phursday, June 2%, 1944 _ Go All Round to good healthand to the ongth, comfort and cheerful- wag whieh depend on thecondi- nes of health—are Oe Peat “ine-tested, safe and speed BEECHAM’S PILLS Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents, COMPLETELY BROKEN DOWN Another Lady Thinks “‘Frult-a-tives” Greatest Tonic In The World, HAGERSVILLE, ONT., Aug, 26th, 1913. 1 highly recommend ‘Fruit-a- ti vecause they did me an awiul lot of good, About four years ago, I commenced taking *‘Fruit-a-tives” for : ral break-down and they did me rid of good, We bought a good ma jollars’ worth, but they did all t your advertising claims for them, as I said before, T cannot speak too highly for them, Their action is so pleasant,com pared with otiier medicines, that lam glad to say so and IJ trust that 5 other woman may start taking ruit-a-tives’? for I know the results will be all that you claim’’, Mrs. W. N. KELLY. soc, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. dealers or from Fruit-a-tives ted, Ottawa, The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth Perfectly, with the SAME DYE. No Chance of Mistcke«. Clean end Simple. . ist (t Dealer. Send for Booklet. urdeon © SOCCER OLE FURNITURE FOR SALE t are ffering at private sale ed furniture of a whole mms, including ; Mahogany Dressers & Washstands Quarter cut Oak Dining room table 3 and chairs Leather upholstered couch chairs, etc. Library table Beds and mattresses, Mirrors, Dishes and Kitchen Utensils, Carpets, In fact a full equipment, by piece or in bulk. Bee M. MW. STEPHENS & 60,, LID. woe Summer CLOTHES Why Not Have the BEST? See Us at Once SWEDER BROS, Tailors to Ladies and Gen- tlemen cre SEEDS! SEEDS! 1914 8pring Have received our Seeds GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Dealers in Feed of all kinds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mali orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 908 Third Ava. Phone Black 268 FIELD, SPP LL OPPO LILO LL DODO OL POOL OL OOL POL OOO LOLOL. > Wanted IMMEDIATELY Agreements of Sale for Discounting f From $2,000 Submit offerings to Harrison, Gamble & Go, Third Avenue Up SUBSOKIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS ALA.@.TA RIVIERE / ©. | POWER