AND DESPATCH waARACTRRIZE THE, — Legislative Library _ NT _— il, NO. 177 LINE SUPT. SATISFIED BY VISIT in, superintendent of government tele. turned on Satur- p of inspeetion ex- iv as New Hazelton horoughly satis- vay the develop- going on and the he has under him ct In Mr. Frank! popular lecal su- he is assured that ealize they have an ‘lous official who will jin the Order vided, ments, The south on the } Glearihue, nturned to re nder| | Adams, is complete and] Ww, D possible, | Andrews, THE DOCK : STRIKE IN BRITAIN. ; | | | i Devonport talking the| with his secretary} ceeding to an import- with some of the EVERAL BY S. S. SOPHIA SOUTHWARD cess Sophia had the *& passenger list on her ! trip on Saturday HW. H. Porter, O, Kol- “. Rogers. Miss Etle, riley, J. BK. Gorlett, H. George Pearson, Dr. tll, Mrs, Hall, H. W. Davis, Mrs, Davis, Mr. 1, Miss Battersby, Mrs. \. Kogers, ©. Niekerson, rson, C, Brinton, G, Moser, T. A. Kelly, T. H ery, J. Miller, G, Stiver, McKay, Donald Davis, RK. '. Riehards, Mr. Drew, “, Miss Johnson, : from the Royal Dairy|this morning on the Prince Ku- ! Phone 35, 177 pert. - = —— — . eit nat Stirrat, Henning, bD. L. Gillespie, H. W. Smith, ¢ M. G. MeDonald, W Mrs, Fisher, Mrs Kauffman, Fisher hardt. tendent, leuesiers morning after making a tour « between this city and of the On Wednesday night, or P. Hall, the Frat: of Hagles will on their usual elabor and enjoyable seale. There be refreshments smoker line THE DAILY NEWS & Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE Rurenr, B.C., Monpay, JuLy 29, 1912. HOME RULE STRIFE SHUTS IMMENS » SCHREIBER INSPECTING THE STEEL Eagles’ Smoker. following left 9 o'clock this Prince Rupert | EK. Woods, G. A, Raymond, . J Kk. Coughlin, Besnier, Moxley, P. A. Gibson, Mrs. Andrews, Moe. G. A. Sweet, B. Kenny, Mrs. P, Rorviek, J. T, Phelan, the Dominion government telegraph superin- head- this Rupert, if Inspection returned to his in Vancouver on the Prince New Hazelton. Messrs. ; offer for sale complete house fur- The house, which inex every | nishings | situated « lion Five way, can be rented for 835 MeCaffery & yn Fifth avenue, and modern in WELCOME NEW MUSICIAN TO RUPERT}: Mr. M. ; rival in the city from Vancouver | Mr. Gorkill, ithe boot and shoe Woodward's jin Vancouver, Jefferson, business in the in a few days. It is learned that Mr. Corkill is an accomplished and entertainer, eongratu- to the musician Kupert is to be lated upon an acquisition of its already well known talent. Prince number amateur ©, Corkill is a recent ar- ) sition with Messrs Renworth who will oper new Smith BAGBY GIRL ARRIVES AT HOME OF ED. H. CLARKE AT NINE THIS MORNING A baby morning Mrs. Ed. nue, and the west, the fair parents. danghter arrived at the home of Mr, Clarke, on Fourth ave- the congratulations of with its appreciation of sex, are coming Mother and baby both doing well. Visit for your Two hours’ the Warner and pre-emption and sand beach you want an ideal camping spol holiday this summer Bathing, fishing, fun and freedom, launch run from Ru- pert on Porcher Island. Captain P. July lavesihly songs, boxing bouts Gree! Phelan _E Geb- Gibbons who was in charge department of! Departmental Store has accepted a po- up Bloek and this and the are Hudson Rorvick went south rial a ate wil pl and a full programme of entertain. mecluding dancing, RUPERT'S SOUTH GOING COMPLEMENT. : the morning it G a, H tf of «& if PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY \ ineod that Messrs, Harland ‘re to close departments owing to home rule strife Wolll’s ereat iicndent Phelan's inspection of telegraph ling bers inspection of G Pacific service, ‘OHn0On starts for Huds« da Han navy kept ready fe zd, ‘ater Bannockburn sold to Japanese ship owners m's Bay wv inetant war is statement First Lord of Admiralty, Port Simpson, axe blade falls at to seek for gold INDUSTRY SHUTS DOWN. Special to Daily News. Belfast, Jul 0, Owing to the disputes between the Orangemen and the Roman Catholies in ce ‘ with home rule and | 1use ef. forts are being p forth t prevent the Cath s from working for the great ship- ping firm, Harland & Wolff have closed down iny of their departments ind wil not resume till peace is re. stored, Harland & Wolff are the world’s greatest mer eantile ship builders and built most of the huge At- lantic liners The greatest of all, the Gigantic, is at present on the stocks at their yards. BOYS WILL HAVE TIME OF THEIR LIVES, = COLD STORAGE, |steresos ak” 22's Saturday they answered an emergency call from the Knox Hotel. They covered a distance Mrs Gebhardt hes © gone south gs train in high eg jtrip to Hazelton. r bronchos are . Buttermilk or a railroad president who when it comes to “Three Cornered Job.” has a three cornered job and each corner js sharper than the others, owned in England, Furthermore, States and is seeking an entrance Warman says, damned Canadian “damned Yankee” Picked as Mays’ Successor. which Canadian railroads possess sjand stayed there, sparing neither articles goes-on to say that when|himself nor his men. He lived jin that wilderness, out in the *, the men who had the |open, driving that road through distinguished and various extinguished states. and grabbed i Chambe rrlin, of the, headquarters at Winnipes Claimed as American. “BRIGHTEST BOY FROM BETHEL,” IS THE LATEST NEW NAME FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE G. T. P. One or Two Recently Refreshed Items Regarding an Expected Visitor, E. J. Chamberlin, the Railroad President, Who Makes Other Busy Railroad Presidents ‘Seem Like Idle Sons of the Very Rich’’ When It Comes to Difficulties by the way New Hampshire is Chamberlin’s state, but he lived there only until he was twelve, when his father died and he went} to live with his unele at Bethel, | in Vermont So he really is a/nental railroad.” remembered » left the Grand Trunk Vermonter; whereupon he takes Green Mountain rank with sev- eral other railroad presidents, including Strong, who onee head- ed the Santa Fe; Robinsen, of the Mexican National, and Mellen, of lthe New York, New Haven & Hartford. Fought with Wilderness. Chamberlin’s first railroad work was with the Central Ver- mont road, where Mellen also served his apprenticeship; he had various positions and = showed much aptitude. Then J. B. Booth, the big lumberman, took note of him. Booth owned a wilderness in Canada, and wanted to make jit less wild by cutting the timber ifrom it. He hired Chamberlin to build a lumber line from Lake Champlain to Parry Seund on re}Georgian Bay. Chamberlin took the job. He went to the front until he completed the task Then Booth named his road the Canadian Atlantic and Chambertin became the genvral manager. Chosen for G. T. P. Work. The Canadian Atlantic runs jthrough Ottawa, and seven years fago the Grand Trunk took Jt joever, Chamberlin resigned and went down to Mexico. His ex- }perience in building that lumber) piest when he is out in Saskatche- ‘road had given him a taste for|wan with dog and gun, So/the work, One day he was talk-| Shaughnessy, | president of the Canadian Pacific, ing with Frank W, Morse, then jot the Grand Trunk Pacific, and meal in town at Savoy. * of Fred Renworth, the pop- ar salesman, late of Ames-Hol- den & Co., who is opening up in \ugust ist, arrived last week end join her husband. “THE WEATAER. , weenie teas hours ending minimum temperature, 50; precipitation, .02. * asked him what told President man who could push * Grand Trunk Pacific steamer Bannockburn has hands, and this time Ancestral home of the Devon- changes her register once/ports, on his lordship’s many » all to the Japanese flag,/ palatial places of residence, ‘coming one‘ of the many ves-| Wives and children of the strik- operating for the Japanese|ing dockers in the greatest sea- “Ed. Chamberlin.” His Gun, and Pointers. Hays was familiar with Cham- and he wired Mexico and asked Chamberlin building yards in England Mexico he would be back Bannockburn was one of Two months later he ap- the first steamers that ever car- . sar 6c 99 rails from Sydney, Cape - consequently her picture appears many She has also made many visits to this port, carrying gen- freight and sugar for the Refineries. She was first}/ing on the harbor yesterday, Russel & Company at|hardly a breath of wind all day, Glasgow in 1907 adn is @land the gasoline launches cer- tainly had it over the sail boats, Amongst the many pleasure headquarters Trunk Pacitic had been in them to Winnipeg, and he con- tinued to live in Winnipeg until * was called to Montreal to sue- of 3,165 tons register. year she was acquired by Jetsem Shipping Company $210,000, and was at that] parties to be seen seudding about renamed the Hill Craig.}in the afternoon was that of the Now she is sold to the Nippon|peautiful little launch Lolinda, Kaisha for $270,000, a/ which arrived a day or two ago price indicating how badly large} tpom Vancouver. Mr. Langlois his differences with the railroad and a crack wing » ones and is hap- Wencenger Boy Service. » his money early and is rich, LOCAL JOTTINGS. , the head of the » wharf al Digby Island, outh today on the Prinee Rupert, » @ meeting of the 3:30 Lomorrow Kenny of Terrace was in| and went seuth » Rupert this morn. SS —————— S.S.MARY'S PASSENGERS FOR SOUTH: jwre stling for | The Princess Mary left yes. ifrday for the south with the fol. lowing passengers; 5. Sharp,| William McDonald, J, MeDonatd, J. M. Hart, T. egan, Joseph Me- Mr. MeMillan, BR, GC, Peterson, W. Mortin, Frank O'Brien, BR. Walsh, Mrs. Ek. Summer, Mea, G, Dorsey, W. Kennedy, Princess May, Prince George E SHIPYARDS Chelohsin Earlier his week the Chelohsin enters RED DEVIL new schedule, leaving : Minmaet on weoemannys at vsccesraetettey ACHIEVED NEW it trip. She will be nett. to RECORD reopen business on Sept. tsi canary The city fire department again of ten blocks and had water play- ing within 1 minute 36 seconds. The run was made for the satis- Db. Ruddick, of Ottawa,| unstinted praise for the smart and cold storage commis-|turnout. Mr. Woods of Seattle is ‘ of the Deminion govern-| here in the interests of the Game- , arrived in the city on Sat-] well system, and will probably urday for the purpose of examin-|remain a week deciding on the ing the plant of the Canadian Fish particular system suited to this and Cold Storage Company at Seal place. This will greatly enhance Mr. Ruddick left for the] the efficieney of the brigade. Charlotte Islands yester- —, business connected with department, and will visit Pacofl before a tenworth and daughter for himself here on July 29th: Barometer, marcimum temperature, the well known Brit- Yusen Kaisha. That} port in the world are starving . : recently purchased aj/and forced to sleep in piano cases, .300 ton freighter which was be- a built at the Russel ship GUESTS OF te Prince Rupert, and folders describing that VISITORS Ii was ideal weather for eruis- freighters are needed in| gp. with his friends, left on yes- the Orient. terday’s train for Hazelton, so ene errt the honors were done by Mr. Langlois Jr. The party which real messenger boy service!|enjoved the short cruise on the is promised Prince Rupert now speedy little boat included Mayor swift and reliable. The | Newton, Mrs, Newton, the Misses step cityward will be) Newton, Miss Alder, Mr, Hemmell, welcomed. , it Mr. Garrett and Mr, Pogson, —_—_—_—_—_— es ——— A. Sweet and Mrs, Henning left this morning on the » Rupert for a summer y PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR Body of George Lichtnauer found on beaeh across harbor at ebb tide with bruised head, Dog “Billy” watches, drenched by drowned master. Quill Drivers blotted out Gomets at indoor baseball. Score 69.3. News of wreck of steamer Kmpress of China reaches Ru- ‘t, also news of serious situation between Britain and Ger/ over Morocco, Party of Prince Rupert giris gives a danee in Second avenue hall, Principal Hunter congratulated on Prince Rupert's pupil's success al examinations in Victoria. cation bo the faction of some insurance men who were in the city and received