June ¢ wednes good hee alth— ps? fe omfort and cheerfu zenich depe nd on thecondi iq of hea ult th ' testec PILLS tore. In boxes, 26 cents. gu ever? w PLETELY pe Lay Thinks “Frulta-tes” greatest Tonic In The World, GER f recommend ‘Fruit "* About four yeare eq, th, but they did a rtising claims for then ‘Their that you claim’’, Mrs. W. N. KELLY. a bor, 6 fo Klawa. Cloth Perfectl SAME YE. eOeceofMistekes Clean and Simple. yor Dreggeet or Dealer, Send for Booklet. Limited, Mootr: herdeon Co. lene andNew Goods Why 1 NEW ces suit hit rigi are SEDER BROS., Tailors to Ladies and Gen- tlemen OP LPPOCLOLDELOL LOD LL FURNITURE FOR SALE at private sale ture of a whole udihg j Oressers & Washstands sul Ok Dining room table chairs Wuher upholstered couch chairs, “ Urey table ang mattresses, Mirrors, fod Kitchen Utensils, » ‘© fact a full equipment, 4 plece or in bulk. See UW STEPHENS & 60, LTD. OPP ORPODODODOLODLEL ELT SEEDS! SEEDS! ne recelved our Seeds MD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for OOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. + Dealers |, Feed of all kinds = SPECIALTY M orders pro mptly attended to hice Runert Feed Co. Mt ry, td Ave 1014 Spring FEED A Phone Black 268 ve ieeeeeeee st te Wanted IMMEDIATELY Moroom, \S of Sale for $2, 000 rings to lar su, Gamble & Co d Avenne he BROKEN DOWN nt., Aug. 26th. 1913. a ey did mean awful lot it gw *‘Fruit-a-tives’’ for ywn and they did me i. We bought a goo fore, I cannot speak too action is so ed with other medicines, to say so and I trust that man may start taking ' for I know the results ow $2.50, trial size, 25c. @ dealers or from Fruit-a-tives eal # 1. i- are the famous, safe and speedy FECHAM’S J ! 1} 1, + rd All Round | —and to the SOO OPOOOOOROLODOIOLOL OS Seecrres. SCRIBE POR The DAILY NEWS — hn Bons 7 't ah gs 44; Ls % leg a «x mf iy J = or, “! at hee i 3 f Le PulY i: 4, 9H YETt x THE DAILY NEWS sea MRO MRS.DEVEREAUY MILBURN wate OF AM ERICAN ay QW LEFTAVD HER S ? MISS KHATHYRN STLELE? WK VANDERBILT AT THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL POLO MATCH BETWEEN AMERICA AND ENGLAND AT THE MEADOWBROOK, N, v., FIELD peachment, hia mally an nounced that | be an in dependent = car for the gubernatorial 1 tion, A New Yor an prints the statistics hol as cause of insan epilepsy « every preseript ink that be uses, He Suge: L merchants, department st lruggists, and so forth migh them on the g paper, become | British bandit should eventually President of Mexico, the Government will demand and ex- pect satisfaction for the murder ling to have ial banquet At a recent to Wilbur W Colonel Seels said that he had had the stability of the aeropla proved to him recently. A | lew with him} to a height 000 feet and} abandoned co: Phe mac hine| banked = and med its level flight and righted itself. He be-| lieved that something similar had been done Germany and France. ae Ce Lady Bryce told the onfer- ence of the Women's, Natio mal | Liberal Association that after an absence of seven years she seem- ed to have come back to a new England, There seemed to be a more widespread interest in all sorts of social questions; peo- ple recognized better the value of personal service. “But one thing that has struck me with great coneern is the lessening of re- spect for law and order,” It is stated in political circles that.Sir Edward Grey has notified President Wilson in friendly but unequivocal terms that if, as a consequence of his persistent backing of General Villa, that} : | | | | | Let “Sunlight” do the Camp Washing HERE is only one soap that will make your big heavy shirts and underwear as clean and sweet and soft as you like them—that’s “Sunlight” Strong enough to move the worst of camp dirt—gentle enough not to hurt a single fabric. Sunlight Soap is aisolutely pure-— 5: Sold by «ll Grocers. of Mr, the British sub- ject, done to death, | either Villa himself or with} his connivance,” | | Jenson, who was by Submarine wireless telephony } ind telegraphy demonstrated iast were the soston. publicly | first Conversa- men stationed 6n boats {50 feet away at the Boston lightship was carried on with and in or- dinary tones, in | the Morse transmitted Without interruption between the saine craft separated one, five and ten the surface of a choppy for time week in tion between moored natural ease and were Inessages code miles on sea, bis Ae eae The first aerial sham battle in the history of the world probably will be fought over Salisbury | Plain within a few The | crealest assemblage military | aerial craft is now gathering for days, of the manoeuvres, there being neariy a hundred aeroplanes and seven hundred pilots and me- chanies of the Royal Flying | Corps encamped there, The de- tails of the plans are being kept secrel, The camp is at a remote place on the vast plain, and is suarded by sentries armed with revolvers, The best place in the city luneh or to dine is the Royal Cafe. Che service and the menu can al- BNE ZOE MN oye ee A OE he te oct hem CB CE od) ne i " . y a GENERAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD is ta} PITRE POLE DERN RULE I ME DEL UT RE BRU 3 CANADIAN le The prosy s for a la haracterized by numerous and N.S., has been invad./| 4p} rop have been excellent, olonged debates. One hundred } . rats. Breeders ps ey cm and ninety bills, including a num- e had their eggs} A westhrn paper states that the;ber of important Government 1 el destroyed in large|oil boom at Calgary is already re-|/easures were passed, | sponsible for the flotation of} "3 +e companies with total capital | BRITISH AND FOREIGN » buildings were de-| st < Of $150,000,000, which is; The Panama Canal will prob- last Saturday in 1 te thre fourths of the|jably be open for commercial use f Powassau, near), { the C, P. R, m July ist, ) Sixteen fami e * * * homeless ul 4}] the Provit of On- There are now 176 aeroplanes $300,000 was de-|j),, witi { s and in the}owned by the War Department, ye ountry. the average salary of|and of these all but forty are of oT tee nale teachers eight vears ago| British make, \ City | last} was $485, of females, $335, Today| * Mf ihese have bet nereased to $788 The Chay Milne, Grenfe x | { land $543 respectivel Company, an old aristocratic { ° } banking company in London, Eng. liberal] The Noya Scotia Legislature|has suspended payment, with noney vas prorogued on Wednesday af-| liabilities of twenty-five million o Ataf rnoon last by His r Lieu-| dollars, ‘ Wednesday |tenant-Governor MacGreg The © ost ere dic ch dam-] session was the longest in the!| William Sulzer, who was re- ‘ nd apple]|history of that Province: lasting | cently deprived of his office as ‘ Annapolis Val rbout four months ind was | governor of New York, by im- Ways be depended on, 12 6tt | SS Y, ATI Ww AN Wf H J , f = it’s the best all round general purpose Sunlight Soap 1m soap there is: EMDPEMIRGMSME REE REM ONE The pick of the prairie wheat crop milled in the most modern way known to science. These are the two giant forces back of ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Given the finest ingredi- “ents, the finest machinery and the finest brains for making flour, there ‘can be only one result. The result we arrive at we call ROYAL STAN- DARD. ROWAL STANDAR son FLOUR "a * Uniform F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED S.$. VENTURE Sails’ for Simpson, Naas, Mill Bay, connecting for Aiyansh Fridays at 2 p. m.; for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m. 5.5. CHELOHSIN Arrandale Sails tor Simpson, and Granby Bay every Sun- day at midnight; for Vancouver, the South, Tuesdays at 9 p. m, PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. —_————— ABER UOO CUO OAL a C I High-Grade Work Punting, steamttin sheet metal work * at fair prices : Western Plumbing Co., Ld SOOO tooo On oot RRR KERR ‘HO’ Ing | ince luncl lbe mB ince rem tork. lo side usin th m al it d fel 's ar adk pic, ' anc ited ewe: ness rand bted lunc + op the ibo, ‘or ¢ an omn ‘ed 2 obt the otkwi i ma Sme 1 on od ros pod 1 | in out with