In a short race a great deal ‘depends on the start. We are having a race with time and to hold our own we must cram almost four weeks work into two. A stock such as we had is not usually cleared in so short a time, but by your atart- ing out early in the week, combined with our up-to-date methods and exceptionaily good values, we are confident our efforts will be crowned with success. We Don’t Pester People Into Buying Our customers see the prices distinotly marked and they SIMPLY CAN’T RESIST. HART’S Removal Sale Encouraged by Saturday's business we start in on another week with renewed vigor. What about YOUR will power? Have it tested today at ==HART’S Big Furniture Store We are making a special effort to clear our stock of BABY BUGGIES Prices are greatly reduced. Don’t forget the children—they are the hope of our nation. A careful inspection of our stock will reveal to you many ways in which money can be saved, Glassware, Reg. 50c., 75c. and $1.00, now 25c. Linoleums, per square yard Oilcloths, per square yard - - 40c. 20c. —— LYN CH BROS. |} Gani Merchandise 3 bs % Largest Sto Stock | Lindl Prices in Northern B. C. ee oe —~38 | SOME IT Dainty : Lines =e You may purchase through our mail Service at the moderate prices of the im- porter and manufacturer: Ornaments for the hair in all the newest effects.; card Cases and Mesh Bags of finest design and workmanship; Sterling Sliver Vanity Boxes and Jewel Cases; pretty Belt Buckles in sterling silver and enamel; tong Chains at all prices and in all styles; Toilet Goods of every description in sterling silver, Birks’ ivory and ebony. Our iliuetrated catalogue, representing the many fine tines we are in a position to offer you at right prices, will be sent free to your address upon request. Henry Birks & Sons Jeweller; Mail Order House Geo. E. Trorey Managing Director B.C. Vancouver -:- “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver Moderate Prices. Excellent Cafe, 1142 Pender Street West - Phone 8600. - Vancouver, B.C. GOOD BUYS Lot 31, Block 16, $9,500; buildings; Market Place Lot 15, Block 33, $12,000; bulidings; Fraser Street, |} Lots 9-10, Block 11, $17,500; facing G. SECTION FIVE. \ Lots 16-17, Block 17, $2,100; level; on Seventh Avenue, Lots 1-2, Block 9, $5,000; large double corner on Fifth Avenue SECTION SIX. ' | Lot 15, Block 25, $4,100; buildings; near school, on Eighth Avenue Lot 18, Block 28, $1,200; good, level; Righth Avenue, near McBride. Lots and Farm Lands on easy payments. Fort George-——Massett. COLLART @& REYNOLDS Box 805 225 th Street Phone “881 SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Workshop Ave. 2ad Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts Office: 3rd Phone 174 A big beautiful 88 key eleetric player piano, worth $1,200 given away to the pool players in the Base- ment pool , ‘Empress Theatre building. a a On and After Tuesday SEE The Royal Dairy deliver Presh Buttermilk will Cream, and Ice of the guar. Milk eam to @ny part We everything pure city twiee a day, antes THE DAILY NEWS, Two women are tal ing part in the expedition now bee ing fitted out under the dipeetion of HW, Whitsforth, of St. Martin's Court, Charing Cross, to recover private treasure supposed to be valued at $100,000,000 and said to have been hidden many years ago on Coeos, a lonely island 550 miles southwest of Panama, It is more than a nlury since a vast store of gold and jewels was seized by buccaneers from treasure ships and from the Jesuits when the latter were ex. pelled from Per The stolen hoard was deposited on Gocos Island, and its hiding place is now said to be definitely fixed, The steamer Melmor has been purchased for the voyage, and is now at Plymouth After taking on eoal ft will start on its long journey through the Straits of Magellan and up the Pacific coast. Miss Barry Till and Miss Davies, who are among the prin- cipals in the expedition, were on TWO" WOMEN SEARCH FOR _ GREAT BURIED TREASURE $100,000,000 THOUGHT TO BE BURIED ON A LONELY ISLAND | 550 MILES FROM PANAMA. ing a lead. Island last is declared, they succeeded in locating the cave where the treas ure was concealed by the They are now their Panama, and will join the when it arrives there, Cocos year, when, it pirates way to Melmor Moving picture men will accompany the expedition, A second expedition is fitting out with the object of reeover. ing the same treasure It has elabogite maps showing the loca tion of the cave and is being financed by a syndicate, whieh also has furnished a steamer for the trip. This expedition will leave a Pacific port for Cocos Island and thus will have the ad. vantage of time over its rival, Fight years ago Earl Fitz- william, Admiral Pallber, Colonel Gordon Carter and others un- successfully sought the treasure of Goeos Island, and there are vague stories of the taking away by several explorers of small portions of the hidden hoard, Montreal Standard, READY Chancellor residents Road, recently, of a house in West alarmed be- movement eould = be heard in the room which two old ladies rented, called in a police- Dulwich, London, cause ho man, When the policeman burst open the door he found the two Ad women, who were sisters, ly- ing side by side on the bed pre- pared for the grave, clad in shrouds and with white bandages around their heads. A doctor who was summoned found that one of them, Susannah Clayton, aged 70, was dead, but the other was breathing, and she was taken to the infirm- ary. On the was sister room there bottle which had contained laudanum, and a long letter addressed to the landlady, in whieh the sisters begged for pardon for trouble their act would cause her and expressing the wish that no inquest should be held, * table in the an empty any WAITED FOR DEATH ALL CLAD IN SHROUDS TWO AGED SISTERS IN LONDON TOOK LAUDANUM, BUT ONE WAS FOUND ALIVE—A WEIRD CASE. The account of the old ladies, as given by Mrs. Brown, the land- lady, is a pathetic story of suf- fering. Though the two sisters were poor, they had obviously seen better days. “They eame to lodge with me in July. The younger sister, Su- sannah, suffered terribly from cancer, and she often said that she wished she was dead, The elder sister was also often suf- fering from severe pain in the head. “Lately they have been very unsettled, I have seen them burning old letters, and some clothes which they kept for their burial were brought out from the bottom of a box and placed on top. “The death of a relative ealled me away from home for a day, on my return I heard the sad news.” ’ It is stated that the bought the laudanum in separate half ounces.—Montreal Standard. sisters GT. BRITAIN "NEEDS CANADA ‘0 THRIVE That become a Canada cannot hope to powerful that | would disintegrate were the Em- | pire to lose Canada, were conclu- | sions propounded at a large gath- jering of Calgarians at the Cana- i/dian Club luncheon held in the club. rooms of the Methodist [Chureh the other day, The | speaker was Phillip H. Kerr, edi- itor of the Round Table, of Lon. }don, who passed through the city len route to England on the last leg of a world tour, and who was invited to address the club on “The Foreign Relations of the British Empire.” | seep GOING NORTH FOR GOLD AND DIAMONDS July 27—Captain J. EB. Bernier, the former commander of the steamer Aretic on her three cruises to the far north, where he asserted Canada’s sov- ereignty and compelled the Am- evican whalers to pay tribute has at last completed his plans for his expedition to the north in search of gold, diamonds and other valuable Commodities. lle will sail next week from Quebee in a steamer which he has chartered, and expects to be until next summer, He secured ample financial independent nation, and Great Britain Ottawa, absent | has backing, “. a ee a from the Royal Phone 35, Cream jwill whip Dairy 177 Smith's Cigar Store, Cigars of and reputation, Sixth between 2nd and 8rd, 177 charactet st : WHAT THE LUMBERMEN DEMAND Calgary, July 27—The tain Lumber Manufacturers’ As- sociation, claiming that the rates they pay on lumber shipped nor- th of the main line of the C.P.R. are the highest on the North American continent, have made application to the Railway Com- missioners for an order requir- ing the ©.P.R. to publish special tariff. rates on lumber’ from mountain mills on the main line of the C.P.R. to points in Alber- ta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, north of the main line that should not exeeed for the same or less distance rates from the same shipping points to Winni- peg and Prinee Albert, Moun- Detroit, bert, 27—Henry ©. Her immigration in. Canadian govern. ment was shot and killed last Saturday by a man named Fer- guson, Whom Herbert had debar- red from entering the Dominion, duly travelling pector of the ANOTHER MERCHANT TO ESTABLISH HERE W. J. Hughes, late of Stewart, and one of the pioneer merchants of that place, has made arrange. ments to open up a general dry in this eity. He for the public on Angust Sth, and will be located in the new Smith Bloek, on the eorner of 8rd Ave and Sth St,, behind Renworth & Jefferson's boot and shoe goods business will be ready store Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. H. Gordon Manre W. Nicholson Latley MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue STUART & STEWART Accountants 109 2nd Ave oo No, 280 Prinee Rupert PrP, O. Box 3514 \uditors for City of Siimas Rupert CARSS & BENNETT Baneisters, Notaries, Ec. Office — Albert Block, Second Avenue. WM. S. HALL, L.D.8., D.D.S DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and local anasthetics administered for the be palniow ex traction of teeth. Consultation Offices of Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 Phonee 387 SECTION ONE These are positively the best to be had, Look at them and be convinced. . Block %5, Lots 21-92, $15,000. Terms— $6500 cash, bal. onee and two years, 7 per cent. — Block 2, Lots 1 and @, $18,000. Terms— $4500 cash, bal. one and two years at . 7 per cent, Both aree double corners on lane and #4000 has been spent on grading theem. Bainter & Sloan 2nd Ave. Alex.M.Manson g.a., W.E.Williama,s.a., L.1.0 WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.( P20. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 1ON., ENG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance 319 3rd Avenue Phone 384 HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Directors 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 Georgetown Sawmill Co. lid. A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Corner-Stone The first deposit, with which Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 p. m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- wegians are welcome. Meets in the Sie Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. H. ALLISON, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. | ins Ripe a | ‘Valhalla”’ of S.H. & E.F. (SCAN DINANIAN SOCIETY) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. TROUT FISHING MOUNTAIN CLIMBING Five-Hoar Journey From Prince Rupert Big Canyon Hotel Kitselas B.C. First - CLass - ACCOMMODATION We Have the you begina Savings Account, is as important an event as the laying of the corner-stone of a fine building. You are laying the corner-stone of your position in the world, of your circle of business acquaintance, of eventual success. Can you afford to postpone that first deposit? British North America Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 Prince Rupert Branch, F. S. LONG, Manager. -Church Services - FIRST Se — Shores u and Ghrah, Hi at tt nad . Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH McINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST Cuuacs SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE Services every Sunday at ar. am. and 7.30. 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Ww y and Saturday. CAPT. AND MKS TUTTE Commanding OMcers Following Cheap Properties For Sale Exclusively Section 7. Lots 15-16-17-18, Block 29, 8500 each; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Section 8. Lots 18-19-20, Block 20, $400 each; 1-3 eash, bal. 6 and 12. Lots 1-2, Block 16, $900 pair; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Lots 12-13, Block 18, $950 pair; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Lot 32, Block 3, $450; 1-3 eash, bal. 6 and 12. Samael Harrison & Company Brokers and Financial Agents Second Ave. Prince Rupert H. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment, Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. Shop, Cow Bay Agenie for imperial Gasoline Motore. ANNEX Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway on the American and European plan, Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Ras $1 $350 pr day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. Phone Biue 268 - P. 0. Box 867 tj