DEVELOPMENT NUMBER OF THE DAILY NEWS | — = 17 oe sine — oe - ) i/ yr 1) ~ call ee 7 Ba : \ Is) ’ ; ' ™ ~— sy) Py; ading Firms ‘On Real - Estate - Bargains |= =. Some of Prince Ruperts Leading Ft i/o (~~ JI\X (( = a WY One level lot in business seetion 97, OO ane neipps ee ———e Two lots on tith avenue vows —O — Sto he 1 iwa bu }» . esidence, &I enue @3,500 tir . E. Confectionery re. ee eee Lot and fine 7-room residenee, 8th avenu Every city, tow ig . s, the firm represents The;greater population ana “~ > he citizens f) Rupert, as in every rapidly g Terms. et from owner! \ whet he g i bad,| Anglo-B. ¢ Securities, Ltd the | Prince Rupert v8 | s te rh me he ‘ scene aaaling its emits nn alt : Western Dominion Land & Itt firm spares | ’ " : rt " i and sa a! to be kept and th Ml ° he charac s ° nil’ : ‘ ne 1 satisi “W . ‘ ; J W M K ] vestment ¢ Ltd., the Tsimpsea he public i ae : ; de | Howe & MeNulty reatize ; . ° Cc in ey Nothing . ' aU te ‘| Investment Syndicate Limited, | custome 7s — - Suet : os Ruy i videnced by their \\ ‘ ‘ j : f ejture trad Phe active prone : a : . iy Box 706 Prince Rupert, B. C. ang as whe - ind similar firms. One f aii ' sie : we ‘ the |) —— | f nery Store | shelves « » mositione 1 ; 7 ie ’ oe . “ _ a a paabkt “WAheh peecent to thelhente.ot. Me. P., Renworth, wh Phird avenue. Mr. BE. Emad —er . ked deal with at present is the| hands th tal h Will J. Hughes. s acum . d i ah expe he ‘ oO ©. Copan shelves, é y ae ed ’ ting f Port Edward ‘ has ha ; ; : indy maker of long Opening up a high is — i iw f which thev are s he b , shoe : : his ——— a Sane hes © . a reta 1 vh sa I ext i s th gh ul i ladies’ wea OS ee ~= t j Ss ” nhe f vears } ' yf the he nil iy ! ) { the i = i j « ad { f ' ‘ , represe ‘ ! e ' oer , Ss h , i { : p Rupe , essen Prince Rupert Importing Co. oo a prvi ad . “— ' S d alns he cha . vee The Prince Rup imp a adie ‘ : and rhi { thes ago, W. J. Hug I leenh heir I . s |i Lid., affords he peo} ee oe ? the rt iia bid a sha f the H} i An. w wh ind stocked | this district a se f firs th : ' a eae h 5 h ‘ age of the lad P Lot in Market Place, 65 ft. street frontage, $4,750.00. vith a ‘ , : a “si - mh al xé sig i | j | hat ha ! with the Pair of lots on Fifth Ave., near McBride, $4,500.00; easy terms. These are goods rare ! dt be ex ‘ en . . h i i ‘ ] the f m4 | Ch } choice tots and $600.00 cheaper than any other pair between Fulton the ite of this the proving ‘ ed with|4 : i j .|8 St. and Hays Cove. , ' It wer pos the business is p t . . ‘ : - a . i iii pains perienced h ‘ Double corner on Second Ave., Section Two; an excellent property; a little } nv | howeve * another branch of the|® cgers t , . age ness, he a nee realize ! below grade; only $3,750.00. erate he ich © ue , . : rt i his sweets lhe pren ' h fal { : ; .% 2 8 shot : einesses | greg . nportatr rey 1 i th y Ctath Ave. tet, haly Bleck from Pulisa, CRSSSSSO; 1% cash, Bal. 1, © : ia few | th ° nt fa : h Bryant Company, Ltd place, a mal Re hes ac Prinee Ruy years at 6". o P nul 8 adie? a i ' i fe t ay tl f plish this ” ‘ Fine level lot in Section Two, 22 per sq. ft. eant i es 8 e y of soda wa “ s S Sere we sei ; the ea.) PC! at ’ Get our rates on fire insurance—strong board companies. ' ne h ‘ oul d , rhe pres mpany|cannot find what suits bit th ¢ 8 . , . " dg t and good a | i hire ‘ ‘ = =pe ‘ ‘ i nv rea e the s va Y and/ up. icquiring the bus ss tookiway of high iss | ate . , ; h i. ve lates i ' ‘ j h standard he Py ‘ ve the Crown Bottling Works,| gents’ furnishings a he store , , j}would pay to keep in s M - : - - ine f Bye i pans = t vel es \ ! } i Westenhaver Bros. ee he first proposition of the kind|of Bryant Company, Ltd, on Si Hughes, who for sete to be started in Prince Rupert.| street, he would be impossib once jyears has be the sa Third St. Phone 100 Cyril Orme. |The goods turned out by the) satisfy in any city he Pa Howe & MoNulty. | of business stewart, has Amongst the younger business| present management are of the | Coast rhis tirm, cupying MeN vith an ¢ i egret na - of the « holds a more|very highest grade possible, only position that it does 1 hes o k hardwa thi vy t esata eh bh as srrominent position than Cyril H.| the very best of constituents be-|the gentiemen’s clothing estal dious s 1 the Als} so as to De ates ru rme, proprietor of the two drug|ing used in their manufacture. |lishments in Prince Ruy , It i ke | x} populat tha s ve bearing his im His|Mr. W. 8. Marshal! is the ablejries a stock of high class, sta iy hus Th pure flwhen the i i 4 ess has bee almost phe.| manager of this firn ard goods that are re w n ! 1 Fr ga sma - world overt store with a f the Fred Stork, Mardware. : Know! riginany as © - 7 early days to becoming propri The well stocked shelves and |e this firm started into bus i a st ae al a Cane ed Son's: BRACHPEN YOUR KITCHEN | FOR ip drug and fancy stores|hardware establishment Guar. |Ss0et Bt Ihe Very CUtESt OF In } s a feat to be proud of.jantee the purchaser of any ar-|city’s history One vear last Ox { ra) e's Drue Sto is known a ticle in this ne, from a needle|tober it was ince porated into a I i : ’ t ‘ - ’ 5 ” 4 5 R l E t t d I, nce Norther B It < intaimsite an anchor, a great selection, |Jou stock mpany inde n ea 5 a e an nsura ‘verything ~ e that can be] By strict adherence to the prin-|name of Sloan & ¢ Lid A few = aan | ‘ ' weeks he nat was changed , purchase The pre-jciple of giving every man a|Wweeks ago t “6 ” : ki seription business islen @ vers) “sauare deal" Mr. Stork hag|to Bryant Company, Lid. | Mrlf W ear-Ever” Aluminum Cooking Business np i feature earned for himself and his busi-}G@. A. Bryant, who is now a U il { ° en ness a very enviable reputation,|Ciated with the firm as naging tensl s Properties Harrison, Gamble & Co. lHis honesty of purpose and busi ere with Mr. ¢ \. Vaughatr | \ Experience the \ ess a was responisble f as head salesma s conducting a 4 is iil iia a dealt with is a Pp int}the citizen of Prince Rupert cor 2) we alegre ae factor in the suceess of a reallf ne up him the distinction |Dusiness tha “ d mpa i) PRESERVING KETTLES TEA KETTLES state and incia Phis being the firs wor of the}favorably with any s H} edema WAFFLE MOULDS : f the strong fea Retiring { polities, Mr. jeer either \ i oes BLE GOILERS : . List of Reality Bargains f tt { = levoted himself his pr } MEASURING CUPS oou Call or Write for Our List o . nares . - Ss , : : : i BREAD PANS LIPPED SAUCE PANS ite . im ‘Dane a is lia . isa “A { : > = “ te res i Information and Litera e Ma ! : : se 5 }thet bie th urge trade has J. S. Gray & Son. i -~ = eaermnciaer " = { h M ’ j mense | Manufacturing jew ~ {{ \ = . mond n . rf, 3, 1 . ( Wear Ey I . z SPECIALISTS IN BUSINESS PORPERTY Few ‘ . Renworth & Jefferson | wats hina ‘ gradua j i { ) i (| i oa » b ‘ pos i : st i Any foot ean be fitted at the! ticians = we as te re Sica RR 7 } questions affecting real estate|up-to-date shoe store of Messrs.| instrument dealers, Messrs. J. § i We Mdvd Such Renelte’ b Cobeia PATTULLO & RADFORD ee ee eee reruns. &: SeReraam en: Meliety & Gia seeupy 6 néding ll Rupe The ‘ iis extens-| ! f Fifth sireet and TI i) place arin SS he Dus -— } — Prince Rupert, B. C ive Sood acreage nea amie ' Se an Ae, erpesoomnes Of Prince: Rupe ae i city and has wide 1} s.jand ex . is ca be ping beer stablished he K ' ) | buntlines os he Stet": Thompson Hardware Co.,Ltd have built pan ext i ) —_—— ors = = = = lte hict it tt me ee ee Box 101 339 Second Ave. Phone 101 | =o - a —— SSSI | the wenera uperowth that is . ; Sistently going on. Toget he vith ——— the multifa s duties with = the business he time to fulfil the vag = a is usIiClans it dat i “ | n S | : | ” , : a e | members of the fan ire i and accomptiched musa! artit= ff I ATO allada i ANG ePXCeMINETY poy al i! us \ the music oving public f the } ll ] - li eity Your friends will appreciate a useful gift like | = ini alll ll aL | PP gl j Martin O'Reilly. Hi PRIGd ‘ Wt ESTAL ‘ With two stores, each carrvine ) F 9 a full stock of high class men’s > Dain E,venin Shi ers ( hildren Ss Fancy Shoes clothing hats, boots and shoes I il Assets © = 00.04 jand the thousand and one acces 7 ) jsories that are necessary t h Paid Up Capita pA, 000.01 ° jmodern man, Martin O'Reilly, on { t Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 3,175,000.00 or a OSY alr oO e Ss jeaters successfully to a large and { ever growing patronage, not only { i in Prince Rupert, but the out ) } iying distriets as well. Although | General Banking Business — Savings Bank Department \ it may not be a very unique dis. | i} tinction to Class oneself as a pioneer of Prince Rupert, yet} . | Martin O'Reilly's being here at! A. T. Broderick ? Manager ( the outset of the city’s history, | coupled with his great popular. | Prince Rupert Branch ity ensures him obtaining a very | ) | large share of the business in his} ) i _aen Our Range of oe Hiline. High class goods of un-| ‘ doubted quality at right prices ! . e has been the policy of My | Amer ican Sh ers O'Reilly and has resulted in his| obtaining the large share of busi " é ness which he How enjove Please the Most Fastidious | Williams & MoMeekin. Carrying an up-to-date and Rp tabatiang myrerpgraied by 4 7 complete stock of first Class gro : ' ann 000 } ceries, Messrs, Williams & Me | Capital Pai ' sal Meekin hold a « onspicuous place | Rest 16.000,0004 amongst the provision me rehants | of the city. Located in the heart Undivided Profits 802,814.05 of the business seetio ie ‘ le Dusin e508 ar th HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL ) Junction of Sixth street and Third ;4avenue, they have a large and ! Well titted store that displays 1 ) th as BOARD OF DIRECTORS the greatest advantage the ex )} cellent stoc} f merehandine hat ATH ‘A ANI MOUNT 1 vA ' ‘ \ thes aers Years f Kperience ; aoa ' | 6 re NO he f business enables Hi. V. MEREDITH, Vice Presid ; { them to show st what | bus gE. | KEENSHIE s sik WILLIAM MACDONALD Fr. ANGUS ; / for the big trade they have built HON. ROBEL \CKAY A. BAUMGARTEN DAVID Mon ; } e S up in this eity by fair and square " pret 7 “a PRAY OUNESSY ek M MONE ; The Leading Shoe Store business methods. As a resull ; , Py Kupe * as we ved 3 s any town the Provinee of H. V. MEREDITH, General Manager ; — SSE BOS FFB BDI os VINISN Colina “eee eoeret FFELP PE FPPLLLLLLLLSS