DEVELOPMENT NUMBER OF THE DAILY NEWS SISCSNESONNTURRID IOC eee erent — = me eos AD) " 2 Wi g® i . 5 Mi ; ; x Christmas ve 8 | O vince upe';t § } e / J) -* 2 ) ; 5 / ©) By Marion 6B. Johnstone. G } | 4 : M . 2 ; / > ‘ 7 \\ _ Y= ——— —_—- - — =a —— = —— ee = So ————- ——— —- ——— T Ogs or c n ; We ’ ; ‘ 5 | wateh the leve j t of} Sch 1 Act Measars. A. KR. Ba | tr ee inder the City|The government has ils ex there vere enough high eh Every man, ; if dust nentirow, P. W Anas n, and Cre Sch \c This was at nan) pressed its Willingness t givel pupils ay able to tart a h i 2 a community is always of |R, Nader When the new elec j int era in the lucational) sites in Seclions and 9, or al school A room in the ld h " . ? sorbing literest " noled trustees convened Ju history of the city, i this proy where else needed when the city|on Second avenue vas prepared ch i . ; her ine is it 8 eable,| 14th, Mr. George KR. Nade wa i that the gove tL ree sufliciently populated to re-jand Mr, J. F. Brady, a ua I 1 a ; pa ily in British Ge ibia, }appointed chairman and Mr. P. WW zed Prince Rupe is a t} quire additional ground f f Dublin Univer i if \ ; as in the Cause I ‘ 1Calion Anderso! secretal hi erectior June i n, schools l ited principal, bes it's Natural in ; Wherever tw I hire i es | They I ciate asked he} Bennett, D. G. Stewa ind Joh The sehool population kept}on September 8th with 4 puy | ; « ¢ a distriet they « ience | government for peri s Currie were re ed Messrs. steadily increasing and was! This was reall i | la | / ] B: \e 7 ' / j « “ ‘ pial e for thre Lime vhen|build a sch on certain Bove Stewart and Ber tt fo “ necessary lO appoint M M i- Jin the sehool histors f the J fein / Z 7 hers W jt hem and there|ment lots Befor a reply is}yvyears and Mr, Currie f eyear.|gan at Christmas, 1910 Miss|for very few place p f ae > 4 .7 ll be ¢ igh childre t ae received the agent of the Grand] Mr Jennetl was h ha Johnstone in April wid Miss/ Rupert < age wd poy i \@ — ; . | ’ 5 mand from the government, under! Trunk Railway offered the use of|}man and on Ju ith ¢ H.|Manning in September, making |}have suflicient pup ) Proving ; the educational laws of the prov-|the site at the corner of Second|Sawle was appointed secretary at|three additional teachers in that la high sehoo Van hi ‘ N= ; e, a seh lavenue and Seventh street. This|a small salary year. | population f 12,000 pr i 2 | a 5 Thus it was in the initial | offer was accepted and orders Mrs Harrison retired at the In August, 1910. the old school | before the stab hr f \ ; st'ages of Prince Rupert and he} were given for a two-room frame|end of June and on July 18th Miss| building on Second avenue was | high school Be ’ ; most sanguine builder of our city|strueture to be built Jessie Mercer was selected as her|/again placed in commission, be-| At the present e the \ “Got ley ; would have hardly predicted that} On October 14th Miss Charlotte|suecessor, On August 30th the; ing used as a primary school, as} o5g pupils and 10 tea hi iia Elicia : by this time there w d be a|M,. Martin was chosen as prin-|principal reported 120 pupils in|it was found that the distance to] aij, Chere are 0 ff ‘ ; school population of 350 children.|cipal of the new building, which]attendance, which averaged 30\the handsome modert school] ¢, hool age in the S ( Bryant C ompany, Ltd. ; On March 7th, 1908, a few en-|was opened about the end of No-[pupils to each of the four|erected on Seventh avenue was]y,;, for wh : ach . . : thusiasts gathered in the provin ee teachers much too great for the little}), provided and an a la Successors to Sloan & Co., Ltd “The Store of Better Things 3 cial constable s office to discu sistant ‘ il | ! ; steps for providing the pub — ——= 72 oo a} ro Cee POO PEEODLOLEEEBEODEEELELEEEETELOLELELETELEDELELELEUETEEUIEEOD DDS + 6) = i\ ! it ! with seh accotmmmodats Mr | hi i be J. H. Pillsbi wor. wee -— \ | he POO LOPELELOEPEEEPE DIODE LLOLEEELLELEEELELLEELEELEELLLOLLOEELEEEEEEL OES. man and M Ga. W Mi | ; ‘ ‘ Ml is 1 { ‘ 2 retary of he 1 pe Me | wh I> N MeN 2 4. R. Ba George W. Mo v0 | ; ; and William Craig were elected | ix a | ; ‘ ‘ oa. | : ‘ ; school trustees, to serve u the ” i $ Section 4 2 following July It was decided tol : ; ‘ hea i i s isk the Department of Educa ‘ | ‘ i , for a grant of 8600 to start ay ' da $ | ; school The initial meeting was > a 3 3 followed by another soon after sai : . . 3 Section 2 ; ward, at which the newly elected ; 3 | {a 2 X I > . school board chose William Craig ‘ $ | 2 chairman and A. R. Barrow set | Section 6 ; retary , I 3 On Mareh 27th another meet th ! ; ing was held the provincial mm seh pol t ; constable’s oflice, at whieh a let- le Hupe We have I . Section 6 2 ter was received from Bishop The Central School Building Irish sme 7 ; l 11.1 val y “ mans It 1 M Du Vernet offering the u of the By the end of June, 1909, the; Before the famous sale of Ls,;scholars of the wer grade lol, : } a p | - Anglican Chureh Wall as a tem-/two-room building was found tolin May, 1909, the government/walk. The wisdom of this step ao : ie 18 porary schoo!) house Phe] pe inadequate accommodation for|reserved certain portions of the has b proved e and time es — rh : Section 7 > nationalities ‘ D ey Bishop's kind offer was unani the increased attendance, and a!/townsite as school sites namely wa f at the re f writit - i. “n : . | { { 11 i mously accepted and at a meeting|two-room addition was begun.'Lots 19 to 28, inclusive, in Block/ there are in the neighborhood ilps = va . 18 of the board next day Miss M. A.|'This was ready for occupation at|7, Section 4; the whole of Block 75 pupils this dis -_ : . i I Johnson was appointed teacher.|the end of August. 24, Section 6: Block Sectic Up th - Mies |° , f i , . ' Miss Johnson began her duties} On August 6th Mr. Douglas|4; Block 34, Section 5, and Blo« Mebius. at Chris as. 19114 wa ah, . life | ish early in April with ten pupils.|MeD. Hunter was appointed prin-|28, Section 7 Phe n prop dered advisable to engage a i Section 8 She was obliged to re juish her|eipal, in which office he still}erties which have be i a issistar to aid Prineipa rh - . I iv i 10 e400 h posit if the end f J ‘ is} ¢ inues Miss Pringle tendered| deeded to the city, h eve ire | Hf the manageme of the |‘ | ed M Ne is r } i "| , she y held a temy ivy B, ¢ her resignation in Decer and/the first two named Phe thers seh At the beg x of the! se p \\ ‘ I) | it { si ish i certificate Miss La Pringle} was succeeded by Miss Jeannette |are only available at the pleasure | aut the school was rated | Kerg FORT GEORGE BUSINESS AND RESIDENTIAL PROPER- succeeded her at the bee f| Mebius, Miss Anna Harrison be of the governine It is hoped/as a superior sehool, and we tind inder its snag TIES FOR SALE the autumn term ng put on as an addditional mem-|that before long these w bela sma high cho . ; : " rt Ay Ste ee ec ee ce ae ec lg, seat Sas COLLART & REYNOLDS On July 11th, 1908, the follow- On April 12th, 1910, the Schooljon Sixth avenue, withir llays Wh the res f the high ‘ h St ing we emen were elected a8| Board resigned and notice was|Cove Circle, which ‘ sidered! s e¢ h entrance exa nation |% ped eve more th P. O. Box 805 F NCE RUPERT, 6B. C. 225 Sixt t sehy trustees under the Kura given of the first election ofiideal for high sehoo pul ses wi | shed vas f{ nd tha past POE EEIPELEEELELOOLELOLEL BEOEEEEBELEBEEBEEEOLECEELELEELELELEE CEEE z a) feos ~ art ae Pe re = PPOPLEEPLELELEEBPACELELELELLELEEEELELEELELELLELEELELEELELELELEEEEEEEEE Sy) pe i) G= e LAE a) PDS DE dD =) pe 1) (C= 5 Diaper : a = * = =) Gaal : . ~ 7 a "SAL (tk a C5 "MIA A Mr CH CaS) Y Vad TAA) OOO MM CHAE 5 ae PES QA Bote RCE FZ . c x a i t ti P e e * How the Citizens rince Kupert Entertain I hemselves CHRISTMAS GIFTS Q i) iy i diaalliaatliiia st a By Norman Mackintosh, in the Saturday Sunset. t ma ml { Were (= ps i) (epi 5) ise i= £7 Siz ype dD) i= py se rs 5 we S E. ~ m hs By re LALA =Y) red LN MCE Ca “les © AAD G4 GEA CES PEALE BLAH FS 50) "n , There are three theatres today street to a blind and unpresent-| a whil Mr. Stevens sa big, | PHA ARE Sl RE LO PLE ASE in busy operation in Prince Ku able end and back again, Mana-/ burly fellow with a mendous | pe Iwo of them are quite cou ger Stevens established lis the-| amount of quiet tact lle Was iderably large houses of entel atre just about the hub of the/lequal to the gent is ‘ FI . ’ . Lainie and the third is a pu rathic time of hauling an obstrepe al ectric lrons Electric Heaters lure theatre situated the very Pioneer Theatre Days. patron from a rowdy pos s i i" . bes il i the city s pres rhis was the pioneer picture; the front rows and plac g h Reac ling | when trouble arose: and hose | stantia valls Ite stage has hou h Up-to-date ier Pay kin- Ward Electric ( oO. : was con ated on the sing wild days of the Rupe Road” | supy ted many and many a/t@laments which will remain with Church and Stage. z g bow i vhich led from Centre he was trouble vel ee good show But t me of thos It was also honored by the Besides. th . . : | Amited ; vii it in it, it lacks the s tle} presente ad ge the vice prega ' 2 eh vhiel i f thdays —the | t of the Duke and Duchess of ee Marine and Electrical Contractors ; is Vhich we i a ther ‘ iuerht and thie Princess we , ' ; ‘ j ‘ Patricia jiented | : \ ‘ a ; | Pri i ; Ma i} ; Amateurs of Rupert 3 € . ; i ' ; Ipposite Post ¢ ce Pri Rupert 2 : the , Westh Phea : ; ; ‘ ‘ il i ! , sinta ; ; i ( al i POOP PO PALER ELBIIEIOLYOLELECLOROLOLORDOCDOOOEEOD*CHOEEEEEEM of | lie ry . eee eee ee hy ‘ i he he ha . ' hha hy hy Boy and Girt Shows ! | | ; : hi I \\ hy . i | \\ | bie " ; : il he i a ! i j i i! ‘ it “ a i It Wi f I bili f ' ' I h ht i” ‘ te i , ) EMPRESSS THEATRE, THE PIONEER PLAY HOUSI shout a ; i ha ‘ppl h » ;