SIDI RE RHEE AE eR TT THE DAILY NEWS prince Rupert's leading Paper RELIABLE ALIVE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C,, THURSDAY, JUNE 95 ao, 1914 < THE DAILY NEWS| Te . — GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: compeétied to suspect that member is responsible for opinion the Provincial as of Prince Rupert. One. the loca the small Government PRICE FIVE CENTS TTAWA REPORT SAYS HINDUS MUST GO BACK FATAL ELECTRICAL STORM IN CENTRAL STATES --- VICTORIA GOVERNMENT KNOCKS RUPERT d | COV'T CIRCLES DENY REPORT |WHLL TALK CITY BONDS TO THE RATEPAYERS HINDUS ALLOWED T0 LAND Mayor’s Financial Meeting Is k Billed for City Hall REPORT SAYS PRESSURE OF BRITISH AUTHORITIES WILL Tonight MAKE GOVERNMENT GIVE IN—IMMIGRATION DE- E ee. PARTMENT RIGID The financial meeting which ‘ the Mayor promised in his elec pecial to The Daily News owing to the pressure of the|tion campaign after he had dug ; Partiek authorities, deep down into the — financial wa, dune 20.-—-Rpecilic de |. The officials of the immigration | Situation” will be held in thre city given in Government cir | department are equally emphaté |hall tonight, the story reported by mehr | n declaring that every possible The Mayor first suggested it be effort will be made to prevent the| Held in one of the theatres, but press that the cabinet indus from landing Ald. Morrissey, who is Chairman cided to allow the Hindus] The Government will rigidiy |Of the finances, had an attack of Komagata Maru to landjenfovee the regulations. modesty and thought the city hall big enough to hold the crities and FRANK CLAPP TO GET LICENCE FOR NEW FIRE PROOF HOTEL COMMISSIONERS YESTERDAY AGREED TO GRANT LICENC UNDER CONDITIONS—NEW HOTEL WILL BE HAND- SOME FOUR-STORY BUILDING la afternoon the cits | rhe building inspector declar | f nmiss ers a ed), d the proposed plans to be bet ditions t) grant Frank |,, r than Class B building of the ence for a new fireproof ae erected on Third Ay errs slot The News office,| ©om. Maitland moved that M1 I tions are that Mr. |Clapp be granted the licence on suild an hotel having|eondition that the building is put xty bedrooms, ty lOlup under the requirements of the by the time the licences din ‘bslaw: “He sald iMr. inted in December. ; tr i el ; tion | Clapp had a good record when he Vt a) age ¢f } t meat . ‘PT . ? ‘Dy ; : had been in liquor business e last meeting of the Boarfl, ; ; He was an old citizen and would esterday’s meeting A. Carss ; : ADbhibapt ntitati tera: indoubted|s run a good hotel. renites anadg vere res ary Com, Wright seconded the mo- represent. Mr. Clapp’s .in-|, | the Mayor declared it on “ane le i or aeciaret l Mr, Randall had aj i : Py ed sketeh of the plan show-|°" handsome four storey build-| Messrs, M. Albert and Geo, A, a lot 50 x 100. Ha. at Sweet asked for a licence for a (i that the walls were of|" der hotel to be erected in a forced concrete with a tral location having at least 1 brick veneer front The | 100 rooms, nt is to be of solid’ con As the present populat nls nd the partitions andjal vs for ¢ m the are solid. ! cat was ordered filed. E MR. JOHN BARRYMORE AND Team for Tonight’s Match THE FAMOUS PLAYERS re AT THE EMPRESS rhe Shopkeepers Assistants -— - have what they believe to be a ould be difficult to surpass | Wining team picked for the Do- endid four part comedy | Minion Day Cup competition foot tion seen at the Empress | ball mateh with the Dry Dock last night “Tae Ameri-/| team tonight, The match will be Citizen” with Mr Tohn pleved on the dry aock grounds more in the title i le and which are in fine shape, rhe ted by the famous Player game will commence at 7.30, The te > amous layers sthe bill, The difficulties |'e4m 18: American Citizen” trving Goal, ¢ T., Youngman, eak into English society and Backs, J, Currie and Doodson. , es ‘ r,. 8. Curr his unfortunate faculty for Ha y ie Arthu ' the most absurd things b2%¢ Garnet. a ts wonderful opportunities Forwards J. Campbell, A. ; . | Brighton; €, Dennis; D, Allen, F, st class comedy work which Hardy, tainly taken advantage of full by» Mr, Barrymore, ere are four reels of com. | MEXICAN REBELS SUCCEED situations unfolding with} IN DEFEATING FEDERALS ne like rapidity, the fun in Special to The Daily News ing until the climax is hed in the last scene, | El Paso, June 25,—-Zacatecs vers of artistic eomedy|feil into the hands of the Rebe ld not miss these pictures,|at sundown yesterday, The Fe¢ Will be shown again tonight{}eral losses are reported to | the last time. | heavy, 18 Is |. ae FOGG UO OULU LULL IOLA AL AL ARR ALARA E AREA I AE EIE The Empress Theatre . TO-NIGHT . The Greatest Comedy Ever Produced “AN AMERICAN CITIZEN” 4-iIN FOUR REELS - 4 WITH JOHN BARRYMORE IN THE TITLE ROLE Produced by the FAMOUS PLAYERS CO. This splendid Comedy Will Be Shown TWO NIGHTS ONLY Wednesday and Yhursday, June 24 and 25 Admission, 250 Children, 10c FOI IOI IRI III DIT DDI D IIIA III ISI ISII SSI ISIISISG * a » * * * * * * . »* * * * * * * * * * : : ; i all those interested, The Mayor and aldermen = are going to tell the citizens why they Rave not sold any long term debentures and why they want to do re-recking instead of perman ent work as requested, It is intimated that the bank is oing to be put up as “the goat” but whether that is true or not mains to be seen this evening, Anyway the finance minister promises to be eloquently indig- int The session starts at eight and capacity is limited, MRS, BEVERIDGE WINS AND HOLDS CITY LOTS Action by Husband of Deceased to Recover Property Was Dismissed Mr. Justice Morrison handed down judgment in the case of Tullidge vs. Beveridge vesterdas Phis case was a civil action tried it the sitting which has just end ed, His jndgment is as follows: “IT am satisfied that the agree ment and understanding between Mrs. Beveridge and her daughter was as stated by | and eon ded for by ‘ nsel There 8 valuable consideration and ier considerat licient } pinion to n ding the transaction, “As regards the aspect of the case relating to the alleged di- orce T think the de ised woman d bona fide, any kind of inten- defraud or do anything The plaintiff, a man, dur- veriod of his mari d inclination to support and her mother acte and without tion Lo wrong, ing the | lage, of if his wife, is afterthought to property meagre means an any, now as a sort of = to lay clair to which T think he seckins is not in any wav entitled, “THe action is dismissed, ‘AULEY MORRISON, J.” Carried Off Cash Register H. Kameda is a Jap. He is also a merehant carrying on a store business in Port Essington, One morning this week when he open- ed his store he found it had been entered the night. The Jap naturally went to the cash register first to see how during merchant much was left, He couldn't find the register. The thieves evi- dently were not satisfied with the money in the box. They wanted the register, tooS Now the Jap does not know how much eash Was stolen, nor can he find a clue, RE KH HHH RR KR RH HK OK TITLE GETS APPROPRIATION “The prospectors on Alice Arm are certainly getting a raw deal from the Provin- cial road depariment?’ said a mining man this morning. “The prospector who goes in to open the country can't get a trail but because the Karl of Dartmouth and a Vancouver man bonded the McGrath property they get the whole $9,000 appropria- tion for a wagon road to their property, I spent $575 on building publie trails up there myself last year.” KKK EHH HK KKH KH * * . * * + € * e € * * * 2 « * * * Ww be Ww pe al v1 is lotte lapt. J. unusual especially a ee oe oe ee ee ee NOTICE All those ing part in the Dominion Day notify the if -possible descrip- tion and numbers, who intend tak- procession on asked to Fiving are undersigned, that space may be arranged before Fri- day noon, June W. BARRATT CLAYTON, Chairman Procession Committee, RRR HHH EH EHH HOOKED RIGHT WHALE CAUGHT A FORTUNE One of Whaling Steamers From Naden Harbor Got@Rare and Valuable Mammel to the the Christian, of the C, fleet, Accoruing Queen Islander, whaler N, made a lucky ar to the Naden station week, landing haling haul "I hale, a species now very rar in these waters. Th irticular specimen twenty yout thousand dollars, is valued ¢ + SAW OIL SEEPAGES ON * | | BEACH NEAR ROSE SPIT * | Char- White, P. Har- a right . { il The right whale is particularls itinble many for his whale bone, tons of it elds and the first rREERRHERAR RH BH H It the quality is particularly good. Thig right whale caught in these waters in-several years, KKK KKH KS KEKE HK KKK HEE eR OR ee Ee WESTHOLME TO-NIGHT Two Big Features “DAUGHTERS OF MEN” In Five Paris An intensoly realistic and exciting modern story showing the follies of the very rich and the misories of the very poor and pointing a whole- some more lesson. THE ARRIVAL OF THE 1ST THROUGH TRAIN ON THE G. T, P. A local event of Interest to every- body Admission: 1Bc and 250 Children, 100 * * KR BH KR KH HM HR HR HR * Ed, N, Clark Thinks West Coast of Masset Has Nothing on North Coast Ed. N. Clark, who has the there am Island, lo tural surely ove! na- is OKRINE resources, to 1 oi boom are several parties says going be ar There into there, going the west coast district land, and taking in drill- outtits, They are preparing to do but Mr, Clark all the oil country is not around Olard Bay and Lewis Harbor, “Why I ou several staking ing things says saw for sandy on the_north coast running said Mr, Clark. The oil has been oozing out and seepages miles along the beach up to Rose Spit,” the rocks and beach are stained with it. To me there is just as good an outlook on that part of the as on the west coast.” ALBERNI TURNS TO LIBERALISM AGAIN M. A. Macdonald Tells Electors of Demand Through Country for Clean Government Alberni, m.. O;, and island A Liberal issues June 25, enthusiastic where large meeting, Provincial H. ©, Brewster, leader of the Liberal party in the Provinee, and M, A, Mac lonald, of the Provincial Lib- Association, was held last week in the town hall. Every seat in the large hall was ind more ing throughout were diseussed by president eral occupied remained stand- the meeting. The gathering proved to be one of the many most successful and enthusiastic held in the chang- the the meetings and it political Alberni ng sentiment 1 ever dicated against ent Pro- Governm In point marked ncia dis- it the Sir in f enthusiasm contrast to addressex ] Richard MeBride whieh was lack- in enthusiasm, -eLil by g here YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL. American Boston, 3; New York, 0. Boston, 2; New York, 3. Philadelphia, 3; Washington, 4, . * *« + * GOVERNMENT KNOCKS ¥ * RUPERT * * * * Evidently the Bowser gov- * * ernment is hot satisfied with * * discriminating against the * * North in the matter of road * * and bridge building, It ¥ * pears have a ham ¥ * ready tf the North ir * * department. * * In an illustrated bo el * * issued recently by the Pro- * * vincial Bureau of Informa- * * tion, the statistics state the *¥ * population of Prince Rupert * * to be 3,000, the smallest city * * in the Province, while the * * population of Victoria and * * other cities is inflated to * * show a more marked com- * * parison These pamphlets * * are widely distributed, A * * bunch of them are on dis * play among the free litera + * ture handed out at the G F | * T. P, station in this city. * | . If this is the elass of in- *| * formation the Provineial *| * Government possesses, the * sooner there is a change of *| * government the better for * | * Prince Rupert, * * © ee ee a ae A GREAT BIG FINE SHOW AT THE Philadelphia, 1; Washington, 2, Detroit, 2; Chicago, 5, Cleveland, 4; St, I Cleveland, 1; St. L National New York, 3; Bi New York, 4 St. Louis, 8: ouis, 5, Ouls, 3, ston, 7. Boston, 0, Pittsburg, 0. Brooklyn, 0; Philadelphia, 2, Brooklyn, 1: Philadelphia, 6. Chieago, 11; Cincinnati, 5, Coast Oakland, 2; Sacramento, 5, Venice, 4; San Francisco, 0. Portland, 7; Los Angeles, 4. All Northwestern poned on games post- aceount rain, TO STUDY ENGLISH SYSTEM Ottawa, Adam missioner, England “to conditions garding the outside civil service in Great Britain with a view to advising Hon. W. T, White in connection with the Civil Service Bill, which was introduced on the last day of the session. but which was held over. June 25.——Professor Shortt, civil left this study service com- for re- morning * RR RK RK OK KOK KH been | spending several weeks on Grah-|} SEVERE ELECTRICAL STORM SWEPT CENTRAL STATES |MUCH DAMAGE DONE TO CROPS AND PROPERTY AS WELL Special to The’ Daily News AS DEATH CF SEVEN PERSONS — MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN HIT by a severe electrical wind storm Chicago, Jurie. 2b. Seven |Which swept over Minnesota and deaths, much injury to crops Wisconsin. , ; é It is feared that a still larger the damage amcunting to many loss of life Wiil be reveaied when thousands of doilars—and minor|the full extent of the storm is damage to buildings was caused} known, — JUSTICE MORRISON BELIEVES EFFECTIVE Mr. pects Morrison, who ex- for the south on Friday morning, handed down his judgment in the case of Rit- chie ys. City of Prince’ Rupert His judgment reads as follows :— “The clause should not be invoked capriciously, Were the only consequence flowing from the withdrawal of the per- mission in question one to be es- timated in terms of money I would net if very matter if the Council carried out the apprehended act. But I am satisfied that by cutting off this connection will menace to the publie and might lead to to the publie Justice to leave vesterday, revocation considei a serious it be a serious grave consequences health, the general am of run of the opinion that the appears to have heen ac- tuated more by solicitude for Mr, Beveridge perhaps annoy- ance Mr, Ritehie than by a de- sire to an effective nieans of sew- “From trial I Council and ut matntain though temporary RITCHIE WINS SEWER CASE AGAINST THE CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL WAS ACTUATED BY ANNOYANSE AT RITCHIE RATHER THAN TO OBTAIN SEWAGE There seems to me to be an en- tire absence of that state of af- fairs for whieh L icoked, viz} an attempt on tbe Council’s part to extend their system to the locus in and that fr, Ritchie in way was interfering with them in that laudable and neces- sary effort. Were that the case, then I would consider that at least one of the contingencies had arisen against which the re- vocation clause had been insert- ed in the permission. “The city allowed the plaintiff to expend his money in providing the drains in question, the exist- ence of which not only did not in- terfere in any way with the Couneil’s undertakings, but was an absolute necessity from a pub- lic health point of view until such time as the city are either in a posilion or are inclined to extend their own system to this residen- tial quarter, quo some “For these reasons the injunc- tion will stand with liberty to ap. ply, age at that particular point, “AULEY MORRISON, J.” GIRL KILLED UNDER | EYES OF HER FIANCE Autoist Who Ran Her Down aed on Jury and Acts as Foreman Torent June 25,—Under the eyes of the young man to whom she was engaged to be married, Mary Marsh, a Richmond Hill girl, was killed on Saturday evening by an automobile driven by John B. Whaley, an Eglinton grocer, who pulled up for a moment or two after ithe aecident, then dis- appeared into the night. Half an | this BOF T. LUNCHEON 3s TO BE IN NEW HOTEL. Popular Monthly Gathering Will Be Held in Hotel Prince Rupert, Saturday The fourth monthly luncheon of the Board of Trade will be held coming Saturday At one o'clock at the dotel Prince Ru- pert, coneluding’ with a reminis- cient talk by Mr. Fred Stork. These luncheons are looked forward te with a considerable degree of pleasure by business- ness, as they provide each month hour later he was subpoened to act on the corener’s jury on the same case, and appeinted fore- man, Whaley took his place at the into the girl’s death with- out saying a word to the goroner or the other jurymen concerning his alleged part in the tragedy. Police many hours investigating vesterday he- fore they suspected that Whaley the man in charge of the death ear, A pieee of glass which they picked up at the scene of the jaccident, fitted perfectly with a broken headlight on Whaley’s au- tomobile, Whaley is held on a charge of manslaughter without bail. inquest officials spent was $19,000 Cash for Lot * a. bahec . ¥ eienik PLAYERS COME OUT! ; Veatorley De Rh amie ene * | lot 45, bloek 20, section one, for * The management of the *}/the sum of $19,000 cash. This * baseball club want all the *]}lot is on Third Avenue next to * ball players to turn out to *¥}/Stalker & Wells. store, It was * practice tonight, They are *}/Owned by a Vancouver man and * going to have the boys put in *}|Was purehased for him at the * some good work in prepara. *}Original sale by Messrs, Pattul. * « * * * ¥ * * ; | * tion for the July ist mateh, lo & Radford, The purchaser was The team to play against an out of town man, This is con- Ketchikan will be picked *}/sidered a good price on a cash from the praetice showing, basis. Other lots in the samme *{block are held at $21,000 on RR RR eK KK KH HI Lerms, an opportunity for social iiter- course and promote good fellow- ship, and there is always an in- structive fifteen minute address interesting topic. Mr, Stork is a good speaker and his, subject will be appreciated tioth by the pioneer and the neweorer ‘in Prinee Rupert’s business ¢\r- cles, The capacity of the handsome dining room will undoubtedly be taxed, Saturday’s lune Seon will also inaugurate the opening of that department of the new hotel, Mr. Peter Piombo, the chef, has a reputation for eater- ing for just such affairs and has promised the luncheon comraittee an appetizing menu, Tickets may be reserved at the Commissioner's office or obtained from the members of the ¢om- mittee, on some as Boxing Match at Telkwa Monte Label has been matohed for a bout with Frank Smeather of Edmonton in Telkwa on July ist. Label made a good fight with Rough House Burns here recently and will be a good mateh for the Edminton bay, Labet makes his he.dquariercs ith supe ert now, He is working out vyvery night at the Windsor with, Chet Neff,