er aeeeomee wi i i ee a + " 4 f i — ps ee tn. ne ee THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 24 1914 Local News Notes CED SD NCES OES RE 5 Ui os illcani ein eee a, RS AR ROLE SS Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream, While you wait shoe repairing. Fr, German’s, opposite postoffice. By) As 7 i Mrs, Demers has returned from a short trip south, Ehy of Terrace is spend- 139-tf. ing a few days in the city, * * * . . . Everything in season cooked We buy and serve only the best the way you like it. 139-tf. Mrs. season, What everyone People of dine at the G.T.P. Cafe. London Cafe. M, H. Heilbronner will not receive tomorrow, nor again this should know: discriminating taste 83tf the market affords. London Cafe. * = 4 D. A, Rankin arrived this mern- ing on the Prince Rupert, 8, Pantorium Pioneer €leaners. Phone 4. tf ee Le For the best bargains in fruits and ever offered the fire salvage sale at 617 Third provisions see Justice Morrison has complet-| Avenue, 145 ed the list of cases on the court he dees list here and will leave for the In the summer Masset is favor- south Friday morning, * * * Friday night will end the great ed with a mail once a week, but all winter they have to wait two weeks to get in line with current fire salvage sale. Prudent buy-|eyents, ers will stock up now at 617 Third Re phre Avenue. 145] For your picnics, eamp and Pi sae outing, nothing better obtainable Chief Vickers, of the city po-|than at the great fire salvage sale lice, has. been granted a thirty|at{ 617 Third Ave. 145 days vacation to cover two years, a as es to be taken when convenient. J. E, Oppenheimer, president Pista” of the Continental Development Hawaiian sliced _pineapple,|Gompany, came in on the Rupert California asparagus tips, Cali-|today and went_through to Gar- fornia figs, grapes, at the fire |naby, salvage sale, 647 Third Ave, 145 oO rns * * . The Royal Cafe is the old, re- dining place You can depend on getting the best cuisine and best liable and popular of the city. Delkatlah means “Money in the Land,” but the owner of the ti wn- site of that. name says he very rarely any—they want to trade for corner lots sees chickens service. 126tf Goyer on Graham Island, z r 3 * * . Ox tongue in glass, sausage,! p, Hf, Backus and Mrs. Backus potted meat, soups, ham loaf, left this morning for the Copper chicken loaf, salad dressing all River’ C Ste eg “ll ihe very. best at 647 Third’ Ave,| Ver. SOURuY where: tAby wl Only till Friday night, 445|spend the summer. Mr, Backus, * * * the hearing of a the court During on title in of clodding nonsense,” In advertising the baseball ex. cursion to Prince Rupert for July ist, the Ketchikan Miner says one of the attractions will be a danc in the government armory on the Ketchikan evening of July 1st. must “have been reading Tory campaign literature, * * * The Ketchikan excursion wit the baseball boys and their band case at Victoria recently, Chief Justice Hunter re- ferred to certain features of the land registry system as a “heap A, with a couple of local men, has some iron properties up there on which they are doing considerable development work. . . * H. Silversides returned this morning from A visit to San Fran- cisco where he has been on a hol- iday trip. Mr. says the weather in Rupert is away ahead of anything on the Coast, The work on the Panama Fair is gonig on rapidly. The exterior construction is also done. Silversides e some * * e J, FE. Weldon, manager for the h Hubert townsite, was in the city He came down to last evening. of twenty-two pieces will come|meet Mrs. Weldon who is going down in a fleet of launches, mak-|to spend the summer there, Ac- ing a ten hour run, They expect companying Mrs. Weldon = are to come into the Rupert harbor|Mrs. Howard Smith and Mrs. G, together and promise to give a|E, Ball of Vancouver, who will naval display with fireworks to|spend a few weeks in the in- anounce their arrival, terior. (8) ° * * Mr. Harry Love of the Imperial] Machine Shop, returned day | from a short business trip to Vancouver, ees dg Don't miss “The American Citizen,” in four reels, The great est comedy ever produced At ithe Empress Theatre TONIGHT, 145-146 * * * Snap in Section 2: Lot 15, block 19, good residential property; $300 cash, balance G, 'T. P Ap- ply Box 91, Daily News. 145tf * * . Mr. J. A. Johnson, -P1 icial Manager of the Great West Life Insurance Company, is in the city in the interests of his com pany, He will return to Vancou- ‘ Mr, R, L. Gale, of Telkwa, came in on today’s boat. a ee There will be a basebal! game tonight between the Catholic Club and the Terminals, cer on Friday, He is accompanied by Mrs, Johnson. A sovial dance will be held in the St. Andrew's Society Hall on Tuesday, June 30, the night bea fore Dominion Day, Splendid mu- sie will be furnished and a good time is assured all who attend, Tickets, gents’ $1,00. 145 * * . Yesterday afternoon a_ tango tea was held in the dining room of the Hotel Prince Rupert under the auspices of a couple of ladies of the city. Quiet a number of daintily dressed ladies attended bul the Rupert men appear rather shy of these afternoon functions. $e Work on the excavation of the recreation grounds has been un- There are about eight men at work on the shallow cut under Foreman Lin- quist. Later when the heavy cut- ting is reached many more men will be put on. The amount of the appropriation is $30,000, der way since Monday, Vancouver is making the best of advertising her halibut trade before it all changes over to Prince Rupert, Every time a big eargo of fish to Prince Rupert and is packed here and shipped through Vancouver, the press despatches take credit .for Vancouver fishermen making the comes catch. So wilt John R. Hunter and wife, of Nelson, are registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert, They are on a pleasure trip up the Coast. Mr, Hunter is head of the Nelson Hardware Company, He was pleased to meet Geo, W. Merrow for the first time in twenty years, About twenty-seven vears ago, Mr. Hunter and Mr, Morrow work- ed together in Nova Scotia, EMPRESS ENQUIRY TO END SATURDAY Cpinion Expressed That Wreck Cannot Be Raised From River Bottom (Special to The Daily News) The Empress to ) Saturday, \ The expert in charge | | |. Quebec, June 24 ) inquiry is expected end on of the work of salving the bullion stated that.the wreck is pointing northwest and lying in 1,520 feet of mud, and held on its side, Witnesses have expressed opinion that the Empress never be raised, Captain Walsh, the marine su- perintendent of the C, P, R., de- nied that officers were promoted for making rapid voyages, The captains were warned they must take no risks, the ean Wedding Bells Joseph Hickey arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning with his bride, nee Miss Mary Currie, of New Westminster. The happy event took place in the Roman Catholic Cathedral, New West- minster, on June 22nd, Th bride was attended by Mrs. Lindekuger, and Mr, Geo. Currie, a brother of the bride, assisted the groom, That evening a re- ception was held in the home of the bride, 334 Eleventh Avenue, when numerous friends of the bride and groom were present to offer them felicitations. Mr. Hickey formerly lived in Vancouver, but has been a resi- dent of Prince Rupert for about five years, He is a member of the firm of Hickey & Knight, and Joe has many friends here who offer him hearty congratulations Mr. and Mrs, Hickey will live at 879 Borden Street. Fuller's Grocery 11 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 572 We Have Again REDUCED OUR PRICES To assure you that we sell for less, Cash system pays you; find out by 572 TELEPHONING 572 TA 4 C.H.1,C. CONTRACT HOLDERS APPLY FOR RECEIVER At a meeting of the ©, BA, i3G@ contract holders last night, the following resolution was passed: ‘That the meeting is thorough- ly in accord with the resolution of the Vaneouver and Victoria contract holders that\ the Attor- ney General be asked to take criminal proceedings against the directors implicated, -and this meeting wishes to emphasize the fact that the report of the audi- tors, which is now before it, dis closes a state of affairs demand- ing the most full and strict in- quiry,” and “That in order to obtain for the contract holders the full ben- efil of the apparent surplus shown by said audit an applica. tion fora as inslead of taking immediate li- quidation proceedings,” Hospital Board Meets A special meeting of the Hos pital Board was called yesterday to arrange for the issuing of hospilal tickets for those desir- ing them, oO Stupendous AUCTION SALE Norman Herman, Auctioneer TERMS OF THIS SALE STRICTLY CASH TREN e OMe rea zee) ENLy CMa LOST: RECO 4 if r ’ » hs ’, au Peary) OF os ’, Fs x fae) The Old Acme Clothing Company’s Stock, next to the Westhoime Theatre, Second Avenue, has been placed in my hands for immediate disposal. 1! will start to sell this stock TONIGHT, June 23rd, at 7:30 p.m., and every evening at the Same time up to July 1st. - Each and every article In this stock must be sold absolutely without reserve, lines below will give you an idea of what | have in stock: — 500 Old Reliable Acme Men’s Suits 300 Boys’ Suits. 1000 Pair Men’s Slater Shoes 1 Case Stanfield’s Underwear 60 dozen Overalls Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats, Caps, Suit Cases and Trunks as well as many other articles too numerous to mention. A few of the COME % > BS . 4 3 > S Vi CSC OY reed EARLY Any article in this store will be put up by request, COME ALL SMALL CASH DEPOSIT WILL SECURE ANY ARTICLE IN THIS STORE OLD ACME STORE GREReD MOSK MELE ACE. a Siandard Dairy | Lindsay Bros, Park Ave, PURE FRESH MILY DAILY Produce Guaranteed THE BEST Delivery wagon will be on in a few days, Phone 161 Phone 161 Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Holstein Milk for Babies specially Bottled TESTES cows An invitation is cordially ex- tended to the citizens interested to inspect the dairy premises during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 Wednesdays and Saturdays when milkng operations are being con- ducted. FI III III III III ID IIIA AAAI 35--PHONE--35 | TAXI ALF HALLIGAN AOU OOOO OU UCU ry Sooo oI Ia K Estate Agent Auctioneer and Valuator Notary Public Fourth St., Across from Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, receiver should be made: STRENGTHENED TEAM DEFEATED TEKRACE Local facsball Nine Had Easy Victory Over the Up-river Visitors + The Rupert ball beam, greatly | | strengthened by a new battery, | defeated the Terrace team twen tv to two last evening. A large | crowd was oul to witness the} game and were pleased with the | improved showing of the home| team, Thi itors put up a good game and were good sports, but were weak in their flelding, | The score was as follows: | Prince Rupert AB, R.H, PO, A. FE, | Embjeton, 1b..6 4. 446 4 4] Hantiifin, 3b...6 32 8 2 4 0 Tobey, 2b....5 &° 3 ee Irving, ¢ aes 4415 0 o| MOMIOne. 0. i808 week: Oo Blake, ¢,f. a O48 9.40 0} Vogue, r.f. Ses ee ae ok # Beattie, 8.8, bot Re Qo Oe Brooks, ¢.f >4+¢ i Gs: Qe: Oa 49 20.19.27 6-2 Terrace AB, R. H, PO, A, I Pe oases 4 { ‘45 :- 0 0 OTthi: GD. i. ets cay Age Thomas: 6.f, .4 4 og ise WOCGis 1d) t56 ces oO es ee ee O'Shea, p, ce Oe 6 OMe Biases sO 0 Beko O Walker, Lf. Oo; St. 6/8 } Guder.- 20. eace 0 0 1 Lindblom, r.t..2 0 0 00 0 Pinch; Dattor..4.0 0 0° 0" 6 ay 62. U8} aS ee Struck out—By O'Shea, Moreland, 15, Home runs—Irving (2), More land (4 Three-base hits——-Hannifin and O'Shea, Two-base hits—--Embleton. Pass ball—O'Shea, Moreland, Bases on balls—O'Shea, 7: i Moreland, 4, Time—1:45, Umpires—Fred Wallace and J F, Pooler, Don’t miss “The American} Citizen,” in Jour reels, The great est comedy ever produced, At the Empress Theatre TONIGHT, 145-146 Gentlemen, we buy your old clothes, Phone 565. 116tf RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers ana B. C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Provincial Land Surveying, Whar Con- Mine Survey- ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Slectric Blue Printing, Negatives and White Print, McBride St., Princé Rupert, B.C. rere Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUIGINE Hot and Cold Running Water in all Rooms Only finest brands of Liquors and Cigars kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE’ Proprietors Hotel : Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave, and Eighth 8t. W. M. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St. European and American Plap Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 60c to $1.00 Per Day Beener & Beener, Props. J. ¥, Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Flan, 60 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Piao F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess, prope. Third Ave, and Sixth St. European Plan Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO, LIMITED Second Ave, and Sixth St. Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts, Phone 7 Sixty Years the Standarg ‘DR: nice BAKING | POWDER A Cream of Tartar Po Made from Etepea NO ALUM PP OLOLOLDL ELLE ELLE O LOY Oey reee THE BEST BUY IN PRINCE RUPERT ig 100 Feet on Fraser Street for $20,000; Terms Lot in Block 1, Section 4 $1,0 cash; balance two and throe ag at seven per cent $6,000.00 Lot 18, Block 14, Sec. 4 $15,000.00 SECTION TWo Double corner Graham and Atlin Lots 15 and 16, Block 4, $1,500 $ pathy balance arranged. Price only .... $4,750.00 nee if Block 1; $1,000.00 "cash ‘ alance arranged $3,000.00 Lots 9-10, Block 15; one-quarter cash, 6-12-18 and 24 months (note the size of these lots), per pair $3,250 Some Choice Inside Lots in Other Sections at Good Prices and Terms INSURANCE Royal Life; Royal Fire; London @ Lancashire Fire: and North. ern Fire PATTULLO & RADFORD Second Ave. ; PPO PPPPP OLD L IPL LOLI LEOPEOPOOD OEE POPOROPOPRPOROP OLDIE OOO ROLE LO THE Prince Rupert Building and Investment Co,, ld Limited Incorporated in 1910 with an au- thorized capital of $60,000, which is now fully subscribed and paid up, has increased its capital 0 $160,000.00 During the last three yoars, the dividends paid average seventeen per cent, and shares now offered at $11.00 each provide the et medium for the Investment of "¢ large sums. For Full information Apply McOAFFERY & GIBBONS Third Avenue Fiscal Agents FOR SALE Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Section 1; $5,000.00 each; $2,000.00 cash balance over five years Lots 9 and 10, Block 28, Section @ quarter cash, bal $1,600.00 eac! ance 6, 12 and 18 months Lot on Fifth Avenus, Sectio $3,000.00. Splendid & roomed house and \ modern and in good loc $4,200.00, on te We have also several one acr of land immediately ad. Terrace Townsite, $160.0 on terme of half cash, balanc and 12 months These ceedingly good value FOR RENT $30 per mont Accident tr 4 roomed fiat, Fire, Life and McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVENUE OOOO OOL LODE LL LEE EE EL ELI TITTY — CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO MONTREAL and return 9141.0 TORONTO and return 12 .00 ST. PAUL and return 08.50 CHICAGO and return 108 =) NEW YORK and retu! 1 Gin Giher points corresponding ines Effective June 1st Fina a limit October 31st Princess Sophia southbound Saturday noon Princess Beatrice southbound, Sunday, 8 p.m J. @. MoNAB, General Agent Corner Third Ave, and Sixth —— To Rent Furnished Four room house on Taylor § Street CLOSE IN $30.00 Per Month 8. Suite of Three Rooms on Sec Avenue G. R. Naden Co., Lig Bevond Avenue,