——, BRITISH M.P. RESIGNS WITH CURSES AGAINST THE GOVT. FOR NOT ACTING IN STRIKE London, July 24—Cursing the government's refusal to inter. ‘ vene in the dock strike here, in S which more than 250,000 men, women and children are suffer- ing privation, James O'Grady left his seat in the House of Commons, swearing that he would not retain his place in that body while women and children starved. O'Grady demanded that Prem- ier Asquith intervene in the strike. Asquith said it was im- possible. O'Grady then shouted “This is a damned scandal,” and left the chamber at once. pie Macon, Ga., “Sats 25—Drag- ged from her home at midnight, stripped of her clothing and brutally horseWhipped by fhree men, Miss Elsie Carter, a comely young woman of Dublin, Ga.,, is in a dangerous condition in an hospital here today with her London, July 24—The tenth} body from the waist down cov- week of the strike of the dock-|ered with welts. workers ended today with no Although Miss settlement in sight. About 60,000 men are out, and their wives and children, numbering about 250,- 000 are living on charity, Carter refused to disclose the identity of her as- sailants, her sister told the au- thorities that she was whipped because she spurned the love of = V. O. Dazier, aged 18, who was Smith's Cigar Store. Cigars of| infatuated with her. character and reputation. Sixth — t., between 2nd and 3rd. 177 Tey a Daily News Want ad. The Daily News ee es a nn — : = In Re Assigned Estate of 4. 1D. M'INNES “The News” Classified Ads. Unreserved Sale ASK UNCLE Jerry =One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== |} cmmrors ore Ro blic Auction we Se °" FOR SALE —~# i= : | | THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— iGerner First Ave. and Seventh st FATAL SHOT = |____sWante amen te ae”, cash WANTED—First class wood turner, Prince MABEL qd ots 13-14, Block 19, ¢s ‘ | Rupert Sash & Door Co 149-0f REMARKS atur ay, ug. r cash weranyrae COMPLETELY furnished modern fiat, Ap Lot 29, Block 37, 61 ply 735 Washington Block, Second AT 2P.M 2% ‘ avenue, Phone %86 i76tf Bection Bix Frank A, Ellis, favored with iM-) jor te, Block es, $1.9 ' — > hat it’s nice to be begged if! structions from Mr I QO. Ht 56 cu ou won't please be so good as} semionen estes D ection Sever San Francisco, July 25 ot Miscellaneous | ae : namie tor the | Reitehel, assigner ate A Lot 20, Block 10, 88 to be so kind as to app! | McInnes, will sell as above with-| Lots 14-12, Block 13, $i am tired of life, dear, and am go-| Lot Block 39, 87° ; | —? job | ont reserve ing to end all my troubles right} Section tiem FOR LEASE—Rooms now occupied by ; fit Lots 9-40, Block 80, 8 now, Listen a moment Wanderers Club, Apply a Warks Phat it’s a bold alderman who'd Granding Contractor's Out! te 9-20, Bioet j This was the last message hace leare to pluck the last rose od Including i FOR RENT over-the telephone early today | summer, rhirty tons steel rails Five fOom ue on? by Mrs. Elizabeth Kemmitzer to For Rent | " 10 sets car trucks Bride St, $25 per mor . a friend, Miss Helen Bahr. Then — That she won't set her cap al] 2 gin poles complete ie : the sound of the revolver shot! on pext—singer sewing machines. Bay|the next city engineer in a cos-| Block, pulleys - es . rang clear through the receiver. View Hotel, First and second = 176-181) (ume of old rose colored silk Blacksmith’s outfit, drill ug er, The lifeless body of Mrs. Kem-|por —MeIntyre Hall; well heated ‘ . Quantity drill steel! ; 7 mitzer was found lying close to| Sad H@hted. J He ROGERS, Phone eee That the Pioneers do. their Hammers, saws, picks, shovels PHONE 31 » tele , FOR RENT—Two suites first class house-| “he a an sual s dries the telephone, keeping rooms, also store, in new build vests proud. Chains and usua URGE — ing on 6th avenue, oppusite ~~. — lo be sold without reserve. : ; . fi conveniences. Apply Tony , Sererrooooes, Cream from the Royal Dairy Christies. — eat tf That under the watchful eye will whip. Phone 35. +: mew) of Alderman B.-W. the came! in|] FRANK A, ELLIS, Auctioneer, the Park Commission zoo won't Prince Rupert > fe —————— For Sale suffer from curvature of the spine so badly as before HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale at 825 ——— Borden 8t, 171-172 That the one second cabin pas ‘ | FOR SALE—Two incubators, practically) opnger on the Prince Rupert must} On and After Tuesday : y 5 Apply } - | a) oes ben. is aac tebe have felt like a soul no good we ' ; a > : FOR SALE—By owner, 160 acres; 90 acres; enough for Heaven and mn bad Th R ID open meadow land, balance timber; g00d) oh for the other place e oya airy land; the pick of the north of Graham) island. Will make a One * tock Fanch. | —— will deliver Fresh Cream 0 r acre. Four miles from store : pian sp Saag WF ys ae! M. Miller, B.dah,| That an invisible typewriter ts ; we in 1858 John Jacob Astor bought Bb. C., Graham Island “12 }ihe kind that vanishes when your] Milk, Buttermilk and _ Ice a fectanure, & farm — & as ' =| wife comes into the office Cream to any part of the Row G iely populates 9 40 chains south, thence 160 chains ‘st, elf present m . la , ae tice will be sold or destroyed Any pector, intend to apply = cas tent DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. — purchase the following describec ands ; commencing at a post planted on the Notice is hereby given that the partner PORCHER ISLAND is going to oe east coast of Banks Island, about five miles ship heretofore subsisting between the pand also. in a few years you in @n easterly direction from End Hill, undersigned as contractors and carriers will hear people talk about the Pub. July 22, 1012. irnes, provided bills for sarne Here’s a Chance are reathaal on or before July 1, 1912 ae oa a ’ aomeemnenmaes GEORGE M. BEIRNES Skeena Land District ore of Coast, LYSTER MULVANY Fruit tend in ten acre dioccks, Take, notice that I, Eli T. H. Hamblet, of London, July 24—Premier As-| Hazelton, B. C., June 7, 1912 j29 close to the bathing beach. Come STREET Terrace, B. C., Cecupation engineer, intend quith has decided today to fore- Se in and talk it over to apply for permission to purchase the 5 . ‘ . | following described lands go the pleasure of appearing al) ANIMALS IMPOUNDED. a Commencing at &@ post planted on the rivale receptions until t | south bank of Beaver River and about 4%| Private reception ntil the s ne yellow and white dog and one black thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chaius| (hree receptions in SUCCESSION, | persons claiming said animals “must ) east following the meander of river back pa) A Complete Line of )) { COLL. on y — I Per Eli Th. Hambiet a The phenomenal slaughter sale} Coast District, Vancouver Island, British | ) Dated June 10th, 1912 . , ge ; ; Columbia, and that the said company has| | > Pub. duly 16, 1912 . at Hart's Big Furniture Store also Sled ot the one of the Registrar of 1 . . : : : i yeeds at Victoria, British Columbia, being | { © 9 Skeena Land District—-District of Coast will continue until the ond of the! @, proper registry in that behalf, a du-| ~THE \ : Range V ‘iImonth, In mentioning the other| Plicate of the said pian and description and!) ))) Take notice that 1, Janet Traynor, of « the . Savhuces } will apply to the Governor General in \ Terrace, B. C., occupation married woman,| “> at ayhurst, who in-| Jounell for approval thereof eT intend to apply for rmission to purchase} augurated the sale, had returned] ,, — — day of May, A. D. 1912., \\ the following described lan ae ; ~LIMITED southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence} Sale was over. There still remain ' Idi | 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west,|, fow days to take advantage of so aes , ee ne: ou Ings } thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains | ‘ ®t . . , . ' cast folowing meander of river back w) unheard-of bargains in the house WATER NOTICE. Al of Sonal point of commencement, containing 64( . Buildi Wes = Seees tase af Thai furnishing line. Kinds ing Supp JANET TRAYNOR ee For a License to Take and Use Water. “Life and the Bible” will be the] take and use 100 cubie feet 4 Must be cleared out within the week at sacrifice prices Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| uiject of Rev, Warren H “| of water out of Mcknight Creek, which al | Be hand early to take ad f the bes Southwas sorter ef. fer S888, teense! niu tyre Hall, Third ave-| this notice was posted on wie ground) Big stoek of all kinds ° \ on y e a vantage 0 t southwest corner of T. L. No. #255, thence! ue, near Sixth street. Strangers |0@ ™e 25th day of May, 1912. The « Timothy , thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains| Cordially invited. Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C.| 1 Gra Corner 3rd Ave. and 7th Street vast ‘meandering "river back wo point “ot seat A Clover an \ ve. commencement, containing 640 acres, more " ye Water Reeorder or with the Comptrotier | Seeds 4 wasic reners Province, e ? ° tinhaing orth, Shenes ‘Calis wens] (9 rough: house the wccasion {at tee Camniny Meads fg SEs H. pouaLas . . . . sjto “roug ouse re occasion,| of the Dominion of Canada a plan of al Seeee er eee 2 oa saa certain wharf and other works proposed to, 339 Third Ave. P. 0. Box 6 ] point of commencement, containing 320 ‘ swrigtien af tee thas eee =~ ya ! (Opposite Post Office 9 acres more or less, Hart's Sensational Sale. pany for the said wharf at Cousins Inlet, | ssi septal” te ae Club last week in his honor was | WAVI@ABLE . Skeena Land District—District of Coast)” 7 WATERS PROTECTION ACT Range V. indefinitely postponed on the ur i Take notice that I, Margrite Nicoll, of Notice is hereby given pursuant to the| qwo Lots, Block 26, % se vent 5 ; rent advice of Scotland Yard,| provisions of Chapter 115 of the Revised : erm Terrace, B. C., occupation widow, intend] ® p ; Ave., $500 each; § to apply for permission to purchase the} which had received a tip that aj S's of Canada and Amending Acts) wo ‘Lots, block 14 s, Mone following described lands: : that the Ocean Falls Co., Limited, an in Loup, $500 each, 1-4 ance Commencing at & post planted on the| band of suffragettes had planned] corporated company incorporated under) ¢° 43 and 18 months . the laws of the Province of British Co . north bank of Beaver River and about 4% yniy » attac the Premier © propertics with me for quill miles in a westerly direction from the not only to attack the Premier|iumbia and having its head oMce in the| Gist your proper A City of vancouver in the said to the south, it was not intended TUPPER & GRIFFIN Commencing at a a Slanted on the ' solic . *, south bank of Beaver River and about 6%|(o convey the impression that the Pub a the Said Company miles in @ westerly direction from the ’ . wis Per 7: : oe, Agent. ; Se . Notice te hereby given that the Prince} a ° ba ne 10 1912. Bapt rvi . upert Hydro-Electric Co, Lid., of Mon-| Pub. J) ‘6, 1912. st ces Sunday treal, Canada, will apply for a license to Piret Avenue Phone ise Mec. a . cea, of Kisumu uti, " bre. soctupation Leod's sermo atomortow evening | Sess Beast mee cbeai't’ aie a . B. C.. o2 : plies nto Ocsa. er u i fire warden, intend to apply for permis-|@t 7:30 o'clock. Morning wor.| above mouth of Browns Creek. The water FED (0 sion to purchase the following described ship at 14 and Brothert 1 Bible| Wil be diverted at MeKnight’s Lake ‘the | lands 7 s0Ul 1D)@ | will be used for ower purposes on Commencing at a t planted ip ihe; Class at 2:30 p. m. All services| land described as ™. Aghew @ Seasen| north bank of Beaver River and about 2% held in MelInt a ne to purchase a flows in a northeasterly direction through| «= a 40 chains north, thence 160 chains west, plication will be fled in the oMee of t ¢ | Garden Seeds, ‘\ Take notice that |, Tice Traynor,| '! the real estate, mining and —— 4 ae B. C., occupation physician,| fipancial business, arrive , —ALL KINDS OF Fret iy for permission to pur arrived on the \ 1 o—_ the following described lands Prince Rupert today on the way - ee Oo. a or jess, of Water Rights, Parliament Builds L- VINCENT : Visite Alice Arm. Victoria, B. ¢ tee Mail Orders Promptly A‘tendeé® posed sane ou tt J, G, MeLaren, an old time Yu-| THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC-| ~~ —— Pub, July 16, 191 koner and successful mining TRIC CO. LTD, Applicant | i lengeee . 1B By A. W. Agnew, Agent. | y Skeena Land District-— piaenics of Coast,;man, now located in Vancouver Pub, June 3, 1012 Agents International Stock fool Commencing at & post planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about 24 |! Alice Arm to look over the SMITH & MALLETT Ree miles in 8 westerly qirection from the} mining situation thers THIRD AVE. southwest corner of T, L. 2255, thence ; : : si 40 chains south, thence 160 chains wast, Plumbing, Heating, Ste fitting and WE ARE THE A ~-IN THE— easy terms. . . | east, following meander of river back to} al Aathurst a 9 mit | Beis cine nponcement, containing oso) and the othe ill be used for pa. PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley IN TRACTS OF 160 ACKES AND UPWARDS thence 40 chains nor th, thence 160 chain east, following meander of river back to TORONTO AUGMENTS Office anal Hote West point of commencement, containing 640 5 Sed Ave, Workshop 3 | K | eres more oF loss. LIFE SAVING SERVICE [Phone 4 Bnd Ave. bet. Th and Sth Sits = SEYMOUR TRAYNOR } ited Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent ( 7 ws : bate yiuune, en, 9h jomnanvanide Thompson, of (}h === | /}) 0 Liverpoo! & | \ Life Saving Service, has com- | Insurance: />keena Land bigtrict istrict of Coast, — his work with the estab. FREE! FREE! FREE! { Take notice that 1, Alonzo Hambiet, of| MeN of the Toronto Life Bav- , , Everett, Washington, occupation engineer,| ing Btiation an: oe i he Phdenis A Bulkley Valley Fort George District | puorest, | Washington, eceupation enguivor,| ing Biation and has left for Ot A big beautiful 88 ke London, | | chase the following deseribed lands | (awa lt is ay unced that in giactuhe’ i ey sondon ,; | Commencing at & post planted on the) siead of 0 rv : cour’e Player piano, worth inet Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on \jules. tas wectery denedee Tam 6% | | yy ee Saat mnetee $1,200 given away to the The British An esterly direction from the| launches be used } the i southwest corner of T, L. 2256, taence| | "Ny ue pool players in the Base Co, of | |40 chains north, thence 60 chains west,|°"¥. One launch will be sta-| ment pool i | thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains|tjioned a Hath room, Emprese “| street station) 3 Theatre buliding. ‘ trol duty VANCOUVER, B.C. ff por en We helee haces, | ) | Pati se tes | Subseribe for the Daily ews. | TRY A NEWS WANT AD G. R. Naden Co, ul SROOND Aayenv®