THE DAILY News THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. McRAK, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C, Telephone 98. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Ganada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year.. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—Nationa! Newspaper Bureau, 219 East York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. . TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. 23rd St., New Contract Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of» The News carriers. ee ————————— SSeenetheccomenars a ll = FY DAILY EDITION Tuesday, June 23, 1914 ff —_—_—— ————————== Ss none ——— didn’t want to make this a par- srl The Provincial election cam- i } paign in Ontario is now in full ty issue, In the last session iP swing. Premier Whitney is of the House he plead with An nominally at the head of the the Government to make it a ny! Conservatives although the Governnfent issue without HH condition of his health makes avail. The Conservatives did this in spite of a petition sign- ed by nine thousand young Conservatives demanding _ it, The Government has therefore forced the Opposition to make it a party issue, * * * it imperative that he drop out of active politics. Should the Conservatives be returned, his strength will not enable him to assume command. At the head of the Liberals is Mr. N, W. Rowell, a man who has seen a great deal of pub- lie life and who in both publie and private life is a model of what a statesman should be. As the chief issue in the cam- paign he has the “Abotish the Ani This issue will considerably strain the old party lines. There will be-a number among the Liberals who are wedded to conditions as they are and who will not follow Mr, Rowell “ Bar’’ movement which is ex- in this striking move. On the ceptionally popular in the other hand there will be great Lf Province, and to which he has numbers among the Conserva- pledged his party if put into tives who will vote for the is- | Hee. power, sue more than the party and ae SP ee for that reason it is sure to oa Shortly after the opening of make tremendous gains, Those eat the campaign Mr, Rowell held nine thousand young Conser. 4 amass meeting in Massey Hall, vatives who petitioned thi Government on behalf of the ee Toronto, which was filled to movement, will be behind Mr, ‘fh the doors, When he struck the Rowell to a man. ‘The inde- i} keynote of his speech in de- pendent yoter, the man who manding the abolition of the doesn’t take polities very much to heart, is always the domin- ating factor in elections and this vote Mr. Rowell is sure to bar, every man in the building jumped to his feet and cheered. Mr, Rowell also has behind ; a him the hearty support of the catch, ) i Methodist Conference which Pee Bi te recently met, and the Metho- Another interesting econdi- iy dists are very strong in that tion of the election is that 1a Province, But. Mr. Rowell many of the old-time Govern- — = —$—$————_—— = - — 3 aaha ee ¢ SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager 1st Ave. and McBride 8t. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . PHONE 26 Branch Yard at Smithers PPT SSC FS + fy ) and Where to Buy Wed- ding Gifts and Wedding HOW Jeet 2 P09 Where will 1 buy my wedding gifts and wedding Jewellery? Is a question which will be asked often during the month of June. In fact, It Is a question which is always being asked. IN OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWER OUR WEDDING JEWELLERY s well represented in this valuable shop- pers’ guide, and from it you may choose appropriate gifte for brides- ql malds, groomsmen, maids of honor and others. a FROM THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CUT GLASS AND SILVER shown in the i catalogue, gifts of good quality at easy prices may be readily selected. it oy All orders received by us will he forwarded with the utmost despatch at our risk, prepaid by us. We can serve you satisfactorily no matter how " hs far away you may be. o Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo, E, Trorey, Managing Directori VANCOUVER, B.C ment guard have been ee the nomination from their old] constituents. Tn one ease - cabinet Minister attended 2| convention and was refused the nomination in spite of the fact that the Premier had wit his approval, In another case a Government supporter after he received the party} nomination,, declared himsel! | in support of the “Abolish the} Bar’ movement, and as a re- sult may have another Gonser valive candidate in opposition. With all these things in the air and the party without active head, it is no wonder that the Ontario Conservatives are feeling blue, ed an The Ontario and Manitoba elections will have a striking effect on the «Borden Govern- ment, If the Conservatives re- ceive a jolt in those elections, Borden will likely seek for cov- er and call for an election at once. Ontario was his fort in the last election and a defee- tion there would make matters serious, It is well known that Guebee coming back to its first love, Bourassa has proven a frost and it was he who de- livered so many of the Quebec to the Conservatives, They have now seen the error of their way and are again be- hind Sir Wilfrid, On the Prairies the wider markets of the Liberals will make a win- ning appeal, The Maritime Provinces will take care of themselves and British Colum- bia will see a big break in the solid seven, Skeena will send a Liberal to Ottawa and several of the southern constituencies will do likewise, CITIZENS OF THREE TOWNS DECIDE FOR INCORPORATION The citizens of the three town- is seats sites at Fort George, as mention- ed in a recent despateh to The News, assembled in mass meet- ing in the Princess Theatre, last week and decided to take imme- diate steps to secure the incor- poration as one city of the three areas, Boundaries for cily were agreed upon, committee of fifteen, five representatives of Fort George, Prince George and South Fort George, was in- structed to ‘proceed ,with the work of incorporation. The resolution adopted by the meeting was as follows:— “That incorporation be quested for the distriet which bounded as follows :— “Commencing at the southwest corner of D.L, 933, thence north- erly to the northwest corner of Db. L, 933; thence westerly to the southwest corner of D, L. 934; thence northerly to the north west vorner of D. L, 934; thence easterly to, the southwest corner of D, L. 931; thenee northerly to the northwest corner of D.L, 93!: thence westerly Along the south. erly boundary of D. L, 343. to Vancouver Street; thence north- erly a@onge Vancouver Street Twelfth Avenue; thence north- westerly along Twelfth Avenue Lo Empress Street; thence westerly along Empress Street to Fraser Avenue; thenee northerly along Fraser Avenue to Columbia St,; thence westerly along Columbia St. to Central Ave; thenee north- erly along Central Ave. to Bailie St.; thenee westerly along Bailie St. to Fifth Ave,; thence norther- ly along Fifth Ave. to the south bank of the Nechaco River, thence easterly along the south bank of the Nechaeo River to the norti- west corner of D, L, 343; thence the proposed and a including from each re- Is to easterly along the northerly boundary of D, L. 8438 to the Fraser River; thence southerly along the west bank of the Fras- er river to point of commence- ment; these boundaries to be adopted on the understanding hae CORONATION CHAIR IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY Under which suffragettes expleded a bomb, breaking the historie Stone of Seone, torie days in the British Empire, Scottish in Scotland until captured by Ed- throne for It remained furnished a coronation, This is the most famous relic of ‘prehis- the © stone day of their centuries the For Kings on ward the Fifth of Bngland and taken to Landon, where it has remained ever since, It was especially mentioned in the Act of Union between Scotland and England and under the law no British King can reign unless he is crowned upon the sacred stone, that if it is impossible to obtain the consent of fifty-one per cent of the property holders here* then, in that - event, the kort George district will make sufli- cient concessions to obtain the necesary consent thereof.” GOV'T MINERALOGIST ARRIVES IN INTERIOR Will Make a Thorough Geological Survey of District—Will Be There all Summer Hubert, June 23,—Mr. R. G. McConnell and party arrived in the Valley last week for the pur- pose of making a thorough geo- logiea!l survey of the district, and left Smithers last Saturday morn- ing for the southwest slope of the Hudson's Bay range, The gentleman expects to be in and around the Valley all summer and was impressed with the field, particularly the coal and low grade bodies of mineral which were deseribed to him, The topographical map he is using, while very good of the dis. trict it covers, leaves much to be included in it as representing the mineral deposits of the valley, the Babine Range not appearing on it. Asked as to his intentions with regard to that pdrtion of the Babine range known as Deep Creek, he declared at first that it was not his intention to cover that field, but will reconsider that opinion if time permits, Alaska Excursions Round trip excursions to Ket- chikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sitka, and Skagway on the fine steam- “City of Seattle’ and “Spo- kane” sailing every six days. $32.00 covers all expense, A side trip Skagway to Summit of the ers White Pass Ry. at very small cost. For reservations and all information apply to Rogers’ Steamship Agency, Phone 116, 132-160 Gentlemen, we buy your old clothes. Phone 565. 116tf The Royal Cafe is the old, re- liable and popular dining place e city. You can depend on getting the best cuisine and best service. 126tf JOA AAA FOR A TAXI} 75-PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO IAI AIBIAIAIIIIAIAIAASSSISASSN Kak PRINCE RUPERT BOAT HOUSE Boats and Launches for hire. Gasoline for sale PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson Way TAKE NOTICE that I, Arthur H ‘mes Pigott, of Victoria, C.,, occupation manager, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described lards: Commencing at @ post planted at high water mark at the soutbwest corner of Lot 467, Portland Canal District, marked “A. H. P. N. E, Cor,;” thence folluwing the high water mark in a southerly direc- tion approximately 60 chains to & post marked “A. H. P. E. Cor.,” whence cue west to low water mark, thence following the low water mark tn a yortherty direc- tion approximately 60 chains, to a point at low water mark due west from pint of commencement; thence due east to peint of commencement, containing 80 acres more or less. ARTHUR HOLMES PIGOrT, J. W. Stewart, Agent. April 20, 1014. Published May 18 to July 20, Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V. TAKE NOTICE that Lancelot Russel Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C., occu- pation master mariner, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at a post Planted % mile distant and in a northerly direction Trom entrance to small bay close lo Skiakl Bay, on the west side of Ste- phens Island and adjacent to application post of H. W. Lees, thence east twenty chains, thence south forty chains, thence west twenty chains, thence north forty chains, following the sore line to the point of commencement, eighty acres more or less, LANCELOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS May 3, 1914, Published May 26 to July 27, with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL, with NORWEGIAN Vancouver, Victoria and Seattic | Stoamer Prince George leaves Prince Rupert..... Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince Rupert... Btoamers Prince John or Prince Albert Iv. Prince Rupert TUESDAYS, 9:30 p Low Excursion Rates To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED STATES, also to NORWAY jn connect Y ¥ on 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough freight, gasoline and explosives For full particulars and all information of Ifterest to travellers, apply + THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hart Block, Third Avenue, AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines mr 0 » MONDAYS a 6 a» M FRIDAYS at o a ™ M and to CHICAGO In connection SAENGERBUND. 7 Phone 260 ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY | ROOMS : Second Avenue, Opposite Empress Theatre Rooms open from 8 @ m. to ff p, m. Visiting Scotsmen are cordially invited For rates for ball rent apply secretary 8. D. MACDUNALD, CHAS. DENNIS, President Secretary MARTIN & M’GOWAN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Cement, Brick and Tile Work Estimates Furnisned Phone Blue 320 | PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING COMPANY Tar and Gravel and Ready Made Roofing Damp-Proofing Water-Proofing Repairing | | P.O. Box 439 PHONE ~ ~~ BLYTHE BROS. PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Phone 194 | i | Satisfaction guaranteed | JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder .Estimates Given on Moving Buildings. . Phone Black 294 HARRISON W. ROGERS e Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work ist Ave., Manson Way Phone 525 HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Phone 489 Becond Ave., near McBride | DR. GILROY, DENTIST ' Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Office: Smith Blk., Third Avenue) UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal VHONES : 36 Office, RESIDENCE 110 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER H, Seal Cove JOUNSTON Phone Green 321 LUMBER COAL —end— Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited Phone 186 | wee | hone 554 P.O. Box 6) APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING Higt Martin Swanson Second Avenue, nea lcBride New Wellington Coa The favorite Household Coal Cleanest, Brightest, Bes: NEW WELLINGTON coaL co, Rogers & Albert, Agis Svoond Avenue Phone 116 FURNISHED APARTMENTS in two and thre: J. E. DYER. Phe ne Black 33\ Phone 174. Box 274 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING co Ww SMITH & MALLETT Largest swck of Pipe north Vancouver, Crane Valves and Fit ngs, Pipes cut to order Third Avé., Head of Second Stree Prince Rupert of BD, ©. STUART Accountant 309 2nd Ave. Phone 280 PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Alex. M. Manson, B. A. W. BE. Williapa, B.A, LL.B WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Helgerson Block Prince Kuper i PACIFIC CARTAGE LITE LADYSMITH COAL 93—Phone—93 P. O. Box 203 P; ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant Audite, Investigetions, Adjustments, Ligue dations and Assignments Smith Block, 3rd Aye., *rince Rupert, B © Phone 47 ROYAL BAKERY Successor to Kr Formerly known as | BREAD, CAKE AND We doliver to any part of U Third Avenue IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP| Repairing Quickly Done COW BAY PHONE RED 1d6 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near Mcbride PASTRY Phone 363 +k ROR ROR ROR OR ROR ROR Onn * Try a Want Ad in The News * HOR OR i re T inn ital Those Mexican Prisoners are the Limit : Drawn for The Daily News by “lic! WUZ A een eee aa =. YUH PONT THINK FoR, A MINUTE THAT 4 Lin PEST Uke ARAT UD GET MY GOAT D'XUH? THATS WHOT WONDERING AAU Merge Rae