4 i aa & if iP a R V | { 4 ; ¥, a oy ae Ki | | : | oe ' THE DAILY NEWS. NS ——————— THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. safety had there been time to run THE Dany News. _| TITANIC HAD Be ee NEW CANNERIES OUTDISTANCES er a FEW LIFE BOATS. FOR WRANGELL WORST OF THEM =". THE TITANIC’S FATAL VOYAGE piace, steams ut g = - ‘ Only Accommodations for One- Titanic left Southampton on! Mining Srebins to Start gl Great Shipping 1g Disasters of Last leaving Port N DVERTISING—50 ; tract rates ae A ; cents per inch. Contrac Third of Her 3,500 Passengers jiaiden trip April 10th. Near Dease Lake — Govern- Fifty Yearsto Compare with the Septembs : ; ; , Provided by Out-of-Date Law. Just before leaving port nar-| ment Wagon Road is Being Titanic Catastrophe. French battles ie SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DalLy, 50c¢ rawly escaped collision with} Constructed from Telegraph ~ plosion at 7 \ per month, or $5.00 per yout, advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. _ Ally New York, April 16 Statisti- liner New York. | Creek on Stikine. Disasters of the sea which cost Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekiy, $2.50 per year, strictly | 5) information of life saving ap- Proceeded at top speed for] hie ain. more than 100 lives during the KITSUMKALUM SOCIETY autre paratus of the Olympic, sister} New York, until she struck an} Yaneouver, April 49—Mr Far-|/ast 50 years: : HEAD OFFICE ship of the Titanic, was given out/iceberg at 11:45 Sunday night,! quhat Matheson, the leading January 0 1865 Cazadoi Miss Inez Ross Guest of Honor a Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. | today by the bureau of inspection} 450 miles south of Cape Race. merchant of Wrangell, Alaska,! (Chilian warship), 3414 lives Important Function BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ‘< wont Wessels: + Se a a a s wireless operator|jeft the city this morning for] September 7, 4870—Captain : — ‘ es foa8 soit itanic are not available, but aS|sends out “S. O. 8." calls} pjetoria after completing ar-| (British ironclad), off Finisterre, inost e1 4 New York—National Newspaper ©<-zau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City the ships are almost identical iN)throughout Sunday night, plead-|rancements for the construction} 497 the dances : SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. size, it is not likely that their|jing for help at once. lot two fish canneries to be plac- N, udinwer 92... (698 Atlantic katum Hote s g Z 1 as ' . . SUVeT Ve a, ie 7 ‘ c, Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | equipment materidily differs. | Steamer Virginian of the Allan!ed in operation at Wrangell this White ‘Star. ther, ‘ereckad. “ont honor of Miss " eee ier aA NL iti ili : : en Fhe Olympie has sixteen life}Line picks up call and rushes to|lgeason. While in the south Mr. ines Scotia 574 : has returned f eT et ee eee nee Ea are ts re ~~ tboats and four rafts, caleulated) aid disabled vessel, Carpathia,| Matheson has interested = suffi- Yt anteeee a é se Visit in Prince Dau EDITION. ao igan SATURDAY, APRIL 20}to accommodate 1,171 persons. |Olympic, Baltic, Parisian and|ejent eaital in Vancouver and} Pecember 26, 187 4—Cospat- Mia” din{ire ——_—_— = em —— — = This means about one-third of} other vessels rush to thé scene, Victoria to engage in numerous er ie cerieaie took ire} decorated with 7 the total number of passengers | but evidently arrive too late to} activities in the north. Besides] #924 Sank 0 uckland, 476. eee “and ‘ g MEMORIAL SERVICES TO TITANIC VICTIMS. and crew together, which is 3,447, | be of material assistance. the establishment of two can-} een Be Es Eurydice,) was furnished | t Se ng 2h pee ae j}that can be accommodated. It is At 12:17 Monday morning the] neries. a sixty to eighty horse- British training ship, a frigate, chestra, A di J Tomorrow afternoon, at the Westholme Opera House,| said at the bureau that po ship} Titanic’s wireless station was si-|ower gasoline boat will be laun- on ee near the Isle of Wight,|juneheon was s. Prince Rupert will be in line with most of the Christian com-|!§ required to have a ene lenced. }ehed on the Stikine river plying|” “ arya oe = lafter which dane i . oOo » acco viate a its Mitanic. accor« o bes 3 s Sreette te Temunines ‘ 4 May S14, i srossec UT-\and kept 1 unt munities of this continent. In most of them they have their} " cae es goo Re aoe aes nereaeen + “tet ling | » t ob-| between Wrangell and inland ian aria hese ouam pate : id : 6 nay tl j{oumprete passenger, ands St./fainable information, went down] points. i ~ own particular loved ones to mourn just as we have, for the) pp, Olympic carries 3,455 life}petween 2 and 4 o'clock Monday} The government wagon road|Cllision with Konig Wilhelm.) po you pay you Could twenty-three hundred passengers who were lost in the Titanic) preservers and 48 iife buoys, and} morning. is to be constructed this year| 909. ;you pay them if y nal disaster came from all over and probably had many warm friends|these equipments are Beis in| All day Monday officials of the| from Telegraph Creek to the up- September o, tae eet om ? Get a po Com at distances from their homes to sorrow over their fate. It was! ©O™P jliance with the culations | White Star Line gave out infor-|per end of Dease Lake, and the Alice, British ‘FoR, 8 ee i hee, jmercial Union | Ane a horror that has thrilled the world, and the able orators that| ° f the British Board of Trade. mation that all passengers had} visitor stated that this year|!" Pee ee iver, | Corporation. Assets $111,000 : : f ; sara ad ate to full The United States bureau has}been taken off and that the liner] would probably see a resumption|./!%- x }000. The Mack Re é Insur will assemble on Sunday will find words inadequate to fully) no power, except to see that each| was being towed to Halifax. of work on the properties of the December 18, 1878--Byzantin,| ance Co., Agents tf express their realization of such a catastrophe. | steamer has the requirements of] At 8:55 o'clock Monday night] Thibet Creek Hyhraulic Mining| French steamer, sunk in Darda-| One of the ablest orators cf the Empire did so when he| its home government. wireless from liner Carpathia| Company's properties on Dease eae poe. 34. 188 Atle rose in the House of Commons to give public expression to; Tae reports Titanic had gone down|[Lake, These claims are amongst Westie’ tae df, es ce Great Britain’s sympathy in connection therewith. In attermpt-| London, April 16.—The appar-|with all on board except between|the richest hydraulic producers ritish- training Sh, mae Sas 7 oe ilversi es 0s ing it Premier Asquith: con sluded: jent fact that the Titanic’s boats/600 and 800 passengers, mostly|in the north, and resumption of mynd: Beyer gare aa te ; . Pig nee : a |} were not sufficient to accommo-jwomen and children. work upon them wiil materially February 17, 1890 patbin' Perhaps the House will allow. me to add this: | date the ship’s personnel is caus-| At 9 o’clock Monday night of-| increase the output of gold from British steamer, wrecked in the HAVE MOVE That I am afraid we must brace ourselves to confront jing much comment here, although |ficials of the White Star Line} that section of Alaska. nee ea; S02. one of those terrible events in the order of Providence | the papers are chary of discuss-|give out message confirming the Mr. Warburton Pike, of Vic-|_. Sepleinaer one 5000 —eCOR UL, to larger and more up-t te prem which baffle foresight, which appal the imagination | ing the subject. The law doesjreport of the great ee toria, is one of the shareholders Purkish frigate, soundereds 08 ises at 209 2nd Av + ae and make us realize the inadequacy of words to do {nOt- provide the mumber of boats | a most heavily interested’ in the roar: ae the News off ‘ fy 4 a re We a : gs sak thi jthe largest ships shall carry. It). The ees for the very latest.) Thibet Creek claims, and Mr. J i a on ae el justice to what we feel, e cannot say more at this japplies only to ships displacing | Always the most fashionable de-| Matheson had a number of con-|CMOF Hiner, sunk In sion with) SEMIMARAin® and Hich © moment than to give a necessarily imperfct impression jup to 10,000 tons, as it was|signs in suits and millinery at| ferences with him here. ee , steamer Anson, oft| Pp Sign a. . es asat las of our sense of admiration that the best traditions of | passed before the present great|Mrs. Frizzell’s. tf ed es eta acai Stee ar, ci rs a . ee eee lliners were ssigene January 3, 92-—-Namehow, the sea seem to have been observed and that willing jliners were designed Se Passengers on the George. are: nai tin ‘tie - cle eon’ sacrifices were offered to give the first chanee for “AEA nent To destroy those moths get) Among the departures on the ‘14 ‘a ce ie ee ee | Phone 156 Greeg arn oe as phe ae ; 5 a : t Two Miles Down. }Red Cedar Flakes at 25 cents the! prince George were: tie ae me | ~ safety to those who were least liable to help them- | ; ap package from Orme, the Pioneer} MeDonaid, J. A Nelson, J.-S June 22, 1893—H.M 8S. Viet ie N selves, and of the heartfelt sympathy of the whole na- Halifax, April 16——The death- : | Carss, Mrs Gallart, C. M collided with H.M.S. Gamperdown LAND LI : a a4 ; ; belt. . |bed of the $10,000,000 steamer druggist. tf pe yo end itr pono = ie! 338 eneerenemengaeiarey se : ol i s $s §$ e ereave rr details Oe a } cRae, r. da Mrs. McDonald, J. ° ve . =| tion to those who fo in ee ve ue nly bereavec Titanic and of those dragged Sista St hlonk45. Meit 8. | D. ¢ Cowan, v F. June 25, 1894—Norge, steam-| ast of their nearest and dearest. | down with it is two miles below! __ bots 3-4, Bloc 5, Section 8,| McDonald. A Bennett, J. U._ i Wehdokad ion Mekal vest tat In the simplicity of these utterances the speakers at the|the surface of the sea. This #000; “4 Aca Yrs oe 18 months. | jun,’ George ay OT cate and /the north Atlantic, 600. ; opera house on Sunday will find texts that go to the hearts of} Calculation was made by an of- ee eee a nt eon | MePhe . ;. oun oO. January 30, 1895—Elbe, Ger-| Company, ing | fi : ry e arine citi aetatiimenichacpetaiinicisedicaiapiinmataiaay | McPhee, A. ‘ 5 3 ; : | a men and women. In addition to the sad grouping of general fea-| #°e™ of the Government Marin | Lewis, C. _ English, J. R. man steamer, sunk in collision ’ ; Wick esi A iat fittine { p “| de partment here, who finds that Prompt settlements the strong | Morrison, ne noe re nies with British ‘steamer Crathie in ‘ the tures en effort wi ye made to express in litting terms Prince | depth on the marine chart at the feature of the Mack Realty & | Sawyer, W. H. McLeod, G North Sea, 330, | ek 2 Rupert's personal loss, to commemorate the noble attributes) point where the Titanic went*Insurance Co. It's worth money | §yans. pe bg eee _ March 11 1895—Reina Re-|! a : | m Ou —— ag . , ‘ * . } aac ara yi of he so suddenly called and to express the city’s tenderest sym-| down, The location is midway to you in event of a fire or nQci- | Hessheote, ee q Speech? = genta, Spanish cruiser, founde rl id me riherly | folk wing ‘ pathy with the sorrows of his nearest and dearest. j between Cape Race and Sable dent. See the Insurance People. | Ritchie; D._ Freeman, i, 4H ed in the Atlantic at entrance tol] “5 a and the high. ‘water I a jIsland, and in line with those; Phone 150. uf lease Ww. i fe ae the Mediterranean, 40. irae Lot bietane Wat ¢ : -ebruar 5 ¢ Mé e .| Wainri yence east aler In its Western Canada edition the Toronto Globe says that| : ———————== = —— - a eo er : % 1808—-Main “a | sari: Lhanen, ceotoriy { ia eship, blown up in a- wing er mark t 1 because of its scenic beauty, its charming climate, its > variety| inna peehak 300. S : | mencement.. S . of natural resources and its great opportunities, British ord a ee 1898—Clara Nevada, Klondike | MCOMITED. lumbia is undoubtedly the most fascinating province in Canada, gold steamship, Lynn canal, Al-| bated April Sth, 1 " Other sections of the Dominion bear a more or less close re- laska, 440. i pr 1912 ; ul fi ‘ t sourgo e,is 1 semblance to each other. The prairie provinces preserve a ime i. ie La ; or yne,|Skeena Land District : reneh ime steamer, in collisio — family likeness. Portions of Ontario and Quebec are like dis- = (2 sb stiitiah rae pean the: Take potice that 1, Aug tricts of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Atlantic provinces re-| Fay) martyshire of Grandbanks, 571. semble their neighbors in many respects. But British Columbia} rol } ) xe) 1 S—-oOr February 22 1901—Citv of is quite different. It is the beauty of the family, the daughter | Rio de Janeiro, Pacific Mail most endowed with natural attractiveness. I OsSeS P Steamship Co., sunk at entrance | to San Francisco Bay, 122 ! - | e 15, 1904—General Slo- 1 Alderman Montgomery sends as a friendly suggestion for| a BR i$ weners ; i 6, Rane cum, excursion steamer, ook é ) h w our “Twenty Minutes Ago” the following: ‘Montgomery’s . ea : : g high wate ‘ ‘ | a | fire going through Hell Gate, | easter to pe f burning question: Shall five greedy men run this city or shall} W E all advertise. | Rast River, New York. 1000 PORPOISE HARI the citizens run it?’* This divides the City Council of nine into September 43, 1905—Misaka. bay per. A ugustus |W a sa C 1 1 viz citizens and greedy men. It would be interesting if the alder: A man advertises his character by his deeds, 6 cere Too’s flagship, Japan, ub. April 8, 1012 man gave the names of the five, with some substantiation of the} y oReeosten,. S00. tie a et cata cas ‘ sdiactiie: “acemeds:” his wisdom by his words or by his silence. january 24, 1906—Aquidaban, |e ae Ong i y. A h k, d Brazilian battleship, sunk near! or prince. : ‘ictus oa = 2 | merchant’s store, stock, and windows speak Bie de Janeiro by an explosion of the powder magazine, 212 I ssaengessenscscrnetss either well or ill of his business. ee a ee : ‘ ) 22, : i a, ent ™ | |} steamship, Cape Beale, Vanecou- ee ee " | “ |ver Island, 117. estuary of Highest Value in Plain and