————— THE a “iy, DAILY NEWS . i i ie 4 Prine bre, lnading Paper euuan ao ALIVE ——n Ot ——— 1 144 a ——s \ Minister of Land d to the City ¢ I wotest of tt pproval of the pl or Rupert Hyar pany Will be heard it July 47. ading of the at the Mayor said the building up a cas¢ ind recommended to Vict i ; I Hn ive nee Tupert Hyd iny have the right MINISTER LANDS WILL LISTEN TO CITY'S PROTEST ON JULY 17 yoTlcE THAT PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANY HAVE APPLIED FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS FOR THEIR UNDERTAKING INTARIO LIBERALS WILL MAKE BIG GAIN Prediction of Toronto World on Elections This Week World, whict paper Has some there the Whitney ad \ hat there a alain the-elec s Wee Th id ae is] tl wa | Phe en- | | I I ais are | M CGonser- | ‘ ( ae Lhat] i ‘ hteel i he e@let I | | t} a I ! i“ | ( he G i h p ple. he. ay t ‘ ers ' j | m it Ontario 1s L from any previous before were party drawt rhe list candidates is very] he Toronto cor he Conservative didate, but when he] his policy, it wa much more i ® Liberal leader th ilive The Conse! » select another can nh indication of — the are going all along In an election such as are bound to be sur irches are much more his election than evel! Che churches for man) been preaching the hich has been taken up I iberal leader, if the to remain true to thei the opposition is like iccessful. The churches rlain extent upon trial is reason for the un He in Ontario, and there is believing that a land Ob an impossibility Dismissed MoFarlane Case ‘ay afternoon after heat ent on the aetion to set he transfer of property dismissed the case, eerees OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Will | FOURTH STREET, across wre rrr rrr rr ror rrr nner WELCOME COME AT RIGHT TIME FOR CROPS nuch as two inches High Class Rooming House PRINCE ARTHUR AND THE COUNTESS HE IS TO MARRY Kaiser and the Gountes he is about to contract CANADIAN FRATERNITY ELECT THEIR OFFICERS Have Secured Rooms in Mcintyre) T. D, Pattullo Reports Good Work Block Which Wil! Be Open City Couneil Smal! Boy in Jail MeInivre Block developed an in ents him them and keep him New Buildings at Ft, George weeks, ing farm implements, the Gray Camp was and and BO May Build to Montreal eral McFarlane to his wife, | poad to connect Montreal with the ~ round of fraud, Justice} main line of the transeoatinental, In rrr aie appears fo-date in the el ihe metropolitan city of Montreal, AUCTION SALE j),'"» railway Rex Tailors Got Contract ouncil asked for ten dained thought Many’ held at the LEK AUCTION §] ,,.. that if she was regarded ople find out their mistake, took mom ‘he Land Registry Office at and let such pe y Bm, TUESDAY, JUNE 23rd S00ds on view Tuesday all dey di government does build the line it George Leek, Auctioneer, will MRR RO OROEETOOOOOIED rection of government COLLECTED $1,050 FOR CELEBRATION For Dominion Day Sports T. D, Pattullo, Chairman of the court} Dominion Day finance committe ; ted that the committee “] $41,050 around the timated cast of the s $1,800, allowing cencies, and he was granted by unanimous decision, To Remove Telephone Line Foley, Welch & Stew ard have let the contract for down their private telephone ine was construcle railway contractors to touch with the sub-contrae gaged in the construction ‘ western end of the Pacilie railway between Hlazelton and Fort gang will work west reach this town in overed a distance of hunderd and fifty tailes, one -hundred of which the vailway right of the first intention contractors to let the line remain tood, but the raihway 4 Ryer at the corner of Third |}Pany las asked that it be remoy Omineca Herald, Sockeye Fishing Good Sockeye salmon fishing Skeena has opened up exception (00d this season, river the boats pieked wp at twenty on the on: the boats outside Tadlors bid $40/average of about 60, days of the season tender |only a few to each net. TI Rex Tailors, |} weather is responsible catches and if it ex Norfolk Rooms. Sleam heated, | the canneries will have afd cold water, Terms rea 143tf' Subsoribe for the Daily News ! for a donation rhe telephone SVS Usua RUPERT, B,C,, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1914 (0 HEAR CITY’S PROTEST IN VICTORIA J ALD. ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT SUNDAY POOL | Aid. Kerr Said Bylaw Was Drop- ped Because There Was Doubt On the written question order in the Gity Council last night, }Ald. Montgomery had some per- tinent questions’ about Sunday pool, The first one was to Ald, Kerr as to why the Sunday pool bylaw had not been prepared, Ald. Kerr’s answer was that there seemed to be some doubt as to the jurisdiction of the city and he had coneluded to take fo fur- ther steps.in the matter. The next question was to the city solicitor, asking if there is any law prohibiting Sunday pool, The city solicitor’s answer was that there is no Provincial law prohibiting it in municipatities, although there is a law prohibit- ing it in unorganized communi- ties of the Provinee, The Do- minion Lord’s Day Act prohibits it bul this act is not operative ex- cept with the consent of the Pro- vincial Attorney General. The question seems to be in the hands of the Attorney General, MYSTERIOUS MINUTES OF A SECRET SESSION Montgomery Protests Against the Formal Passing of Something Not Named On the opening of the City Couneil last evening, Ald. Mont- gomery drew the attention ef the City Solicitor to the minutes o a session of the City Council held last Wednesday and asked if the procedure had been legal. The City Solicitor read the min- ules and said he was net prepar- ed to give a decision off hand, but was preparing something to put the thing referred to in propei shape. That was about all the infor- mation which the audience at the Council meeting got. This was a secret session of the City Goun- cil held last Weduesday afternoon at which the press was refused admittance, Apparently something did not suit Ald, Montgomery but what it was the Council guards very care fi} vy refrained from saying, Ald, Montgomery seemed afraid the individual members of the City Council might be held re- fused to vote for the adoption of the minutes, sponsible and re Water Company Expands The Fort George Citizens’ Water Company is applying for a license to use 200,000 gallons of water per day from the Necha- co River, The company is en- larging iis service in order to handle the growing population of the distriet. It is intended to build on Seventh avenue a concrete reser. voir with 500,000 gallon capacity. Fr. P. Burden is at present pre- paring specifications and ,blue- prints for the proposed exten sions, BARK SAVED WHEN CAT WENT OVERBOARD San Franciseo, June 23.—From March 20 to April 20 the French bark Colonel de Villebois Mareuil bucked westering winds off Cape Horn, squalls tore away her can- vas and wrecked her fore and aft bridges. It began to look as if Lhe ship would never wt into Pa. cifle waters, Then Mimi, a blaek eal, went overboard, That very Gay the weather cleared and the bark proceeded, Members of the crew, on the vessel's arrival here tonight, said they were sure the ship would never have passed the Horn if the black eat had not been Washed away, The bark left the| Hamburg 145 days ago Ladies’, men’s, boys’ and chil- ‘dren's shoes at a discount of 25 GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Why not have Sir Conan Doyle, who is holidaying in Jasper Park. investigate tie mysterious death of Sunday pool? PRICE FIVE CENTS ULY | PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS FINANCES IS FIXED FOR THURSDAY—SOCKEYE FISHING GOOD Just before the City Council adjourned last evening Ald. Kerr arose and asked the Mayor when he proposed calling the financial meeting promised to the public, The Mayer said Thursday or Friday evening. He proposed get- ting one of the theatres. Several aldermen thought the city hall big enough, They be- lieved no one but those objecting to redecking were interested. Ald. Mentgomeyr remarked that the less publicity given in a pub- lie theatre the better it would he for the city’s interest, The Mayor was of the opinion that a meeting should be called to give the public an inkling of of tinancial condition and get the ratepayers’ opinion on whether NOT ONE LEGITIMATE OFFER MADE FOR LONG TERM BONDS £.LD, MORRISSEY MAKES STATEMENT AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING—SAYS HE HAS SEEN ALL THE OFFERS— FINANCIAL MEETING THURSDAY EVENING bonds now at the present price, Ald. Morrissey said the Goun- cil had been aceused of having received offers for the long term debentures and refused to give the information to the public, He said: “It is an tinqualified mis- statement, There has never been one legitimate offer made for the long term bonds and T have seen them all, All the advice we get is to the effect we should not sell now,” The Mayor also took occasion to remark that nothing had been done in the dark except on one ’ two points which it was un- wise to do in publie. He then announced the meet- ing for Thursday night in the the cily should sell its long term city hall, SKEENA CROSSING Cosy Public House Erected By Northern British Columbia Booster Prince Rupert's industrial com missioner, P, F. Godenrath, has just returned from a_ trip. to Skeena Crossing, where he went Lo look over the country and pick up some coal and copper sam- ples, He says the new hotel there being erected by the B, R. Jones Co, is nearing completion. The building is 341 x 78, has 22 rooms besides private baths and is a comfortable and cosy house. One of the attractive features is a big fire place in’ the lounge room, The mantle piece of this is studded with specimens of chaléopyrite ore from the Roch- er de Boule mines, Mr. Jones is one of the best boosters on the Skeena. He also intends erecting a new store building 60 x 28, for whieh tim- ber is already on the ground. LAST PERFORMANCE Of Miss Swepstone and Mr. Twee- dale at the Westholme Tonight The Swepstone-Tweedale en- gagement at the Westholme id drawing to a close this being their last night at the theare, Their artistic and charming dancing has delighted large crowds during the past week, and it is sineerely hoped that this will not be their last visit to Prince Rupert, Wednesday and Thursday will again be red-letter days at the Westholme, the programme for these two nights being exception ally strong.. “The Daughters of Men,” a five reel feature of ex traordinary merit will be pre- sented and the unanimous ver- dict wherever this picture has heen shown is that it is without doubt one of the most powerful motion pieture dramas ever made, It deals execlnsively with modern conditions, shows the follies of the so-called criminal rich with their champagne baths and mon- key dinners and the misery of the hopelessly poor with their squa- lor and distress. The story is sensational and realistic in the extreme and points an instructive moral in the end, Another feature on this pro- framme is the arrival of the first through train from Winnipeg on the G. T. P. This pieture was taken while the crowds were wait- ing at the wharf by Mr, Allen, the local representative of the great Gaumont Gompany,, and many familiar faces are recognizable in the crowds, |per cent given at Pride, Nash & 'Go,’s forced out sale. 444 ‘ Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4, tf Soe ee CRONE nna fee JONES’ NEW HOTEL AT WILL STOP WASTE OF ALASKA SALMON U.S. Deputy Warden Takes Trip Up West Coast to Prevent Destruction Wrangell, Alaska, June 23,-— Ernest P. Walker, Deputy War- den of the Fisheries Service, is a passenger on the Dan this week for the West Coast where he goes in the interest of his Bureau to put a stop to the wasting of fish by the buyers over there. According to information re- ceived the buyers are taking no while salmon and ne red salmon under 20 pounds, This means that all smal! fish caught by the trollers are wasted as they can- not sell them even if they weigh nineteen pounds, This matter was taken up with Dr. Jones last week during his visit here and he authorized Mr, Walker to notify the buyers that they must take all fish offered to them or none. This is a point gained for the trollers as the run this spring has seen many of the fish under twenty pounds and al- ready this year thousands of pounds of bright red fish have been thrown away. Fishermen's License Fees In the current number of the B. C,. Gazette notice is given by Hou. W, J, Bowser, Commission- er of Fisheries, that the follow- ing lax is imposed upon persons taking salmon in the following modes: By means of a gill net, $5 per annum; drag seine, $25; purse seine, $50, and trap net $25. Cc, H, I, C. Contract Holders Are hereby requested to attend au meeting in Sons of England Hall, Tuesday, June 23rd, at 8 p.m, 142-3.4 JOHN DYBHAVN, Snap in Section 2, Lot 45, blk, 19, Good residential property, $300 cash, balance G.T.P, 443tf, Sas LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT OF Miss Swepstone and Mr. Tweedale AY THE WESTHOLME al OPERA HOUSE COMING! COMING!! Wednesday and Thursday “THE DAUGHTERS OF WEN” A Powerful Story of Modern Life in Five Parts. Also “The Arrival of the First Through Train from Winnipeg” Showing the Crowds at the Wharf Etc., Etc. Admission = 160 and 260 Children 100 , eee sande ae Sa Fae eT aie a Tee a cea armen maneeemmente sss Rete os = See SS se soe STREETS Ee =e eles an, EE meget a il lalaml campy pepe