Monday, February 47, 1049, = LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. s LAND LEASE NOTICES. » Land Distrie—Distriet of ant ena ‘nd District 4istrict of Coast,| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V : Range J Range V ke notice that I, Madge Kohl, of Mon Take not that I, William Watson, of} Take hotice that I, Stanley Niven, of eccupation spinster, intend to apply Prince Rupe B. occupation contrac.| Prince Rupert, British Columbia, occupa ermission W purchase Ure ylowwig , tor cee ipply for permission to|tion civil engineer, acting as agent for Mecribed lands 7 mse WU i wing deseribed lands;| Porpoise Harbor Land Company, Limited, mmencing at @ post planted at the oe it &@ post planted at the|of Victoria, B. C,, intend to apply for per Huumwest corner of Lot 5144, thence |* hwest corner of Lot 4195, Range 5,|mission to lease the following described » 156 chains more or less to the mortih|5yY the Lakels« Hiver, thence north 70/ lands lary of Lot 4130, thence west 40 oe more or less to Lot 6243, Range 5; Commencing at @ post pianted on the Pa more or less to the east boundary tae West 21 chains to Lot 2656, Range| Most northerly point of Lot 601, Range 5, 1 t 4477, thence north 15 chains more fence south to the Lakelse River, thence| Coast District, on Porpoise Harbor, thence « to the south boundary of Lot 994,,©4sterly following the Lakelse River to} north to Low Water Mark, thence easterly » east 40 chaigs more or less tu the )P int of fimencement, containing 160/ 4nd northerly following Low Water Mar rf commencement, containing 60) 4¢res more or les to & point due west .f the southwest cor more r less WILLIAM WATSON ner of Lot 446, Kange 6, Coast District, MADGE KOHLI Dated December $rd, 1942 thence east to High Water Mark, thence Donald MeVicar, \geeut | Pub. Dec. 30, 1919—Peb. 24, 1013 southerly following High Water Mark to pated November 25th, 1912 sibs 4 point due east of the most northerl b. Dec, 23, 1912—Feb. 17, 1913 | point of Stapleton bsiand, part of Lot 642, 5 ee ) Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| thence west to this point, thence follow- j ’ ange V. ing High Water Mark on west’ side of , Land Distriet—District of Coast, | Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, Of | Stapleton Icland to the most southerly ange V Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation transfer-|pomt of Stapleton Island, thence @ast to notice that I, Hilda King, of Mon-|™4h, intends to apply for permission to|the High Water Mark of Lot 642, thence - cupation spinster, intend to apply purchase the following described lands:| southerly following the High Water Mark mission to purchase the foilowing| Commencing at 4 post planted at the/to a point due east of the most southerly ed lands pereneess corner of Lot 61414 Range 5,/point of Lot 501, thence south to Low mencing at @& post planted sb ut} Coast District, near Lakelse Lake, thence | Water Mark, thence following Low Water in a bertherr direction from | Dorth 40 chains thence west 40 chains,|Mark to a point due south of the mos . : corner Of Lot 6149, them nny south 40 chains, thence east 40| southerly point of Lot 501, thence north ; ains more or less to the uth | ©28'ns to place of commencement. to this point, thence northerly and east- r of Lot 5148, thence west 40 —— os RK. W. ROGERS. jerly following High Water Mark to the ains, wenee South 40 chains, thence eas Pub, Né Y ist, 1942. poivt of commencement. » cha more or less back to point of VY. 18, 1919-——Jan, 13, 1013. PY RPOISE HARBOR LAND COMPANY, mmencement, containing 160 aeres more | ~ —~ ene scenencteecesincnens LIMITED . Ske . Stanley Niven, Agent. HILDA KING Seems Land District—District of Cassia! pated December Hanley Niven, Agent Donald MeVicar, Aweut. | Goose Bay Ce ere Oe ae | PUB. Dec. $8, 1019—eb. 17, 1919 ' { November 26th, 1912 intends 1 pl couupenen eran’ pub. Dec, 23, 101%—Feb. 17, 1043 Nase the flo nfo, permtasten 80 DUP i ee ’ ° ase ve lowing described lands: Skee . “_ . . ; Cornmencing at @ post planted one mile Skeena Land *~ purest of Coast, ena Land District—District of Coast,| fpac7t, And in a southeasterly direction) ‘Take notice that James D. Peebles, of Range V wharf, Goose Be —— Caper "saan tes Vancouver, B. C., engineer, intends to ap- uke notice that I, Alfred E. Wright, Of | jowing tne onfasann r” oe < 30 ply for permission to lease the following i Rupert, occupation engineer, intend] enains thence rn. ; 0 s ee tas described lands for permission to purehase the! wear s on 50 caeme; Commencing at @ post planted on the x described lands sins, thence south 20 chains an northeast coast of Porcher Island, about Commencing @t & post planted at the | jecres m Himencement, containing 160) @ quarter of 4 mile southeast of the mouth ast corner of Lot 421, thence north BERNARD O’NEILL of Humpback Creek, half chain from 4 more or less to the portheast Fr. Ss. W. Jennin . “Agent beach, thence south 80 chains, thence east Lot 421, thence east 25 chain Dated Janua Sth, 1013 6s, . 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence s to the west boundary of Lot Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7th, 1913 west 80 ehains following shore line to thence south 10 chains more or ae ° : pores ante containing 640 . the shore of Lakelse Lake, thence | ~~~ ins Aes ew }pcres more OF sess. . . and southerly along the said| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, JAMES D. PEEBLES. bre to the point of commencement, con Range V Robert Reid, Agent. iB acres more or less Take notice that George W. Carpenter, Dated 20th January, 1913. ALFRED E. WRIGHT f Prince Rupert, B. C.; occupation farmer, Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7, 1913. Donaid McVicar, Agent intends t apply for Leet one go a pur owe er 25 2 chase the following described lands: . . ‘ s v = “2 wa i “9, 2600 mmencing at @ post planted 2% miles| Skeena Land so of Coast, ° ‘ east of nista Hiver, on the Skeena hange : ——— River, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 Take notice that Robert Reid, of Van pisersee—piseeet of _, | chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence couver, B. C., contractor, intends to ap- 1 Land —— 4 istri o Oat, / 40 chains east to point of commencement, eee to lease the following fake notice that I, Duncan K,. Falconer ee GEUROK. Ww CARPENTER Commencing at 4@ post planted on the j Kupert, B. C., occupation mason, Dated January 28th, 1913. ery northeast coast of Porcher Island, about apply for permission to purchase ub. Feb. 10th, 1013 Apr. 7th, 1913 2% miles southeast of mouth of Hump wing described lands : ae : back Creek and at the north end of Chis unencing @t &@ post planted at thé ee eee | ee thwest corner of Lot 14, thence north Notice is hereby given that thirty days| thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 ving the westerly boundary of Lot] after date we intend to apply to the Gov-| chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east hains, thence west 25 chains more | ernor-in-Council for a quit claim deed for| 80 Chains following shore line to point of to the easterly pana? of Lot 15,] the following deseribed foreshore —— containing 640 acres more ith following the easterly boun mmencing at the northwest corner of /0F ess. ,ot 15 26 chains more or less] Lot 641, Range V. Coast District, British ROBERT REID. railway right-of-way, thence east| Columbia, thence west seven hundred Dated 29th January, 1013. wing the railway right-of-way 25 700 feet, thence south seven degrees Pub. Feb. 10, 1913—Apr. 7, 1013 more or less to point of com-|and forty-fve minutes west (S. 7:45 W.), ement, and containing fifty *acres| six hundred and forty (640) feet; thence —— —— _ —_— ae ccm e Dp ; 191 east seven bundred (700) feet to high ° ° ated the a day of December, 1912.) water mark; thence northerly following rtise DUNCAN K. FALCONER, Locator high water mark to the point of com- Adve In 1 December 16th, 1912 mencement, excepting that portion (in Dec, 23, 1912-—Feb. 17, 1013 luded within the above boundaries yvered by the Grand Trunk Pacific right e if- way KAIEN INVESTEMENT COMPANY, LTD e y ews Prince Rupert, B. C., December 30th, 1912.) W RY A NEWS WANT AD Feb. 10 —IN THE— Skeena Valley Bulkley Valiey Fort George Di IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS FARM LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices easy terms. PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 Northern delivered by carrier for : Nechaco Valley The Daily News B. C.’s Leading Newspaper er Month -- 50c cr es Ee FARM LANDS strict and on NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited VANCOUVER, B.C. es ee THE DAILY NEWS Is the Leading Newspaper in Northern British Columbia and has a large and growing circulation in towns and villages tributary to Prince Rupert. The Weekly News PO) Box. 145 ;| covers thoroughly the towns and villages on the Western Division of the Grand Trunk Pacific to the end of steel, Skeena River points, Queen Charlotte Islands and coast towns both north and south of Prince Rupert for 200 miles. SPOOL OOOO ROLF OED oe ee eee Qe eee NE eee re ere meet ete tet ee Dr > ft All Parts of Canaca By Mail, Yearly $5.00 ererer en ‘HE DAILY NEWS Phone a0 ee ee ee ee eR roe THE DAILY NEWS "ROAD BUILDERS PUT IN BUSY DAY Convention of Provincial Road Superintendents Is Formally Welcomed to Royal City. New Westminster, Feb, 15.—A busy day was spent the Royal City yesterday by delegates to the nm British Columbia Road Superin- tendents’ convention. ending last night in a banquet at the Hotel Russell, The delegates were weleomed to the city yesterday morning by several of the al’ermen and En- gineer Blackburn of the city, ar- riving here on a special car at 9 o'clock. A visit was paid to the Gilley Bros.’ rock crushing plant, the fire hall and the Westminster bridge, and at 11:45 Were con- veyed by the C. P. R. to the Co- quitlam colony farm, where the stock was inspected and a luneh- jup to Jones. | ” — BREAK BETWEEN JONES AND WOLGAST A ERTED “Cherokee Tom” Wanted Ad. to) Break Away from Murphy Match but Ad Refused Portiand, Ore Feb, 15—By approving the rangements Ad Wolgast has ide for his fight with Tommy Murphy at San Fran cisco, Feb a break between the former champion and his manager Tom J has been averted for a time at After a confere following Jones arriva fr Chicago, Jones said he « d no rea. son for a parting of the ways. “We have never had any words of any kind, said Jones and while | was opposed to this Mur- phy fight, | expect to manage Wolgast for some time to eome. “Tl was opposed to any twenty round match for Wolgast until July 4, when a bout with Ritchie seems certain, and was also un- willing that he should fight even ten rounds until after the mid. die of March. Bui Ad. says he is fit for the Murphy bout, so the mateh is on.’ Wolgast put the whole matter a | BOMBARDIER WELLS TO MEET GUNBOAT SMITH if Date Selected is eon was served. Returning to the city, a meet- ing was held in the city hall at 4 o'clock, presided over by Mr. W W. Foster,*deputy minister of public works. The convention was formaliy welcomed by Mayor Gray. His Worship outlined the various public works contem- plated for the year in the Royal City, at the conclusion of which the. chairman, on behalf of the delegates, thanked him for his hearty welcome He ecompli- mented the city on the work al- ready carried oul and the pro- gramme outlined. City Superintendent Furness then read a very interesting paper dealing with the surface} treatment of highways. Engineer Blackman spoke at| length on the city beautiful and} town planning, in which much valuable information was im- parted to the delegates. At the banquet, held in the evening at the Hotel Russell, and presided over by Mayor Gray, at which some sixty guests were present, including W. W. Foster, deputy minister of public works; J. E. Griffith, publie works engi- neer; ex-Mayor Lee, W. J. Kerr, J. H. Kilmer, Coquitlam engineer; J. McPherson, Burnaby engineer; and J. W. B. Blackman, city en- gineer, many toasts were pro- posed and the old Sappers were greatly honored. The delegates are today in con- vention at Victoria. WILL UNITE IN PROTEST ON STUMPAGE ROYALTY Lumbermen Claim Increased Fees Will Give Dominion Holders an Advantage. | New Westminster, Feb. 14. The lumbermen of New West- minster are up in arms at the an- nounced of the Provin- cial government to increase the stumpage roya!ty on timber taken }from Provincial holdings from 50 intention ito 75 per cent. per 1,000 feet board measure, with a _ further increase to $1.00 in 1916. The lumbermen contend that the bill, which was introduced in the House a few days ago and is now in the committee stage, is a direct tax against themselves without the prospect of an in- lcrease in the charge of mill pro- lducts and that it will give the | |Dominion timber holders an un- lfair advantage over the Provin- cial men, as in the former case ‘Uhe 50 cent rate remains un- altered. |. The lumbermen of this city lwill, it is understood, join hands i with those of Vancouver, and a | deputation will be sent to Victoria jto take up the matter. ‘vorina ON STRIKE | QUESTION ENDS | San Franciseo, Feb. 12.—-Two jthousand tinemen in California, |Oregon, Washington, Nevada and la portion of Arizona have decided whether or not they shall author- lize the district council of the In- ‘ternational Union of Electrical | Workers to declare a_ strike jagainst the Pacific Telephone & | Telegraph Company, but the re- jsult of the official last jnight is known only to the officers of the council and will not be lmade public until next Saturday through the local unions men ask an increase in wages which the company met with a half way offer. CanVAaSS has Big Cigar Merger. New York, Feb. 12 The United Will Do So Put Back a Week to Oblige the Sailor San Francisco, Feb. 15—Gun- boat Smith, the local heavy- | weight, is offered a 10-round) bout in New York, March 7 with| |Bombardier Wells. Jim Buek- ley, Smith's manager, declared it will be impossible for Smith to |fight here with Jack Lester, on February 22. He has asked for a week's potponement, which he believes will be granted. The bout will be the first one for Wells since crossing the pond for his professed cleanup of the American heavyweights. The | keep this date on account of his BAT NELSON SHOWS HIS OLD-TIME FORM Penn., Tamaqua, Feb. 15 Battling Nelson, former light- weight champion displayed much of his old-time aggressiveness when he knocked out Harry Dil- lon, of New York, in’ the last round of a scheduled ten#ound bout here last night. Nelson was the master of the situation from start to finish, knocking down his opponent four times for the count of nine. He was down for the fifth time when the club phy- sicians stopped the bout. Tubercular Indians. Ottawa, Feb. 15 Dr. Alfred Thompson, member for the Yu- kon, has asked the government to take steps to segregate all the Indians in the Yukon who are tubercular. Official reports say that from 4 to 10 per cent. of the Indians in the Yukon are sulfer- ing from consumption, and it is believed that if these were separated from the other Indians and from the whites improved conditions would result. Beating the High Cust of Living. An artist who. passed a part of his life in the quarter tells of the frugality Frenchman -who lived on sion of five frances a week, volving a the Frenehman “Ket simple, vaire Sunday I go to ze_ house of good friend, and zere I dine extraordinaire and eat much l till Vednesday on zat day I have at my restaur- greal 1 a pel in- system, which explained simple curious thus ees a 80 more need no abhor also ill onion, I and ze onion zey make me more appetite vaire simple! tripe and some ze tripe, yes, and togezzer as I have no Sunday. Eet Tit-Bit, Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women’s Ailments, Or. Martel’s Female Pilis, at your druggist. so ees Sunday s Sermon spoilt by Coughing A dow of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil taken before leaving for church will check that service spoiling cough. This preparation acts asa tonic as well as a cough cure Cigar Manufacturers Company, a $25,000,000 corporation, an nounced today a consolidation with M. A, Gunst & Co, of Ban Franeiseo which for several years has been distributing ite product on the Pacific Coast The Daily News has the larg jest circulation in Northern B.C and its use soon enables the system to throw off all signs of cvld, Keep it in the house large bottle 35¢ at all dealers 4. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrooke, PQ. Ne Moth wou sre hw , ee ee ee ee ant one large, vaire large dish‘of} | | | | @end tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 130: ey FACTORY REBUILT TYPEWRITERS REMINGTON $35 Empire $25 UnoeRwoon $65 And numerous other bargains. Send for complete list of slightly used machines rebuilt in our own factory and made as good as new, @ save you $15 to $756 on any “aachine. Satisfaction guaranteed. t Exchange, Dept.1-4, Suite 305, 319 Pender W., Vancouver, 8.6. : —— EEE e FERGUSON’S ‘P. & OY’ Liqueur Scotch Whisky ~ Canadian Typewrite — Co TESTIMONIAL Dr. J. Nichol, Llandudno, reports :— ‘Your whisky is, in my opinion, an ex- cellent and well matured spirit ard as such I can conscientiously recommend to patients requiring such a beverage.”’ —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SRR — Quality and Satisfaction FOLLOW HOME THE CATALOGUE IT ENTERS. BIRKS’ INTO EVERY This Catalogue represents our stock thoroughly that a choice at a suitable value readily made from the illustrations and descriptions given on ils pages. To all people living outside Vancouver, this Catalogue is sent free upon request. Write for it and enjoy the values it will put you in touch with. When BIRKS’ SILVERWARE AND CUTLERY un- der discussion, the question of quality never raised. The name “BIRKS” on the goods is recognized through- out Canada as the stamp of quality. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C 80 is is is ALL CHARGES, BOTH DUTY AND POSIAGE UNIVERSAL HAIR CO et OUR PRI gue AP CURL maly 00 mountes jah treme, THE TRANSFORMATIONS “zy, Made of the finest quality Human Hoir, a complete Bair, « ircumference of head nly A STYLISH TO /PeT ONLY 35.00 Entir> Trans! ormation $9.50 or $13.20 ist s PURE LONG BAIR (as sketch) to complete Auburn ras: dressing. Price according to length and L-—~ thickness required, from $5. charged. All Orders delivered div ect to vour howe, » e-rely packed CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, 449 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. Addrevs ali iy ae ORDERS —¥oTeY Manageress - ROAD 1 Rel ok, Fee re: IX BER KLEY — Y_ §000 WATCHES §000 GRAMOP ‘ONES 6000 AUTO-HARPS