DEVELOPMENT NUMBER THE DAILY NEWS A Descriptive Sketch of Prince Rupert, “The Pacific Port of Progress,” Past, Present and Future _—_ — : 3 PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1912. PRICE TEN CEN 8. — wee PPD ODP DDO PPP NPA ALN PPL AL PPP APD PDS a Potro OPO CVV ww PRINCE RUPERT-.--“THE GATEWAY OF THE NORTHWEST” PPALR LI OPO eee ~ POP LA LDLPEAL PLP AAD PL PAP LAPP AP LP OLA OPO Pt tt a td THE START FIRST HOUSE AFTER SALE PRINCE RUPERT AND HARBOR ipert has jus been calle lhe The great monster ship the Crown of real values to the commercial and industrial hundreds of miles of country with rich black quarters of the globe are coming there and f the Great N hiwe ‘alacia” carried from Prinee Rupert to the jife of the world. outcroppings, are accounted one of America’s Aller investigating its offers are settling to mere wee SS sdieenuna ae ae : ie o2 " aoe Not only in the bowels of the earth, im. greatest fields, with a supply suilicient to last ake the rieh soil return to them an hundred- salmon, caught in the waters of Northern i , fold for their labor. But recently the van ‘ i] resource i which Na - : bedded in the rock formations of time, is gold for a thousand years. Not only is coai found °°" “ ' ae yt of sritish Columbia, canned in the vicinity and ‘ : one thousand Russian colonists passed wenerously endowed the i fe ' i few hours of the haul packed ready found, but each triekling brook and flowing in the Groundhog district, but those great through Privée Rupert to settle in the Bulkley British Columbia. Probably no ty for shipment to satisfy the taste of the world stream carries sand values rich islands of the Queen Charlotte group, yajjey and engage in mixed farming. All ex- 1 North Americar , ; has a Pickled fish have also been shipped to Eng Here on the Skeena, which empties at Prince €SPeeially Graham Island, have immense coal perienced farmers in their own land, they are s such an amazing wealth of mine ind, while the herring, the cod and othe Rupert’s door, some thirty years ago hardy 'e@sures which are now ready for exploitation. prepared to enter into the cultivation of their est and sea as Prince Rupert scale fish, as well as the succulent oyster and prospectors came from the south and with Portiand Canal district is too well known — gritish Columbia holdings with a determina areat lsiteicine & 06?tain: tmmeent cla ire prepared and shipped from the andie, shovel and pan took the precious to need much mention of ils wealth of almost tion to win success. un ie Mek letetiinte palghhediend ticks Gateway of the Northwest golden grains from the sands of the river eyery kind of local ores. The gold, silver Graham Island offers an abundant supply N erous canneries are ¢ ads situates { and ts e z creel ) glas ¢ ‘ r . , h gots its “backina, Che very fact merous canner are alread tuated a une feedin reeks. Dougla and other and copper of the Canal will soon be smelted of agricultural products. Here the richness . : | : ; the mouths of the Skeena and Naas Rivers creeks in the vieinity of Kitsumkalum con- , ; anne vays building testifies to the existence of : , in this district, for the Granby Consolidated Vv! tie ground is atiracting hundreds, nay ‘ i { God i h ’ and these during the ist seas produced tributed the pioneers who entered the . i amoun rode Wd ! ; onl 325.000 cases of salt while the wilderness one million dollars in a single 0. Ltd., are building a smelter at Goose Bay lvusands of bona lide settiers, Recent show- ecily may lave one product and an ! : - 3 a p! . . other canneries at. Nad Harbor n Graha season that will before long be separating the slag ings al Lawn Hill lair were indeed surprising may boast of a differen ne I hes behind it dimost everything that Isiand and her points in the surrounding from the rich metals. The development of i the size and quality of the vegetables and ee ee | 1 ; uatenes Gettinien con annatll’ tale this district would make a book in itself. ee he h but fisheries are equally important hi ro} . ‘ alres s and base erals, coa and eve : ot : ; 'k Ou Grahaw Isiand, on the west coast, where bella Coola district has already shipped , ; ‘ i banks iY Grahan sland are 2 aree Uta ss rf I" set , ; wer, GEG We UNION weelts _ 2 America. Here the great monsters ihe warm winds that follow the Japanese cur- ao aaa Sth chee tah ath cs 8 Anne and stream. bree : “ tupert market, There the land is being culti- of the deep are caught, and that they may be rent blow, drilling is being done for the oi) ii. aug the settlement for farming pur The Silver Horde. : ts s sais . i 7" ce : . ‘ " 3 “ ree shiipype frozen and fresh, great a storage that is oozing from the earth and forming poses is being done at au astounding rate. he ttehty Keen which winds s pla s are planned in t mbers for is 1h “a fine s “he , ap ! : » iv for hundreds of miles through the \ aa a the larges f te kind ny into paraline wax. That gushers will soon be Alt ihe very doors of the city cab be found ind between Kian |! i i s en ! rhe has bee! completed and is eads a et om, Wealln OF te subterrancen tue Veruanl Porcher isiand, Which yleids @ ; akes il ne confident expectation of lth of gold, silver and he Ovals eratiol ns a - - - enL..25p00 supply Of garden truck and vegetables tor the ivse 0 prairie lands and fertile pia s which } lish cap has been interested, and 8S aeaee _ 4 “ b Ar Ne . edie I } al i 1a mn ester the business of oil drilling. tuMoUlsapeiod Yi bike Gil). Nilsuliikadiul Valiey, i - ustri i : : ‘i ge Doughty and other fish barons Desteanain alvuld Leriace, miaue 4 Uuisplay ol ifUlis alla ure anging, as if by magie yn the d ® invested in e siness here \. ehar “ e . i kngland hav \ ted the busine her 9 vegetables im Prineé itupert this year toat i ‘ on oo ‘ as . ’ lies ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ mw eveten - ‘ » ¢ ‘ wer i t ‘ . . ation fw . eas ‘ we i ' rr whole yatem is to be hanged, and th It is said that the province today pevvea cuonctusively that toe bew wioulos Wm ple ‘ si the Line i i iis of fis ne re , re Vol ‘ > . i . - , , ethod lishing a ke . via 7 my aa e import over $17,000,000 worth wuicu tue ialu tuere Had Been unUuer cUiLiva- iken "Ny ~wusands each seasol ane hey as ft »* metal hooks o i white tisher ¢ ind shipped to the market f th h j 'ioled th r at Ww , ler . ighted products that should be raised in British Go- Woh Was sUiiciell to aise produee Wiick i shippe 0 e mi ets I t i dory eplace 1° Bree wooden ei “al . . y ¢ ; m Prince Rabe » the gail. alk un aieetat ae ae lumbia for home consumption. Around the cuuld Colpete Wiki @my seclion Of Britis@ Uo. . ' a — = ; , ’ juunbia, \ Sk ie eee siheen taede wwlers may supercede the hardy toiler of larger cities of the coast have gathered the .n dgrwulldrar bOdlety Wad pded forthes & : a é 5 ‘the the tables of every nation of the world the deep and his dory, but whether by dory majority of the inhabitants of British Colum- (4). city and next lait a grand agricultural ugh this port, bul the couttiess sireatis or trawler, or both, the eateh will yearly we bia, over half of whom can be counted within alld wineral exhivition will be held, al which ‘ ; : » lo in Ss crease, i ‘i var tl xport trade w . he vicinity will contribute | -_ ne thi rea . ay ach - ‘ ie OX ae ill six miles of the centre of Vancouver. at a glance the wealth of the Northwest can @ greatest fishing mrt on the merican grow from 1s por : =i : \lready two steam trawlers, the ‘Triumph supply these people with food an enormous © delermined, “— ’ : reer : ; ; Hapidly being settied, the hinterland of Salmon “are Dbuteone of the many varietie and the “Canada,” have arrived from England Lp in the vicinity of Hazelton, on the line amount, or about half of the consumed food, v - - es se - = a i om are one o e ime i > ae : . Vrinee Kupert will s a 3 i rita vusal h which will come by ship load after ship @fter a 16,000-mile trip around Cape Horn. of the Grand ‘Trunk Pacific, are mines whose has to be imported. : ste ue “ a in ‘pe - 5 ; \ ll come s load after s i , se, Whi 4 h grat come in the mighty trawlers of the deep Iwo more are on the way and others are pre fabulous Wealth and guaranteed assays read differently situated and development yay oi ety : ase ; ‘a sol he powerfu wer boat, th bow iring to leave for Prince Rupert, They are ike fairy tales, but which have been but the agricultural surrounding this city He Canadian West will land here to be shipped i e power | powe roat, e sa boat ! “ > 2arnar 4 . nd : tl nanned by hardy North Sea fishermen, whe awaiting the advancement of the shining stee! will not only benefit this, the shipping port to the tour corners of the world, Al abie ‘Vel at ; Libihive ( - wk y , ¢£ f » . I " ~ i ant have been at the business since the birth ails from Prinee Rupert (now accomplished of all the wealth of the soil, but it will benefit The tishing, mining and farming industries iborigine, to ie great cold s in i s . ao oe » pes 2 , . . Kupert Het th “ l one i mid derstand every requirement of the io ship to the smelters of the coast ihe province at large. are only three of Lhe resources which are go- Lupe ere ey " HACKS . ‘ » . y f 0 a : iain’ “ aah: ieee Do trade At Kitsumkalum Lake a reeent gold dis- From of Alberta the ing to aid in the making of one of the largest all cous Cled ars al ! , : . » 7 ’ . is fast as the power of the moder The Mineral Wealth. covery of free milling gold gives returns, ac- grain for the world export ports in the world. as as as the mowe o ‘ m “ > ap . > tive can carry them over the lowest Hidden ip the earth in almost every part of cording to the assays made, of thousands of great ever Not only will Prince Rupert be an export era lranseontinental railway to the great the northern portion of British Columbia are dollars per ton, while the Hazelton silver River country port, but it will be the port of entry to Canada 8 ling eentre of the Midd \ ind meu ils of all kinds from the preeious yellow mines run to three ciphers in silver, gold and will also and Europe from the Orient, he rved out to the Lal f Am \ i which has caused men to go through copper values. These rich values are not the grain for export. Situated two days’ sail nearer to the Orient se ee u a) : abies mt te we = ‘ . . ee mn . . , rh ll Amer ! 7 rved = by ri}, but ntless tortures to find it ever since it be result of booming, but are guaranteed The Bulkley Valley, which is attracting such than Vancouver and devoid of the fogs and Vil erica ” served } re int ‘ MN ca is het 1. me i oa rid, and already came, away back at the dawn of envilizalion assays by competent chemists. attention by reason of the richness of its soil encumbrances that hinder the southern we ‘ . ole ord, ?¢ miredt “ S . he shipment of q h Me hee: tarted from the medium of exchange, to the metals less The Groundhog coal areas behind Prince’ is being settled at a tremendous rate. port, it will receive and rush across the con- se ’ s s wen ate io on ’ . ; | this port t Rui i } xpensive, such as copper, lead and iron, the Rupert, on the line of the railway, underlying perienced farmers and ranchers from the four. tinent the great trade of Eastern Asia. 4 oO ope, ‘ ’ “ as : AN EARLY VIEW OF GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC DOCKS