parisien TT Te THE DAILY NEWS L GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: te Prince Rupert's leading Paper The sockeye pirate is ates OLEAN RELIABLE ALIVE ccopiaae santana, OF the fisheries. a a e N No. 154 Zz , Si aman oe TED a Sh SS et PRINCE RUPERT, BLG., MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS —_—- STEAMER CALIFORNIA RAN ON REEF -- PASSENGERS ALL SAVED — START DRILLING FOR OIL ; —— a ——— — SS ——————S— ———___—_—_———_ SS HEIR TO AUSTRIAN THRONE MYSTERY CLEARED tte tee e eee eees TENDER FOR KAYEX HAS OIL DRILLING OUTFIT 1 | ASSASSINATED WITH HIS WIEE IN FINDING LAUNCH : tawvens arven srevens = WAS PROPERLY GIVEN ! : - whi : : - ELDS, 0.C.1 C Party of Four Which Left Alaska |” St a recest labor meeting *| pejont Published by Dafly News FOR B.C. OIL fr ’ Q. ells - / for Outside Four Years |* or ppp a Re. = 2 can cl” a Was Not Accurate—Recent AGED EMPEROR RECEIVES GREAT SHOCK AND MAY HASTEN | Ago Traced \e ssid Me ee | Light Thrown on the MANAGER OF THE PIONEER PROSPECTORS OF THE GRAHAM HIS END—AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION DELICATE ek aoe 1% “Some omy: ‘Why do -you # Transaction ISLAND OIL FIELDS TAKING THEIR MACHINERY ISSUE FOR POWERS - June 29-—the iaQDeh,| > not go 4o dee Cousee tear ml eee IN ON JOHN TONIGHT si j the Seal Puy which its owner,|1@ a5. ate P ATURES » ile role. “David Copperfield” in é 2 iy fe . Dg “The Breed of the North,” whieh ; ee re | The Magnificent Peoduetions of ree a ‘ae : omer Beat Moran 6 rose. “Old Hefithans Shop") 4n Copper Wire Stolen _e as compared with 8,169,000] .omes very highly recommended, $ | Shown Exclusively at this Theatre % aa Phiisos Saaith c —— acres in 4943, There will also be a_ rollickin + 7 I ul to The Daily News five reels, Pat O'Farrell! and Jos Potovi : . rae “a : ae * ¥ Paris, June 29,—Jack Johnson, When the producers are get- : BEfet ADE 708 POLovim In the three Northwest prov-|comedy, “Mrs, Brown's Burglars” ; * the colored champion, was given|ting out such splendid pictures} ¥°"® ' police court today charg-jinces, Manitoba, Saskatchewan|#2d an up-to-date Weekly Ga- ; eC Em ress ealre + the decision on Saturday over |@8 these it is no wonder that the|ed with stealing copper wire, and Alberta, the total wheat area, zette, x x Moran on points in the twentieth |Photo play is taking such a firm] About eight sacks of copper wire |'* estimated at 10,247,400 acres — ; */ round. held on the public mind, and that} which had had the insulation all}! 1913; that of oats,af 6,086,000 + IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMMENT ¥| The fight was characterized by|*he preducing business has|burned off were in the police of-]2¢res as compared with 5,792,- x We take pleasure in announcing that we have just completed arrange- y plenty of hard hitting on the|#"own to such enormous pro-j|fice as evidence arainst them.| "0° a res in 1913; that of barley WEST H 0) LMF $ mente enabling ue to putin force a pian we have tong Na! In view, WA; ¥} vari of Johnson, ‘There was not {POrtions, They had sold it to Crosby's sec-|t 1041,000 as compared with x Puavens propose to run the magnificent productions oe ee ya single knox k-down or anything 5 (eens ond hand store. The electric aes ares in 1943, These . * in price. Wer’ fenday os Tuccday alee, ®ridey OY i saturday, we will | that looked like a finishing blow, The Royal Cafe is the old, re-jlight superintendent has been|“!" erences represent increases of OPERA HOUSE t ave hig class feature releases, The following Ie a partial iat of the = Moran’s face at the close show-| liable and poputar dining place] missing some of his copper wire]’ 11 700 acres for wheat, 294,000 sviermstines ane (we nave ‘booked for the coming season? ¥}ed cuts on the nose and underjof the city, You ean depend on|and it is thought the leak has now|*°"®S for oats, and 16,000 aOres TONIGHT’S PROGRAM x SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE, in Five Reels *jthe left eye, Johnson showed no]|getting the best cuisine and best| been found. The case will be sar barley; ora total increase of y Bavio COPPERFIELD, in oie Reels T}marks, Toward the end of the| service. 126tf| heard tomorrow. 524,400 acres for the three crops ~eernihavibnap ; DREWSTER'S MILLIONS, ‘n Five Reols x eighth the crowd jeered some noone as compared with 1913, The WEEKLY GAZETTE ' OLD OURIOSITY SHOP, in Six Reels ¥} tactics of Moran, who hung fr 7 While you wait shoe repairing, met A a Manitoba ia Bars “The Breed of the North” x SRPONA, in Live Reale | ea ¥ quent to Johnson to save him 7 Fr. German's, opposite er nan dae ae oy ea w ith Two-Reel Feature : sell, é 8Y-tf. ‘ ; é 25 a +4 are “ ” ; BRIDE oF CAMM ERMOOR, iniphees meele t ets : te sas a ? 2,804,000 acres in 19438, In Sas aan ae $ We consider ourselves very. forunate In being able to make, sueh JM Flee ke KK SOCIAL DANCE j)- 08s eccecrw eens Hee Oe nese Under wheal l® Uproariously Funny Comedy * Patrons these splendid pictures WITHOUT ANY ADVANCE IN THE PRICE y | % * : * #j'S 5,848,300 acres as compared Admission 100 and 16¢ t + * NOTICE * Will Be Held in the * GRANITE #| With 5,720,000 acres, ard in Al. Wile st ok . TONIGHT * * * ST. ANDREW'S KALL * st w#|berta it is 1,611,100 acres against Wednescay and Thursday ; The Great Three-feel Enalish Feature ¥/* The Canadian Fraternity #* _ Tuesday, June 30 3|* Granite of best quality * 1,512,000 acres, Corning ’ ze LD . %1%* rooms will be officially open- * Night Before Dominion Day | * and thoroughly tested for * On June 1 the condition of fiei¢ “A Militant Suffragette”’ , THE VICAR OF WKESFIE pe * od on June 29, Members are *; ra ie —— Bs * sale, Cut stone or crushed *} crops, as measured by a standard ln Five-reels t j ing parts %/* requested to be on hand * Splendid Music will be Tur |* rock in quantities *jin which 100 represents the . : ; Arthur, Maude and Constanie Crossley in the leading P * ° seo in the morning on July * nished and a good time \*, NEIL J, MeLEOD, *} promise of a full crop was very And a GCorking Good Key ‘ ALL FEATURES = E BIG FEATURE ALL FEATURES * * 4st to receive their badges * is assured all who * Telephone: Green 247 *| favorable, The points are as fol stone Comedy ~ 100 and 1660 | ene THREE 3 106 and 18e =] * for the parade, 148-149 * attend * tf *| lows: Fall wheat 79, spring wheat} Matinee Next Wednesday i SHOWS EVERY WEEK - | * Tickets: - Gents, $1,00 % #/93, all wheat 91, oats and barley |§ at 3 p.m, SOS SOI IIS SI rn nainioi aati i ICICI IIIT IIIA IAAI AIF i < a | * OR) Oe HNL, rye 89, peas 92, mixed grains $ ¥ in SS ee “ a a eases ee a 3 : eee a a Sa Sr TEN oan “Sense nes a te