DATLY NEWS W. P. Lynch left for Smithers |the concert last night aboard he | this cily, “You have a gre Princess Alice, which was ver) today. sce Local News Notes Fue Sa SRS ME SS SS SR QL MEGS Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream.| Two members of the Meilakatla | ' ; +. eae at | the bright spots in the his jband contributed a selection much appreciated. @ VISITING MASON PRAISES LOCAL INSTITUTION Said one of the members of the +, “|| Masonic excursion parts Visit to Prince Rupert ja great harbor, fine streets d jsplendid business establish ~ Mitt Dee a : j lbut what struek me most ing for a visit to New Hazelton, The meeting of the Canadian} ert eter Fraternity will take place on} aed _ is the high standar We buy and serve only the best) Monday evening, not Wednesday leading theatre, the W: the market affords. London Cafe./as was advertised in Friday’s!Opera House rhe pe 139-tf. paper, 11 witnessed there tonig Charles Thorne is back from | wage lof the best I figvecaver s d the holidays spent in Vancouver} Mr, and Mrs. John Murray, 5th!as good as any in Vane rive and Seattle. !Avenue., returned this morning /house is comfortable a Pe eres lfrom a visit to Vancouver and | date and the music the Everything in season co ked | Se attle. Mr. Murray recently un-|have heard for a long the way you like it. London Cafe. |derwent an operation and is im That this compliment 139-tf. . . . Alla skandinaver valkomna till Valhallas fest lordags kvell Sons of England Hall. 1441-142 What everyone should know: Peopic of discriminating taste dine at the G.T.P. Cafe. 83tf M. R. Jamieson left for Carn- aby today to look over some bus- iness prospects there, wise fhe Mrs. Grossman, who has been south on a holiday for several weeks returned this morning. ee ee The steamer Spokane will be in port tonight southbound and the Seattle will be in northbound. ee Mr, Gingras, of the Dominion engineering department, who has been south on business, returned to the city this morning. Several of the Masonic dele- gates missed the boat when she pulled out last night and will re- turn on the Prince George. aot ce Lot for sale; good buy: Grah- am Avenue, Lot 21, Block 3, Sec- tion 2; next lot beyond Williams house: $900 cash, balance G. T. P. Box 23, NewsOffice. 1437-138 6c wae The government light house supply boat Estevan is tied up at the G, T. P. wharf for a cou- ple of days. She is having her boilers washed out, a tewite H. S. Clements declared in parliament that there were no politics in the disbandment of Ear] Grey's Rifles, He said any action taken was done through the regular channeis and he had nothing to do with it. He might now explain how he knew so much about the details of the af- fair if that were so, Let him also explain why Col. Sam con- tradicted him, Sam said it was all politics, jproving greatly. weeks, . . . rived from California today country for a few weeks, . . . man would read in that word, who made his first appearance i lishing Company case to the Mason. that the event was called off, hardships resulted, . . * must be in the hands of Mr. C Mrs. C, B. Smith and Miss Smith, of London, Ont., arrived jon the Prince George this morn ing, Mrs. Smith is the mother o Mrs. CG. H, Orme, and they will be guests of Mrs. Orme for som: Mr. and Mrs, P. 8. Backus ar spend the summer here. The) are registered at the Prince Ru- pert. Mr, Backus has some min- ing property in the Copper river district and will zo into that The morning paper forgot its quotation marks (which -usually shows that a word has some special meaning), when they re- ferred to our “popular” membe1 Can vou guess what the average Justice Morrison yesterday complimented Mr. Adair Carss high court yesterday, on the abie manner in which he presented the Mason vs, Prince Rupert Pub- Mr. Carss was junior counsel for Through an oversight in the pressure of duties, the commit- tee of Masons in charge of the picnie planned to Digby Island forgot to notify in time the ladies who swlicited the refreshments is to be hoped that no undue The Tennis Club is putting on another tournament to be played on June 27th. This will take the form of .mixed doubles. Entries lu. Purdy before 6 o'clock June 23, deserved goes with: The splendid dancing given by Miss Swepsto Iweedale is strictly hig $s and thoroughly enj the Westholme has noted for its splendi es and as for the orches mas long been one of ou p lar nstitutlions. Never ss Is a Satisfaction to rece such appreciation from an District Fair Dates The following are the dates o the district fall fairs as appr of by the Provincial Government Bulkley Valley, Telkwa, Sep- teuiber 10th. Fort George, September 24-25 Prince Rupert, September 30 and October 1 and 2. sella Coola, October 9 Graham Island, Lawn Hill, not yet fixed, (Baptist Church Morning prayer for men 10.30, Sunday schoo! and bible class {14, Evening worship it 7.30 The past will speak n the evening oO1 Hindrances to Spit tual Attainments. All are we come, U. S, Express Closes Offices London, June 20, All the Er ropean offices of the United been closed, and the two hundrec employees dismissed. The Bella Goola Courier states accompanied by the entrance fee erested and which is this vei of fifty cents. Partners will be!being managed by Mr. Marshal drawn for and suitable handicaps | Engl sh, formerly manager for arranged, the B, ¢ Packers on the Skeena Continued from sure » ladies on boat KE. SHACKLETON divide the | the GEORGE LEEK MaA>aon States Express Company have | state Agent Auctioneer and Valuator Notary Public that the sanitary can making ma chinery in the Namu_ canner) turned out 100,246 cans in one] day last week, This is the can in which Mr, D. M, Moore is} Land} VISITING MASONS ENTERTAIN |) oni \ is now known bul ON PRINCESS ALICE | we must deny the charge, Brew. ister and Honest John are wise as} NG amount of cash we got from] | Macken ie & Mann, Bowser gone Isouth for his health, RICHARD MeBRIDE, Mr Astley, however, didn't }h ive it all his own way, A wire liess handed to the Grand Master Ifrom Calgary oil fields, read: i Gusher struck in Wm, Astley well; greatest source of natural} leas in the world Small illumi. ed Lio yu Signed MANAGER.’ rhe entertainment came to se all too soon at 10:30 In order to allow the boat to sail} at 41 o'clock, Before sailing, wever, there was a magnificent jemonstration by both — those] ishore and those on board, Fare well songs, vells and cheers of ds were passed back and rth, in which both the visiting and cal ladies were prominent. | remembered A battery of fire rks also added to the scene as the steamer pulled out into the jj. harbor and Auld Lang Syne was }sung and the crowd very reluct- intly broke away from one of the most pleasant events Prince Ru- pert ever had, THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer | June 20, 1914 Wire} Barometer reduced to sea Pee Maye) #75 60% can os 29,851 NWieheet temperature . 66,0 |Lowest temperature .... 47.0 ase ws ae Mase eee 25 Presbyterian Services Rev, Mr. White, of Eburne, will preach in the Presbyterian Hall tomorrow at {41 a.m. and 7:30 pl Phere will be no service in t) theatre till further notice, POI LPL LOLOL OODLE LLL DL OL LOL DOELEDLOOE YES, SIR! We are right here for Tiled and Gravel Roofing, Sheet Metal Work of all kinds, General Repair Work and Furnace Heating. PHONE 56 STEEN, HEBERT & CO., P. 0. Box 928 | eee. | os a Prince Rupert “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. the cause of Personal and National Liberty [': to humanity. brand. The Constitution of the Unit business in America. Every da Barley-malt and Saazer Hop thousand. five hundred people are daily lts sales exceed any other beer by millions of bottles, Bottled only at the home plant. Distributors ——— es St AE ! A? TALIA’'S GREAT PATRIOT scx . this modem Rienzi of sunny Italy would have gladly laid i= his life. It inspired him to deeds of immortal grandeur, of superb valor and of boundless suf a ferng. Garibaidi would not have legislative tyranny of any kind enter into his owu private life any more than will our millions of liberty-lovin legislation which would prohibit ALL because ous quantities. He knew that the light wines of Italy and the barley brews of Germany are beneficial Italian citizens. His flaming soul scorned any NE man out of thousands imbibes in glutton- Upon an old Germanic basis 57 years gohan ach, brews of Budweiser, established their States is the sole authority upon which they launched their y of these 57 years has been devoted to the brewing of an honest brew—the kind that spells Temperance throughs the world. Seven required to keep pace with the public demand for Budweiser. ANHEUSER-BUSCH : ST.LOUIS Prince Rupert Imp. Co., Limited Prince Rupert udweise Spells Temperance FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent Bath and electric light Apply 717 Lotbinter Street 1400f FOR SALE POR SALE-—Ranges and = stoves cheap Galland, McBride Street. aor } POR SALE or will trade for property, 30 f ine launch, new 8 hp. engine ything in good condition. Price and terms arranged. Apply Box 120, Daily Let “Sunlight” do the Camp Washing NHERE is only one soap that will make ‘| your big heavy shirts and underwear as clean snd sweet and soft as you like them—that’s “Sunlight” : Strong enough to move the worst of camp dirt—gentle enough not to hurt a single fabric, Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure it’s the best all round general purpose soap there is. : ‘Sunlight Soap OP PP OLLI OL ELOLOPEPOOEP EOC *++ONENE and FOR SALE BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES : WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 ‘ | --—- LUMBER COAL RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers ana 8B, C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric | Blue Printing, Negatives and Whit | Prints | | McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. SOOO LLL LLIIIILOLLEDDOLOLOL LLL L LL ES Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE > McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVENUE OOOO OL OOOO OOOO Hot and Cold Running Water in News 112 it all Rooms “ SOOO RELEERELITTTTAITE Only finest brands of Liquore and } WANTED Cigars kept | | ee " THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN | eee ee Waltress wanted. Apply Vienna Cafe BRITISH COLUMBIA CANKDIAN PACIFIC RLY 131-0 | WANTED 4 good general servant No PRUDHOMME & FISHEi 2 SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM king Phone Biack 395 (oer BE PEAT ee PRINCE RUPERT TO BOARD AND ROOM for Gentleman. Apply 141.00 521 Fifth Avenue W 14008. MONTREAL and 128.00 a TORONTO and r¢ 96.00 eel ST. PAUL and ret i; oors | CHICAGO and 1 j NEW YORK and Ag 7 St d d D i ’ j Other points é ae ffective June an ar alry 1 t limit I ' Lindsay Bros, Park Ave, 5 Princess Beatrice Southbound Sunday, 58 f PURE FRESH MILY DAILY | 5 oie Produce Guaranteed Members P.R.L. Vintners Association J. @. McNAB, General Agent THE BEST Corner Third Ave. and Sixth st Delivery wagon will be on ff atl ie: few Adve WINDSOR HOTEL | : Y MAYS, Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St Phone 161 Phone 161 W. H. Wright, Prop. | pe Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 | Holstein Milk for Babies specially Bottled TESTED cows An invitation is cordially ex- tended to the citizens interested to inspect the dairy premises during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 Wednesdays and Saturdays when milkng operations are being con ducted. FORO TOR TOR TOIOIIOR IOF TOO IO tok th 35--PHONE--35 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN SERRE EEE EERE EY eee eee eR eC eK eee RAKE FIC ICICI OI III OI I thet | er | HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St | European and American Plan | Peter Black, Prop. | KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth | European Plan, Rates S0c to $1.00 Lots ” Ps » Per Day | ‘ Beener & Besner, Props. | 1/22 J i ee ae | J. Y. Rochester V. D. Casley iff and 12 EMPRESS HOTEL | 400 Third Ave., Between Sixth and Of s.. ‘ Seventh Streets 400 European Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day B4 ) eer er Lat irate PREMIER HOTEL 1.260 American and Buropean Piao 140 and 14 0 ’ F. W. Henning, Manoger | 4.500 ree a Pe eer te 149 and 20. : f ROYAL HOTEL wit. : . ; . 4,600 Cortey & Burgess, Props i655, 56 and 57 Third Ave, and Sixth St | | European Plan Bteam Heated |One-Fourth Cash: Ba a Ac cciennimt ‘ } I and 18 months at 7 | BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. LIMITED Second Ave, apd Sixth st | Phone 102 | ae G. R. Naden Co. Ltd, Revond Avenue Phone 7 - ieee ee ae Dent renee reece ett tte