1944, dav, June 23, tu ——— “BBB WPLETELY BROKEN DOWN joother Lady Thinks “Frult-a-tives” greates! Tonic In The World, Lit, ONT., Aug. 26th. 1913. on wy hishly recommend ‘'Fruit-a- J iecouse they did mean awful lot ind \bout four years ago, I Of pr ced taking *Brult-a-tives” for comme : down and they did me 1 of good, We bought a good Te tat worth, but they did all as ertising claims for them, De ov eaid before, I cannot speak too oe for them. Their action is so we .red with other medicines, \ ie + » gay so and I trust that ber other woman may start taking erat aves’ for I know the results iil be all that you claim’, Mas. W. N. KBULY. hox, 6 f Cloth Pertectly, with the i GAME DYE. of Mistakes. Cleen Simple. ee reguiet oe Deaber. Send fac Bonatet The Joboson- Richardson Co, Limited, Montreal for, $2.50, trial size, 25c. rs or from Fruit-a-tives A Real Lever Simulation LD WATCH FREE. A_ straightforward generous offer {rom an established firm. We are giving oway fs your chanee to obta\n one, Write wow, enclsing 25 cents for one of our fashionadie Ladies Goards, oF * Alberts, cont carriage pald to wear With the watch, whieh wil be given Free (thee watches are @usranterd fire years), shoald you take a4 vantage of our marvel We expect you to tell your friends besetifal — watch We have a NewStore andNew Goods \ NEW suit are for right. ces SWEDER BROS., Tulors to Ladies and Gen- y tlemen seeeccoovecsoccosseress FURNITURE FOR SALE i | We are ring at private’ sale » Sg 1 furniture of a whole . s, including Mahopany Dressers & Washstands. Quarter cur Oak Dining room table and chairs \eather Upholstered couch chairs, ec, Ubrary table * and mattresses, Mirrors, Dishes and Kitchen. Utensils, Carpets, in fact a full equipment, Y plece or in bulk. See NH STEPHENS & 60., LTD. * SOL POCOOOOD OLD OOO DO CDS TE SEEDS! SEEDS! an . ee Have recelved our Beeds FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CoO. Dealers in Peed of all kinds {ICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mall orders promptly attended to 1814 6&pring 8 Third Ave, Phone Black 268 i Prince Rupert Feed Co. ¢ ree earete IMMEDIATELY Agreements of Sale Discounting From $2,000 Must be Ad, Submit Offerings to for l | Harrison, Gamble & Go. Third Avenue ee SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWS HARRY HAMBLIN GOT $200 FOR SLANDER George Borderions Defendent jn Action—Also Made Apology The Hamblin vs, Bord action was d sposed of high court yesterday aft, and proved to be the short Of the session, A, M, Manson f plaintiff; L. W, Patmore fo fendant, Harry Hamblin, the plaint testified that on the night of M 14th in Dyke's restaurant the fendent had uttered sland: Statements about witness, tl marks being made in connect with a fire f years ago wl had burned iL the busine both plaintiff and defenden| Several persons were in: the taurant the time, In er examination the witness said that Broderions was no drunk. A. 8. Johnstone, Alf, Good confirmed the evidence. Constable Adams had { names of witnesses present said the def following the al had said he | Hamblin a “bawling The defence of Broderions was that he had been drinking and did not know just what he did say and did not it. He made a full apology and offered to pay mstable nt on the eged Grady day slander mean In passing judgment, His Lord- ship said drunkenness was no ex- cuse for crime, Frequently wine to what say when sob- a voluntary the He assumed not to but to elear his char- msidering all the he awarded plaintiff $200 and eosts kave thes er. men courage would like to Being and say drunk is act 4 man has to take consequences of it, the plaintiff was sueing mey acter,, (x cir. cumstances the Lots of Raspberries Pre the sent indic that be very The large was burned swept itions are raspberry this season, irea of bushes that the fire which town two years crop will heavy in the beginning to recover around agro now and will be again producing berries this year. Herald, Omineca SUBSCRIBERS NOTICE Do not pay your subscription to the newsboy. Our collector will call on you, and will give of- ficial receipts which should be kept in case of errors, All pay- ments should be made by cheque. THE MANAGER, ’ * Try a Want Ad in the News * LT; THE DAILY NEWS er aa pee u EDMOND PROULX,LIB., PRESCOTT, WHO WOULD MAKE SENATE ELECTIVE. AND PUT AGE @ TWO MEN WITH DESIGNS ON THE SENATE mon Se ape LIMIT ON SENATORS, ant S @AM OHARPE ,CON.,N.ONTARIO WHO DECLARES SENATE To BE UN-DE MOCRATIC , UN-CANAD.- IAN, UN-DIRLTISH & [RRESPONDIDME SCOW IS WRECKED Load of Oats Lost in Fort George Canyon Last Monday Morning On Monday last a scow loaded with oats and produce belonging Lo Austin Bros,, Fort and in charge of Seow- Williams, was total- South fheorge, nan (reorge ly wrecked on the dangerous rocks of the Fort George can- yon. Fortunately the crew and some passengers who were being care ried were picked up by a passing steamer shortly afler the wreck |organization permanent if possi- occurred and brought back to}ble. The first shipment of fish Fort George, went south on June 5th, This is the fourth seow that $n has been wrecked this season, Judgment Upheld the While so far there has been no loss of life, if the practice of carrying passen- and in each case cargo has been a total loss. gers on these cheaply construct- ed scows is continued it is only a matter of time when attended by loss of life happen, It would seem thal this is a matter for the au- Tribune, a serious accident is sure to thorities to invesigate, To Move the Bank The Union Bank awarded the contract & McKay to the bank building from the corner of Pugsley Street and Thirteenth Avenue to the rear of the lots owned by the bank on Ninth Ave, Until the new building is ready the old building will be utilized, of to Canada Ruddy move present and afterwards the log building will be used for living quarters for the staff, Manager E, RB. Tat-| jed under Law. THE ALASKA TROLLERS PROTECTIVE RSSOCIATION | Word comes down from Union Bay that the salmon trollers of | that rePE1O have org ized the jthat region have rganiz 1 }Alaska Trollers Protective leiation and plan to ship their fish direct to Seattle and the southern markets instead of selilng to the mild-curers,, The men figure that they can make bétter money sel- ling direct than by disposing of | their catch to the mild curers and | jobbers. They will secure agents lin Tacoma and Portland, in ad- | dition to Seattle and make the Asso- | Washington, June {Supreme Court of the States the Missouri of ouster against the Harvester Trust and held that it must pay a fine of $25,000 impos- the State Anti-Trust 23.—The United sustained judgment The Trust at the same time es- caped fines that had been impos- ed in Kansas. Success at Fishing The having Indians of Hazelton are success this year fishing at the Hagwilget canyon. Spring salmon are running in large numbers and some very large fish have been pulled out. Many eiti- zens and visitors wateh the na- tives fishing on the rocks below the high level bridge, We buy and serve only the best the market affords. London Cafe. chell says that a lot of new fur- niture for the bank has been or- dered and he expects it here in a few days,—Omineca Herald, There will be no small debts court held during the month of [HUERTA REFUSES 10 LEAVE MEXICO IN BRITISH SHIP Vera Cruz, M: June. 23, | Britie#h subject irived here | from Mexics esterday re- ported a recent clash between | Provinsional p dent Huerta and Sir Lione! Carden, the Brit-|} ish Minister, The dispute ar: » out of the} advicé volunte: Lionel | that the de fact dent should | resign and leay country im- mediately. Thi lish Minister | offered General Huerta luct and a war- Sir also British safe eo: ship to take h and his family to any port he might name. General Huerta is said to have become enraged and to have threatened arrest Sir Lionel Carden if he ever repeated his ADVERTISING CLUBS MEETING AT TORONTO Messages from the King of Eng- land and President Wilson Were Read (Special to The Dally News Toronto, 23.—The tenth tising Clubs of America is in ses- sion here this week, ending on the 25th, inst. Deiegates from all over the continent are in attend- ance, Messages were read yesterday before the convention from King George and President Wilson, What is said to be the largest excursion train ever leaving the West pulled into Toronto at Sat- urday with 225 members of the Edmonton Industrial Association on board, and all new equipment twelve supplied by the G, T, P. The train was rua solid, making stops at Winnipeg, Min- neapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Port Huron, Stratford and Guelph, One of the features of the trip. was the publication of “The Edmonton Daily Spirit” aboard the train, June of cars Going to Omineca Hughes Harris leaves the end of this week or the first of next for the Omineca country, where he will spend the next couple of months prospecting and looking over the country, He anticipates a boom in there in the near fu- ture as the result of the opera- tions of the numerous companies that are now working drills in the placer grounds,—Omineca Herald, -The best place in the city to lunch or dine issthe Royal Cafe. The service and the menu can al- July, ways be depended on. 126tf oS (on 4, ETC OE Nave den ' —w OE Stupe Norman Herma — ae Si) SIGE RIAIAS ndous AUCTION SALE i n, Auctioneer TERMS OF THIS SALE STRICTLY CASH vis Ke, % NJ we Sy et 2 . e sme ? Ov 3 6 x ’, . COME E 6 Qe > & we 4 op ey 00 Boys’ Suits 0 dozen Overalls — Any article in this store will be put up by request, ARLY The Old Acme Clothing Company’s Stock, next to the Westholme Theatre, Second Avenue, has been placed in my hands for Immediate disposal. 23rd, at 7:30 p.m., and every evening at the Same time up to July 1st. Each and every article In this stock must be sold absolutely without reserve, lines below will give you an idea of what I have In stock:— 500 Old Reliable Acme Men’s Suits 1 wiil start to ssell 1000 Pair Men’s Slater Shoes 1 Case Stanfield’s Underwear Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats, Caps, Suit Cases and Trunks as well as many other articles too numerous to mention. this steck TONIGHT, June A few of the OLD ACME STORE WE RED SESE MSR SEDER EA COME ALL & SMALL CASH DEPOSIT WILL SECURE ANY ARTICLE IN THIS STORE ae mm, (iv mpealy ‘ 44 ee 2 ee ne OR, he oe a at eo a0) Let “Sunlight” do the Camp W ashing HERE is only one soap that will make your big heavy shirts and underwear as clean and sweet and soft as you like them—that’s “ Sunlight” Streng enough to move the worst of camp dirt—gentle enough not to hurt a single fabric. soap there is. Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure— 5 Sold by all Grocers. it’s the best all round general purpose Sunlight Soap 131 The pick of the prairie wheat: crop milled in the most modern way known to science. These are the two giant forces back of ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Given the finest ingredi- ents, the finest machinery and the finest brains for making flour, there can be only one result. The result we arrive at we call ROYAL STAN- DARD. F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT oi oo Palo fom Smo ao fo Plo ao misao] FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” = FRED STORK’S HARD WARE SE THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED S.S. VENTURE Sails for Simpson, Naas, Mill Bay, connecting for Aiyansh Fridays at 2 p. m.; for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m, 5.5. CHELOHSIN Sails for Simpson, Arrandale and Granby Bay every Sun- day at midnight; for Vancouver, the South, Tuesdays at 9 p. m, JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. Read The Daily News $3 Bilao ne rca oS a ae chi ee wee ' Sra ser