-— . | ei on ae to inspect the , | ih ke toto tok ty A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager te inspect ym ony ( premises Notary Pubiiec [eet erer wa" * PRINCE RUPERT {MPORTING ©O., 4st Ave. and MoBride &t. burs of 3:30 and 4:30 | LIMITED st es PRINCE RUPERT, 6.0. | Wednesdays and Saturdays when Fourth SI ADVERTISE IN Fraser ano Sixth Sts } agen 0., ‘ Branch Yard et Smithers milkng operations are being con- rn oss from Land Phone 7 : : ees | ducted. Registry Office, Prince Rupert. Recond Avenue & pe ey ad