dee q 4 THE DAILY NEWS fa) SUF New ° THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | | Published Daily and Weekly by ! THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE ly News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. © Telephone 98 38CRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year (#9. if paid in advance Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, £8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly advance. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES York—Nationa!l Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St. New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co Lon TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch Sul bseribers will don, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Contract rates on application. greatly obliwe by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inatlention on the part of The News «arriers DAILY EDITION GS Saturday, June 20, 1944 The effect of this years iwo Canadian stee! companies. ariff increases under the Bor- Hitherto a number of Canadian den Government is already seen nail manufacturers had beer higher prices exacted from able to’ import the wire rods the Canadian people they needed at a price lower In the Commons a few weeks than that demanded by these after Hon. W. T. White had| two steel companies. Request- announced the tariff increases, ed by these two corporations Mr. F. N. McCrea, the member to raise the duty on rods, Mr. for Sherbrooke, bore testimony White obligingly did so. The that there had been an imme- inevitable result has been that diate increase in the price de- the price of rods has gone up manded in Canada for certain and, of course, an increase in classes of steel building ma-| nail prices has followed. terial affected by the tariff St ele changes. Last week another The two steel companies are piece of similar testimony was} to be enabled to sell their wire given when it was pointed out rods to Canadian nail com- to Parliament that the advance! panies because the importa- in the tariff on wire rods had! tion of rods is made well nigh brought an increase of twenty- impossible, and they are to sell five cents per keg in the price them at higher prices than the demanded for nails in the Do- nail manufacturers formerly minion, | paid, That is one side of the Ye eee case, The other side of the Speaking to this point, Mr-.| case comes in the fact that the White sought to create the im- price of nails to the Canadian pression that the advanced; people is increased. The two price was not due to tariff in-|} steel companies benefit; the crease, for, he said, “the duty} people of the Dominion lose. has not been changed on} This is one result of having in vails.” The duty on nails has} power a corporation-owned not been changed, it is true;| Government. but the duty on wire rods from fetta which nails are made has been It might be thought that this considerably increased, That would prove beneficial to the is why the price of nails has | labour employed, but a mo- gone up. |} ment’s though will show that The duty on wire rods was the rate of wages paid to la- raised for the sole benefit of vor in these two concerns will e's. TS SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager tst Ave. and McBride &t. PRINCE RUPERT, 6.C. PHCNE 26 Branch Yard at Smithers (¢ and Where to Buy Wed- ding Gifts and Wedding HOW Fadeley) 2 Where will | buy my wedding gifts and wedding jewellery? is a question which will te asked often during the month of June. In fact, It is « question which is always being asked. IN OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWER OUR WEDDING JEWELLERY pers’ guide, and from it you may choose appropriate maids, groememen, maids of honor and others. FROM THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CUT GLASS AND SILVER shown in the catalogue, gifts of good quality at easy prices may be readily selected. All orders received hy us will be forwarded with the utmost despatch at our risk, prepeid by us. We can serve you satisfactorily no matter how far away you may be. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS VANCOUVER, B.C & well repreeented In this valuable shop- gifts for brides- Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Directors | | | i| competition, be fixed by the price al whic! labor can he obtained The gain fore, g0eS8 exchusively to a capitalists who are mad nopolists, the During the disenssio he Commons, several members put pertinent < teresting facts before House. Meeting the are f the Finance Minist the duty on nails had Bee, DB. ( N.B., m: “We have the tariff on the raw that goes into the man t of nails. On Monday S l the principal hb ‘ merchant of Woodst told me that, as a resi change in the tariff, he increased, ‘ of Carleton, statement: met ers are the makers of the rods; they make the price for the rods to the small nail-makers and make the price of nails to the trade at large... . There is not a question in my mind but that as a result of the in- creased duty on rods, there has been an advance in the of nails, and there will still further advance the retail men haye a profit on this extra twenty-five cents that the pay. I venture in the end the that the consuming Canada _ will $750,000 extra increased cost price be a because must wholesale men to assert that result will be public 0 pay each owing to of nails.” CANADIAN BANKS — IN CHEERFUL MOOD Half-yearly Statements Reflect a Stronger Position veal the Special to The Daily News Montreal, June 20,—Half vear- banks position com- ly statements of Canadian refiect’a stronger paratively of the institutions whose figures have béen made public, especially among the old- er monied Conserva- concerns, tism has marked the course of banking in Canada during sever- al months, and there has been a decrease of loans compared with ago, Sentiment has proved considerably and _ while during the closing months of 1913 and earlier this year, doubt was in regarding the finan- cia) situation the Dominion, such bankers as General Manager Hebden of the Merchants Bank have issued reassuring = state- ments regarding the future out- look throughout Canada, During the first four months of this as disclosed by the figures up to May ist, Canadian banks were less aggressive in ex- tending their branches than dur- a year im- evidence year, ing the same period in 1913. There were 88 ew branches opened, and 25 branches closed a net of 63, as against a net gain of 95 for the same period Fain last year. The chartered banks of Canada number 20, and the branches total 3,157, all except 87 of which are in Canada, The Royal Cafe is the old, re- liable and popular dining place of the city. You can depend on getting the best cuisine and best service. 126tf Gentlemen, we buy your old clothes. Phone 565. 116t! oa 7X) | eee iar NCI cece coat 7 _ ww _ a THE HOME OF WASHINGTON’S ANCESTORS °°: London, June 20, A century peace between the English speaking peoples was marked by the recent purchase by the Brit sh Committee. f Bulerave Ma the ancestral home of th: family of George Washineton Sir Thomas Lipton, at one tin ing twenty-five cents 1;/opened negotiations purchass keg for nails than tw: ths|the house and have removed ago and will have t the United States, but thes to do so, The wholesa ells| fell through and will the him that he is comp: fore remain on its origmal site charge the Ytwenty-fiv: ents jand continue to be the mecca of extra because the }patriotic piigrims as an inte creases the price,” ational shrine, ° > Th fine ld which has ‘There is to all intents andjstood for at least 400 years, is| purposes,” said Mr, W. S. Log-| Situated in Northamptonshire gie, of Northumberlar N.B..j England, In 1538, it was granted a combine by which the price| by Henry VIII to Lawrence Wash of nails is fixed as the price is/ington of Gray's Inn, who was in the hands of two of the large | Mayor f Northamptor Th nail-makers, These nail-mak-| Property was included with the jgrant of certain lands which be- jlonged to the priory of Canons Ashby, previous the dissolu tion of the monasteries by the King. This land was sold by Law- rence’s son, Robert, and his grandson Lawrence, who retired to Brington, where he died in 1616. After his death, his grand- son, vonn, who was the great} grandfather of George Washing- ton, emigrated to Virginia, ALBERTA SELLS MORE PROVINCIAL BONDS New York Syndicate Now Offer- ing an Issue of $7,000,000 -——No More This Year The New York syndicate which has placed two issues of Province of Alberta bonds during the few months is now offering an is of $7,000,000 bentures last sue de- 4.85 ten Lo year at a price vield per cent, In the prospeetus there is made the that Province interesting announcement of Alberta will be issued this year, ine issues will be relatively small. Other Bond Deals City of Toronto more bonds and that iviai of next year’s The has sold | $500,000 ten-vé bonds at 70 per cent ar ap proximately a rate. $32.00 covers all expense. A side trip Skagway to Summit of the White Pass Ry. at very small cost, For reservations and all information apply to Rogers’ Steamship Agenoy, Phone 116. 132-160 English Capital in Texas London, June Belgian capital 20,—+English and is behind the Cen- tral Railway of Texas, which is to be built from Harbor Island to Quannah, The section to be opened up is said to be one of the best in the State, While you wait shoe crepairing. tf, German's, opposite postoffice. WILL PAY EMPRESS to a New York insurance company |} The Monetary Times’ compila tion of municipal bond sales in Canada gives the aggregate for April as $2,708,173, compared with $5,108,776 for March, and $3,693,857 for April of last year, | The reduction is fairly represent ative of the falling off in the de- mand, Alaska Excursions Round trip excursions to Ket- thikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sitka, and Skagway the fine steam ers “City of Seattle’ and “Spo- kane” sailing every six days. | OF IRELAND CLAIMS } Reported That Underwriters will Not Delay Payment of Tr-WAEKIY Service cen Claims to iad | Spe al » The Dally News Vi t . ‘ d . | | Montreal, June 20.—Intorma-|| Wancouver, ViCtOria and Seattle | tion from London is to the effect Stearser Prince George leaves Prince Rupert MONDAYS a: 6 4 jerwriters will not at- Stearner Prince Rupert leaves Prince Rupert FRIDAYS a 6 2 “ jelay the payment of Steamers Prince John oF Prince Albert Iv. Prince Rupert TUESDAYS 30 am rred by the loss of Low Excursion Rates } @ac eland ; RN CANADA and UNITED BTATES, also io nor surance carried against} Te EASTERS SO VEGIAN CENTENNIAL, and to CHicagg YA" '" connection the ill-fated ship with NORWEGIAN 6AENGERBUND entree sks ' : , are 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough freight. gasoline ang explosives a ‘ bout #1.400,000] plosiy ba : edie s For full particulars and all information of interest to travellers, ap i s statec hat expel e ' THE G. T. P. TIOKET OFFICE, Hart Block, Third Avenue, voted te @ | i that salvage opera-| AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lincs ra sa stiy nd again if} PO AOE EL OEE I \ S eefula ithe cost! ! h i a exceeded the | ‘ comer os 1,400,000 the ship would 1 a ST ANDREW’S SOCIETY ne 954 P.O.B . ” 01 6) nstructive yf l plu uf : with the s ors t ROOMS : oes - , nad “ at Second Avet posite Empress Theatre APERI GING S said, howeve that if the value {Rooms open from 8 6 m. t 11 p. m a f the & as reported shipped | Vistung Scots are cordially invited AINTI ( ‘ Sa likiat eo 5 For rates for hall rent apply Secretary Arie n the Empress wigar ce oy an mS MAADUNALI CHAS. DENNIS, OLISHIN( AND tttempt saive 1 metai will President Secretary | } be justified, some action may be : . | WALI TINTING take this respect, TIN & M’GOWAN | MAR | Tucker Acquitted lpuain AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Martin »Wwanso : i. Cement, Brick and Tile Work Second A Washington, D.C,, June 20, Estimates Furnisned H. H. Tucker, president of the Phone Bive 829 Uncle Sam Oi) Co,, and nine other defendants, have been acquitted f attempting to defraud the gov- ernment in connection wih Osage | land leases, Good All Round aids to health—and to the strength, comfort and cheerful- ness which depend on thecondi- tion of health—are the famous, time-tested, safe and speedy BEL CHAM’S PILLS In boxes, 25 cents. Sold everywhere. FU Ur aR apa ae » FOR A TAXI: 75--PHONE--75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO REE RRKEEAS EAA KKK REAR H ; ; PRINCE RUPERT BOAT HOUSE Boats and Launches for hire. Gasoline for sale PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson Way i } | TAKE NOTICE that I, Artbur H. mes | Pigott, of Victoria, B. C., occupation |manager, intend to apply for permission }to lease the following described lands: | Commencing at 4@ post planted at high | water mark at the southwest corner of | Lot 467, Portiand Canal District, marked ‘A. H. P. N. E. Cor.;" thence foll. wing | the high water mark ih a southerly direc- | tion proximately 60 chains to @ post |marked “A. A. P. 8. E. Cor.,” shence cue west to low water mark, thence following | the low water mark in a northeriy direc- tion approximately 60 chains, to a point at low water mark due west from jint of commencement; thence due east to point jor cemmencement, containing 80 acres more or less. | ARTHUR HOLMES PIGOrT. | ji. W. Stewart, Agent. | April 26, 1914. | Published May 18 to July 20. | sheona Land District—District of Coast Range V. TAKE NOTICE tnat Lancelot Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B, C., oceu- pation master mariner, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post Planted 4 mile distant and in a northerly direction trom entrance to smaii bay close l to Skiakl Bay, ol the west side of Ste- phens Island and adjacent to application post of H. W. Lees, thence cast twenty j chains, thence south forty chains, thence | west twenty chains, thence north forty chains, following the ssiore line to the point of commencement, eighty acres more or less LANCELOT RUSSEL May 3, 1914. Published May 26 to July 27. Russel WALROND BEAVIS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING COMPANY Tar and Gravel and Ready Made Roofing Damp-Proofing Water-Proofing Repairing P.O. Box 439 PHONE 205 BLYTHE BROS. PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Phone 194 Satisfaction guaranteed JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings Phone Black 294 Architect Suile 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, 8. C Phone 300 P.O, Box 1635 TERMINAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Contractors & Buiiders Repairs and alterations. Store and office fixtures Box 510 Phone Red 69 A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work 5 ist Ave., Manson ~ HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER VW ay Phone 489 Second Ave., near McBride DR. GILROY, DENTIST Bridge Work a Specialty. Office: Smith Blk., Third Avenue Crown and UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE Bouth Wellington Cosi PHONES : 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 $33 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER Seal Cove Phone Green 321 wer > SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWS New Wellington Goal The favorite Household Coal Cloanest. Gr grtest, Best NEW WELLINGTON coaL 00., Roge A t, Agts Beoond Avenue Phone 116 APARTMENTS DYrK i ee Phone 174 Bor #74 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING SMITH & MALLETT Lar ‘ k cf PH north ef Var ver 4 Va and Pit ting 5 tt r Third Ave., Head of Second Siren rince Rupert D. C. STUART @ocountant BOS 2nd Are Prone 200 PRINCE RUPERT. 8. 0 Alex M Ma o, B.A Ww. EB. W al B.A, LLB WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc MONEY TO LOAN Bor the Helgerson B * PACIFIC CARTAGE UNITED Genera! Cartage LADYSMITH CAAL 93—-Phone—83 P. O. Box 203 Phone 47 P. ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant Investigations, Aajustments, Liar dations and Assignments 6 Smiih Block, rd Ave., “rince Rupert, 8 "ROYAL BAKERY : Audits, Former k na fien's BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY f the cily Se Phone 968 Third Avenue | ie. IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done Ep 166 COW BAY ‘ JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, Sire ‘ HHH EEF * a ee “J %* Try a Want Ad in The News * “*"* Cahn eee ee FT Fi WES THE MONTH FOR. \ peepee = BRIDES AN’ IM GONNAGET \a ME A JUNE BRIDE RIGHT AWAN QUICIC- SOME BODY ELSE MIGHT STEAL HER. \F I SHOULD Fad Be SENT YO MEXICO / (A\SS S / -. ( GOT MEXKICO-OF | / \ COLRSE TLLBE — SHOT- (TS ACINCH ni AREMOU BLUSHING scaoP?- OR \S 1T SUN TL GME HERE MY BONES LIE STREWN AMONG THE MEX(CAN N& ; =AN 350 TUS-USSES “TO™ It Would Have Been Such a Cheery Outlook for Mrs. Snoop Drawn for The Daily \ ca \ “ES BUT WHY , WISH 4 widows WEEDS ONTO ME ? PARDON ME A JIFFY - TH’ PHONE (5 OF COURSE (\\ SNOOP- IF TH | IS MORE IMPORT THAN T AM-1L HAVE TO BID Yur" Good pay! sok \ ANN OLD EXC Ust TO GET OFF TH FiRiNG LIM