—— ’ a re DAILY NEWS ens CaS ER POO a THE DAILY NEWS prince Rupert's “lading Paper ig Pre OLRAN RELIABLE | ALIVE as Caen” = aaa las = 4 a — wnt No. 145 GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Those snow capped hills are not fulfilling thelr duty towards smelt- ering humanity today. PRINCE RU PERT, B.C,, W ATTEMPTED ROBBERY EDNESDAY, JUNE 2 , eS eam Syne oe 1914 SAYS GRAHAM ISLAND > | a et Branch of Dank. o N 8coti le All those who intend tak- * M4 wis 5 ova Scotia| | fiat navi ihe divmenilan i Back from Inspection Trip, W, P. Entered and Safe Doors af Paes I P ; Sloan Gives Interview on { CAL BOARD AGENTS WIRE FOR IMMEDIATE REDUCTION Biown Off plage wstepeti agi al sedbepmnpea the Situation __BEST FIRE EQUIPMENT EUT HIGHEST RATES ON pace as, 4 % slienton’‘wore v0.1 ling upon the Govern-|panying him are E. H, Wilson, a] Cleveland, 5; Detroit, 4, and shorlage of casing. Gas is tire 4s , up the immigration] Frisco mining man who has spent National escaping continuously from | \ it tl their efforts to rid the |several weeks he this season Pittsburg, 1; Brooklyn, 2. around the casing plug, which A T : ona he Hindus aboard the|Mr. Gibson. Mrs. Cibaon: atina St. Louis, 7; Philadelphia, 5 would indicate something in re- Sa al M ind calling for|Wils ind Miss Carkeek, They Coast cen ane oe eee ere at ution of B14 deportation ire making ound trip to Gran Oakland, 1; Saeraraento, 3. ae ge sate to say that oil ‘ nt £460 ¥ f ‘ H. H, Stev- | by Venice, 7; San Francisco, 6 might be expected to flow at any ] ’ wa ’ ’ . ’ ° . m Phe M i ‘ large over On the return of the Rupert to Portland, 9; Los Angeles, 7 time inthe eee of drilling, The the ‘ the street this city Capt. Gibson, his son and Northwestern Northern Oil Company whieh | Mr, Wilsor NB Seattle, 0; Portland, 5 eas rer psig hie 10 aN bee as | GOLD FIND IN COBALT where thy to some] victoria, 8: Spokane. 0 British Columbia Oil Co., have or- ned the ¢ snide ord nana i : Bet Pe ie et dered their machinery and ex- i ée j 7 eT ares Sie ee ages pie i ‘ a ne, wi pore to have their derrick up and eon \ ‘ tha big this -vioinity: i aril in active Gperation as soon ey AoE ati i Oil Specimens from Q. C. |}. as it is possible to get supplies ucas | a “ree on the ground,” ; | mn Maissor FRIEND ‘FITZ Sj ‘ ; ac i apaste a . the officers shit naw Snetkttne a ee \. phald, wee ha Inter aed Mr. Sloan adds that in all his Innessan fe. 1 ; himself extensively in Queen experience of oil fields 1 pe ! nstabl do not ‘ p. & 0 Mhree}in Moving Pictures at the West-| Charlotte Islands, has brought} )), ee ee I stables do no ihe ands, hi g Vine scabies i f st ev ft a labor | sta th atid hin holme Opera House over sGme specimens from the oil eee Seeing to ape eOnaE, eT ale quartz with heavy Tonight field the west side of Gri even remately, the showings on an) dtewr. ain om ields on the west side of Graham] Graham Island, and it was a sur ae ; ” sii eae Island, He shows some of the], ‘ a ail Ralaa aed ' arin ist: ttn s at Rnd eshehnaaas Ms ioe t ae . os we : prise that these oi! fields should other departme { the |mauri f local ar ir fame ar found In the rereeks ano the}have ramained.so long undeve! ; 4 ' ; aurice OF Jove! amateur Tame, | oils and stones He is ende: : ' sonlar tn: Fite’ for short. In days gone ; - i NOS, . ! Rice aN oped, more especially after the ae ' 4 oring to interest local parties in| ¢; a) A : repor 0 ma Ss a ee . favorable report of the eminent , . } by this genial gentleman has of- the field, hav . fail ‘ e for May sh an 1 m than}ten “trod the: boards ut thel on, laving great faith in ils geologist, Dr. Dawson, made 8164.80 collecte: an | Possibilities, There are two com-|many years ago. “Excellent re- nining | Westholme Opera House in vari-| panies now sending drilling out | ports: have-l je} we vi aa a . iifior ane . ‘ 5 } POPLS ave Deen made ar k ‘le ‘Shaanti Se 15 mil is amateur performar - In} fits in and by fall Mr, Sibbald pre |. shania ‘ . 'y various GY fg . | h atlas Ga 4s at no amatenr show was com diets they will be showing rea Lege en ce to the ecomn | lete without him, and now Fitz|oj1 flows : e -ee' lating there and elsewhere, but hy he had been di | appear in a real live moving we <-—-TeEeettteiciensieessomeen oe Goeeeee. RSHOCHON ae eae atine he had beet Bre kit s merican (picture “and. iis:genial..fece «alll DeLee wcusk ground discloses the facet that in tear \makead to. be ‘ ‘ { os ‘Ver sts tA she 1, He asked to be] rhe great-|be seen by millions of people all] gjtizen.” in four cere ha eat ilmost every instance the state- at least given | ; st }over the world, Mutual Weekly py i “i : . f : Bi ments made were of the most | wed ‘ : ao es comedqc ever produced, onservys » dharactar ™ : ; | : e TONIGHT, | No, 72 shows the arrival of the the Empress Theatre TONIGHT ‘ a ¢ rvatine ( haracte r. The sam- ler Kerr moved tha (45-146) first through train from Winni- ae oe ples ef surface rock taken during ‘ ve him a reference | pee on the G. T, P, and of all the 4 ie Were a revelation, thick communteatial : thousands of people in the crowds i exuding under the application acs folk Rooms heated ao eip a *” } | meme lopms rea-| Present on that occasion, many ' rong heat, ; of police was au : Fultor of whom can be recognized but A GREAT BIG FINE SHOW AT THE Mr. Sloan visited the island in \dvertise for tend ' 4 443tf;mene so plain and life-like as the interests of a number — of : to be manufactured | Fitz, These pictures will be EST H () L M promninent financial men of Van- id for raincoats ; shown tonight at the Westholme couver and Montreal who believe . Ad in the News * E f u esthotme : ; n adjourned * Try a Want Opera House in connection with nel ae these oil fields present un- - the great five reel feature of mod OPERA HOUSE rivalled opportunities, PEPE UU UU LLU AUER EEE REET ern realism entitled “The Daugh- ¢ Asa result of Mr. Sloan's visit jters of Men,” This is a sensa- and personal inspection of the tional story, strictly up-to-date = sround operations will be eom- mM PAR eatre dealing with the very rieh and meneed in the near future simul wf pl CSS the very poor with their follies orem taneously at Naden Harbor and and miseries ranging from cham- Two Big Features . 8 pomt on the west coasi in = a inl alae oi mrs REN ‘tose proximity to the British Co- Y y pagne baths and monkey dinner “ ” . opi : : 40 ] O- NIGHT . to work in the sweat shops and DAUGHTERS OF MEN lumbia Oil Go, and the Northern ° — semi-starvation. It is a strong, Oi Co.'s holdings where — the The Greaiest Comedy Eve! 4-1IN FOUR REELS - 4 WITH JOHN BARRYMORE IN THE Produced by the FAMOU This splendid Comedy Will Be Show! Twe Wednesday and Thursday, June 24 Admission, 250 ae ee ee eee = SI oi okiotainiaioietain iia di i iI TOR IO § PLAYER! “AN AMERICAN CITIZEN” riTLE ROLE co, ) NIGHTS ONLY and 26 Children, 100 fl RII IIR IRR a OO a a Oe splendid story moral and pointing a healthy showing not only the wrongs of present conditions but ‘he way to rigit these wrongs as well, Rupert Most Aotive City “T think Prince Bune is the best city in the West today in its business activity,” said Mr, Geéo, Hl, Gollins of the Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Company, who. is registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert, Mi llius has jux t been in all the Coast cities and ap preciates the slackness of busi ness on the coast, He will re main in the cily about a week, in Five Parts An intensoly modern story showing the follies of the very rio the very poor and pointing a whole- some moral THE ARRIVAL OF THE 1ST THROUGH TRAIN ON THE G. T, P, A local even Admission: Children, 100 realistic and exciting h and the miseries of t of interest to every body 160 and 260 geological the position for the anticline, “There ham structure indicates best boring to is no reason why Gra Island should uot become the sreat oil fleld of the Pacific Coast as every indication points that way,” declares Mr, Sloan First Football Match The first football mateh in the cup competition will be played to morrow night: Mer hant's As sistants and the ‘Drydock. It will be on the Drydoek grounds, The boys down there have cleared a full sized grounds and have it in fine shape and the teams will be able to show some good form, NSURGENT BUTTE MINERS BLOW UP UN yANCOUVER MASS MEETING PROTESTS AGAINST HINDUS INVASION -- FIRE FRE. INSURANCE RATES ARE PRICE FIVE CENTS ON RATES TOO HIGH RIOTING MINERS IN BUTTE BLOW-UP UNION BUILDING PITCHED BATTLE WITH DEPUTIES IN FRONT OF WESTERN FEDERATION OF MINERS HALL—INSURGENT MINERS RAIDED MAGAZINE OF STEWART MINE (Special to The Daily News) Butte, June 24,—The front of e Western Federation of Min- ers hall was blown with dynamite placed miners with deputy by mob of insurgené battle sheriffs who were in a during a_ pitched the hall, They were armed with sawed off shot guns. More than a score of shots of dynamite were exploded. One man was killed and three injured, one fat- ally when deputies began firing over the head of the crowd, fear- ing an attempt to rush the meet- g ing a box of dynamite at mi of. A par ne, inion miners, ty of armed miners seized the Stewart bul were effectively placing it by a charge of fire from the deputies. The deputies held the hall till the miners climbed the roofs of nearby buildings, The crowd then took possea- sion of the hall and marenhed to the Stewart mine and compelled the engineer to lower several rioters to the magazine. Half a dozen men carried a fifty pound box each of dynamite, The thirteenth blast brought down the front of the building, shattering windows of the neigh- borhood, Shattered glass is in- ches ‘deep for a radius of a block and a half. prevented from] let In all twenty-three blasts were off. ROAD FOREMAN AND PARTY — LOST IN GROUNDHOG COUNTRY MUCH ANXIETY FOR THEIR SAFETY—RELIEF PARTY BEING ORGANIZED BUT MEN REACHED STATION SIX LAST NIGHT a wire the Win, eve ad fo y Manson, M.P.P., received esterday from Stewart to et that John reman there, Anderson, with two road men was many days overdue from a trip into the Groundhog country, Anderson started out nearly three weeks ago from Stewart to the Groundhog coun- try. Ordinarily the journey is four days each way. The three men were equipped for about 8 days, They have now been ab- sent some {7 days and fears were entertained for their safety. Wm, Manson has wired through Supt. Bob Jennings to send a relief ex- pedition out for them, Later,—Today word -was_ re- ceived at the district road office that Anderson and the other two had reached Station Six on the Dominion telegraph line yester- day. The party was safe but they had had a hard trip. They un- derestimaled the length af the joucney, The other men are Armstrong and Cameron, WHO SHOULD WORRY ON SCARCITY OF MONEY? Graham Island Business Men Get Along Without the Coin Real money is very searce on Graham Island these days, and Ed. N, Clark tells an amusing story of the method in which a réal estate man secured payment on a lot, The buyer was a cook hiring oul on ai launch, The launch owner coaldn’t pay wages tiil the storekeeper twenty-five miles up the inlet paid freight charges, and a sawmill farther on was running a credit account at the store, The sawmill man paid his grocery bill in a note for lum- ber Lo the amount due; the store- keeper setlled with the launch man on the note, thus, enabling the latter lo pay the cook's wages in like manner, and the cook handed the note in settlement to the real estate man, who drew the lumber and built himself a house with it, No money changed hands and everybody py was paid off, hap- and satisfied, 6. im oin turnips an the Ine we WwW so A. vy oft islar Pence: Among on the Capt. ilson, n, a7. J. B, is, Hh Rk, Adams, A, Bi W lor an J. H. Si own, alker, 1ey, ¢ wil Porter JT, penheimer, Mrs, Mr, Wilson, question is the says real a estate sack of legal tender for most he necessaries of life on ids, ngers on Prince Rupert ge the passengers the Prince Rupert » following: Gibson and wife, Miss Carkeek, Mr. Kk, H. Wilson, J, FB, Mrs, Geo, E. Ball, 8, Smith, D. A, Rankin, \. Johnson and wife, Mr, ighes and wife, G. H, Col. I, Coleman and wife, Mr. H. B, tlolland, H, MeLean, lverside, R. L. Gale, D, FP, Rh.’ G, Bush, H. Love, BE. J.-C. Jones, W. T. Ma i, B, Wilson, Geo, Davis a. and wife, and F, Gibbons, arriv- today Miss Gib- Op- Jones J, ‘a THIS YEAR'S TAX RATE TO BE ABOUT 13 MILLS Information Was Handed Out by the Mayor at tho Police Meeting “The for taxation this year will be about thirteen mills,” said the Mayor at a meeting of the Police Commission yesterday afternoon, “but if we keep add- ing items like this (referring to the inerease in police officers’ salaries will have a high tax rate.” The rate mils which will be balance will have a paid by November 4st. The City Couneil has not pass- ed the vear's yet, but the rate will about thirteen mills. Last the fraction over The ate We comprises about five net and the diseount if estimates probably be year gross rale was a sixteen mills, but a large amount of money had to be raised on general rate to take of the waterworks extension to Shawatlans Lake, The Coun- cil last year also left a very sub- stantial surplus which this year’s care got the benefit of, Sosok. 23 ‘aimee London, June 238,—Delegates to the World's Congress of the Salvation Army filled to capacity a specially erected hall off the Strand, with accommodation for 4,000, Representatives of 45 nations and colonies were present, and 238 different languages were spoken by the delegates. Tt formed the biggest “rally” ever achieved by the Salvation Army, The entry of General Bramwell Booth into the hall was the signal for a prolonged ovation, » The zreat audience sprang to its feet and cheered for many minutes, Kubank, a known of Alice is here today wilh a fine collection of oré St. well prospector 4 sep samples for the Board of Trada. oe aie Paes Se ee Bpemeorr! 2Ps oS - Te- 5g ® a = ye . atift ng te i ee ¢ the ‘was dub- uch a ‘tend den- unc- } ap- §" re. wilt 8 sheon a held . one > Ru- ninis- k. looked erable iness- month inter- ellow- an in- ddress . Mr nd hi ad botl yecome ss cir adsom edly b ncheo spenin he ne p, tk cate! nd he mitt at tl tain