Co LEGS, iy 1 i OT “=| THE DAILY NEWS ‘Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist { * in Lanaest Vary In THE CITY Aw BRITION Ov = perenne on —— SS pe ann mn = 7 nn _ — _— — : . ( * voL. IV, NO. Af. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1913. PRIGR PIV Calis ‘ ae a —_——— A — ny SS WO THOUSAND U.S. MARINES ORDERED TO CUBA ENERAL DIAZ CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS OF REVOLUTIONARY NITED STATES MARINES “JUDGMENT RESERVED VALUABLE MNES ARE ORDERED TO CUBA MOVEMENT—REBEL LOSSES 900 COUNCIL MAKES GRANT OF $10,000 T0 CITY HOSPITAL FEAR THREE MEN HAVE BEEN KILLED Mysterious Disappearance of Travellers with Large Sums of IN TECHNICAL CASE IN ‘THEE INTERIOR Local Business Man and His S0- “Doc” Stanwood, Well Known X licitors Charged with Theft of Mining Man, Reeturns from © BE IN READINESS IN CASE AMERICAN INTERVENTION IN| Money Arouses Los Angeles. Minute Book—Case Largely South and Vill Con. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMEMT IS LIKELY TO GRANT AN EQUAL t MEXICO 18 NECESSARY—REBEL FORCES ARE CON- of a Veonateal Nature. one Sperantions, AMOUNT—HOSPITAL REQUIRES $24,000. FIDENT OF SUCCESS Los Angeles, Feb. 17 Four 7, : ca. ; —_____—_— men, each carrying a consider- Probably mt ort a ail ss : > aon, pomaliarly | At last evening's meeting of|out of debt this year. If the city Special to The Daily News. eral Diaz was confident of the}able sum of money, have dropped] Short history . ~ os aia t th aainea ‘aut ae | the City Council the report of the | franted only $5,000 then the Washington, Feb. 18—Two | success { the revolutionaryjout of sight within the past _ rs aan oo Beeia is HoMMAE Melttelly. eSele bie. ar. | Finance committee as to the | Provineial government would State jnes|Movement. Within the arsenal,}month, and the authorities ex- |S h a gathering of rey Oe | ee re tang een - |donate only a similar amount and sand Usked Buses merm which is the headquarters for,press their belief that they were| ve business men as was to be'rived in the city orm Friday night | 1943 grant toward the support ofl the hospital would be $10,000 pin various barracks along the) i). beis, less than a hundred} the victims of an organized gang|found there this morning. The/last and is spendirag a few days|the hospital was submitted. The| poorer. intie coast have been ordered) paye peen kille eo dave'lo ‘ - ee Gee ) disap.|occasion was the hearing of a here before goimg ifto the in-)committee favored a gramt of) ,, . at 2 : aoe te’ ka eee ee illed in nine day hh poo oo - ©) - case largely of'% teebnive! nature|terior, MMe, Slanwoend has mevers!| 910,060, fe movie thet Gite fe. 7 jap agreed that this that intervention on the! -_—— coma. He had $1,000 on his per-|0f the stealing of a minute book) interests in this see tion, the chief) port be adopted, Chairman Al- course would probably be the of the United States is nec lson and wrote his wife in Tacoma|from the premises of the Prince|of which are im the Ornineca|derman Naden remarked that in| fairest and wisest, as it would sary in connection with the Warde Abetiches that he was going to Coalinga to| Rupert Fish & Cold Storage Co,,| country, about 225 miles north) view of the faet that the Provin-|assuredly mean that in the fu- 4 lexican troubie, Half of them At last night's meeting of the buy a restaurant. He never ar.|Ltd., the defendants being W. FE. by east of Hazeltoma, and in the|cial government had praetically|ture the grant required would be al eave tonight. city council the by-law to dis- rived al Coalinga. Williams, A. M. Manson and Hugh Coast Range om Copper River.) pledged themselves, througth the| proportionately smaller. — pcontinue the division of the city James A. Monroe. a retired|Phillpott. Magistrate MeMullin Considerable deweleopment work|member for the district, Mr. Wil- The finance committee of the Washington, Feb. 18—Owing| into wards was submitted to its| farmer she citadl for Pomona to} presided, W. EB. Fisher represent-| was done on these properties last/ liam Manson, to approprizate an/hospital board had handed in an he strict censorship there is| final consideration and passed), A fruit orchard with $10,000|ed the complainants and Wil- year and, according to present/equal amount to that provieled byjestimate of $24,000 as _ the news of actual conditions|") the council. Sa his pocket, and he one ‘ail liams & Manson defended them-| plans, the work will be continued|the city, it would be standing injamount of money required this Mexico city today, A despatch ngenanaaT® | heard from avain. selves and their client, Mr. Phill- during the comimg season on al/the way of the hospital to @eny it}year to meet their liabilities. urier from unknown soul Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | Erick Lyndell disappeared af- pott. Evidence in support of the much larger scale. the opportunity of getting suffi-|The report was passed by the / s states that on Sunday Gen-| Phone 4 lter disposing of real estate for|charge of theft was given by) The Omineca promperty is rieh}cient money to almost bring it|Couneil. 2 i i : lseveral thousand dollars, which James Bacon, superintendent of} in lead, gold amd silver, pros- ee ; a lhe had with him, and his dis-|the company, and Frank A Ellis, | pecting CW 7S: Gee 6 appearance was followed last] acting manager pro tem. dur-| Copper pyrite of a. h agh gracte and WILL ASK FOR TENDERS RAD week by that of W. F. Scholle,|ing the absence from the city of) in large —— = ee oe who started for the post office|Frank 8 Evans, the managing| the Copper River pHrapertioa, — ; z LEASE $500, but never arrived|director. Opportunity was given) Mr. Stanwood hms spent Sve FOR PUBLIC READING ROOM these. for a fine forensic display by the|years mining in Normthern British F eounsel engaged on the case in|Columbia and is well known aacmaen | dealing » many technical. | among old timers. eh | ate sh ETTER TO CITY COUNCIL LAST NIGHT ASKING FOR LONG Demers’. hy a cas sut.| ifis many frienels here veil) he| SUILOING TO COST ABOUT $1,460 WILL BE ERECTED FOR A TERM LEASE WAS REFERRED TO THE FINANCE Just arrived, an advance ship- ied lpleased to learm @hai he has READING ROOM—SITE SELECTED OPPOSITE THE ComenT Tes | meee pt the famous Gage hate. In substance, the facts of the| joined the ranks of @he benedicts, ; CITY HALL ' Tie same little throng of spec elnphasized the fact ol the ad nate Soe age? oes tees i annie a That everything is movings eat. | cer be instructed to call for ten | potts, director, shareholder and) e factorily towards the early es.‘ ders for the building forthwith. s that gathers weekly to lis-| growth and usefulness of the as-| Cubs vs. Pirates. Indoor base-| ...,otapy_treasurer of the com-|Omaha, Neb. Mr. arad Mrs, Stan.j'*'@ctorly towards the earsy es- Respectfully submitted 1 the deliverations of the|sociation and the power for good} ball match this evening at the/ any (the latter under a signed| wood have been spereding the last tablishment of a public reading : T. D PATTULLO fathers were in their places|an organization of that kind skating rink. if contract) went yesterday morning|few months at Los Angeles, Cal.jroom in the city was evident at JOHN DYBHAVN, : evening at the regular Mon.(would always be in the city, par- lamer ti aeth at 11 o'clock together with Wie) mae eulogy) Aig eay Sevdlege rd G. R, NADEN. voting of the eity council. Uewlarty as the population io HINDU EXCLUSION spticiions, “Messes. Williams | TREMENDOUS RUSH eet ae ene . jal they are disappointed at the to the finance comiiittee TO BE DISCUSSED pany, on Third avenue, to get! T0 ALASK AN POINTS appointed by the council te take re nt A ae or e of the entertainment pro access to the books. These re immediate action in the mmatter el aceaeeh ¢ teliie sacle light ad is quite evident Phere BATTLESHIP ASHORE Action Has Been Taken to Have books, which are included in ON Fifteen Local Peaple Refused “— St as to the exact amount of money heated discussions to sane Exclusion of Hindu Women volume, contain the bylaws, let. | Passage on Curacae Last Night ag yo . ~—_ — available to provide for the pay- amusement among the On-| gi. anges Slips Off Reef, but from Canada Taken Up at on eee aaa a ceed Through Lack @f Room. Aideswias MEE ae ee nod ment of a janitor and any little ers, all the business being Water Enters Compartments. | Sikh Congress. peneeee: Om = Srey . : & o en were: anaetunal a i ta incidental expenses. This mat- insacted with reasonable dis | siidihaneiere of the — Phe oe The steamer Curacao, of the sail “9: eaana See ter was promptly set at rest by - The meious me a , il Sg ine é ants in the case appear to Nave! povige Coast Stes whip Com.|"@me @ ee ee oF Clizems to ‘ ie ; to ve seein an Special to The Daily News. benens pom: 8 via acne been willing to let the defendants a aie a Seaitle, look into the matiog of estadplish- _ eee oo a estions that come up so that} Caimanera, Cuba, Feb, 17.—)/™'ssion of Hindu women into the/ inspect the books with the pro-] apnived in port last might at about|'™8 4 reading room in Prinee Ru- caiiahe diene ba member tle discussion is necessary and|The United States battleship Ar- Province of British Columbia will viso that they did not interfere 8:30 with a heavy carro of pert. The committee named the - the inten comhmiites thes i matters of business are read- | x, ‘an on a coral reef, 400 be again raised before the pres-/with the records of the minutes, freight and a full caemplement of honey ; felt confid hat they ld be j kansas ran ia al reef, ent year has completed its course whieh had been sealed up. Mr. , : f Rev. F. W. Kerr elt confident tha ey wou disposed of. | yards west of Ceiba reef, the other} The Hindus of this city have tak- : a a he es ages 6 Thos passengers, A large mumber wre Principal J. @. Brady able to take care of the matter. Ald. Bullock-Webster, a gen-| zs + Later the warship|en steps to reopen the question Phi tpott, | wevet Me's e bound for Juneau, where there is; Mr. V ance uel A:vljerman Naden said that they nan of precise and exact me. | MOFES- me re H aiid claimed complete access to the); present a revival ¢ of mining ex-| can” wale p had estimated that about $,2000 ods, oceasionally interjects an| slipped off the reef and anchored./and to masarest ~e-4 ns book on the grounds that he Was citement, Others weere retu rning | Mr. J. ©. Haines in all would be sufficient to carry icidative question which a few|How seriously the Arkansas was Krishna Gokhale, - wy a ow a director, shareholder, set?e-lio the numerous carmneries along | ae Olaf Benson : : the proposition through this rds from the mayor quickly|damaged has not yet been ascer- presentative non-official member} tary treasurer and legal custo- the sAliskan coaeé in order to| Mr. Wm. Godson, secretaty. year and they would see that the poses of, presumably to the/tained, but water entered some of rmer’s entire satisfaction, as/}her compartments. A survey of » mnatter promptly drops. the vessel was begun at once. There was only one communi- tion last evening, that from Demers’. lrades and Labor Council,| Unique styles in Gage’s hats, king for a99 years’ lease of|spring 1913. 40tf » two lots on which their pre- | —_—_—_—_—eeeoe mt building stands. In pre- First indoor baseball match of iting their elaim to the aan itis season this evening at the Heration of the counicl they|skating rink. At \LDERMANOF LAST YEAR — ASKS PECULIAR QUESTION ANTED TO KNOW WHY WORK HAD BEEN STARTED WITH- OUT NECESSARY BY-LAW—INFORMED THAT LAST YEAR'S COUNCIL HAD STARTED THE WORK evening, tion of committee of the whole, providing | Alderman Leek in the chair, Ald, #4000 for|Bullock-Webster enquired how it foot plank| was the work had been started last law of 15 rhe eity eouneil ! through a by appropriation > building of a id on the north side of Hays| —————— $$$ —_—_— ve Cirele, Under considera (Continued on Page 4.) — Sa SaaS TO THE PUBLIC We have this day inaugurated a Taxicab Service in the olty with rates 26.% lower than taxicab rates in Vancouver, As a@ special indvoement we of- fer you a 26% reduction over our own tariff, By buying $5.00 worth of com- Mutation tickets we give $6.76 in fares. if the blio eclation and Patronage is euch that we are able we shall submit a much reduced tariff at a very early date. Our care are on call 24 hours @ day and @ call at 36 will bring a oar t© your door within 10 minutes. We offer special rates for dances, to professional men, for ambulance and hotel service, A Taxicab Service with “Service” a Motto of the Bombay Presidency on the Couneil of the At a meeting held the Vancouver Hindus ed between $4000 and $5000 to send three or four delegates to the Sikh pongress to held about Easter time at Umballa, a city in the Delhi division of the Punjab. The congress will be invited to take up the question of the ex- clusion of Hindu women = from Canada, and will ask that an in- vestigation be held into the whole question Mr, Gokhale on similar lines to that which hg recently held in the Union of South Africa, of India. this week subserib- Viceroy be by ROGERS AND BLACK TENDER FOR COAL Offer the City 260 Tons at $9.00 per ton—Referred to Light and Power Com- mittee The important question of the evening's meeting of the City Conneil, A tender was submitted by Rogers & Black to supply 250 tons at $9.00 per ton, Alderman Dybhavn thought the price too high and that the mat ter should be left to the city pur chasing agent, The mayor pointed out the serious state of the coal situa. tion at the present time and the awkward position the city would be in through lack of fuel. The matter was referred to the Light and Power Committee and the ity Purchasing Agent with power lo act, dian of the books of the company. It was true that he had recently in his resignation as secre- tary-treasurer, bub it had not been acted upon. This resigna- tion he had subsequembly with- drawn, the withdrawal being handed to Mr. Ellis yesterday morning, Further, he_ the rights demanded as a director and shareholder. Upon this right being refused him, he, together with his solicilors, made an at- tempt to secure the book in question, which they were cessful in doing, not before, | however, a general melee took place, much resembling a football scrimmage. In this lively little mix-up the parties successful in getting away with the bone of contention, the aforesaid book, were in no way worsted, as the fact that they attained their end would show. The book in ques- tion is at the present time in the sent claimed suc - possession of the secretary- treasurer of the company, Mr, Phillpott. After the two wit- nesses for the prosecution had given evidence this morning and had been subjected to an extended cross-examination, Mr. Fisher Mr, Manson, for the defence, submitted that there was no substantiate the charge, not cal! ing any wilnesses on behalf of rested his case absolutely evidence to ng of the season. There + was appointment whem make preparations for the | comsi