THE DAILY NEWS. Georgetown THE MUMMY OF SPRING WELCOMES CALL SawmillCo. lid A SORCERESS THROUGHOUT THE LAND Lumber Facts Regarding the Terrible wae! TO “PLA y BASEBALL” printed Occult Story, the Tell- | ing of Which ts Blamed for) 4 Mouldings the Titanic Catastrophe. 320 SU to measure FOR °8.6 Duty Pald). epee te and ' Carriage ene suit has been ‘ curson’s $8 er ueands of thelr Weird and terrible is the] valued dian friends at $20. \ , ted st f | gana 14 with A large stock of dry finish- : owe the mum-| 4 ee ing lumber on hand. Boat Britis! | ihe tion given oF lumber a specialty. Delivery ela f whicl W I ul and is produced made at short notice. i Stead. th ry ¥ a\] Textiles. Oy WAC Sreat SI ’ edi “i4 me Th comfort in Our prices are as low as any. \ ' ae,“ ye 4 mueeon cut” is no mere ‘s : ae seit sbi tmbe ; D3 i wteatement, but a teuth Call on us before ordering. awl ecult power tie stupend- 1 Mhich has been attested by eee Tite ee . tients residing at all points bale! | i = ge paid to the OFFICE: The mum Su fa prir -| ‘| is pa cess of anciet . ost order, 08 EMPRESS THEATRE BLOG. | CN! Bespt IE was if f these suits is Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. found in a solitary pyramid, deep | buried in sand in a remote part . id anywhere at twice ev—at least, this is what iy about the Curzon if the Egyptian desert by an ex- plorer and antiquarian research Seep ererre oe nae serecet expert of royal blood, who de- ciphered with difficuliy the hiero- givphies on the mummy case the 40 Sult : , the tailoring. As 1s well then there | a y ; is the hub of the tailoring en. 0nd r - Hj and Me Curzon Bros., as practical | Se aecing experts themselves, are in @ position The part of the story which has| tore he most qualified workmen in the never been printed is followed by iost terrible denunciatory to secure tt ‘ t - all these reasons Curzon tailoring trade. jg sold with lowing guarantee: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY RETURNED IN FULL. | Silver and 4 Gold Medals for Tailoring Excellence. AND inessage to anyone who dared to disturb the resting place of the ANNEX princess, who was a sorceress of tremendous oceult power. The OA BERR cg AREY paceman Gaetan tee Awarded el . . ae matt ppeal to the thoughtful man: t at is perhaps. why we ie vii tewed 2 hardly at r clientele such well-known men as the following — ‘ eee. nae he taal r dese- Bt Rev, R. J. Campbell, Hon. G. E. Foster, M.P., Horatio Bottomley, M.P., ee omb seemed to em-| Lieut.-Col. A. E. Belcher, Lieut.-Col. Dr. S. H. Glasgow, Hon. R. R, | body an eerie foreknowledge that| Fitzgerald Canon Davidson, Comte. Ubaldo Beni, Lieut.-Col. Owned and operated by the ff! the tomb would be desecrated, for Hugh Clarke P. Downey, M.P., W. H. Doyle, M.P., Hon. F. Ww. || Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on fj} it warned the desecrator that his| ‘tr fustace Miles, Dr. T. R. Allinson, Major-Gen. J. C. the American and European plan. [| ™@nner of death would be mon=| strously cruel and bloody beyond | belief, that not a bone of his body | || modern conveniences, being abso- |}would remain whole and that not '% Intely first-class in every respect. even in the grave would his re- |mains rest at peace. They w } The appointments and service " They Woe a pt, Mr. Matheson Lang, Mr. Montague Holbein. F ard and address same to us as below, asking for out f materials. Together with patterns, we send you ymplete instructions for accurate self-measurement, sent free and carriage paid, We dispatch your order nd if you do not approve, return the goods, and we Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all within seve 7 will refund t ney. ; | are equal to any hotel on the i onde einds aw ‘hel scattere ) : inds ant e| | $20 SUIT TO MESURE Duty Baia) FOR $8.60. = | vods until not a vestige of them | remained, Address for Patterns :— oe defiance of these terrible CURZON BROS., GLOUGHER SYNDICATE (Dept !-¢ ), Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day ithreats the explorer had the ‘ 449 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. oe | mmy case, which was an ex-| THREE IDOLS OF ff ceptionally perfect and beautiful THE DIAMOND The Worlds e, removed from its resting A place in the an pyramid ind On the top at the left is Homer ae G. A. Sweet, Manager. {ERM ON aiidans tbe aoe Wagner, the star shortstop of allors, a ee d ; the National League; on the right ien toward the coast It was ’ , i il : : is ly Gobb, of the Detroit Tigers, premier batsman of the world; below is Matty Mathewson, the Giants’ star twirler, who is con- sidered the best all-round man- ipulator of the horsehide in the major leagues. addressed to the Egyptologists of the British Museum in case of} (Dept. ) 60/62 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND. West Bnd Depot: 1335 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND. Please mention this paper. r having. to send it ts discovere ahead of him All that journey F. M. DAVIS SS. to the coast was beset with diffi- General Machine Shop and Ship’s Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- — , . e e - fanke"hiorse and’ rox Gasoline Prince Rupert Offerings: Engines. Cleveland and Chiego, but the X Ch THA 3 Til AN POST . ; | De ocbe ALL CHARGES, BO’ DUTY AND FORTAGS cessories carried in stock. Ls | gi > at S 4 s he » Es Only $5.0 moun Biol 3 UN IVERSA a | Al oe hd Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf SECTION 1 | game at {, Louis had to be post maa lgh trame Lot 81, block 16, with house and barn| poned because of rain. On the os! Any Style, #9 50 renting $100.00 per month, $9,000.00; | fear Z oe ‘. ay Extra Pull of half cash, balance 6-12-18 months, 7| Pacific coast the leaguers played per cent | at Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles. There were games, of course, at many other places, and everywhere the attendance ; was reported to be immense. Old timers report that the interest in the game is greater than ever, and the gates for this season will make that of all previous ones sink into insignificance. The Daily News hopes to have ya Hair, $13.00 mange . ha u unference ot WNION $s COMPANY OF B [ ltd ots 3 and 4, block 8, €10,000; 1-3 cash, | a e ¢ neede WU, Uy balance 9-15 months | | Lots 21, block 27, $10,000.00; half} yal 6-12 months and 10, block 11, $15,500.00; equity balance 6-14-22 months block 16, $6,000.00; $2,560.00 balance 12-18 months, 6“ =e “9 Chelohsin” js: aus crrtetge » 9 She PALL , e new stee!] Passenger Steamers ss u mar-4 Bre de CL ¥ b 2 block 20, $1,400.00; $458.75 cash, balance 1-2-3 years, 6 per cent k 2 $i, 00; 8392.5 cash, A STYLISH | balance 1-23 years, 6 per cent Tourer § ONLY 85.00 ée 93 ) Batis 2 block 14, § UU; 8400.1 cash, - } balance 1-2 years, 6 per cent | a better telegraphic service than Besencton . ee SECTION 5 ast year, and for one thing the OFS. eo Lot 19, block 2, & 0; arrange fo! 5 % i TWIT OF PURE LONG HAIR teh) t m names Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver | terms i * a elegraphic line has been much pee f to length an — as follows: Mae tenets a chonthe 9 inert cash, mproved and the breaks in the $5.00 charted ‘iil Ape: Lot 41, block 32, With 2-room_ house, | long stretch through the moun- AlOrders bean ieee es ; “Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m.| $1,000,000; 850 6-12 months. 3 he ee —tainotis res are. not f fend tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 13 %0 Lots @-and 10, block 45, §800-00; $400.08 ainous region are. DO) 60. she" over : c as ‘ . st. ” cash, balance 6-12-18 months This time las Ee] . ole eagu ¢ ational vague ¢é 1h ont So ‘ > ay aCe i CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, Bae eee Fone ge t0 or 12.00. * Camosun ° Saturdays at 10 am.Jicu i6- aha 47 17. $2,100.00; This time last week the whole} League, th National League andj; quen that we may prac 449 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. Toupet only, $2.25 or $3 50. ; : cash $1,000.00, balance 6-12-18 months.Jof the country was In a state of|the Coast League all sent their|tically rely upon being able to \ TH { 84, FOXBERRY ROAO Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening | ' Bure 8249 S oaths at Sap OM |} annual excitement over the open-|crack twirrers to the bat. Great|give the games in the issue of a B R§ : o > iv. , 5 . > ci a Manageress BROCKLEY. Lonvoon,S.E ENGLAND. and Monday morning, respectively Lots 1 and 3 ick 9, $4,000.00; half cash,|jng of the baseball season, and) games followed the next day in|the day after they are played # 5 1 S- o alance 6-12 } 5 3 ee SECTION 6 mn Thursday the American|New York, ‘Philadelphia, Boston, with unbroken regularity. it = None safer on the coast than these two | /°f re ‘re ee 0; $800.00 cash, - mene fine passenger steamers Lot 6, block ans ve equity casb.| oyity, but through sickness, peril;again. The dreadful curse was rr Bee een Kak tan with : abin, $550.00; cash} 2nd storm the stubborn archae-| literally fulfilled 12 250.00, balan a 12 months, Saini | ologist pressed on, When he had But the mummy case with the FOR e LEA FROM HOME TO HOME," J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116} ° baianice ¢-12 uhouths, {cot his men” wits tapis Mureehidead .princéss who was a9 ter ° ts 3 and . lock 06, ,200.00; Casb 5 ‘ » etraig laar muy . - ee $500.00 balan e 6-12 months Jon the traight, clear way to the rible a sorceress Was cenveyed to = é Lots 238, and 39. ! D kK 6, $i.708.00) cash coast, he pene, in _ march}ine Britain though twice the ship * Fe H¢ ) | ° Lot block 4 8475.00; equity cash or} and was tlemptec o make an ex- which carried it tool fire and Ty EL ELYSIUM McCaffery & Gibbons $425.00 all cash, This 1s @ Snap. feursion after rhinoceros, He was he wi shes 1 ae the Fay 50 x 100 feet SECTION 8 a bine ; See BOO WER Ame een ne Sid, Sykes, Manager FOR SALE ie ica 9750.60; att Ee t in the h "s te ar glade} or Biscay. The mummy is still Corner 1 ts 50 an c oe, 400-00) iby a tremendous Du rhinoceros, | . . . the Finest, Newes 1 x we 5. Block 28, Section 1, $2,800. Eas ash, balance 6-12 months. : in the British Museum, but few , 6 h St t, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver, oo ae cm SA rae W8Y) ots 46 and 47, block 27, $900.00; half} which, with incredible tary, | yo. ple venture to the silent cor and Ave and “ : Excellent Cafe srate Price o ock 27, Sectior Seco € cash, balance 6-12 months pete : Sas pie ( s or- “cc lent Cafe, Moderate Prices, I A 8, Block , Section 1, Second Ay a mance, ot ck $6, double corner,| turned on him when wounded and igor where. it stands: The Hart Corner I a Avenue oO 2,625 as 750.00; hall h, balance 6-12 months./ pored ¢ “¢ » ¢ 4 1142 Pender Street West ~ _ Vancouver, B.C £m Baur es. Baa) ote D5 halt cMiuck 15, $500,005 halt] 60!" d and trampled him to death} watchmen who guard it can tell 10 to 25 year lease Ly .. ene ot on Market Place for $3,100, Easy cash, balance 6-12-18 months, in most awful manner under the}... , ; wR OA ; r Lot on Market a r $3,4 Das) : : eerie stories of the accidents that Off df Phone 8500. terms Lot 8,'block 10, $450.00; half cash, bal-| ony eyes of his panic stricken | ered from 4 in, re House and lot on Borden Street for $3,500 ance 1-2 h $200.00 . " * have happened through its ale-| A t 16 1912 j 4 WOW Aes AAT £1.50 "as a as rms Lo 10, block 4, $ cash 2 0, ollowers . . . if a 3 I ois 29 crit MA, 7 40, Section 5, balance 12 months folowel ful influence They never go ugus , 43 —___ £1,000 each Half cash, bal, 6, 12 and They buried him on a sandy|near it after nightfall. An ex- hd is months ni int : . , | ry Lot 10, with S-room house with bath, slope not far from the scene of} pert occultist, who has penetrat-| re Block 15, Section 5, $2,750 Tern Th. COLLART , : ; : ES Ay ; . ‘ eo f 81,000 cash ,bal. in ant ee his terrible death, Fearful storms ed deep into the mysteries of the Continent rust 0. t Lots 27 and 28, Block 29, Section 5, Sole Agent : unknown beyond, has enuncl- * i £527.50, Half cash Natural Resources Seourity Co., Ltd. followed his interment, rains beat ted the theory that the mummy Second Avene ii ot 11, Block 82, Sec 5, $1,00 a el e sor} Z ys ; W I t 11,3 ock Section $1,000. Good! go, gos 225 6th &t. Phone 381) jogwn and thunder and lightning 1 influence is les ronounced ° Lots 21 and 22, Block 141, Section 5 Bankers: Union Bank of Canada evil influence s less pronounce Ne (ese 84,500 palr 1,500 cash,’ crashing overhead drove the na-|{oward those who approach her) ; 3 ago Biock t6. Section 6, 61,650. Half e ives terror etrick away. .The|with the spirit of reverence, but | We have nmediat ' f 11 Roat Lot 14, Block $2, section 5 with 413 neem WATER NOTICE river that flowed beneath the|to ali who look upon her déese-| i heqdiate purchas y s in Sections 1ouse, ,800 a cash | = & Five i Six — ee oy vr Od 1S 2 re Lots 9¢ and $2, Block 91, Section 6, eee slope where the man was buried|crated coffin with the spirit of aE, : Six. Subm x8. 750 eac yi : nines 23 For Sale | ee Lot 7 age bg tion 6, 82,500.)FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AND | rose with the tremendous trop-|curiosity the consequences are ° ° B;* ee , ho “s sec. 1, Price $6000. : $2500 cash, balance eet) caees Section 6, $2,500. $4 coat USE WATER ical rains and, sweeping all be-|never any thing but terribly dan- Advertise In 4 2 and 18 months. Look this up. taal? * 0 Whe , | as Se fore it, bore down the very leerous, The writer of this rough | Lots 18 and 14, Block 18, Section ¢ NOTICE is hereby given that the 4 : | that | : £4,000 pair, Good terms. — "| Queen Charlotte Fishing Company, mound on which was the grave,/outline has reason to know tha s Second Ay; | Lot 45, Block 1, Section 6, $3,155. Good] Limited, of 207 Carter-Cotton Bidg.,|and carried the poor pulp that}death, tragic and terrible, has _ terms. ly adi . ; e : P prensa PA 0 & RADFORD > bie. corner on Seventh Avenue, section | ¥ aren eh Os wie apply iu * a |had been the explorer right down} visited one of his owa- mee e ews i, l TULL 7, for $1,060, eenee to take and use four cubic feet} : ena pe eee un Cg t et ete ae alee Z. a. Lots 19 and 20, Block 84, Section 7, per second of water out of Edward | * ith it to the se a. Ne ver ¢ ve n a!lrelatives who visited the mummy < \ ct eee oi beotion Fy 88a8 Greek, which flows in a south-westeriy | shattered bone of him was found! when warned against so doing, a [ets 8 and 19, Block 1, Section 8, $1,100 | direction through unsurveyed Crown —— pair, Half cash lands and empties into Two Mountain ——EeEoEoooeeeeee ee LOLs 18 4 ae ot eek small cash| Bay near Tassco Harbor, The water SS PAP pEa ae ae | will be diverted at Third Falis and will eT SS ! sents in ened coalae: Kit kal | be used for industrial purposes on the Far eT oy are, | eae a \land described as shown In sketch at _IN THE— ! and Bulkley vatieys, in blocks of 16 Wat R jer’ fi neta ae Rupe be acres Up | ater Recorder s office, rince art, ren acre tracts adjoining Terrace town |gn4 situated on the East Coast of Two} Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley ALLO OR GORY DERE Mountain Bay. | x F RM | "This notice was posted on the ground | Bulkley Valley Fort George District A KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANI Ml P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 ee Juilders | the 10th day of April, 1912 The | > pracTs OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Plumb, uppli : e ai . ;on the 10th Gay Apr, o | IN TRACTS OF ACRES A s ins SUD] Sheet and Plate Glass f | application will be filed’in the office of | : aint F Plate Glass Mirrors McCa fery & ibbons lthe Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. | Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on THIRD AVENUE | Objections may be filed with the said | easy terms. | Water Recorder or with the Comptrol.- | ———eeEE ler of Water Rights, Parliament Build- | a a 11 , 7 y 7 \ ings, Vict , B.C | INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE | “Bocen Charlotte Fishing Company, | NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY 9 Limited NOTICES IN THE | Limited, ee eicl A Moulton, Agent. | PAID UP CAPITAL §1,500,000.00 VANCOUVER, B.C. | By Samue NEWS Pub. Apri! 16. | phic ve HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges Amnishes Tinware Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE The oe