NOTE TEPID BON NEE * | THE DAILY NEWS | | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA |: Published Daily and Weekly by | | } } THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAF, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Paily News Building, Voird Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 RA'TCS—To Ganada, United States and Mexico: , per inonth, or $6.00 per year (85.00 if paid in, advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, | $8.00 per year. Vocekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, BRAS CH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National 219 Hast York uity. Seattle—Puget Soun’ News Co. London, England—fe Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. 4 TRANSIENT DISPLA’ ADVERTISING rates on applica. .on, SUBSCRIPTION Daily, 50¢ Newspaper bureau, 23rd St. New Contract 50 cents per inch Subscribers will grealiy oblige by prompUuy calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-delivery «7 inattention on the part of The News carriers Thursday, June 25, 1914 > to the South, Tt is*not gener- ally known however that the Conservatives of Prince Rupert are in league with them in this and that they will willingly sacrifice the interests of Prince A year ago this city sought the assistance of the Provin- cial Government in floating a loan on the Londan = market, The Premier went so far as to say that if conditions warrant- ed it he would guarantee the Rupert gather than fake a loan, He sent the Minister of stand against their political Lands to Rupert tu investigate. masters. It is time for a change when polities get into such a rut as that. * Upon his arrival the present Mayor through his paper pre- sented a protest against any guarantee being *fiven, The The Province has guaran. Journa also hhintec f Le6 1is Vancouver sewerage J l ] hinted that it teed tt Vv £ would be bad poticy to eine system to the extent’of $5,- , i 2rovinece anc ™ one part of the Pr vin * 000,000. These guaranteed not another and so did “the ; cole : : 2 om te y be ered Oo member for the cistrict.”” The danas are now being ollered on Minister returned to Victoria the London market. An _ ad- and reported to ihe Premier vertisement to that effect -pub- that several of the leading men lished in a London paper con- in this city were opposed to tains also a copy of the form any government sid. Aceord- of guarantee as follows:—- ingly the government gave no “By virtue of the powers assistance and Prince Rup- conferred by the Legislature ert’s debentures “are still un- of the Province of British Co- sold, lumbia, Canada, and by Order Prager xO of Lieutenant-Governor-in- Those local gentlemen who Council and pursuant to the provisions of the Vancouver and District joint sewerage and drainage act, passed by the Legislature of the Province of British Columbia on the 4th of March, 1914, the said Proy- ince of British Columbia does hereby guarantee payment ac- cording to their tenor of the principal and interest of regis- fered debenture stock to the amount of $5,000,000 of the benevolently Prince Rupert getting any government aid are not saying a word now when the whole credit of the Province is placed behind the Vancouver and district sewer- age loan. It has been contend- ed for consideruble time that the government never consid- ered the interests of the North but that everything was drawn opposed ESS LU SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager Ave. and PicBride &t. PHONE 25 ist PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. Branch Yard at Smithers and Where to Buy Wed- ding Gifts and Wedding HOW Jewel. sg Where will | buy my wedding gifts and wedding Jewellery? is a question which will be asked often during the month of June. In fact, It Is a question which Is always being asked. IN OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWER OUR WEDDING JEWELLERY s well represented In this vaiuacle shon- pers’ guide, and from It you may choose appropriate gifte for brides- maids, groomsmsn, maids of honor and others, FROM THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CUT GLASS AND SILVER shown in the catalogue, gifts of good quality at easy prices may be readily selected. All orders received by us will be forwarded with the utmost despatch at our risk, prepald by us. We oan serve you satisfactorily no matter how far away you may be. Henry Birks GS ‘Read Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo, E, Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C 3 . TOIT ena oe a at aa THE DAILY NEWS BRITAIN’S WAR MINISTER AT HIS GUNS ee the Sketch. The whole Empire has been at Premier abilities and in tentions as Secretary for War, which he viewed with the King, . ENGINEERING CORPS From Asquith’s The photograph shows him at the recent manoeuvres guessing of State Vancouver and District Joint | or WIFE WHEN SHE Sewerage and Drainage Board | BEGINS DIVORCE ACTION issued or to be issued pursu- | ARE NOW IN THE FIELD au xt a ant to the provisions of said} pies Denver, Colo,, June 25.—J, F, Locating the Alaska Railway for) Freese, an insurance agent who the United States Gov. ernment act, such guaranteed securities | to be payable on the first day | of March 1954, and bearing in- terest at the rate of four and x one-half per cent per annum, | The Dawson News in a late is-| payable half yearly, rae says: l early “Sed, W. J. BOWSER, Jr., had been barred from his wife's home by a court order, broke into a the room where she was sleeping today, shot and killed member of |@nd then shot himself, He her Thomas Riggs, was ne PenRtt) sl the American national railway [Seoesl ee ev eemney anaes es ee a idee dieiade - | : | said, he cannot recover, The tactics of the invading |®"8'meerns commission whieh | Mrs. Freese had filed suit for Hindus in Vancouver harbor | Will build the $35,000,000 system | divorce in which she charged her ure not the kind likely to win|in Alaska fM® Uncle Sam, arriyed| husband with cruelty. against Canadians, Being |here early this morning on the} spoiled and pampered by a cer | White Dake aden hin: ang | HURON REFUSES WOMEN tain section of the British peo-| i) Jeaye this aoveninis for Fair. | VOICE IN VESTRY WORK ple they. think alk they need | hanks where he will make his | ; : a do is to sit down and ery like | : | London, Ont., June 25-—-As was children in order to get what heedquarters sop the: BpRacn. |the case last year, the Anglican they want, No matter what the Mr. Riggs is accompanied by;.ynoq of Huron in annual ses hindhviet anu mas be itis dual about forty men engaged pee the | sion here sagain today declined as well to settle it right now Begs0n en" Xe one Rare are lwomen a voice in the vestries of by insisting that they be de- e. H. Bacon, R. A. Gray and T-/the church, ported. The citizens of Van- bailey, three locating poem A motion having for the en- couver are very different from who will, Rave Sharee of three | franchisement of women so far their Canadian brothers if Held, divisions under Mr, Riges. | as vestry deliberations were con | | they do not stay with their pro- All will go up the Tanana River, |cerned, was introduced by John cade b this thc. band: ehareteos landing at Nenana, and} Ransford, of Clinton, Ont. even a decision of the court Peher: PEOCOMERE 460 eee cannot and will not be taken Mr. igus. Wilh ake: PAs neine Progress at Hubert meena his headquarters for the season va tet Day Sar ; F. 8. Ryus, an old-time engineer J, A. Weldon, Mayor of Hubert, While the morning paper dae has beon with Mr. Riggs a and the manager of the Ham- has worn the word “popular” div international boundary ele mond interests ip. that townsite thread bare in applying it to Sag reara; $8 .aleo tn: the. partys ays the interior m has | our “aaenigh ankoaber. HU B, Raeburn is with the party as says the in arto town has been Clemaltas (it. pikeaan tor . ea chief of transportation, and will handicapped so far this year from nniit rs bce farancn: ta have charge of the steamers, lack of transportation but he ex- Won athaon. ephia: lant rain horses and general traffie under| pects some kind of a service will for Wii: Manzi molitioatly. ta Mr. Riggs. Mr. Raeburn also was|be inaugurated by August 1st, iy oes ueonitar, ae 8. & in the boundary service under He has a saw mill and brick Ginthants r ' "I Mr. Riges, and is a tried and re-|plant running and is building Pe liable man in the position. eight new houses on the town- we : Mr. Riges says “The entire|Ssile, Several outsiders are also CANOEING TRAGEDY work of locating the nationalj/ceming in and building, FEARED AT GOLDEN | .jijways in Alaska is under the —r . . Sey: a ; department of the interior, of But a woman seldom realizes Golden, B.C,, June 25,—News which Franklin K, Lane, Secretary | bow many opportunities she had reached Golden that Miss Joyce] o¢ the Interior, is the head, Pres-|to get married until she finds Thatcher and Mr. Russell, cousin |igent Wilson also is taking alherself left at the post, of Capt. ©. N. Russell, of Golden, keen personal interest. Of the went out last night canoeing in] g35.900,000 authorized by Con- Thatcher's landing at Galena. eress for the railway work. $1.~ | FARRAR Ce ge The ganoe and paddle were found 000,000 is voted for preliminary * the ; Columbia River from Mr, purposes this year, and is going FOR A TAXI at Spillimachene, a_ few miles |jargely into the survey work. with uneiniiiie north of Galena, on the Columbia the field divided into three parts River this morning, and it is fear with eleven survey parties in the SERA AAR KEKE ed that both lives have been lost. | geld, Mr. Edes. the chairman of 15 PHONE 15 Miss Thatcher 1B the second} the engineering commission, will a ve daughter of Rey, EK, G, Thatcher,} have charge of the surveys be- M.A,, Galena, B,C, tween Seward and Knik arm d See: int. Wiaen has the, eaten Ac PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO Alaska Excursions vision, from Broad Pass to Koni k [a3 tOg III III I a — Arm, while my task will be to] — cetitiiineasemanaeaae Round trip exeursions to Ket-|make the locations between Fair- chikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sitka,|banks and the present terminus and Skagway on the fine steam-Jof the line extending 72 miles PRINCE RUPERT GOAT ers “City of Seattle’ and “Spo-|out from Seward. It is 464 miles HOUSE kane” sailing every six days.|from Fairbanks to Seward, and $32.00 covers all expense. A side|/the route is via the Susitna vel oats an unc es trip Skagway to Summit of the}ley, with the survey via Nenana.” i } i White Pass Ry. at very small - ee Seen, aon, Boe cost. For reservations and all The best place in the city to oe Bais information apply to MRogers’}lunch or dine is the Royal Cafe. PHONE ABD 894 Steamship Agency, Phone 116. North End of Manson Way 132-169 The service and the menu can al- ways be depended on. 126tf Notes on the Greatest of Gentlemen’s Games Thursday, June os 1914 aA Wh Vancouver, Victoria and Seatiie Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Rupert.... MONDAYS ai « Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince Rupert FRIDAYS s 8 A ™ Bteamers Prince John or Prince Albert lv. Prince Rupert TUESDAYS. 9 ™“ Low Excursion Rates To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED STATES, also to NORWAY In oon, with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL, and to CHICAGO In connes with NORWEGIAN SAENGERBUND. 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough freight gasoline and Kidinbives Fare and one-third for the round trip between ali points for Domini, On sale June 29th to July 1st; good return unti! July ath. For full particulars and all information of Interest to travel! ' THE QG. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hart Block, Third Avénus, Phene ter AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES SS PEE OR r ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY — ROOMS : hone 554 P 0. Boy 60 APERHANGIN( AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING High er Second Avenue, Opposite Empresa Theatre Rooms open from 8 & m. to fi p, m. Visiting Scotsmen are cordially tnvited For rates for hall rent apply secretary D. MACDUNALD, CHAS, DENNIS, President Secretary | MARTIN & GOWAN es _ Martin Swanson Avenue, tear M 8 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Cement, Brick and Tiles Work Estimates Furniened Phone Blue 329 . rm PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING i COMPANY Tap and Grevel and Ready Made Roofing | Damp-Proofing Water-Proofing Repairing | Second aw Wellington Gol The favorite Household Coa! Cleanest, Brightest, Best ‘|NEW WELLINGTON COAL co, Rogers & Albert, Agts PHONE 206 | second Avenue P.O. Box 439 BLYTHE BROS, | PLASTERING CONTRACTORS | | Phone 1149 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Phone 194 Satisfaction guaranteed in two and three-room suits Pyar ear ae ase J. E. DYER, Pione Black i Buil Phone 174, Box 274 Contractor. & ullder FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING .Estimates Given on Moving Buildings. . fo © Phone Black 294 SMITH & MALLETT Largest stock of Pipe north of Vancouver, Crane Valves and Fit tings, Pipes cut to order. Third Ave., Head of Second Stree Prince Rupert HARRISON W. ROGERS | Architect Suite t, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Phone 300 P. O. Box 1655 0. C. STUART Aocountant 308 2nd Ave Phone 250 PRINOE RUPERT, B. OC. A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work ist Ave., Manson Way Alex. M. Manson, B. A W. E. Williape. B.A. LL. B WILLIAMS & SIANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Prince Rupert, &. G Phone 525 HARRY HANSON" Office corner 2nd Street and 3rd Ave PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITE yue THE RELIABLE PLUMMER | Phone 489 Beoond Ave., near McBride | | General Cartage } LADYSMITH COAL 83—Phone—93 cessors to Pacific suc DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ~ Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue" % ®°* 70% ae eae eer eae P. ROBERTSON UNION TRANSFER C0 Chartered Accountant Ite, Investigations, Adjustments, Liqul GENERAL TRANSFER AND storage | *“%!'* 0 j sate sash ; dations and Assignmonts aK ore Smith Biock, 3rd Ave., *rince Rupert, 8. © PHONES: 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 BOAT BUILDER Seaeee to Rnoit's Formerly known as Clifton’s H. BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY Seal Cove Phone 47 Successor JOUNSTON Phone Green 321 LUMBER COAL —aad-— Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 We deliver to any part of the Third Avenue Phone 363 IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done BAY PHONE RED 156 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near MeBrid COW KKK KK RR RR RRO * Try a Want Ad in The News * RRR TE Drawn for The Daily News by ©! AS GOLF EDITOR-IM AT THE, LINKS TO DAN FOR @P ARTICLE ON GOLF-IENTITLED—A , GENTLEMAN'S GAME © Hi4-(NTL-SXND - BALIO - MD, 00 -T yr ? & mm -'-OO WHY DON 'CHA KEEP YOUR, ENE ON TH’ BALL-!-@! “SAY ULUTHROW THAT BLANK — Vyx-#-@ vx-4- 8 Q.64-- CLUB 50 FAR I NEVER \LL SEE IT @ =. THREE! - WHY T SAW NUH TAKE AT LEAST SEVEN YO GET OUTO TH = CB LEEVE TLL CHANGE MADE. Ud THREE] TH’ MAME OF THAT ARTIC: XO ¥ GOLF - A GENTLEMAN ’ /