Te! DAILY SE? THe Dany News ODDSON A Sis" THE LEACUNG NEWSPAPER & ONSORTHERS SOOT COLA AFEST Puttabed Duty ant Conky tr WOODROW THE POUNCE RUPERT PUSLISSIMC CO LTD. PRINCE SL PERT. OC TWIN SCREW STEAMERS TRAMSIENT DESPLAT ADVERTISIWS — 50 cores per neh Gontrert rates WILSON ars “PRINCE RUPERT", AND “PRINCE GEORCE” eo applies : Ge j MONDAYS AND FRIQDAYS © «« SUBSCRIPTION RATES Te Cammda Unmet States ent Mere Themt ie (un Ge Oe et a oer eet or BS ger eer eee =e, Ee er peer A Otter Countries — Dally, S60 per peer Weekly. SL per peer erie atv FELD OF PRE Daily Seon Suliding, Tetrt Aee. Price Expert BC OTe © ‘ = i ad 98 aye : BRANCH OFFICES AND 2CECUES merrat . wt : & = fe :< ° Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System Sew Youn —Setiocal Newspaper Bereen, TH Det Diet New Tert Ory 4 . «i . . = a : t . sets Rest. commectia Fae = Beiwe mm . e pret - —_ 7 * s ’ Saarti2s —Puget Seent News Co ; Bb eres ’ : — Pest est. Let us prepare ittmerery * 3 r wip Ea . - ' t Siearrs™'s L ree oe ‘ formation as hemees, Decisee— Te Conger Speiicete. Geant Trent Buti Trafsige: ae a arr ne GENE, toners tee’ © f : soces Seeeceeees oH greet slige ty gewpdy calling @ Poe © com of nenieierery of mattetmer ot the pert of the news carters | ¥ “ , ) | Ta pueemeaen: : = = nto iow FAMOUS SAFETY y PRINCESS ee RUPERTS PALACE F COMPoR LINE SERVICE S. S. Princess Sophia SOUTHBOUND New Saturday, July 27, 9a.m. a @ WAR, Gerere! Agent Knox EASTERN sessn Hotel — The New Kect Boe " : : ; = is no element of chance or likelihood of mishap in her Excursions = ==—~ * Se cooking arrangements; that meals will be ready | eer AVENUE. | promptly on time. by th The Gurney Economizer is an assurance against . * e@ accident and mishap in cooking. It is a simple device Oriental Limited Hotel Central © feu | and found enly on the Gurney-Oxford. One lever ~ controls everything. The fire can be slowed down | 3——~ SOLID TRAINS — for hours and revived in a few minutes. An arrange- daily from Vancouver ment of flues makes the Gurney-Oxford Oven always = uniformly heated—the Gurney-Oxford Oven is never ley Ag eg ag * to blame! It will make a good cook a better cook ; it and let us tell you all about it does more than its share towards making every meal R > St hi ..Grand Hotel. : te — P Workingman's Home Agency Free Labor Barran m Conneciee ‘a : Phone 178 is FRED STORK rome PRINCE RUPERT UMN SS COMPANY OF B.C. Lid COAL r Seatti- The new steel Passenger Steamers New Wellington Cos Best on & DISEASES MAY “Chelohsin” ie so ma BE CURED Ciacaral” Apserese of every’ concripes® “Camosun” = THE IROQUOS 25.— What] a Poem 245 Jini, Mer. wn #74 Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver POOL as follows: Engtish and Ar ‘ “ee 2 ellie ‘ ' ' ‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays af 7 p.m. Twelve Tables : : 9 te - cs WOLFFE'S —J.MITCHELL = “omen = Sms 0 nt avthorized by the ° “ i - ; Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening “ener “CHANNEL SWIM SENTENCED TO “So EA Barden + Klemanr {f Be ‘ Cartage, Uoal a 5 a6 - None safer on the coast than these two - Hospital, Dr. J. W. Beveridge} fine p ager steamers Reliable Messene rne Medical Schoo! and Dr - { Metehonike® Laboratory : 1. H. ROGERS, Agent Plane 116;°°""* @ 735 3rd Aw peosilive hat a : f ry these diseases. which they have! rhe als 5 Jabez ashmator July 24—Johr beet psig practically ai) fT- ie amateu * five he ofl . le t dqusneN TEER their cases r the laet few asie ot ta m acr 4 Federat hor f Laber . ° nihs, has worked so well that/the Eng el today. He * ed tod he Dis LINDSAY’S CARTAGE and er. es 10s : nt . . i al vieyin ; ‘ 4 2 supreme court s are either entirely STORAGE wed 3 ads r astonishing!; KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY ured siready or astomishingis| distance from Dover. where he|to nine | monthe “imprison & CR tent The up-to-date Mouse Set the ie acid which the st ’ ; ; tors of Prince Rupert ira snd retur a her - : ’ ‘ane Orders promeuy Gied = Prices reasomatde. THIED ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 15% PHONE Ne. 2 othe furnishes. The cure ’ : he has made the ai-/ pans = An appea (5 OFFICE—H. B Rochester. Centre st. Phone @ . *,° i¢ f liquid from the b Ee tiem to re entered (ne : . alo * : = ign Writing. Coon ¢ bacilius Bulgaricus taken the vicinity of Cape Grisnez at abide h- : fu meee . 2 oe Faree Se-ue Capes daly £091 4:06-8 He was accompanied upp essh ? Paper-Hanging, ew months A tablespoonful by several «wimmers. who alter- Little's NEWS Ag er each meal is ordinary size| nately kept pace with him in the All standard brands of cigars ency Our Specialties water garetts oa ba sat .— * Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers ae —-— WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS # the Reval Dairy Choicest liquors and cigars— CIGARS =: TOBACOOS FRUITS TATE $5 177 Savoy. Subscribe for the Daily News. 2nd Ave. Below Kaien isiand Club 2nd Street Phone 156 Gre a soverssinieneigenctiininas Cigar —Drawn for The Daily News by “Hof xo A X * >) i BEG YouR PARDON BUT IM AFRAD T YE SED JUST 4 TRIFLE aaneaeiae ab aaabahehahbahinn rene hben