ial D | ~ “ = . re se eeeittenetie ase nandiell & THE DAILY NEWS Monday, June 29, 194, — a — : ; SS, ) aS) | Dea Pps Ding Ass | Today the Ontari | rhe baseball’ boys “have or-T pr DAIRY ° | ¥ Epes . } odk ’ ar . re lj aD a eres ze re Choa DDI) a a= dC a CRS rar a LAOS 355} 3 t : RORCIO B ae f ee S li ] 9 today for Spokane. Mr. Sheehan}{heir home in Vancouver this A man by the name of Robert-| kane” sailing every six days. 1 1e auty oO un 12 it has been engaged in Tite's store] morning. son was injured today at the| $32.00 covers all expense. A side E y , i ies SW ce drydock and was removed to the|trip Skagway to Summit of the ° . for some time past. : te 8 removed i pe : is that it dispels the shadow that once hung Sc e Miss M. Rorke, who has been|ospital. There was no fracture} White Pass Ry. at very small an e i 5 i Snap in Section 2: Lot 15, block]a guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Eggert left|@nd the case is not very serious.|cost. For reservations and all over wash day. Your work is done in half at rs ; teorgea . re eae information apply to Rogers’ he time with half the eff 19, sood residential property;|this morning on the George for i ’ , the time with hatl the etlort. $300 cash, balance G, T. P, Ap-| Vancouver, The Colts ball feam were de.|Steamship Agency, Phone 116. | (MASDIATELY i : : ply Rox Of Daily ‘News Lantt oan feated 8-4 at Terrace on Satur {32-160}— Agngements of Sale for 7) Your finest linens, your fleeciest blankets, } » yf 8. : aie = wind Pes | Sy ee ee Jas. Riley, the editor of the} day. The boys reversed — the i akavuun Discounting your daintiest whitewear —all call for Sun- If you have any big or little} Chaleopyrite, at Skeena Crossing, | Sore on Sunday to even up mat- T | From ; ; Sites ca eth Ara a . | ters | light Soap. - The purest of materials, the most jobs about the Qome sent for}was a passenger south this : ieee See = : “Pritz the Handy Man.” Phone] morning, a oe F, W. Dowling $2,000 careful manufacture and a $5,000 guarantee ae er F . . The cz rs oO the Skeen: bserver | | . : : 583. 149-54 J Para h the Skeena | Up—Must be Af of purity make this the soap that you should eee Word has been received that|have chartered a fast boat and ‘ : els ’ Do you have film troubles?}/George Sutherland, who went have a marine detective on the Monday, June 29, \# Submit offerings to always use. | Then consult McRae Bros. With|south recently for medical treat- job of watching for fishermen} Barometer reduced to ae their up-to-date methods film|ment, has undergone a successful Who sell to the Prince Rupert| aihouliies vanish. 149}operation, He will probably go] cannery. Evers fishermen caught Highest temperature .... 65.0 | Harrison Gamble 8 (0 | e Ber ok to Scotland on a trip before hej Will have his boat and gear tak-|Lowest temperature ......56.0 ; ' V. S Newton, who has been|returns to Prince Rupert. én from him, The Rupert car | Third Avenue Pa a teas es ery, which is outside the can-| re visiting his father, Mayor New- : : ee f : : aie, erries sare 86 ¢ local_-| ners’ syndicate, is paying 25¢ for] ton, returned south on the Prince Strawberries are selling | cal ae * ‘vin " PRINCE RUPERT BOAT | Ts: tse ; at $3 a crate or tw oxes for |Ssockey gainst 15c¢ on the rive George this morning, ly at $3 a crate or two boxes for : eek HOUSE e e 25c, instead of 86 to 88 as re. fs PS 7 orte oO Sr “dav. The ore A fire i he roof = he refuse B d La h | H mi ioe aay ae ee a Pecers din dhe tiie ions: conveyor | ‘ the prfada Rup. ety oats an unc es THE BEST BUY IN ull are guests o oo Eee for hire. Gasoline for sale PRINCE RUPERT fruit growers demand a price|Sask & Door Factory was diseoy-| Ns At = PHON™ RED 391 100 Feet on Fraser Street all E ath. tut ot Manben Wh or $20,000; Terms C n anson ; egies blaze before much damage was . ion Rintiel tne vena es tre, | er . 3 ! ' | | | } | | done, The hose for fire protec | at seven per cent $6,000.00 | | ' | eaaetieie, odes : son, Sixth Avenue, West. Mr ; tad hie th = tahini ; : Hull will leave in a few days for|{at would compel the retailer to] ered D3 the wate ae early Sun Fort George, but the iaaiae: wil] {Charge 25c per box. day morning, The firemen made eae : ’ e ¢ a quick run and extinguished the spend the summer here. Re Lee A friendly game between the Harry Wowson, a well known]|Sens of England and the Dry- mining man, came in Saturday|dock football teams will be play- and went up the line, He will bejed at 7:30 tonight on the Drydock Lot 18, Block 14, Sec. 1.$15,000.00 }| SECTION TWO tion at the mill was able to keep a “ : 4 —, Double corner Graham and Atlin, | p99 Lots 15 and 16, Block 4, $1,500 the blaze under control until the nn iiremen ar ’ e ash, bal d. \ back to Rupert in a few days, Mr. grrounds. The Drydock feam has firemen arrived, Standard Dair ealy : alance Ten OPE, venoe | 2 See Sa SS ae. Stine Sere Weiiog eth an. he y Lot 1, Block 1; $1,000.00 cash, $| Stra (a Ana ATA Ae toc NOTICE FOR TENDERS Howson was the ‘discoverer of the Nn materiaiy reng n J Saldnnn aaeeiined $3,000.00 Neces vy is the mother in Telkwa copper properties, five or six new players, and ex- SEALED TENDERS Lindsay Bros, Park Ave, Lots 9-10, Biock 15; one-quarter }vention, but she isn’t always] Le pect to make a better showing SF ee ake Le oa io enti: ed pat fae ie d of her offspring | | Tenders will, be received P to ard tn. : Sealed Tenders addressec » the ‘Secre- | 9 . leluding Jun Cth i 1 nd Situation wanted by voune mar-|?han in the recent game against}tary will be received at the Exhibition PURE FRESH MILY DAILY ann’ $3,250 2) removal of old school t es known as : ‘ are 4 ithe Merchants Office until 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, July Produce Quaranteed me Choice Inside Lots in Other } ine Second Avenue § situate on ried man at present employed; . ' Sth, 1914, for the construction of an Ex- | THE BEST Sections ere Prices | Block 11, corner of ’ a ae rhe ‘ x * 7 hibition Building Plans and specifications | an erms | RITCHIE AGNEW & CO iSeventh Street Parties +t ge ius desires change. Competent and - Vaan he Shei ak atin AIGA oe ne Architect, | ; “a INSURANCE ! ’ + Skateen Gibb Delée and be pret w euter of good appearance Office ex- The amalgamation of the of-]). Gilmore, Esq., second Avenue | Delivery wagon will be on mous! uel rege Fire; London & nlo a yntract with the Boa ror tes Fe nd , . ‘ ad : tender us e { paniec iv} ¢ P a & ancashire Fire; and North- rem é he huilding w ) ten days perience and a good salesman;| ices of the Allan Line and the cee ei iy oo iG onerrenad Bi in a few days, ; gan Wie : i teen ais AWitbathe contract will work on commission with|C4nadian Pacific Railway Com- order of G RK. Naden, Esq..|g Phone 161 Phone 161 Civil Engineers ana B. ©, Land prince nupert, June 26, 1044 eas equal > te cent o he i DD. VANCI right proposition, Address Ad-|P@ny in Liverpool, is to be ar- , peat J which ‘will Hd rs. ee Pe Surveyors 146-159 te Boa vertiser, P.O. Box 332 148.9|"anged. at an early date, The person) eeneons leclines to} econd Ave. . paronnemninee ’ we 97 056 ve ntrac shen Hed upon] a | ges ae Allen Line offices at Liverpool Bay taal: a NOTICE FOIt TENDERS 1 Base , will be vacated during the cur- If the tender t Pri R D Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con The dining room of the new a a rs vd d BR ia a Be que will be ret The| rince upert airy - | Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- | a ae 1} otel / Prive Rupert was unable| oo OF. 40): eee Stan auy tender : mi h G FONE PLETED IIIT LOD IDOI CCESS IDEs: TOWMENOS AD0 BUDS visions, . Baris the 5 i eae heather _.{aecominedated in the Canadia Sait AMOR her an Phone Green 252 12 Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Bios: Pelatinn.” Weeetiven-. 4nd. White com, i 614 o accommodate & 1 DUSINCSS | pacific offices at the Level build Secretary ] in Milk f Babi ™ fet lhe 1 SI Pint en p =Te . . . ag | Bord r " ‘ men who wanted to attend theljng Holstein Milk for Babies -- sim apacificatios ; y atr . : : aie , P r ( Ph Ranta needa iinihaon. Baths eee specially Bottled 4 McBride St., Prince Rupert, B. ©, | ore Prince Ku, He day noon. There were many who J. H. Hi th returned vester i135 Second Avenue. Tb ve tee ear teks ‘ A. 1 dite 1 returned yeste H HANDY MAN FOR HOMES TESTED COWS FIRST CLASS CUISINE - ee the right to resect any, of pie Ae Pera ORE pee day from Kitsumkalum where he SEND FOR FRITZ Bee. ‘ . Hot and Cold Hunning Water, In | ie Wp : rite s cordially ex- tt Rooms b- 102 Set ard Tl xt lune anqalis erecting the new school. He /, An invitation is cordially ex atl Ri eee 1e next luncheon by the Board aa eee aiien ing tended to the citizens interested Only finest Qrenae of Slanore and “ ai ews ” Lae says : ork s gressing ; “pe, : re kep “ade » he ) oar To set up your new home, to re- spec » dairv remises oo y of Trade will be held on board splendidly and he will have the arrange your present home, take up nine the eee ; * 8.80 an 1 4:30 THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN e | CANKDIAN PACIFIC ALY. the steamer Prince Rupe"t dur-|job finished in_ si veeks carpets, see to chimney and stove §| | € hours of 6:00 and 410 BRITISH COLUMBIA ob sher six weeks. Mr, ; . ’ la ing the busine men’s exeursion i Iditch says the weather is fi j pipes or work .on the lawne- Wednesdays and Saturdays when PRUDHOMME & FISHE™ CLASSIFIED ADS, | SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM g , s Ss ns @xXeursio lit { s 5 e ef “ros ne - * . | 2 4 CARE OF OFFICES A SPECIALTY milkng operations are being con- PRINCE RUPERT TO to Granby Bay and Stewart, It|and hot up in the valley and the lucted Proprietors $141.00 will be he hile 5 alle rr islfrui eS f erries are loo} Tents and Hammocks put up and any uuctead, | " : MONTREAL and return ee tee ae Smee aed pe aeons Od berries are 100k. kind of Iittle jobs done. eens ° oe FOR RENT TORONTO and return... tee en route from Granby ay ing fine. 1e berries are abo. " f AU! e ee eee rnes " Petre a ee a NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF Bt ta a a CHICAGO. and return 108.50 Stewart, This excursion prom-|ready for market, The apple trees FRITZ, THE HANDY MAN ‘ ¥. NEW YORK and return 144.60 ises to be @ popular one and many|while still very young and smal! Phene 583 PARTNERSHIP OR RENT.-Modern h vo 2 oe hear Other points correspondingly |o8 , , erik’ bist f ees oe _ . SEDOO), SOCuon< pply aeEC, Effective June ist. Final returo reservations have already been |are s0 loaded with fruit that they Sek creas sual Aaah waiet i ' ‘ O09 Eighth Avenue East 467-349) o limit October 31st made, Ihave to be proped up ee ere COUNTIES OF ATLIN AND” ‘ i NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent. | Princess Sophia southbound f mn CARIBOO : Bath and electric light. Apply 717) Saturday noon —- NOTICE sihereby given that the part ‘ Lotbiniere Street. 14018. Princess Beatrice southbound, nepehi; eretofore subsisting between us, POR RENT Three room cottage partly Sunday, 8 p.m. 250 00 [ine Ra rsigned, as Hotel Keepers ant OIE te AMO EES TOT NT SS furnished and including bath. Rear of —— Merchants, in th Town of Aldermere, . . omce y and convenient. Rent { Femi“ 2 iPr ; Stella Lake Kathiyn and els« Members P. R. FS Vintners Association $17 Pris Ktupert Financiers, 316 J. @ MONA, Senovel a at where in Northern British Columbia, has re Second Avonue Corner Third Ars. Sad 6ix , 3 this day been dissolved by mutual con eee ee ‘i “ nt. All debts owing to the said part- WESTHOLME THEATRE, TUESDAY, JUNE 30th SNAP nership are to be paid to Jon J, McNeil WINDSOR HOTEL FCR SALE Twenty Rounds Betwee at Ald ae afore ata, ~ all cams Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St w ween gains Said partnership are 0 ” W. MH. Wright, Prop. ; sone presented to the said John J, MeNeil by} ’ FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves, cheap). ROUGHHOUSE BURNS whom the same wi Le settled st Se Galland, McBride Street. sow oO en Of Vancouver, versus DATED at Prince Kupert, this 14in day} A Fine Level Lot in Section of June, A.D. 1044 | HOTEL OENTRAL FOR SALE—Gasoline Launch, 36 ff. x LEM BROUGHTON, > Se 9% ft For pariculars apply Davii eee [oun McMGIL,’ 16 Met, avenue. ong, Sevente.g Boat House itone, Green 290, 447-4 i ess r N inne ‘ f Doors Open at 10:30 p.m. Commence at 10:45 p.m. Sharp Eight for $250.00 bi oe ya re July 20 Peter Black, Prop. FOR. SALE or will trade for Proper, 30 d j . $2.50: ft. gasoline launch, new 8 h.p. engine -Roomne ningnids Seate, $8; Boxes and Front Rows Balcony, $2.60; All Cash 8 ED, seemberinapserepeneenninsioesinne=-rcopentieiterr on Everrihitie in good candition pricepand| Partially Furnished 3-R Orchestra Reserved $2; Limited General Admission, $1 TAKE NOTICF that I, Arthur H 1mes | KNOX HOTEL terms arrange), Apply Box 120, Daily te Tickets on Sale at all Cigar Siores Reserve Your Seat Early Pigott, of Victoria, B. C., occupation | i : , News, 112-1 Flat; Close In; McBride manager, iniend to ‘apply for permission) $ First Ave., Between Eighth and Niath ¢/ oi comprete LINE of furniture ad to lease the following described lands: | European Plan, Hates 60c to $1.00 vertised for sale by auction was post- Street A 7 Commencing at a post planted at high| Per Day poned till rusrday at 3 p.m “at the A z water mark at the southwest corner of| Besner & Besner, Props. Old Customs House, pear Merryfeld’s ie Lot 467, Portland Canal District, marked | Phone 13 . 143-145 | en “A. H. P. N. E. Cor.;" thence follcwing | ice ee _ Room 11 Smith Block the high water mark in a southerly direc- 3. ¥. Rochester Vv. D. Cesley rigor ~~ tion approximately 60 chains to a post ae . = WANTED Benn me ecooes (marked “A. YH. P. 8. E. Cor.,” ihence cue EMPRESS HOTEL e west to low water mark, thence Mllowing Third Ave., Between Sixth and ——— - - - ye the low water mark in a northerty direc- Seventh Strects WANTED Situation as mitker in-s Gairy tion approximately 60 chains, 14 a point at f eee. - 3 ; —-- ene TO orrpsacr TRUST | iow water mark due west from point of|§ European Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day Apply Box 61, News Office, 147-9 GRemenceMen thence ous ase to petnt| eee. ioe a YOUNG GENTLEMAP® requires room and \ St NOTICE is hereby given that H. L. Beres- }© comme neement, containing 80 seres board close in to town, Box 64, News 4-Roomed House on Taylor as : + ; ; e or Jes Miles SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS fo a, wry ing oo PRES, as a me re hant mot r oS tii R HOLMES PIGOTT. : PREMIER HOTEL ‘ ‘ ioe, 0 iD AG 148 ¢ own of Locke J Uee i 7 merican end European Piao - a lotte Islands, in the Province of British 3. W. Stewart, Agent. Furnished PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO asin, fh Pvc, of ta] om a, ai rami, ene . jc f June, 1914, assigned all his real Published May "18 to July 20, SESE OREN NERREERTIEREREIEE wane RIAA IIAAATI A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager |i pers al property Credits and effects , Yi, ROYAL HOTEL be : May be seized or sold or attached naan voas * 1st Ave. and MoBride 8t. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. nder execution or the Execution act orjeees “ene oer re ef A Cortey 4 Burgess, Props * 25 ¥ 0 00 . Jattachment, to R. © Jardine of the Clty of ‘ rd Ave, and Sixt t e PHONE 26 Branch Yard at Smithers iPrinee Rupert; British Columbia, manager, TAKE NOTICE tyat Lancelot Russel European Plan Sicam Heated ve, rr : ° e see eee {1 the purpose Of satisfving ratibly and) Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C., Ont proporhc DAY ly and arithony preference Or] pation master mariner, intends to pply i ity of his creditors for permission to purchase the follow ne : cae? ABB BUBUBUOUUUURUUUUCUEOUURUUUBUOUBUROUBURB BURR G QL Ileeting of tle creditors of the sald|deseribed lands: Commencing ®t a post BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CoO, 5 H. L. Beresford will be held at the oMcel planted 4% mile distant and ip # northerly LIMITED a x Will ams & Manson, Helgersoun Block, | direction trom entrance to stuall bay close Second Ave. and Sixth St Three House Over Hays Cree Wm ing, team ittin e Ripert, B,« nb Friday the 17thito Skiakl Bay, on the west side of Ste- b 0 : -~ “ot sy A.D. 1944, qt the hour of 3] phens Island and adjarent to application Phone 102 d sheet ta! k :|: Nat Nt rich a th ' post of H, W. Lees, thence east twenty RE E eAN 5 an sheet meta! wor ) OTICE ts rther given that/chains, thence sout) forty chains, thence SLs RS | creditors julred to send the As-|west twenty chats, thence north torty|% PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., * W PI > & | signe on or befor the tst day of August,|chains, fallowing the swore line to the LIMITED * + Ltd /i4, particulars @ verified of their|point of commencement, eight acres | 8 at fair prices estern umbing Co., Ld % [claims and their security (iF any) he it belinke ct ied eee ony Freser and Sixth Sts : ALF HALLIGAN ; C R. Naden 0., i hem LANCELOT a) SSEL WALROND BEAVIS Phone 7 * ) ) , ' a FIR IOI ORO IID IAA III DID IA SIA IAAI IA AAI AAAS A DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C,, this 94th} May 3, 19 } WERRRA | ay of June, AD 1914 Published ont 26 to July 27. vee 08 Iii ii ik ei iki eae Revcond Avenue